-* **1**: "start" - If a value is not given then *start* = 0. A scalar of type T. **Required.**
+* **1**: "start" - A scalar of type T. **Required.**
* **2**: "stop" - A scalar of type T. **Required.**
-* **3**: "step" - If a value is not given then *step* = 1. A scalar of type T. **Required.**
+* **3**: "step" - A scalar of type T. **Required.**
-* **1**: A tensor with type matching 2nd tensor.
+* **1**: A tensor of type T.
*Range* operation generates a sequence of numbers starting from the value in the first input (start) up to but not including the value in the second input (stop) with a step equal to the value in the third input, according to the following formula:
+For a positive `step`:
+for a negative `step`:
-[start, start + step, start + 2 * step, ..., start + K * step], where K is the maximal integer value that satisfies condition start + K*step < stop, then step is positive value and start + K*step > stop, then step is negative value.
--- /dev/null
+## Range<a name="Range"></a>
+**Versioned name**: *Range-4*
+**Category**: Generation
+**Short description**: *Range* operation generates a sequence of numbers according input values [start, stop) with a step.
+* *output_type*
+ * **Description**: the output tensor type
+ * **Range of values**: any numeric type
+ * **Type**: string
+ * **Default value**: None
+ * **Required**: *Yes*
+* **1**: "start" - A scalar of type T1. **Required.**
+* **2**: "stop" - A scalar of type T2. **Required.**
+* **3**: "step" - A scalar of type T3. If `step` is equal to zero after casting to `output_type`, behavior is undefined. **Required.**
+* **1**: A tensor with type specified by attribute *output_type*.
+* *T1*, *T2*, *T3*: any numeric type.
+**Detailed description**:
+*Range* operation generates a sequence of numbers starting from the value in the first input (`start`) up to but not including the value in the second input (`stop`) with a `step` equal to the value in the third input, according to the following formula:
+For a positive `step`:
+for a negative `step`:
+the i-th element is calculated by the following formula:
+The calculations are done after casting all values to `accumulate_type(output_type)`. `accumulate_type` is a type that have better or equal accuracy for accumulation than `output_type` on current hardware, e.g. `fp64` for `fp16`. The number of elements is calculated in the floating point type according to the following formula:
+max(ceil((end − start) / step), 0)
+This is aligned with PyTorch's operation `torch.arange`, to align with tensorflow operation `tf.range` all inputs must be casted to `output_type` before calling *Range*. The rounding for casting values are done towards zero.
+*Example 1: positive step*
+<layer ... type="Range">
+ <data output_type="i32">
+ <input>
+ <port id="0"> <!-- start value: 2 -->
+ </port>
+ <port id="1"> <!-- stop value: 23 -->
+ </port>
+ <port id="2"> <!-- step value: 3 -->
+ </port>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <port id="3">
+ <dim>7</dim> <!-- [ 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20] -->
+ </port>
+ </output>
+*Example 2: negative step*
+<layer ... type="Range">
+ <data output_type="i32">
+ <input>
+ <port id="0"> <!-- start value: 23 -->
+ </port>
+ <port id="1"> <!-- stop value: 2 -->
+ </port>
+ <port id="2"> <!-- step value: -3 -->
+ </port>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <port id="3">
+ <dim>7</dim> <!-- [23, 20, 17, 14, 11, 8, 5] -->
+ </port>
+ </output>
+*Example 3: floating point*
+<layer ... type="Range">
+ <data output_type="f32">
+ <input>
+ <port id="0"> <!-- start value: 1 -->
+ </port>
+ <port id="1"> <!-- stop value: 2.5 -->
+ </port>
+ <port id="2"> <!-- step value: 0.5 -->
+ </port>
+ </input>
+ <output>
+ <port id="3">
+ <dim>3</dim> <!-- [ 1.0, 1.5, 2.0] -->
+ </port>
+ </output>