To open the following APIs publicly, the APIs are added to @ingroup.
- elm_object_scroll_back_to_top_enabled_set
- elm_object_scroll_back_to_top_enabled_get
- elm_object_scroll_back_to_top_cb_set
- elm_naviframe_item_push_from
Change-Id: I58a615380dc110578df44ec3a191b1cafbd84e79
* @return The created item or @c NULL upon failure.
* @see elm_naviframe_item_push
+ *
+ * @ingroup Elm_Naviframe_Group
EAPI Elm_Object_Item *elm_naviframe_item_push_from(Evas_Object *obj, const char *title_label, Evas_Object *prev_btn, Evas_Object *next_btn, Evas_Object *content, const char *item_style, Evas_Object *target);
* @details Application have to take care of padding in bottom to avoid overlap
+ * @ingroup Elm_General
* @if WEARABLE @since_tizen 5.5
* @endif
* @param[in] obj The scroller / genlist object
* @return The back to top button state
+ * @ingroup Elm_General
* @if WEARABLE @since_tizen 5.5
* @endif
* Framework will not scroll back to top position in this scenario, Application have
* to handle the event as required.
+ * @ingroup Elm_General
* @if WEARABLE @since_tizen 5.5
* @endif