case GT_LSH:
case GT_RSH:
case GT_RSZ:
- NYI("Arithmetic binary operators on TYP_LONG - SHIFT");
+ nextNode = DecomposeShift(use);
case GT_ROL:
+// DecomposeShift: Decompose GT_LSH, GT_RSH, GT_RSZ. For shift nodes, we need to use
+// the shift helper functions, so we here convert the shift into a helper call by
+// pulling its arguments out of linear order and making them the args to a call, then
+// replacing the original node with the new call.
+// Arguments:
+// use - the LIR::Use object for the def that needs to be decomposed.
+// Return Value:
+// The next node to process.
+GenTree* DecomposeLongs::DecomposeShift(LIR::Use& use)
+ assert(use.IsInitialized());
+ GenTree* tree = use.Def();
+ GenTree* gtLong = tree->gtGetOp1();
+ genTreeOps oper = tree->OperGet();
+ assert((oper == GT_LSH) || (oper == GT_RSH) || (oper == GT_RSZ));
+ unsigned blockWeight = m_block->getBBWeight(m_compiler);
+ LIR::Use loOp1Use(BlockRange(), >Long->gtOp.gtOp1, gtLong);
+ loOp1Use.ReplaceWithLclVar(m_compiler, blockWeight);
+ LIR::Use hiOp1Use(BlockRange(), >Long->gtOp.gtOp2, gtLong);
+ hiOp1Use.ReplaceWithLclVar(m_compiler, blockWeight);
+ LIR::Use shiftWidthUse(BlockRange(), &tree->gtOp.gtOp2, tree);
+ shiftWidthUse.ReplaceWithLclVar(m_compiler, blockWeight);
+ GenTree* loOp1 = gtLong->gtGetOp1();
+ GenTree* hiOp1 = gtLong->gtGetOp2();
+ GenTree* shiftWidthOp = tree->gtGetOp2();
+ BlockRange().Remove(gtLong);
+ BlockRange().Remove(loOp1);
+ BlockRange().Remove(hiOp1);
+ BlockRange().Remove(shiftWidthOp);
+ // TODO-X86-CQ: If the shift operand is a GT_CNS_INT, we should pipe the instructions through to codegen
+ // and generate the shift instructions ourselves there, rather than replacing it with a helper call.
+ unsigned helper;
+ switch (oper)
+ {
+ case GT_LSH:
+ break;
+ case GT_RSH:
+ break;
+ case GT_RSZ:
+ break;
+ default:
+ unreached();
+ }
+ GenTreeArgList* argList = m_compiler->gtNewArgList(loOp1, hiOp1, shiftWidthOp);
+ GenTree* call = m_compiler->gtNewHelperCallNode(helper, TYP_LONG, 0, argList);
+ GenTreeCall* callNode = call->AsCall();
+ ReturnTypeDesc* retTypeDesc = callNode->GetReturnTypeDesc();
+ retTypeDesc->InitializeLongReturnType(m_compiler);
+ call = m_compiler->fgMorphArgs(callNode);
+ BlockRange().InsertAfter(tree, LIR::SeqTree(m_compiler, call));
+ BlockRange().Remove(tree);
+ use.ReplaceWith(m_compiler, call);
+ return call;
// GetHiOper: Convert arithmetic operator to "high half" operator of decomposed node.
// Arguments:
assert(arg1 != nullptr);
nonStandardArgs.Add(arg1, REG_PINVOKE_FRAME);
+ // The x86 shift helpers have custom calling conventions and expect the lo part of the long to be in EAX and the
+ // hi part to be in EDX. This sets the argument registers up correctly.
+ else if (call->IsHelperCall(this, CORINFO_HELP_LLSH) || call->IsHelperCall(this, CORINFO_HELP_LRSH) || call->IsHelperCall(this, CORINFO_HELP_LRSZ))
+ {
+ GenTreeArgList* args = call->gtCallArgs;
+ GenTree* arg1 = args->Current();
+ assert(arg1 != nullptr);
+ nonStandardArgs.Add(arg1, REG_LNGARG_LO);
+ args = args->Rest();
+ GenTree* arg2 = args->Current();
+ assert(arg2 != nullptr);
+ nonStandardArgs.Add(arg2, REG_LNGARG_HI);
+ }
#endif // !defined(LEGACY_BACKEND) && defined(_TARGET_X86_)
#if !defined(LEGACY_BACKEND) && !defined(_TARGET_X86_)