procedure Remove_Formals (Id : Entity_Id);
-- Remove formals from homonym chains and make them not visible
+ procedure Restore_Original_Selected_Component;
+ -- Traverse Expr searching for dispatching calls to functions whose
+ -- original node was a selected component, and replace them with
+ -- their original node.
-- Clear_Unset_References --
end loop;
end Remove_Formals;
+ -----------------------------------------
+ -- Restore_Original_Selected_Component --
+ -----------------------------------------
+ procedure Restore_Original_Selected_Component is
+ function Restore_Node (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result;
+ -- Process a single node
+ ------------------
+ -- Restore_Node --
+ ------------------
+ function Restore_Node (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result is
+ begin
+ if Nkind (N) = N_Function_Call
+ and then Nkind (Original_Node (N)) = N_Selected_Component
+ and then Is_Dispatching_Operation (Entity (Name (N)))
+ then
+ Rewrite (N, Original_Node (N));
+ Set_Original_Node (N, N);
+ -- Restore decoration of its child nodes; required to ensure
+ -- proper copies of this subtree (if required) by subsequent
+ -- calls to New_Copy_Tree (since otherwise these child nodes
+ -- are not duplicated).
+ Set_Parent (Prefix (N), N);
+ Set_Parent (Selector_Name (N), N);
+ end if;
+ return OK;
+ end Restore_Node;
+ procedure Restore_Nodes is new Traverse_Proc (Restore_Node);
+ begin
+ Restore_Nodes (Expr);
+ end Restore_Original_Selected_Component;
-- Start of processing for Preanalyze_Condition
Remove_Formals (Subp);
+ -- If this preanalyzed condition has occurrences of dispatching calls
+ -- using the Object.Operation notation, during preanalysis such calls
+ -- are rewritten as dispatching function calls; if at later stages
+ -- this condition is inherited we must have restored the original
+ -- selected-component node to ensure that the preanalysis of the
+ -- inherited condition rewrites these dispatching calls in the
+ -- correct context to avoid reporting spurious errors.
+ Restore_Original_Selected_Component;
-- Traverse Expr and clear the Controlling_Argument of calls to
-- nonabstract functions. Required since the preanalyzed condition
-- is not yet installed on its definite context and will be cloned
(Par_Subp : Entity_Id;
Subp : Entity_Id) return Node_Id
- Installed_Calls : constant Elist_Id := New_Elmt_List;
- procedure Install_Original_Selected_Component (Expr : Node_Id);
- -- Traverse the given expression searching for dispatching calls
- -- to functions whose original nodes was a selected component,
- -- and replacing them temporarily by a copy of their original
- -- node. Modified calls are stored in the list Installed_Calls
- -- (to undo this work later).
- procedure Restore_Dispatching_Calls (Expr : Node_Id);
- -- Undo the work done by Install_Original_Selected_Component.
- -----------------------------------------
- -- Install_Original_Selected_Component --
- -----------------------------------------
- procedure Install_Original_Selected_Component (Expr : Node_Id) is
- function Install_Node (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result;
- -- Process a single node
- ------------------
- -- Install_Node --
- ------------------
- function Install_Node (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result is
- New_N : Node_Id;
- Orig_Nod : Node_Id;
- begin
- if Nkind (N) = N_Function_Call
- and then Nkind (Original_Node (N)) = N_Selected_Component
- and then Is_Dispatching_Operation (Entity (Name (N)))
- then
- Orig_Nod := Original_Node (N);
- -- Temporarily use the original node field to keep the
- -- reference to this node (to undo this work later!).
- New_N := New_Copy (N);
- Set_Original_Node (New_N, Orig_Nod);
- Append_Elmt (New_N, Installed_Calls);
- Rewrite (N, Orig_Nod);
- Set_Original_Node (N, New_N);
- end if;
- return OK;
- end Install_Node;
- procedure Install_Nodes is new Traverse_Proc (Install_Node);
- begin
- Install_Nodes (Expr);
- end Install_Original_Selected_Component;
- -------------------------------
- -- Restore_Dispatching_Calls --
- -------------------------------
- procedure Restore_Dispatching_Calls (Expr : Node_Id) is
- function Restore_Node (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result;
- -- Process a single node
- ------------------
- -- Restore_Node --
- ------------------
- function Restore_Node (N : Node_Id) return Traverse_Result is
- Orig_Sel_N : Node_Id;
- begin
- if Nkind (N) = N_Selected_Component
- and then Nkind (Original_Node (N)) = N_Function_Call
- and then Contains (Installed_Calls, Original_Node (N))
- then
- Orig_Sel_N := Original_Node (Original_Node (N));
- pragma Assert (Nkind (Orig_Sel_N) = N_Selected_Component);
- Rewrite (N, Original_Node (N));
- Set_Original_Node (N, Orig_Sel_N);
- end if;
- return OK;
- end Restore_Node;
- procedure Restore_Nodes is new Traverse_Proc (Restore_Node);
- begin
- Restore_Nodes (Expr);
- end Restore_Dispatching_Calls;
- -- Local variables
Assoc_List : constant Elist_Id := New_Elmt_List;
Par_Formal_Id : Entity_Id := First_Formal (Par_Subp);
Subp_Formal_Id : Entity_Id := First_Formal (Subp);
- New_Expr : Node_Id;
- Class_Cond : Node_Id;
-- Start of processing for Inherit_Condition
Next_Formal (Subp_Formal_Id);
end loop;
- -- In order to properly preanalyze an inherited preanalyzed
- -- condition that has occurrences of the Object.Operation
- -- notation we must restore the original node; otherwise we
- -- would report spurious errors.
- Class_Cond := Class_Condition (Kind, Par_Subp);
- Install_Original_Selected_Component (Class_Cond);
- New_Expr := New_Copy_Tree (Class_Cond);
- Restore_Dispatching_Calls (Class_Cond);
- return New_Copy_Tree (New_Expr, Map => Assoc_List);
+ return New_Copy_Tree
+ (Source => Class_Condition (Kind, Par_Subp),
+ Map => Assoc_List);
end Inherit_Condition;