#include <dali/internal/graphics/common/shader-parser.h>
#include <sstream>
+inline bool IsWordChar(const char c)
+ return ('A' <= c && c <= 'Z') ||
+ ('0' <= c && c <= '9') ||
+ ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') ||
+ (c == '_');
+} // namespace
namespace Dali::Internal::ShaderParser
+ * @brief Tokenizes a single line of code.
+ * Parse word tokens, which had number and alphabet, and underline.
+ * @note The string ownership will be moved to CodeLine's line value.
+ * @param line A string containing a single line of code.
+ * @return A CodeLine object containing the line of code and its tokens.
+ */
CodeLine TokenizeLine(std::string line)
- const auto commentDelimiter = std::regex("//");
- const auto word_regex = std::regex("(\\w+)");
CodeLine lineOfCode;
- std::vector<std::string> strs{std::sregex_token_iterator(line.begin(), line.end(), commentDelimiter, -1),
- std::sregex_token_iterator()};
+ uint32_t ei = 0;
- auto words_begin = std::sregex_iterator(strs[0].begin(), strs[0].end(), word_regex);
- auto words_end = std::sregex_iterator();
+ bool wordState = false;
+ bool commentState = false;
- lineOfCode.line = line;
+ uint32_t wordStart = 0;
- for(auto it = words_begin; it != words_end; ++it)
+ while(ei < line.size())
- const std::smatch& match = *it;
- lineOfCode.tokens.emplace_back(match.position(), match.length());
+ const char c = line[ei];
+ if(IsWordChar(c))
+ {
+ if(!wordState)
+ {
+ wordState = true;
+ wordStart = ei;
+ }
+ commentState = false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(wordState)
+ {
+ lineOfCode.tokens.push_back(CodeTokenPair(wordStart, ei - wordStart));
+ wordState = false;
+ }
+ if(c == '/')
+ {
+ if(commentState)
+ {
+ // Comment found! Ignore remaind characters
+ --ei;
+ break;
+ }
+ commentState = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ commentState = false;
+ }
+ }
+ ++ei;
+ }
+ if(wordState)
+ {
+ lineOfCode.tokens.push_back(CodeTokenPair(wordStart, ei - wordStart));
+ lineOfCode.line = std::move(line);
return lineOfCode;
-std::string GetToken(CodeLine& line, int i)
+std::string_view GetToken(CodeLine& line, int i)
// Function allows retrieving a token from start and from the
// end of line. Negative 'i' retrieves token from the end. For example:
return "";
- return std::string(std::string_view(&line.line[line.tokens[i].first], line.tokens[i].second));
+ return std::string_view(&line.line[line.tokens[i].first], line.tokens[i].second);
void TokenizeSource(Program& program, ShaderStage stage, std::istream& ss)
- CodeLine lineOfCode = TokenizeLine(line);
+ CodeLine lineOfCode = TokenizeLine(std::move(line));
// find out whether fragment shader contains OUTPUT
if(!lineOfCode.tokens.empty() && stage == ShaderStage::FRAGMENT)
if(isFlatKeywordUsed && stage != ShaderStage::VERTEX)
// Check secondary token if first token is flat.
- token = GetToken(l, 1);
+ token = GetToken(l, 1);
isInputToken = (token == "INPUT");
- ss << "layout(location = " << location << ") " << (isFlatKeywordUsed ? "flat " : "") <<"in" << l.line.substr(l.tokens[isFlatKeywordUsed].first + l.tokens[isFlatKeywordUsed].second).c_str() << "\n";
+ ss << "layout(location = " << location << ") " << (isFlatKeywordUsed ? "flat " : "") << "in" << l.line.substr(l.tokens[isFlatKeywordUsed].first + l.tokens[isFlatKeywordUsed].second).c_str() << "\n";
outString += ss.str();
return true;
if(isFlatKeywordUsed && stage != ShaderStage::FRAGMENT)
// Check secondary token if first token is flat.
- token = GetToken(l, 1);
+ token = GetToken(l, 1);
isOutputToken = (token == "OUTPUT");
// for fragment shader the gl_FragColor is our output
// we will use gl_FragColor, in such shader we have only single output
- auto varName = GetToken(l, -1);
ss << "layout(location=0) out" << l.line.substr(l.tokens[isFlatKeywordUsed].first + l.tokens[isFlatKeywordUsed].second).c_str() << "\n";
outString += ss.str();
bool blockReused = false;
- auto it = std::find_if(program.uniformBlocks.begin(), program.uniformBlocks.end(), [&uniformBlockName](const std::pair<std::string, uint32_t>& item)
- { return (item.first == uniformBlockName); });
+ auto it = std::find_if(program.uniformBlocks.begin(), program.uniformBlocks.end(), [&uniformBlockName](const std::pair<std::string, uint32_t>& item) { return (item.first == uniformBlockName); });
if(it != program.uniformBlocks.end())
localBinding = (*it).second;
const bool isFlatKeywordUsed = (token == "FLAT");
- token = GetToken(line, 1);
+ token = GetToken(line, 1);
isOutputToken = (token == "OUTPUT");
// Verify
- for(auto& line : program.fragmentShader.codeLines)
- {
- auto token = GetToken(line, 0);
- bool isInputToken = (token == "INPUT");
- const bool isFlatKeywordUsed = (token == "FLAT");
- if(isFlatKeywordUsed)
- {
- token = GetToken(line, 1);
- isInputToken = (token == "INPUT");
- }
- if(isInputToken)
- {
- auto varname = GetToken(line, -1);
- }
- }
+ // For now, we don't verify anything. Just skip this codes.
+ // for(auto& line : program.fragmentShader.codeLines)
+ // {
+ // auto token = GetToken(line, 0);
+ // bool isInputToken = (token == "INPUT");
+ // const bool isFlatKeywordUsed = (token == "FLAT");
+ // if(isFlatKeywordUsed)
+ // {
+ // token = GetToken(line, 1);
+ // isInputToken = (token == "INPUT");
+ // }
+ // if(isInputToken)
+ // {
+ // auto varname = GetToken(line, -1);
+ // }
+ // }
void ProcessStage(Program& program, ShaderStage stage, OutputLanguage language)