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- <title>Vehicle Information API</title>
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-<!------------------------------ Abstract ------------------------------------>
-<section id="abstract">
- This specification defines a Vehicle Information API which offers a simple interface
- to get access to vehicle data. A typical use case of the Vehicle Information is the
- implementation of a tachometer application that allows view inforomation from the
- vehicle such as speed, tire pressure, and engine rotation speed (RPMs).
-<!----------------------- Status of this document ---------------------------->
-<section id="sotd">
-<!----------------------------- Introduction --------------------------------->
-<section class="informative">
- <h2>Introduction</h2>
- <p>
- The Vehicle Information API provides operations to get access to the vehicle data
- (henceforth "properties") available from vehicle systems and also to change (write) a number of
- properties. The API also allows users to request data that has been logged previously.
- <p>
- An example of use is provided below:
- <pre class="example highlight">
- navigator.vehicle.get("EngineSpeed", onsuccess, onerror);
- function onsuccess(value) {
- window.console.log(value.EngineSpeed);
- }
- function onerror(e) {
- window.console.error(e.message);
- }
- </pre>
-<!---------------------------- Conformance ----------------------------------->
-<section id="conformance">
- <p>This specification defines conformance criteria that apply to a single
- product: the <dfn>user agent</dfn> that implements the interfaces that it
- contains.
- <p>Implementations that use ECMAScript to implement the APIs defined in this
- specification MUST implement them in a manner consistent with the ECMAScript
- Bindings defined in the Web IDL specification [[!WEBIDL]], as this
- specification uses that specification and terminology.
-<!----------------------------- Terminology ---------------------------------->
- <h2>Terminology</h2> <p>The <code><a
- href="http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/webappapis.html#eventhandler">
- EventHandler</a></code> interface represents a callback used for event
- handlers as defined in [[!HTML5]].
- <p>The concepts <dfn><a
- href="http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/webappapis.html#queue-a-task"> queue a
- task</a></dfn> and <dfn><a
- href="http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/webappapis.html#fire-a-simple-event">
- fire a simple event</a></dfn> are defined in [[!HTML5]].
- <p>The terms <a
- href="http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/webappapis.html#event-handlers"><dfn
- id="dfn-eventhandler">event handler</dfn></a> and <a
- href="http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/webappapis.html#event-handler-event-type">
- <dfn id="dfn-eventtypes"> event handler event types</dfn></a> are defined in
- [[!HTML5]].
-<!------------------------ Security and privacy ------------------------------>
- <h2>Security and privacy considerations</h2>
- <p>This API must be only exposed to trusted content
-<!---------------------- Extended interface Navigator ------------------------>
- <h2><a>Navigator</a> Interface</h2>
- <dl title="partial interface Navigator" class="idl">
- <dt>readonly attribute Vehicle vehicle</dt>
- <dd>
- The object that exposes the interface to vehicle information services.
- </dd>
- </dl>
-<!------------------------ Interface Vehicle ------------------------------->
- <h2><a>Vehicle Information</a> Interface</h2> <p>The <a>Vehicle Infomration</a> interface
- represents the initial entry point for getting access to the vehicle information
- services, i.e. Engine Speed and Tire Pressure.
- <dl title="[NoInterfaceObject] interface Vehicle" class="idl">
- <dt>void getSupported ()</dt> <dd>Preturns supported properties.
- <dl class='parameters'>
- <dt>SupportedPropertiesCallback successCallback</dt><dd>function to be called when method
- has completed successfully</dd>
- <dt>VehiclePropertyErrorCallback errorCallback</dt><dd>this function is called
- when an error has occured</dd>
- </dl>
- </dd>
- <dt>void get ()</dt> <dd>fetch the current value for <code>property</code>. Upon
- success, the <code>successCallback</code> will be called with the value.
- <dl class='parameters'>
- <dt>DOMString property</dt><dd>requested property to be retrieved</dd>
- <dt>VehiclePropertyCallback success</dt><dd>function to be called when method
- has completed successfully</dd>
- <dt>VehiclePropertyErrorCallback errorCallback</dt><dd>this function is called
- when an error has occured</dd>
- </dl>
- </dd>
- <dt>void set ()</dt> <dd>set the <code>property</code> to <code>value</code>. Upon
- success, the <code>successCallback</code> will be called with the result.
- <dl class='parameters'>
- <dt>DOMString property</dt><dd>requested property to be retrieved</dd>
- <dt>VehiclePropertyType value</dt><dd>corrisponding value to set</dd>
- <dt>VehiclePropertyCallback success</dt><dd>function to be called when method
- has completed successfully</dd>
- <dt>VehiclePropertyErrorCallback errorCallback</dt><dd>this function is called
- when an error has occured</dd>
- </dl>
- </dd>
- <dt>void getHistory ()</dt> <dd>get the <code>property</code> in series from <code>startTime</code>
- to <code>endTime</code>. Upon success, the <code>successCallback</code> will be called
- with the result.
- <dl class='parameters'>
- <dt>DOMString property</dt><dd>requested property to be retrieved</dd>
- <dt>Date startTime</dt><dd>beginning time for request</dd>
- <dt>Date endTime</dt><dd>ending time for request</dd>
- <dt>VehiclePropertyListCallback success</dt><dd>function to be called when method
- has completed successfully</dd>
- <dt>VehiclePropertyErrorCallback errorCallback</dt><dd>this function is called
- when an error has occured</dd>
- </dl>
- </dd>
- </dl>
- <section>
- <h3>Steps</h3>
- <p> The <dfn><code>getSupported</code></dfn>
- method when invoked MUST run the following steps:
- <ol>
- <li>Make a request to the system to get the vehicle information properties(s)
- supported by the system.
- <li>Create a new array of DOMString for all supported properties in the system.
- <li>When the request has been completed:
- <ol>
- <li>call <code>successCallback</code> and pass into the function the
- DOMString array representing the supported properties.
- <li>If an error has occured, construct a VehiclePropertyError object and set the
- message and code appropriatly for the error.
- </ol>
- </ol>
- <p> The <dfn><code>get</code></dfn> method when invoked MUST
- run the following steps:
- <ol>
- <li>Make a request to the system to get the property indicated in the
- <code>property</code> parameter
- <li>If the <code>property</code> is not supported construct a <code>VehiclePropertyError</code>
- object and set the <code>code</code> members to <code>VehiclePropertyError.PROPERTY_UNAVAILABLE</code> and
- <code>message</code> member to "Unsupported property".
- <li>When the request has been completed:
- <ol>
- <li>if successful invoke the <code>successCallback</code> and pass the <code>VehiclePropertyType</code>
- as the argument.
- <li>if there has been an error, construct a VehiclePropertyError object and set the
- message and code appropriatly for the error.
- </ol>
- </ol>
- <p> The <dfn><code>set</code></dfn> method when invoked MUST run
- the following steps:
- <ol>
- <li>Make a request to the system to set the property indicated in the
- <code>property</code> parameter to the value indicated in the <code>value</code> parameter.
- <li>If the <code>property</code> is not supported construct a <code>VehiclePropertyError</code>
- object and set the <code>code</code> members to <code>VehiclePropertyError.PROPERTY_UNAVAILABLE</code> and
- <code>message</code> member to "Unsupported property".
- <li>When the request has been completed:
- <ol>
- <li>if successful invoke the <code>successCallback</code> and pass the <code>VehiclePropertyType</code>
- as the argument.
- <li>if there has been an error, construct a VehiclePropertyError object and set the
- message and code appropriatly for the error.
- </ol>
- </ol>
- <p> The <dfn><code>getHistory</code></dfn> method when invoked MUST run
- the following steps:
- <ol>
- <li>Make a request to the system to get the values for the property indicated in the
- <code>property</code> parameter after the time <code>startTime</code> and after
- the time <code>endTime</code>.
- <li>If the <code>property</code> is not supported construct a <code>VehiclePropertyError</code>
- object and set the <code>code</code> members to <code>VehiclePropertyError.PROPERTY_UNAVAILABLE</code> and
- <code>message</code> member to "Unsupported property".
- <li>When the request has been completed:
- <ol>
- <li>if successful invoke the <code>successCallback</code> and pass the array of <code>VehiclePropertyType</code>
- as the argument.
- <li>if there has been an error, construct a VehiclePropertyError object and set the
- message and code appropriatly for the error.
- </ol>
- </ol>
- </section>
-<!------------------------ Interface VehiclePropertyType ------------------------>
- <h2><a>VehiclePropertyType</a> Interface</h2> <p>The <a>VehiclePropertyType</a>
- interface represents the base interface for all vehicle properties.
- <dl title="[NoInterfaceObject] interface VehiclePropertyType : Event"
- class="idl">
- <dt>readonly attribute Date timeStamp;</dt> <dd>MUST return the type time at which this property was
- recieved.</dd>
- </dl>
-<!------------------------ Interface VehiclePropertyError ------------------------------>
- <h2><a>VehiclePropertyError</a> Interface</h2>
- <p>The <a>VehiclePropertyError</a> interface represents the an error returned by the vehicle information system.
- manager.
- <dl title="[NoInterfaceObject] interface VehiclePropertyError" class="idl">
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short PERMISSION_DENIED = 1 </dt>
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short PROPERTY_UNAVAILABLE = 2</dt>
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short TIMEOUT = 3</dt>
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short UNKNOWN = 10</dt>
- <dt>readonly attribute unsigned short code</dt>
- <dd> MUST return error code. </dd>
- <dt>readonly attribute DOMString message</dt>
- <dd>MUST return error message</dd>
- </dl>
-<!------------------------ Callback VehiclePropertyCallback------------------------------>
- <h2><a>VehiclePropertyCallback</a> Callback</h2>
- <p>The <a>VehiclePropertyCallback</a> is called during the <code>navigator.vehicle.get()</code> operation
- <dl title="callback VehiclePropertyCallback = void (VehiclePropertyType value)"></dl>
-<!------------------------ Callback VehiclePropertyErrorCallback------------------------------>
- <h2><a>VehiclePropertyErrorCallback</a> Callback</h2>
- <p>The <a>VehiclePropertyErrorCallback</a> is called during the <code>navigator.vehicle.get()</code> operation
- <dl title="callback VehiclePropertyErrorCallback = void (VehiclePropertyError error); "></dl>
-<!------------------------ Callback VehiclePropertyListCallback------------------------------>
- <h2><a>VehiclePropertyListCallback</a> Callback</h2>
- <p>The <a>VehiclePropertyListCallback</a> is called during the <code>navigator.vehicle.getHistory()</code> operation
- <dl title="callback VehiclePropertyListCallback = (sequence<VehiclePropertyType> values)"></dl>
-<!------------------------ Callback VehiclePropertyListCallback------------------------------>
- <h2><a>SupportedPropertiesCallback</a> Callback</h2>
- <p>The <a>SupportedPropertiesCallback</a> is called during the <code>navigator.vehicle.getSupported()</code> operation
- <dl title="callback SupportedPropertiesCallback = void (sequence<DOMString> properties)"></dl>
-<!------------------------ Interface VehicleSpeed ------------------------------>
- <h2><a>VehicleSpeed</a> Interface</h2>
- <p>The <a>VehicleSpeed</a> interface represents vehicle speed.
- <dl title="[NoInterfaceObject] interface VehicleSpeed : VehiclePropertyType" class="idl">
- <dt>readonly attribute unsigned long VehicleSpeed</dt>
- <dd>Must return Vehicle Speed in kilometers per hour.</dd>
- </dl>
-<!------------------------ Interface EngineSpeed ------------------------------>
- <h2><a>EngineSpeed</a> Interface</h2>
- <p>The <a>EngineSpeed</a> interface represents engine speed.
- <dl title="[NoInterfaceObject] interface EngineSpeed : VehiclePropertyType" class="idl">
- <dt>readonly attribute unsigned long EngineSpeed</dt>
- <dd>Must return Engine Speed in rotations per minute.</dd>
- </dl>
-<!------------------------ Interface VehiclePowerMode ------------------------------>
- <h2><a>VehiclePowerMode</a> Interface</h2>
- <p>The <a>VehiclePowerMode</a> interface represents the current vehidle power mode.
- <dl title="[NoInterfaceObject] interface VehiclePowerMode : VehiclePropertyType" class="idl">
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short VEHICLEPOWERMODE_OFF = 0</dt>
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short VEHICLEPOWERMODE_ACCESSORY1 = 1</dt>
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short VEHICLEPOWERMODE_ACCESSORY2 = 2</dt>
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short VEHICLEPOWERMODE_RUN = 3</dt>
- <dt>readonly attribute octet VehiclePowerMode</dt>
- <dd> Must return Vehicle Power mode (see <a>VEHICLEPOWERMODE</a>)</dd>
- </dl>
-<!------------------------ Interface TripMeters ------------------------------>
- <h2><a>TripMeters</a> Interface</h2>
- <p>The <a>TripMeters</a> interface represents the current trip meters.
- <dl title="[NoInterfaceObject] interface TripMeters : VehiclePropertyType" class="idl">
- <dt>attribute sequence unsigned long TripMeters</dt>
- <dd>Must return trip meters. Changing any items in the array will reset the item's value to '0'.</dd>
- </dl>
-<!------------------------ Interface Acceleration ------------------------------>
- <h2><a>Acceleration</a> Interface</h2>
- <p>The <a>Acceleration</a> interface represents vehicle acceleration.
- <dl title="[NoInterfaceObject] interface Acceleration : VehiclePropertyType" class="idl">
- <dt>readonly attribute unsigned long X</dt>
- <dd>Must return acceleration on the "X" axis as 1/1000 G (gravitational force). </dd>
- <dt>readonly attribute unsigned long Y</dt>
- <dd>Must return acceleration on the "Y" axis as 1/1000 G (gravitational force). </dd>
- <dt>readonly attribute unsigned long Z</dt>
- <dd>Must return acceleration on the "Z" axis as 1/1000 G (gravitational force). </dd>
- </dl>
-<!------------------------ Interface Trasnmission ------------------------------>
- <h2><a>Trasnmission</a> Interface</h2>
- <p>The <a>Trasnmission</a> interface represents the current transmssion gear and mode.
- <dl title="[NoInterfaceObject] interface Trasnmission : VehiclePropertyType" class="idl">
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short TRANSMISSIONPOSITION_NEUTRAL = 0</dt>
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short TRANSMISSIONPOSITION_FIRST = 1</dt>
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short TRANSMISSIONPOSITION_SECOND = 2</dt>
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short TRANSMISSIONPOSITION_THIRD = 3</dt>
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short TRANSMISSIONPOSITION_FORTH = 4</dt>
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short TRANSMISSIONPOSITION_FIFTH = 5</dt>
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short TRANSMISSIONPOSITION_SIXTH = 6</dt>
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short TRANSMISSIONPOSITION_SEVENTH = 7</dt>
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short TRANSMISSIONPOSITION_EIGHTH = 8</dt>
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short TRANSMISSIONPOSITION_NINTH = 9</dt>
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short TRANSMISSIONPOSITION_TENTH = 10</dt>
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short TRANSMISSIONPOSITION_CVT = 64</dt>
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short TRANSMISSIONPOSITION_REVERSE = 128</dt>
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short TRANSMISSIONPOSITION_PARK = 255</dt>
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short TRANSMISSIONMODE_NORMAL = 0</dt>
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short TRANSMISSIONMODE_SPORT = 1</dt>
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short TRANSMISSIONMODE_ECONOMY = 2</dt>
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short TRANSMISSIONMODE_OEMCUSTOM1 = 3</dt>
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short TRANSMISSIONMODE_OEMCUSTOM2 = 4</dt>
- <dt>readonly attribute octet GearPosition</dt><dd>Must return transmission gear position (see <a>TRANSMISSIONPOSITION</a>)</dd>
- <dt>readonly attribute octet Mode</dt><dd>Must return transmission Mode (see <a>TRANSMISSIONMODE</a>)</dd>
- </dl>
-<!------------------------ Interface CruiseControlStatus ------------------------------>
- <h2><a>CruiseControlStatus</a> Interface</h2>
- <p>The <a>CruiseControlStatus</a> interface represents cruise control settings.
- <dl title="[NoInterfaceObject] interface CruiseControlStatus : VehiclePropertyType" class="idl">
- <dt>readonly attribute boolean Activated</dt>
- <dd>Must return whether or not the Cruise Control system is active (true) or inactive (false)</dd>
- <dt>readonly attribute unsigned short Speed</dt>
- <dd>Must return target Cruise Control speed in kilometers per hour (kph)</dd>
- </dl>
-<!------------------------ Interface WheelBrake ------------------------------>
- <h2><a>WheelBrake</a> Interface</h2>
- <p>The <a>WheelBrake</a> interface represents wheel brake status.
- <dl title="[NoInterfaceObject] interface WheelBrake : VehiclePropertyType" class="idl">
- <dt>readonly attribute boolean Engaged</dt>
- <dd>Must return Wheel Brake status: Engaged (true) or Disengaged (false)</dd>
- </dl>
-<!------------------------ Interface LightStatus ------------------------------>
- <h2><a>LightStatus</a> Interface</h2>
- <p>The <a>LightStatus</a> interface represents exterior light statuses.
- <dl title="[NoInterfaceObject] interface LightStatus : VehiclePropertyType" class="idl">
- <dt>readonly attribute boolean Head</dt>
- <dd>Must return headlight status: on (true), off (false)</dd>
- <dt>readonly attribute boolean RightTurn</dt>
- <dd>Must return right turn signal status: on (true), off (false)</dd>
- <dt>readonly attribute boolean LeftTurn</dt>
- <dd>Must return left turn signal status: on (true), off (false)</dd>
- <dt>readonly attribute boolean Brake</dt>
- <dd>Must return Brake light status: on (true), off (false)</dd>
- <dt>readonly attribute boolean Fog</dt>
- <dd>Must return Fog light status: on (true), off (false)</dd>
- <dt>readonly attribute boolean Hazard</dt>
- <dd>Must return Hazard light status: on (true), off (false)</dd>
- <dt>readonly attribute boolean Parking</dt>
- <dd>Must return Parking light status: on (true), off (false)</dd>
- <dt>readonly attribute boolean HighBeam</dt>
- <dd>Must return HighBeam light status: on (true), off (false)</dd>
- </dl>
-<!------------------------ Interface InteriorLightStatus ------------------------------>
- <h2><a>InteriorLightStatus</a> Interface</h2>
- <p>The <a>InteriorLightStatus</a> interface represents interior light status.
- <dl title="[NoInterfaceObject] interface InteriorLightStatus : VehiclePropertyType" class="idl">
- <dt>readonly attribute boolean Passenger</dt>
- <dd> Must return passenger interior light status: on (true), off (false)</dd>
- <dt>readonly attribute boolean Driver</dt>
- <dd> Must return Driver interior light status: on (true), off (false)</dd>
- <dt>readonly attribute boolean Center</dt>
- <dd> Must return Center interior light status: on (true), off (false)</dd>
- </dl>
-<!------------------------ Interface Horn ------------------------------>
- <h2><a>Horn</a> Interface</h2>
- <p>The <a>Horn</a> interface represents horn status.
- <dl title="[NoInterfaceObject] interface Horn : VehiclePropertyType" class="idl">
- <dt>readonly attribute boolean On</dt>
- <dd>Must return Horn status: On (true) or off (false)</dd>
- </dl>
-<!------------------------ Interface Fuel ------------------------------>
- <h2><a>Fuel</a> Interface</h2>
- <p>The <a>Fuel</a> interface represents vehicle fuel status.
- <dl title="[NoInterfaceObject] interface Fuel : VehiclePropertyType" class="idl">
- <dt>readonly attribute unsigned short Level</dt>
- <dd>Must return fuel level as a percentage of fullness</dd>
- <dt>readonly attribute unsigned short Range</dt>
- <dd>Must return estimated fuel range in kilometers</dd>
- <dt>readonly attribute unsigned short InstantConsumption</dt>
- <dd>Must return instant fuel consumption in milliliters of fuel per second</dd>
- <dt>readonly attribute unsigned short InstantEconomy</dt>
- <dd> Must return instant fuel 'economy' in kilometers per liter of fuel</dd>
- <dt>attribute unsigned short AverageEconomy</dt>
- <dd>Must return average fuel 'economy' in kilometers per liter of fuel since last reset. Setting this to any value should reset the counter to '0'</dd>
- </dl>
-<!------------------------ Interface EngineOil ------------------------------>
- <h2><a>EngineOil</a> Interface</h2>
- <p>The <a>EngineOil</a> interface represents engine oil status.
- <dl title="[NoInterfaceObject] interface Horn : VehiclePropertyType" class="idl">
- <dt>readonly attribute unsigned short Remaining</dt>
- <dd>Must return remaining engine oil as percentage of fullness</dd>
- <dt>readonly attribute long Temperature</dt>
- <dd>Must return Engine Oil Temperature in Celcius</dd>
- <dt>readonly attribute unsigned short Pressure</dt>
- <dd>Must return Engine Oil Pressure in kPa</dd>
- </dl>
-<!------------------------ Interface Location ------------------------------>
- <h2><a>Location</a> Interface</h2>
- <p>The <a>Location</a> interface represents vehicle location status. This is usually from gps, but could use a number of technologies.
- <dl title="[NoInterfaceObject] interface Location : VehiclePropertyType" class="idl">
- <dt>readonly attribute double Latitude</dt>
- <dd>Must return latitude in Deg.Min (-180, +180)</dd>
- <dt>readonly attribute double Longitude</dt>
- <dd>Must return longitude in Deg.Min (-90, +90)</dd>
- <dt>readonly attribute double Altitude</dt>
- <dd>Must return altitude in meters above sea-level (0)</dd>
- <dt>readonly attribute unsigned short Direction</dt>
- <dd>Must return direction in Degrees (0-360)</dd>
- </dl>
-<!------------------------ Interface ExteriorBrightness ------------------------------>
- <h2><a>ExteriorBrightness</a> Interface</h2>
- <p>The <a>ExteriorBrightness</a> interface represents brightness outside the vehicle.
- <dl title="[NoInterfaceObject] interface ExteriorBrightness : VehiclePropertyType" class="idl">
- <dt>readonly attribute unsigned long ExteriorBrightness</dt>
- <dd>Must return the brightness outside the vehicle in lux</dd>
- </dl>
-<!------------------------ Interface Temperature ------------------------------>
- <h2><a>Temperature</a> Interface</h2>
- <p>The <a>Temperature</a> interface represents temperature inside and outside the vehicle.
- <dl title="[NoInterfaceObject] interface Temperature : VehiclePropertyType" class="idl">
- <dt>readonly attribute signed short Interior</dt>
- <dd>Must return the temperature of the interior of the vehicle in celcius</dd>
- <dt>readonly attribute signed short Exterior</dt>
- <dd>Must return the temperature of the exterior of the vehicle in celcius</dd>
- </dl>
-<!------------------------ Interface RainSensor ------------------------------>
- <h2><a>RainSensor</a> Interface</h2>
- <p>The <a>RainSensor</a> interface represents intensity of rain.
- <dl title="[NoInterfaceObject] interface RainSensor : VehiclePropertyType" class="idl">
- <dt>readonly attribute unsigned short RainSensor</dt>
- <dd>Must return level of rain intensity 0: No Rain - 10: Heaviest Rain</dd>
- </dl>
-<!------------------------ Interface WindshieldWiper ------------------------------>
- <h2><a>WindshieldWiper</a> Interface</h2>
- <p>The <a>WindshieldWiper</a> interface represents the status of the windshield wiper.
- <dl title="[NoInterfaceObject] interface WindshieldWiper : VehiclePropertyType" class="idl">
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short WIPERSPEED_OFF = 0</dt>
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short WIPERSPEED_SLOWEST= 1</dt>
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short WIPERSPEED_FASTEST = 5</dt>
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short WIPERSPEED_AUTO = 10</dt>
- <dt>readonly attribute unsigned short WindshieldWiper</dt>
- <dd>Must return Level of windshield whiper speed (see <a>WIPERSPEED</a>) </dd>
- </dl>
-<!------------------------ Dictionary DefrostDictionary -------------------------->
- <h2><a>DefrostDictionary</a> Dictionary</h2>
- <dl title="dictionary DefrostDictionary" class="idl">
- <dt>unsigned short window</dt>
- <dd>window id (see WindowStatus.WINDOWLOCATION)</dd>
- <dt>boolean defrost</dt>
- <dd>indicates whether defrost is active (true) for this window or inactive (false)</dd>
- </dl>
-<!------------------------ Interface HVAC ------------------------------>
- <h2><a>HVAC</a> Interface</h2>
- <p>The <a>HVAC</a> interface to get status and control the vehicle HVAC system.
- <dl title="[NoInterfaceObject] interface HVAC : VehiclePropertyType" class="idl">
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short AIRFLOWDIRECTION_FRONTPANEL = 0</dt>
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short AIRFLOWDIRECTION_FLOORDUCT= 1</dt>
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short AIRFLOWDIRECTION_FRONT = 0x02</dt>
- <dt class="no-docs">const unsigned short AIRFLOWDIRECTION_DEFROSTER = 0x04</dt>
- <dt>attribute unsigned short AirflowDirection</dt>
- <dd>Must return airflow direction. The value represents a bitmask of HVAC.AIRFLOWDIRECTION(s). For example:
- <pre class="example highlight">
- navigator.vehicle.get("HVAC", onsuccess, onerror);
- function onsuccess(value) {
- var hvacsettings = value;
- navigator.vehicle.set("HVAC", value, onsetsuccess, onerror);
- }
- function onerror(e) {
- window.console.error(e.message);
- }
- function onsetsuccess() {
- window.console.log("success!");
- }
- </pre>
- </dd>
- <dt>attribute unsigned short FanSpeed</dt>
- <dd>Must return speed of the fan (0-7)</dd>
- <dt>attribute unsigned short TargetTemperature</dt>
- <dd>Must return target desired temperature in celcius</dd>
- <dt>attribute boolean AirConditioning</dt>
- <dd>Must return air conditioning on (true) / off (false)</dd>
- <dt>attribute boolean AirRecirculation</dt>
- <dd>Must return air recirculation on (true) / off (false)</dd>
- <dt>attribute boolean Heater</dt>
- <dd>Must return heater on (true) / off (false)</dd>
- <dt>attribute DefrostDictionary Defrost</dt>
- <dd>Must return the defrost status of all windows equiped with defrosters. This will return a dictionary of
- DefrostDictionary that represents each window and its defrost status</dd>
- <dt>attribute boolean SteeringWheelHeater</dt>
- <dd>ust return air recirculation on (true) / off (false).</dd>
- <dt>attribute boolean SeatHeater</dt>
- <dd>Must return seat heater status: on (true) / off (false)</dd>
- </dl>
- </body>