+++ /dev/null
-; RUN: llc -mtriple=x86_64 -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,STATIC %s
-; RUN: llc -mtriple=x86_64 -relocation-model=pic < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,PIC %s
-; RUN: llc -mtriple=x86_64 -code-model=medium -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,MSTATIC %s
-; RUN: llc -mtriple=x86_64 -code-model=medium -relocation-model=pic < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,MPIC %s
-@foo = internal global i32 0
-define dso_local i64 @zero() {
-; CHECK-LABEL: zero:
-; CHECK: # %bb.0:
-; STATIC-NEXT: movl $foo, %eax
-; STATIC-NEXT: retq
-; PIC-NEXT: leaq foo(%rip), %rax
-; PIC-NEXT: retq
-; MSTATIC-NEXT: movabsq $foo, %rax
-; MPIC-NEXT: leaq _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_(%rip), %rcx
-; MPIC-NEXT: movabsq $foo@GOTOFF, %rax
-; MPIC-NEXT: addq %rcx, %rax
- ret i64 add (i64 ptrtoint (i32* @foo to i64), i64 0)
-;; Check we don't fold a large offset into leaq, otherwise
-;; the large r_addend can easily cause a relocation overflow.
-define dso_local i64 @large() {
-; CHECK-LABEL: large:
-; CHECK: # %bb.0:
-; STATIC-NEXT: movl $1701208431, %eax
-; STATIC-NEXT: leaq foo(%rax), %rax
-; PIC-NEXT: leaq foo(%rip), %rax
-; PIC-NEXT: addq $1701208431, %rax
-; MSTATIC-NEXT: movabsq $foo, %rax
-; MSTATIC-NEXT: addq $1701208431, %rax
-; MPIC-NEXT: leaq _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_(%rip), %rax
-; MPIC-NEXT: movabsq $foo@GOTOFF, %rcx
-; MPIC-NEXT: leaq 1701208431(%rax,%rcx), %rax
- ret i64 add (i64 ptrtoint (i32* @foo to i64), i64 1701208431)
-; RUN: llc < %s | FileCheck %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=x86_64 -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,STATIC %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=x86_64 -relocation-model=pic < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,PIC %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=x86_64 -code-model=medium -relocation-model=static < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,MSTATIC %s
+; RUN: llc -mtriple=x86_64 -code-model=medium -relocation-model=pic < %s | FileCheck --check-prefixes=CHECK,MPIC %s
-target datalayout = "e-p:64:64:64-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-s0:64:64-f80:128:128"
-target triple = "x86_64-apple-darwin9.6"
-@prev_length = internal global i32 0 ; <i32*> [#uses=1]
-@window = internal global [65536 x i8] zeroinitializer, align 32 ; <[65536 x i8]*> [#uses=1]
-@llvm.used = appending global [1 x i8*] [i8* bitcast (i32 (i32)* @longest_match to i8*)] ; <[1 x i8*]*> [#uses=0]
+@foo = internal global i32 0
-define fastcc i32 @longest_match(i32 %cur_match) nounwind {
-; CHECK-LABEL: longest_match:
-; CHECK-NOT: ret
-; CHECK: cmpb $0, (%r{{.*}},%r{{.*}})
-; CHECK: ret
+define dso_local i64 @zero() #0 {
+; CHECK-LABEL: zero:
+; CHECK: # %bb.0:
+; STATIC-NEXT: movl $foo, %eax
+; STATIC-NEXT: retq
+; PIC-NEXT: leaq foo(%rip), %rax
+; PIC-NEXT: retq
+; MSTATIC-NEXT: movabsq $foo, %rax
+; MPIC-NEXT: leaq _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_(%rip), %rcx
+; MPIC-NEXT: movabsq $foo@GOTOFF, %rax
+; MPIC-NEXT: addq %rcx, %rax
+ ret i64 add (i64 ptrtoint (i32* @foo to i64), i64 0)
+define dso_local i64 @one() #0 {
+; CHECK-LABEL: one:
+; CHECK: # %bb.0:
+; STATIC-NEXT: movl $foo+1, %eax
+; PIC-NEXT: leaq foo+1(%rip), %rax
+; MSTATIC-NEXT: movabsq $foo, %rax
+; MSTATIC-NEXT: incq %rax
+; MPIC-NEXT: leaq _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_(%rip), %rax
+; MPIC-NEXT: movabsq $foo@GOTOFF, %rcx
+; MPIC-NEXT: leaq 1(%rax,%rcx), %rax
+ ret i64 add (i64 ptrtoint (i32* @foo to i64), i64 1)
+;; Check we don't fold a large offset into leaq, otherwise
+;; the large r_addend can easily cause a relocation overflow.
+define dso_local i64 @large() #0 {
+; CHECK-LABEL: large:
+; CHECK: # %bb.0:
+; STATIC-NEXT: movl $1701208431, %eax
+; STATIC-NEXT: leaq foo(%rax), %rax
+; PIC-NEXT: leaq foo(%rip), %rax
+; PIC-NEXT: addq $1701208431, %rax
+; MSTATIC-NEXT: movabsq $foo, %rax
+; MSTATIC-NEXT: addq $1701208431, %rax
+; MPIC-NEXT: leaq _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_(%rip), %rax
+; MPIC-NEXT: movabsq $foo@GOTOFF, %rcx
+; MPIC-NEXT: leaq 1701208431(%rax,%rcx), %rax
+ ret i64 add (i64 ptrtoint (i32* @foo to i64), i64 1701208431)
+define dso_local i64 @neg_1() #0 {
+; CHECK-LABEL: neg_1:
+; CHECK: # %bb.0:
+; STATIC-NEXT: movl $foo-1, %eax
+; PIC-NEXT: leaq foo-1(%rip), %rax
+; MSTATIC-NEXT: movabsq $foo, %rax
+; MSTATIC-NEXT: decq %rax
+; MPIC-NEXT: leaq _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_(%rip), %rax
+; MPIC-NEXT: movabsq $foo@GOTOFF, %rcx
+; MPIC-NEXT: leaq -1(%rax,%rcx), %rax
- %0 = load i32, i32* @prev_length, align 4 ; <i32> [#uses=3]
- %1 = zext i32 %cur_match to i64 ; <i64> [#uses=1]
- %2 = sext i32 %0 to i64 ; <i64> [#uses=1]
- %.sum3 = add i64 %1, %2 ; <i64> [#uses=1]
- %3 = getelementptr [65536 x i8], [65536 x i8]* @window, i64 0, i64 %.sum3 ; <i8*> [#uses=1]
- %4 = load i8, i8* %3, align 1 ; <i8> [#uses=1]
- %5 = icmp eq i8 %4, 0 ; <i1> [#uses=1]
- br i1 %5, label %bb5, label %bb23
-bb5: ; preds = %entry
- ret i32 %0
-bb23: ; preds = %entry
- ret i32 %0
+ ret i64 add (i64 ptrtoint (i32* @foo to i64), i64 -1)
+define dso_local i64 @neg_0x80000000() #0 {
+; CHECK-LABEL: neg_0x80000000:
+; CHECK: # %bb.0:
+; STATIC-NEXT: movl $foo-2147483648, %eax
+; PIC-NEXT: leaq foo-2147483648(%rip), %rax
+; MSTATIC-NEXT: movabsq $foo, %rax
+; MSTATIC-NEXT: addq $-2147483648, %rax
+; MPIC-NEXT: leaq _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_(%rip), %rax
+; MPIC-NEXT: movabsq $foo@GOTOFF, %rcx
+; MPIC-NEXT: leaq -2147483648(%rax,%rcx), %rax
+ ret i64 add (i64 ptrtoint (i32* @foo to i64), i64 -2147483648)
+define dso_local i64 @neg_0x80000001() #0 {
+; CHECK-LABEL: neg_0x80000001:
+; CHECK: # %bb.0:
+; STATIC-NEXT: movabsq $-2147483649, %rax
+; STATIC-NEXT: leaq foo(%rax), %rax
+; PIC-NEXT: leaq foo(%rip), %rcx
+; PIC-NEXT: movabsq $-2147483649, %rax
+; PIC-NEXT: addq %rcx, %rax
+; MSTATIC-NEXT: movabsq $-2147483649, %rcx
+; MSTATIC-NEXT: movabsq $foo, %rax
+; MSTATIC-NEXT: addq %rcx, %rax
+; MPIC-NEXT: leaq _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_(%rip), %rax
+; MPIC-NEXT: movabsq $foo@GOTOFF, %rcx
+; MPIC-NEXT: addq %rax, %rcx
+; MPIC-NEXT: movabsq $-2147483649, %rax
+; MPIC-NEXT: addq %rcx, %rax
+ ret i64 add (i64 ptrtoint (i32* @foo to i64), i64 -2147483649)
+attributes #0 = { nounwind }