// Use the packed representation whenever possible to avoid generating large
// graphdefs. Moreover, avoid repeating the last values if they're equal.
if (tensor->NumElements() > 4) {
-#define POPULATE_TENSOR_PROTO(tensor, t, TYPE, NAME) \
- const TYPE* val_ptr = tensor->flat<TYPE>().data(); \
- TYPE last = *val_ptr; \
- int64 last_index = 0; \
- for (int64 i = 0; i < tensor->NumElements(); ++i) { \
- TYPE cur = *val_ptr++; \
- if (cur != last) { \
- last = cur; \
- last_index = i; \
- } \
- } \
- if (last_index < kint32max) { \
- optimized = true; \
- encoded_size = (last_index + 1) * sizeof(NAME); \
- t->mutable_##NAME##_val()->Reserve(last_index + 1); \
- t->mutable_##NAME##_val()->AddNAlreadyReserved(last_index + 1); \
- val_ptr = tensor->flat<TYPE>().data(); \
- for (int64 i = 0; i <= last_index; ++i) { \
- t->set_##NAME##_val(i, *val_ptr++); \
- } \
- }
- if (tensor->dtype() == DT_FLOAT) {
- POPULATE_TENSOR_PROTO(tensor, t, float, float)
- } else if (tensor->dtype() == DT_DOUBLE) {
- POPULATE_TENSOR_PROTO(tensor, t, double, double)
- } else if (tensor->dtype() == DT_INT64) {
- POPULATE_TENSOR_PROTO(tensor, t, int64, int64)
- } else if (tensor->dtype() == DT_INT32) {
- POPULATE_TENSOR_PROTO(tensor, t, int32, int)
- } else if (tensor->dtype() == DT_INT16) {
- POPULATE_TENSOR_PROTO(tensor, t, int16, int)
- } else if (tensor->dtype() == DT_INT8) {
- POPULATE_TENSOR_PROTO(tensor, t, int8, int)
- } else if (tensor->dtype() == DT_UINT8) {
- POPULATE_TENSOR_PROTO(tensor, t, uint8, int)
- } else if (tensor->dtype() == DT_BOOL) {
- POPULATE_TENSOR_PROTO(tensor, t, bool, bool)
+#define POPULATE_TENSOR_PROTO(tensor, t, TYPE, NAME) \
+ { \
+ const TYPE* val_ptr = tensor->flat<TYPE>().data(); \
+ TYPE last = *val_ptr; \
+ int64 last_index = 0; \
+ for (int64 i = 0; i < tensor->NumElements(); ++i) { \
+ TYPE cur = *val_ptr++; \
+ if (cur != last) { \
+ last = cur; \
+ last_index = i; \
+ } \
+ } \
+ if (last_index < kint32max) { \
+ optimized = true; \
+ encoded_size = (last_index + 1) * sizeof(NAME); \
+ t->mutable_##NAME##_val()->Reserve(last_index + 1); \
+ t->mutable_##NAME##_val()->AddNAlreadyReserved(last_index + 1); \
+ val_ptr = tensor->flat<TYPE>().data(); \
+ for (int64 i = 0; i <= last_index; ++i) { \
+ t->set_##NAME##_val(i, *val_ptr++); \
+ } \
+ } \
+ } \
+ break
+ switch (tensor->dtype()) {
+ case DT_FLOAT:
+ POPULATE_TENSOR_PROTO(tensor, t, float, float);
+ case DT_DOUBLE:
+ POPULATE_TENSOR_PROTO(tensor, t, double, double);
+ case DT_INT64:
+ POPULATE_TENSOR_PROTO(tensor, t, int64, int64);
+ case DT_INT32:
+ POPULATE_TENSOR_PROTO(tensor, t, int32, int);
+ case DT_INT16:
+ POPULATE_TENSOR_PROTO(tensor, t, int16, int);
+ case DT_INT8:
+ POPULATE_TENSOR_PROTO(tensor, t, int8, int);
+ case DT_UINT8:
+ POPULATE_TENSOR_PROTO(tensor, t, uint8, int);
+ case DT_BOOL:
+ POPULATE_TENSOR_PROTO(tensor, t, bool, bool);
+ default:
+ /* Do nothing. */
+ break;
if (optimized) {
for (int j = 0; j < shape.dim_size(); ++j) {
replaceable &= shape.dim(j).size() == 1;
- if (replaceable) ReplaceOperationWithIdentity(0, node, output);
+ if (replaceable) {
+ ReplaceOperationWithIdentity(0, node, output);
+ }
+ // Switch(x, x) will always feed false to its false branch and true to
+ // its true branch. By rewriting the graph a bit, we can propagate these
+ // constants down the two output branches, and just use control dependencies
+ // to trigger the selected one at runtime. For example,
+ //
+ // +------+
+ // x-->|Switch|-->a (in practice there may be multiple consumers of each
+ // x-->| |-->b output branch.)
+ // +------+
+ //
+ // Is rewritten as
+ //
+ // +------+
+ // x-->|Switch|-->Identity--^>Const(false)-->a
+ // x-->| |-->Identity--^>Const(true)-->b
+ // +------+
+ if (node->op() == "Switch" && node->input(0) == node->input(1) &&
+ !OptimizedNodeExists(*node, "_const_false") &&
+ !OptimizedNodeExists(*node, "_const_true")) {
+ bool already_optimized = true;
+ // If the optimization was already applied, the switch would have exactly
+ // one Identity node consuming each of its outputs, each without any
+ // non-control outputs.
+ auto fanouts = node_map_->GetOutputs(node->name());
+ if (fanouts.size() == 2) {
+ for (NodeDef* fanout : fanouts) {
+ if (!IsIdentity(*fanout) ||
+ NumNonControlOutputs(*fanout, *node_map_) > 0) {
+ already_optimized = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Tensor false_t(DT_BOOL, TensorShape({}));
+ Tensor true_t(DT_BOOL, TensorShape({}));
+ // Make sure we don't proceed if this switch node was already optimized.
+ if (!already_optimized && SetTensorValue(DT_BOOL, true, &true_t).ok() &&
+ SetTensorValue(DT_BOOL, false, &false_t).ok()) {
+ // Copy the set of consumers of the switch as they will be manipulated
+ // below.
+ const std::set<NodeDef*>& consumer_set =
+ node_map_->GetOutputs(node->name());
+ std::vector<NodeDef*> consumers(consumer_set.begin(),
+ consumer_set.end());
+ std::sort(consumers.begin(), consumers.end(),
+ [](const NodeDef* n1, const NodeDef* n2) {
+ return n1->name() < n2->name();
+ });
+ // Create constant false & true nodes.
+ NodeDef* false_node = output->add_node();
+ false_node->set_name(OptimizedNodeName(*node, "_const_false"));
+ if (!CreateNodeDef(false_node->name(), TensorValue(&false_t),
+ false_node)
+ .ok()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ false_node->set_device(node->device());
+ NodeDef* true_node = output->add_node();
+ true_node->set_name(OptimizedNodeName(*node, "_const_true"));
+ if (!CreateNodeDef(true_node->name(), TensorValue(&true_t), true_node)
+ .ok()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ true_node->set_device(node->device());
+ // Add controls from the switch ports to the constants, and connect the
+ // constants to the original switch outputs.
+ const string false_port = node->name();
+ const string true_port = strings::StrCat(node->name(), ":1");
+ const string false_ctrl_dep =
+ AddControlDependency(false_port, output, node_map_.get());
+ false_node->add_input(false_ctrl_dep);
+ const string true_ctrl_dep =
+ AddControlDependency(true_port, output, node_map_.get());
+ true_node->add_input(true_ctrl_dep);
+ node_map_->AddNode(false_node->name(), false_node);
+ node_map_->AddNode(true_node->name(), true_node);
+ node_map_->AddOutput(NodeName(false_ctrl_dep), false_node->name());
+ node_map_->AddOutput(NodeName(true_ctrl_dep), true_node->name());
+ for (NodeDef* consumer : consumers) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < consumer->input_size(); ++i) {
+ const string& input = consumer->input(i);
+ if (input == false_port) {
+ consumer->set_input(i, false_node->name());
+ node_map_->UpdateInput(consumer->name(), false_port,
+ false_node->name());
+ } else if (input == true_port) {
+ consumer->set_input(i, true_node->name());
+ node_map_->UpdateInput(consumer->name(), true_port,
+ true_node->name());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ graph_modified_ = true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
if (IsSimplifiableReduction(*node)) {
// Replace the reduction node with an identity node, that can be further
// optimized by the model pruner.
const bool y_is_zero = IsZeros(*y);
const bool y_is_one = IsOnes(*y);
const bool x_matches_output_shape = ShapesEqual(output_shape, x_shape);
- if (x_matches_output_shape &&
- (((is_mul || is_any_div) && y_is_one) ||
- ((is_add || is_sub) && y_is_zero))) {
+ if (x_matches_output_shape && (((is_mul || is_any_div) && y_is_one) ||
+ ((is_add || is_sub) && y_is_zero))) {
// x * 1 = x or x / 1 = x or x +/- 0 = x
ReplaceOperationWithSnapshot(0, node, output);
// Insert new reciprocal op and change node from Div to Mul.
NodeDef* reciprocal_node = output->add_node();
- reciprocal_node->set_name(AddPrefixToNodeName(
- strings::StrCat(node->name(), "_recip"), kConstantFoldingConst));
+ reciprocal_node->set_name(OptimizedNodeName(*node, "_recip"));
graph_modified_ = true;
return Status::OK();
// Nothing to do for ConstantFolding.
-} // end namespace grappler
-} // end namespace tensorflow
+} // namespace grappler
+} // namespace tensorflow
GraphDef output;
Status status = optimizer.Optimize(nullptr, item, &output);
- LOG(INFO) << output.DebugString();
EXPECT_EQ(10, output.node_size());
for (int i = 0; i < output.node_size(); ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(present_nodes.size(), output.node_size());
int found = 0;
for (const auto& node : output.node()) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(present_nodes.find(node.name()) != present_nodes.end());
- EXPECT_TRUE(not_present_nodes.find(node.name()) == not_present_nodes.end());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(present_nodes.find(node.name()) != present_nodes.end())
+ << node.name();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(not_present_nodes.find(node.name()) == not_present_nodes.end())
+ << node.name();
if (node.name() == "rank") {
TEST_F(ConstantFoldingTest, NoOpReduction) {
- // Build a simple graph with a reduction that can be reduced to the identity.
+ // Build a simple graph with a reduction that can be reduced to the
+ // identity.
tensorflow::Scope scope = tensorflow::Scope::NewRootScope();
Output v = ops::Variable(scope.WithOpName("v"), {3, 5, 7}, DT_FLOAT);
// Make sure that the representation of the folded constant is space
- // efficient: in particular, the whole message should be smaller than 8k (the
- // size needed to naively encode 1000 floats folded twice).
+ // efficient: in particular, the whole message should be smaller than 8k
+ // (the size needed to naively encode 1000 floats folded twice).
EXPECT_GT(8000, output.ByteSizeLong());
EXPECT_GT(1024 * 1024, output.ByteSizeLong());
+TEST_F(ConstantFoldingTest, SwitchIdenticalInputs) {
+ tensorflow::Scope s = tensorflow::Scope::NewRootScope();
+ Output x = ops::Placeholder(s.WithOpName("x"), DT_BOOL,
+ ops::Placeholder::Shape(TensorShape({})));
+ ops::Switch sw = ops::Switch(s.WithOpName("switch"), x, x);
+ Output id_false = ops::LogicalNot(s.WithOpName("id_false"), sw.output_false);
+ Output id_true = ops::LogicalNot(s.WithOpName("id_true"), sw.output_true);
+ GrapplerItem item;
+ item.fetch.push_back("id_false");
+ item.fetch.push_back("id_true");
+ TF_CHECK_OK(s.ToGraphDef(&item.graph));
+ ConstantFolding fold(nullptr /* cpu_device */);
+ GraphDef output;
+ Status status = fold.Optimize(nullptr, item, &output);
+ TF_EXPECT_OK(status);
+ EXPECT_EQ(6, output.node_size());
+ int found = 0;
+ for (const auto& node : output.node()) {
+ if (node.name() == "switch" || node.name() == "x") {
+ ++found;
+ }
+ if (node.name() == "id_false") {
+ EXPECT_EQ("Const", node.op());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, node.input_size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("^ConstantFoldingCtrl/switch_0", node.input(0));
+ ++found;
+ }
+ if (node.name() == "id_true") {
+ EXPECT_EQ("Const", node.op());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, node.input_size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("^ConstantFoldingCtrl/switch_1", node.input(0));
+ ++found;
+ }
+ if (node.name() == "ConstantFoldingCtrl/switch_0") {
+ EXPECT_EQ("Identity", node.op());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, node.input_size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("switch", node.input(0));
+ ++found;
+ }
+ if (node.name() == "ConstantFoldingCtrl/switch_1") {
+ EXPECT_EQ("Identity", node.op());
+ EXPECT_EQ(1, node.input_size());
+ EXPECT_EQ("switch:1", node.input(0));
+ ++found;
+ }
+ }
+ EXPECT_EQ(6, found);
} // namespace
} // namespace grappler
} // namespace tensorflow