operations are defined as taking the bits of each channel of each component,
and performing one of the following operations per-channel:
-* ``CLEAR``: 0
-* ``NOR``: :math:`\lnot(s \lor d)`
-* ``AND_INVERTED``: :math:`\lnot s \land d`
-* ``COPY_INVERTED``: :math:`\lnot s`
-* ``AND_REVERSE``: :math:`s \land \lnot d`
-* ``INVERT``: :math:`\lnot d`
-* ``XOR``: :math:`s \oplus d`
-* ``NAND``: :math:`\lnot(s \land d)`
-* ``AND``: :math:`s \land d`
-* ``EQUIV``: :math:`\lnot(s \oplus d)`
-* ``NOOP``: :math:`d`
-* ``OR_INVERTED``: :math:`\lnot s \lor d`
-* ``COPY``: :math:`s`
-* ``OR_REVERSE``: :math:`s \lor \lnot d`
-* ``OR``: :math:`s \lor d`
-* ``SET``: 1
+================== =========================
+Operation Equation
+================== =========================
+``CLEAR`` 0
+``NOR`` :math:`\lnot(s \lor d)`
+``AND_INVERTED`` :math:`\lnot s \land d`
+``COPY_INVERTED`` :math:`\lnot s`
+``AND_REVERSE`` :math:`s \land \lnot d`
+``INVERT`` :math:`\lnot d`
+``XOR`` :math:`s \oplus d`
+``NAND`` :math:`\lnot(s \land d)`
+``AND`` :math:`s \land d`
+``EQUIV`` :math:`\lnot(s \oplus d)`
+``NOOP`` :math:`d`
+``OR_INVERTED`` :math:`\lnot s \lor d`
+``COPY`` :math:`s`
+``OR_REVERSE`` :math:`s \lor \lnot d`
+``OR`` :math:`s \lor d`
+``SET`` 1
+================== =========================
.. note::
The logical operation names and definitions match those of the OpenGL API,