KW(properties), KW(set), KW(type), KW(values), KW(var), KWAT(auto), \
KWAT(c_only), KWAT(class), KWAT(const), KWAT(const_get), KWAT(const_set), \
KWAT(empty), KWAT(extern), KWAT(free), KWAT(in), KWAT(inout), KWAT(nonull), \
- KWAT(optional), KWAT(out), KWAT(private), KWAT(protected), KWAT(virtual), \
- KWAT(warn_unused), \
+ KWAT(nullable), KWAT(optional), KWAT(out), KWAT(private), KWAT(protected), \
+ KWAT(virtual), KWAT(warn_unused), \
KW(byte), KW(ubyte), KW(char), KW(short), KW(ushort), KW(int), KW(uint), \
KW(long), KW(ulong), KW(llong), KW(ullong), \
parse_param(Eo_Lexer *ls, Eina_List **params, Eina_Bool allow_inout,
Eina_Bool is_vals)
+ Eina_Bool has_nonull = EINA_FALSE, has_optional = EINA_FALSE,
+ has_nullable = EINA_FALSE;
Eolian_Function_Parameter *par = calloc(1, sizeof(Eolian_Function_Parameter));
par->base.file = eina_stringshare_ref(ls->filename);
par->base.line = ls->line_number;
+ for (;;) switch (ls->
+ {
+ case KW_at_nonull:
+ if (has_nullable)
+ eo_lexer_syntax_error(ls, "both nullable and nonull specified");
+ CASE_LOCK(ls, nonull, "nonull qualifier")
+ par->nonull = EINA_TRUE;
+ eo_lexer_get(ls);
+ break;
+ case KW_at_optional:
+ CASE_LOCK(ls, optional, "optional qualifier");
+ eo_lexer_get(ls);
+ break;
+ case KW_at_nullable:
+ if (has_nullable)
+ eo_lexer_syntax_error(ls, "both nullable and nonull specified");
+ CASE_LOCK(ls, nullable, "c_only qualifier");
+ eo_lexer_get(ls);
+ break;
+ default:
+ goto end;
+ }
if (ls-> == KW_at_nonull)
par->nonull = EINA_TRUE;