+ : m_node(nullptr)
+ , m_operand(nullptr)
+ , m_argList(nullptr)
+ , m_multiRegArg(nullptr)
+ , m_expandMultiRegArgs(false)
+ , m_state(-1)
+GenTreeOperandIterator::GenTreeOperandIterator(GenTree* node, bool expandMultiRegArgs)
+ : m_node(node)
+ , m_operand(nullptr)
+ , m_argList(nullptr)
+ , m_multiRegArg(nullptr)
+ , m_expandMultiRegArgs(expandMultiRegArgs)
+ , m_state(0)
+ assert(m_node != nullptr);
+ // Advance to the first operand.
+ ++(*this);
+// GenTreeOperandIterator::GetNextOperand:
+// Gets the next operand of a node with a fixed number of operands.
+// This covers all nodes besides GT_CALL, GT_PHI, and GT_SIMD. For the
+// node types handled by this method, the `m_state` field indicates the
+// index of the next operand to produce.
+// Returns:
+// The node's next operand or nullptr if all operands have been
+// produced.
+GenTree* GenTreeOperandIterator::GetNextOperand() const
+ switch (m_node->OperGet())
+ {
+ case GT_CMPXCHG:
+ switch (m_state)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ return m_node->AsCmpXchg()->gtOpLocation;
+ case 1:
+ return m_node->AsCmpXchg()->gtOpValue;
+ case 2:
+ return m_node->AsCmpXchg()->gtOpComparand;
+ default:
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ case GT_SIMD_CHK:
+#endif // FEATURE_SIMD
+ switch (m_state)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ return m_node->AsBoundsChk()->gtArrLen;
+ case 1:
+ return m_node->AsBoundsChk()->gtIndex;
+ default:
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ case GT_FIELD:
+ if (m_state == 0)
+ {
+ return m_node->AsField()->gtFldObj;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ case GT_STMT:
+ if (m_state == 0)
+ {
+ return m_node->AsStmt()->gtStmtExpr;
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ case GT_ARR_ELEM:
+ if (m_state == 0)
+ {
+ return m_node->AsArrElem()->gtArrObj;
+ }
+ else if (m_state <= m_node->AsArrElem()->gtArrRank)
+ {
+ return m_node->AsArrElem()->gtArrInds[m_state-1];
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ switch (m_state)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ return m_node->AsArrOffs()->gtOffset;
+ case 1:
+ return m_node->AsArrOffs()->gtIndex;
+ case 2:
+ return m_node->AsArrOffs()->gtArrObj;
+ default:
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ // Call, phi, and SIMD nodes are handled by MoveNext{Call,Phi,SIMD}Operand, repsectively.
+ case GT_CALL:
+ case GT_PHI:
+ case GT_SIMD:
+ break;
+ case GT_INITBLK:
+ case GT_COPYBLK:
+ case GT_COPYOBJ:
+ {
+ GenTreeBlkOp* blkOp = m_node->AsBlkOp();
+ bool blkOpReversed = (blkOp->gtFlags & GTF_REVERSE_OPS) != 0;
+ bool srcDstReversed = (blkOp->gtOp1->gtFlags & GTF_REVERSE_OPS) != 0;
+ if (!blkOpReversed)
+ {
+ switch (m_state)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ return !srcDstReversed ? blkOp->gtOp1->AsArgList()->gtOp1 : blkOp->gtOp1->AsArgList()->gtOp2;
+ case 1:
+ return !srcDstReversed ? blkOp->gtOp1->AsArgList()->gtOp2 : blkOp->gtOp1->AsArgList()->gtOp1;
+ case 2:
+ return blkOp->gtOp2;
+ default:
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch (m_state)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ return blkOp->gtOp2;
+ case 1:
+ return !srcDstReversed ? blkOp->gtOp1->AsArgList()->gtOp1 : blkOp->gtOp1->AsArgList()->gtOp2;
+ case 2:
+ return !srcDstReversed ? blkOp->gtOp1->AsArgList()->gtOp2 : blkOp->gtOp1->AsArgList()->gtOp1;
+ default:
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case GT_LEA:
+ {
+ GenTreeAddrMode* lea = m_node->AsAddrMode();
+ bool hasOp1 = lea->gtOp1 != nullptr;
+ if (!hasOp1)
+ {
+ return m_state == 0 ? lea->gtOp2 : nullptr;
+ }
+ bool operandsReversed = (lea->gtFlags & GTF_REVERSE_OPS) != 0;
+ switch (m_state)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ return !operandsReversed ? lea->gtOp1 : lea->gtOp2;
+ case 1:
+ return !operandsReversed ? lea->gtOp2 : lea->gtOp1;
+ default:
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ if (m_node->OperIsConst() || m_node->OperIsLeaf())
+ {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ else if (m_node->OperIsUnary())
+ {
+ return m_state == 0 ? m_node->AsUnOp()->gtOp1 : nullptr;
+ }
+ else if (m_node->OperIsBinary())
+ {
+ bool operandsReversed = (m_node->gtFlags & GTF_REVERSE_OPS) != 0;
+ switch (m_state)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ return !operandsReversed ? m_node->AsOp()->gtOp1 : m_node->AsOp()->gtOp2;
+ case 1:
+ return !operandsReversed ? m_node->AsOp()->gtOp2 : m_node->AsOp()->gtOp1;
+ default:
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unreached();
+// GenTreeOperandIterator::MoveToNextCallOperand:
+// Moves to the next operand of a call node. Unlike the simple nodes
+// handled by `GetNextOperand`, call nodes have a variable number of
+// operands stored in cons lists. This method expands the cons lists
+// into the operands stored within.
+void GenTreeOperandIterator::MoveToNextCallOperand()
+ GenTreeCall* call = m_node->AsCall();
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ switch (m_state)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ m_state = 1;
+ m_argList = call->gtCallArgs;
+ if (call->gtCallObjp != nullptr)
+ {
+ m_operand = call->gtCallObjp;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ case 3:
+ if (m_argList == nullptr)
+ {
+ m_state += 2;
+ if (m_state == 3)
+ {
+ m_argList = call->gtCallLateArgs;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ GenTreeArgList* argNode = m_argList->AsArgList();
+ if (m_expandMultiRegArgs && argNode->gtOp1->OperGet() == GT_LIST)
+ {
+ m_state += 1;
+ m_multiRegArg = argNode->gtOp1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_operand = argNode->gtOp1;
+ m_argList = argNode->Rest();
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ case 4:
+ if (m_multiRegArg == nullptr)
+ {
+ m_state -= 1;
+ m_argList = m_argList->AsArgList()->Rest();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ GenTreeArgList* regNode = m_multiRegArg->AsArgList();
+ m_operand = regNode->gtOp1;
+ m_multiRegArg = regNode->Rest();
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ m_state = call->gtCallType == CT_INDIRECT ? 6 : 8;
+ if (call->gtControlExpr != nullptr)
+ {
+ m_operand = call->gtControlExpr;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ assert(call->gtCallType == CT_INDIRECT);
+ m_state = 7;
+ if (call->gtCallCookie != nullptr)
+ {
+ m_operand = call->gtCallCookie;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ assert(call->gtCallType == CT_INDIRECT);
+ m_state = 8;
+ if (call->gtCallAddr != nullptr)
+ {
+ m_operand = call->gtCallAddr;
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ m_node = nullptr;
+ m_operand = nullptr;
+ m_argList = nullptr;
+ m_state = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+// GenTreeOperandIterator::MoveToNextPhiOperand:
+// Moves to the next operand of a phi node. Unlike the simple nodes
+// handled by `GetNextOperand`, phi nodes have a variable number of
+// operands stored in a cons list. This method expands the cons list
+// into the operands stored within.
+void GenTreeOperandIterator::MoveToNextPhiOperand()
+ GenTreeUnOp* phi = m_node->AsUnOp();
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ switch (m_state)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ m_state = 1;
+ m_argList = phi->gtOp1;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if (m_argList == nullptr)
+ {
+ m_state = 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ GenTreeArgList* argNode = m_argList->AsArgList();
+ m_operand = argNode->gtOp1;
+ m_argList = argNode->Rest();
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ m_node = nullptr;
+ m_operand = nullptr;
+ m_argList = nullptr;
+ m_state = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+// GenTreeOperandIterator::MoveToNextSIMDOperand:
+// Moves to the next operand of a SIMD node. Most SIMD nodes have a
+// fixed number of operands and are handled accordingly.
+// `SIMDIntrinsicInitN` nodes, however, have a variable number of
+// operands stored in a cons list. This method expands the cons list
+// into the operands stored within.
+void GenTreeOperandIterator::MoveToNextSIMDOperand()
+ GenTreeSIMD* simd = m_node->AsSIMD();
+ if (simd->gtSIMDIntrinsicID != SIMDIntrinsicInitN)
+ {
+ bool operandsReversed = (simd->gtFlags & GTF_REVERSE_OPS) != 0;
+ switch (m_state)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ m_operand = !operandsReversed ? simd->gtOp1 : simd->gtOp2;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ m_operand = !operandsReversed ? simd->gtOp2 : simd->gtOp1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ m_operand = nullptr;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (m_operand != nullptr)
+ {
+ m_state++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_node = nullptr;
+ m_state = -1;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ switch (m_state)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ m_state = 1;
+ m_argList = simd->gtOp1;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if (m_argList == nullptr)
+ {
+ m_state = 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ GenTreeArgList* argNode = m_argList->AsArgList();
+ m_operand = argNode->gtOp1;
+ m_argList = argNode->Rest();
+ return;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ m_node = nullptr;
+ m_operand = nullptr;
+ m_argList = nullptr;
+ m_state = -1;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+// GenTreeOperandIterator::operator++:
+// Advances the iterator to the next operand.
+GenTreeOperandIterator& GenTreeOperandIterator::operator++()
+ if (m_state == -1)
+ {
+ // If we've reached the terminal state, do nothing.
+ assert(m_node == nullptr);
+ assert(m_operand == nullptr);
+ assert(m_argList == nullptr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Otherwise, move to the next operand in the node.
+ genTreeOps op = m_node->OperGet();
+ if (op == GT_CALL)
+ {
+ MoveToNextCallOperand();
+ }
+ else if (op == GT_PHI)
+ {
+ MoveToNextPhiOperand();
+ }
+ else if (op == GT_SIMD)
+ {
+ MoveToNextSIMDOperand();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_operand = GetNextOperand();
+ if (m_operand != nullptr)
+ {
+ m_state++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_node = nullptr;
+ m_state = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return *this;
+GenTreeOperandIterator GenTree::OperandsBegin(bool expandMultiRegArgs)
+ return GenTreeOperandIterator(this, expandMultiRegArgs);
+GenTreeOperandIterator GenTree::OperandsEnd()
+ return GenTreeOperandIterator();
+IteratorPair<GenTreeOperandIterator> GenTree::Operands(bool expandMultiRegArgs)
+ return MakeIteratorPair(OperandsBegin(expandMultiRegArgs), OperandsEnd());
#ifdef DEBUG
/* static */ int GenTree::gtDispFlags(unsigned flags, unsigned debugFlags)
+class GenTreeOperandIterator;
// Requires "childNum < NumChildren()". Returns the "n"th child of "this."
GenTreePtr GetChild(unsigned childNum);
+ // Returns an iterator that will produce each operand of this node. Differs from the sequence
+ // of nodes produced by a loop over `GetChild` in its handling of call, phi, and block op
+ // nodes. If `expandMultiRegArgs` is true, an multi-reg args passed to a call will appear
+ // be expanded from their GT_LIST node into that node's contents.
+ GenTreeOperandIterator OperandsBegin(bool expandMultiRegArgs = false);
+ GenTreeOperandIterator OperandsEnd();
+ // Returns a range that will produce the operands of this node in use order.
+ IteratorPair<GenTreeOperandIterator> Operands(bool expandMultiRegArgs = false);
// The maximum possible # of children of any node.
static const int MAX_CHILDREN = 6;
DEBUGARG(bool largeNode = false));
+// GenTreeOperandIterator: an iterator that will produce each operand of a
+// GenTree node in the order in which they are
+// used. Note that the operands of a node may not
+// correspond exactly to the nodes on the other
+// ends of its use edges: in particular, GT_LIST
+// nodes are expanded into their component parts
+// (with the optional exception of multi-reg
+// arguments). This differs from the behavior of
+// GenTree::GetChild(), which does not expand
+// lists.
+// Note: valid values of this type may be obtained by calling
+// `GenTree::OperandsBegin` and `GenTree::OperandsEnd`.
+class GenTreeOperandIterator
+ friend GenTreeOperandIterator GenTree::OperandsBegin(bool expandMultiRegArgs);
+ friend GenTreeOperandIterator GenTree::OperandsEnd();
+ GenTree* m_node;
+ GenTree* m_operand;
+ GenTree* m_argList;
+ GenTree* m_multiRegArg;
+ bool m_expandMultiRegArgs;
+ int m_state;
+ GenTreeOperandIterator(GenTree* node, bool expandMultiRegArgs);
+ GenTree* GetNextOperand() const;
+ void MoveToNextCallOperand();
+ void MoveToNextPhiOperand();
+ void MoveToNextSIMDOperand();
+ GenTreeOperandIterator();
+ inline GenTree*& operator*()
+ {
+ return m_operand;
+ }
+ inline GenTree** operator->()
+ {
+ return &m_operand;
+ }
+ inline bool operator==(const GenTreeOperandIterator& other) const
+ {
+ if (m_state == -1 || other.m_state == -1)
+ {
+ return m_state == other.m_state;
+ }
+ return (m_node == other.m_node) && (m_operand == other.m_operand) && (m_argList == other.m_argList) && (m_state == other.m_state);
+ }
+ inline bool operator!=(const GenTreeOperandIterator& other) const
+ {
+ return !(operator==(other));
+ }
+ GenTreeOperandIterator& operator++();
// In the current design, we never instantiate GenTreeUnOp: it exists only to be
#ifdef DEBUG
node->gtSeqNum = currentLoc;
- TreeNodeInfo* info = &node->gtLsraInfo;
- info->internalIntCount = 0;
- info->internalFloatCount = 0;
- info->isLocalDefUse = false;
- info->isHelperCallWithKills = false;
- info->isLsraAdded = false;
- // if there is a reg indicated on the tree node, use that for dstCandidates
- // the exception is the NOP, which sometimes show up around late args.
- // TODO-Cleanup: get rid of those NOPs.
- if (node->gtRegNum == REG_NA
- || node->gtOper == GT_NOP)
- {
- info->setDstCandidates(m_lsra, m_lsra->allRegs(node->TypeGet()));
- }
- else
- {
- info->setDstCandidates(m_lsra, genRegMask(node->gtRegNum));
- }
- info->setSrcCandidates(m_lsra, info->getDstCandidates(m_lsra));
- info->setInternalCandidates(m_lsra, m_lsra->allRegs(TYP_INT));
- info->isInitialized = true;
- info->loc = currentLoc;
+ node->gtLsraInfo.Initialize(m_lsra, node, currentLoc);
currentLoc += 2;
return RBM_NONE;
+// LocationInfoListNode: used to store a single `LocationInfo` value for a
+// node during `buildIntervals`.
+// This is the node type for `LocationInfoList` below.
+class LocationInfoListNode final : public LocationInfo
+ friend class LocationInfoList;
+ friend class LocationInfoListNodePool;
+ LocationInfoListNode* m_next; // The next node in the list
+ LocationInfoListNode(LsraLocation l, Interval* i, GenTree* t, unsigned regIdx = 0)
+ : LocationInfo(l, i, t, regIdx)
+ {
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // LocationInfoListNode::Next: Returns the next node in the list.
+ LocationInfoListNode* Next() const
+ {
+ return m_next;
+ }
+// LocationInfoList: used to store a list of `LocationInfo` values for a
+// node during `buildIntervals`.
+// Given an IR node that either directly defines N registers or that is a
+// contained node with uses that define a total of N registers, that node
+// will map to N `LocationInfo` values. These values are stored as a
+// linked list of `LocationInfoListNode` values.
+class LocationInfoList final
+ friend class LocationInfoListNodePool;
+ LocationInfoListNode* m_head; // The head of the list
+ LocationInfoListNode* m_tail; // The tail of the list
+ LocationInfoList()
+ : m_head(nullptr)
+ , m_tail(nullptr)
+ {
+ }
+ LocationInfoList(LocationInfoListNode* node)
+ : m_head(node)
+ , m_tail(node)
+ {
+ assert(m_head->m_next == nullptr);
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // LocationInfoList::IsEmpty: Returns true if the list is empty.
+ //
+ bool IsEmpty() const
+ {
+ return m_head == nullptr;
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // LocationInfoList::Begin: Returns the first node in the list.
+ //
+ LocationInfoListNode* Begin() const
+ {
+ return m_head;
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // LocationInfoList::End: Returns the position after the last node in the
+ // list. The returned value is suitable for use as
+ // a sentinel for iteration.
+ //
+ LocationInfoListNode* End() const
+ {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // LocationInfoList::Append: Appends a node to the list.
+ //
+ // Arguments:
+ // node - The node to append. Must not be part of an existing list.
+ //
+ void Append(LocationInfoListNode* node)
+ {
+ assert(node->m_next == nullptr);
+ if (m_tail == nullptr)
+ {
+ assert(m_head == nullptr);
+ m_head = node;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_tail->m_next = node;
+ }
+ m_tail = node;
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // LocationInfoList::Append: Appends another list to this list.
+ //
+ // Arguments:
+ // other - The list to append.
+ //
+ void Append(LocationInfoList other)
+ {
+ if (m_tail == nullptr)
+ {
+ assert(m_head == nullptr);
+ m_head = other.m_head;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_tail->m_next = other.m_head;
+ }
+ m_tail = other.m_tail;
+ }
+// LocationInfoListNodePool: manages a pool of `LocationInfoListNode`
+// values to decrease overall memory usage
+// during `buildIntervals`.
+// `buildIntervals` involves creating a list of location info values per
+// node that either directly produces a set of registers or that is a
+// contained node with register-producing sources. However, these lists
+// are short-lived: they are destroyed once the use of the corresponding
+// node is processed. As such, there is typically only a small number of
+// `LocationInfoListNode` values in use at any given time. Pooling these
+// values avoids otherwise frequent allocations.
+class LocationInfoListNodePool final
+ LocationInfoListNode* m_freeList;
+ Compiler* m_compiler;
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // LocationInfoListNodePool::LocationInfoListNodePool:
+ // Creates a pool of `LocationInfoListNode` values.
+ //
+ // Arguments:
+ // compiler - The compiler context.
+ // preallocate - The number of nodes to preallocate.
+ //
+ LocationInfoListNodePool(Compiler* compiler, unsigned preallocate = 0)
+ : m_compiler(compiler)
+ {
+ if (preallocate > 0)
+ {
+ size_t preallocateSize = sizeof(LocationInfoListNode) * preallocate;
+ auto* preallocatedNodes = reinterpret_cast<LocationInfoListNode*>(compiler->compGetMem(preallocateSize));
+ LocationInfoListNode* head = preallocatedNodes;
+ head->m_next = nullptr;
+ for (unsigned i = 1; i < preallocate; i++)
+ {
+ LocationInfoListNode* node = &preallocatedNodes[i];
+ node->m_next = head;
+ head = node;
+ }
+ m_freeList = head;
+ }
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // LocationInfoListNodePool::GetNode: Fetches an unused node from the
+ // pool.
+ //
+ // Arguments:
+ // l - - The `LsraLocation` for the `LocationInfo` value.
+ // i - The interval for the `LocationInfo` value.
+ // t - The IR node for the `LocationInfo` value
+ // regIdx - The register index for the `LocationInfo` value.
+ //
+ // Returns:
+ // A pooled or newly-allocated `LocationInfoListNode`, depending on the
+ // contents of the pool.
+ LocationInfoListNode* GetNode(LsraLocation l, Interval* i, GenTree* t, unsigned regIdx = 0)
+ {
+ LocationInfoListNode* head = m_freeList;
+ if (head == nullptr)
+ {
+ head = reinterpret_cast<LocationInfoListNode*>(m_compiler->compGetMem(sizeof(LocationInfoListNode)));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_freeList = head->m_next;
+ }
+ head->loc = l;
+ head->interval = i;
+ head->treeNode = t;
+ head->multiRegIdx = regIdx;
+ head->m_next = nullptr;
+ return head;
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // LocationInfoListNodePool::ReturnNodes: Returns a list of nodes to the
+ // pool.
+ //
+ // Arguments:
+ // list - The list to return.
+ //
+ void ReturnNodes(LocationInfoList& list)
+ {
+ assert(list.m_head != nullptr);
+ assert(list.m_tail != nullptr);
+ LocationInfoListNode* head = m_freeList;
+ list.m_tail->m_next = head;
+ m_freeList = list.m_head;
+ }
LinearScan::buildUpperVectorSaveRefPositions(GenTree *tree,
+#ifdef DEBUG
+// ComputeOperandDstCount: computes the number of registers defined by a
+// node.
+// For most nodes, this is simple:
+// - Nodes that do not produce values (e.g. stores and other void-typed
+// nodes) and nodes that immediately use the registers they define
+// produce no registers
+// - Nodes that are marked as defining N registers define N registers.
+// For contained nodes, however, things are more complicated: for purposes
+// of bookkeeping, a contained node is treated as producing the transitive
+// closure of the registers produced by its sources.
+// Arguments:
+// operand - The operand for which to compute a register count.
+// Returns:
+// The number of registers defined by `operand`.
+static int ComputeOperandDstCount(GenTree* operand)
+ TreeNodeInfo& operandInfo = operand->gtLsraInfo;
+ if (operandInfo.isLocalDefUse)
+ {
+ // Operands that define an unused value do not produce any registers.
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if (operandInfo.dstCount != 0)
+ {
+ // Operands that have a specified number of destination registers consume all of their operands
+ // and therefore produce exactly that number of registers.
+ return operandInfo.dstCount;
+ }
+ else if (operandInfo.srcCount != 0)
+ {
+ // If an operand has no destination registers but does have source registers, it must be a store.
+ assert(operand->OperIsStore() || operand->OperIsBlkOp() || operand->OperIsPutArgStk());
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else if (operand->OperIsStore() || operand->TypeGet() == TYP_VOID)
+ {
+ // Stores and void-typed operands may be encountered when processing call nodes, which contain
+ // pointers to argument setup stores.
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // If a non-void-types operand is not an unsued value and does not have source registers, that
+ // argument is contained within its parent and produces `sum(operand_dst_count)` registers.
+ int dstCount = 0;
+ for (GenTree* op : operand->Operands(true))
+ {
+ dstCount += ComputeOperandDstCount(op);
+ }
+ return dstCount;
+ }
+// ComputeAvailableSrcCount: computes the number of registers available as
+// sources for a node.
+// This is simply the sum of the number of registers prduced by each
+// operand to the node.
+// Arguments:
+// node - The node for which to compute a source count.
+// Retures:
+// The number of registers available as sources for `node`.
+static int ComputeAvailableSrcCount(GenTree* node)
+ int numSources = 0;
+ for (GenTree* operand : node->Operands(true))
+ {
+ numSources += ComputeOperandDstCount(operand);
+ }
+ return numSources;
LinearScan::buildRefPositionsForNode(GenTree *tree,
BasicBlock *block,
- ArrayStack<LocationInfo> *stack,
+ LocationInfoListNodePool& listNodePool,
+ HashTableBase<GenTree*, LocationInfoList>& operandToLocationInfoMap,
LsraLocation currentLoc)
#ifdef _TARGET_ARM_
#ifdef DEBUG
- JITDUMP("at start of tree, stack is : [ ");
- for (int i=0; i<stack->Height(); i++)
+ JITDUMP("at start of tree, map contains: { ");
+ bool first = true;
+ for (auto kvp : operandToLocationInfoMap)
- JITDUMP("%d.%s ", stack->Index(i).loc, GenTree::NodeName(stack->Index(i).treeNode->OperGet()));
+ GenTree* node = kvp.Key();
+ LocationInfoList defList = kvp.Value();
+ JITDUMP("%sN%03u. %s -> (", first ? "" : "; ", node->gtSeqNum, GenTree::NodeName(node->OperGet()));
+ for (LocationInfoListNode* def = defList.Begin(), *end = defList.End(); def != end; def = def->Next())
+ {
+ JITDUMP("%s%d.N%03u", def == defList.Begin() ? "" : ", ", def->loc, def->treeNode->gtSeqNum);
+ }
+ JITDUMP(")");
+ first = false;
- JITDUMP("]\n");
+ JITDUMP(" }\n");
#endif // DEBUG
int consume = info.srcCount;
int produce = info.dstCount;
+ assert(((consume == 0) && (produce == 0)) || (ComputeAvailableSrcCount(tree) == consume));
if (isCandidateLocalRef(tree) && !tree->OperIsLocalStore())
+ assert(consume == 0);
// We handle tracked variables differently from non-tracked ones. If it is tracked,
// we simply add a use or def of the tracked variable. Otherwise, for a use we need
// to actually add the appropriate references for loading or storing the variable.
if (produce != 0)
- stack->Push(LocationInfo(currentLoc, interval, tree));
+ LocationInfoList list(listNodePool.GetNode(currentLoc, interval, tree));
+ bool added = operandToLocationInfoMap.AddOrUpdate(tree, list);
+ assert(added);
+ tree->gtLsraInfo.definesAnyRegisters = true;
- JITDUMP(" Not pushed on stack\n");
+ JITDUMP(" Not added to map\n");
regMaskTP candidates = getUseCandidates(tree);
if (fixedAssignment != RBM_NONE)
GenTree * defNode = tree;
- // noPush means the node creates a def but for purposes of stack
- // management do not push it because data is not flowing up the
+ // noAdd means the node creates a def but for purposes of map
+ // management do not add it because data is not flowing up the
// tree but over (as in ASG nodes)
- bool noPush = info.isLocalDefUse;
+ bool noAdd = info.isLocalDefUse;
RefPosition * prevPos = nullptr;
bool isSpecialPutArg = false;
if (produce == 0)
produce = 1;
- noPush = true;
+ noAdd = true;
assert(consume <= MAX_RET_REG_COUNT);
if (consume == 1)
- Interval * srcInterval = stack->TopRef().interval;
+ // Get the location info for the register defined by the first operand.
+ LocationInfoList operandDefs;
+ bool found = operandToLocationInfoMap.TryGetValue(*(tree->OperandsBegin(true)), &operandDefs);
+ assert(found);
+ // Since we only expect to consume one register, we should only have a single register to
+ // consume.
+ assert(operandDefs.Begin()->Next() == operandDefs.End());
+ LocationInfo& operandInfo = *static_cast<LocationInfo*>(operandDefs.Begin());
+ Interval * srcInterval = operandInfo.interval;
if (srcInterval->relatedInterval == nullptr)
// Preference the source to the dest, unless this is a non-last-use localVar.
// Note that the last-use info is not correct, but it is a better approximation than preferencing
// the source to the dest, if the source's lifetime extends beyond the dest.
- if (!srcInterval->isLocalVar || (stack->TopRef().treeNode->gtFlags & GTF_VAR_DEATH) != 0)
+ if (!srcInterval->isLocalVar || (operandInfo.treeNode->gtFlags & GTF_VAR_DEATH) != 0)
- else if (noPush && produce == 0)
+ else if (noAdd && produce == 0)
// This is the case for dead nodes that occur after
// tree rationalization
#endif // DEBUG
- // The RefPositions need to be constructed in execution order, which is the order they are pushed.
- // So in order to pop them in execution order we need to reverse the stack.
- stack->ReverseTop(consume);
Interval *prefSrcInterval = nullptr;
// If this is a binary operator that will be encoded with 2 operand fields
// we don't want the def of the copy to kill the lclVar register, if it is assigned the same register
// (which is actually what we hope will happen).
JITDUMP("Setting putarg_reg as a pass-through of a non-last use lclVar\n");
- Interval * srcInterval = stack->TopRef().interval;
+ // Get the register information for the first operand of the node.
+ LocationInfoList operandDefs;
+ bool found = operandToLocationInfoMap.TryGetValue(*(tree->OperandsBegin(true)), &operandDefs);
+ assert(found);
+ // Preference the destination to the interval of the first register defined by the first operand.
+ Interval * srcInterval = operandDefs.Begin()->interval;
prefSrcInterval = srcInterval;
isSpecialPutArg = true;
int internalCount = buildInternalRegisterDefsForNode(tree, currentLoc, internalRefs);
// pop all ref'd tree temps
- for (int useIndex=0; useIndex < consume; useIndex++)
+ GenTreeOperandIterator iterator = tree->OperandsBegin(true);
+ // `operandDefs` holds the list of `LocationInfo` values for the registers defined by the current
+ // operand. `operandDefsIterator` points to the current `LocationInfo` value in `operandDefs`.
+ LocationInfoList operandDefs;
+ LocationInfoListNode* operandDefsIterator = operandDefs.End();
+ for (int useIndex = 0; useIndex < consume; useIndex++)
- LocationInfo locInfo = stack->Pop();
+ // If we've consumed all of the registers defined by the current operand, advance to the next
+ // operand that defines any registers.
+ if (operandDefsIterator == operandDefs.End())
+ {
+ // Skip operands that do not define any registers, whether directly or indirectly.
+ GenTree* operand;
+ do
+ {
+ assert(iterator != tree->OperandsEnd());
+ operand = *iterator;
+ ++iterator;
+ } while (!operand->gtLsraInfo.definesAnyRegisters);
+ // If we have already processed a previous operand, return its `LocationInfo` list to the
+ // pool.
+ if (useIndex > 0)
+ {
+ assert(!operandDefs.IsEmpty());
+ listNodePool.ReturnNodes(operandDefs);
+ }
+ // Remove the list of registers defined by the current operand from the map. Note that this
+ // is only correct because tree nodes are singly-used: if this property ever changes (e.g.
+ // if tree nodes are eventually allowed to be multiply-used), then the removal is only
+ // correct at the last use.
+ bool removed = operandToLocationInfoMap.TryRemove(operand, &operandDefs);
+ assert(removed);
+ // Move the operand def iterator to the `LocationInfo` for the first register defined by the
+ // current operand.
+ operandDefsIterator = operandDefs.Begin();
+ assert(operandDefsIterator != operandDefs.End());
+ }
+ LocationInfo& locInfo = *static_cast<LocationInfo*>(operandDefsIterator);
+ operandDefsIterator = operandDefsIterator->Next();
JITDUMP("t%u ", locInfo.loc);
// for interstitial tree temps, a use is always last and end;
+ if (!operandDefs.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ listNodePool.ReturnNodes(operandDefs);
+ }
buildInternalRegisterUsesForNode(tree, currentLoc, internalRefs, internalCount);
RegisterType registerType = getDefType(tree);
// push defs
+ LocationInfoList locationInfoList;
LsraLocation defLocation = currentLoc + 1;
for (int i=0; i < produce; i++)
// for assignments, we want to create a refposition for the def
// but not push it
- if (!noPush)
+ if (!noAdd)
- stack->Push(LocationInfo(defLocation, interval, tree, (unsigned) i));
+ locationInfoList.Append(listNodePool.GetNode(defLocation, interval, tree, (unsigned) i));
RefPosition* pos = newRefPosition(interval, defLocation, defRefType, defNode, currCandidates, (unsigned)i);
buildUpperVectorRestoreRefPositions(tree, currentLoc, liveLargeVectors);
+ bool isContainedNode = !noAdd && consume == 0 && produce == 0 && tree->TypeGet() != TYP_VOID && !tree->OperIsStore();
+ if (isContainedNode)
+ {
+ // Contained nodes map to the concatenated lists of their operands.
+ for (GenTree* op : tree->Operands(true))
+ {
+ if (!op->gtLsraInfo.definesAnyRegisters)
+ {
+ assert(ComputeOperandDstCount(op) == 0);
+ continue;
+ }
+ LocationInfoList operandList;
+ bool removed = operandToLocationInfoMap.TryRemove(op, &operandList);
+ assert(removed);
+ locationInfoList.Append(operandList);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!locationInfoList.IsEmpty())
+ {
+ bool added = operandToLocationInfoMap.AddOrUpdate(tree, locationInfoList);
+ assert(added);
+ tree->gtLsraInfo.definesAnyRegisters = true;
+ }
// make an interval for each physical register
intRegState->rsCalleeRegArgMaskLiveIn |= RBM_SECRET_STUB_PARAM;
- ArrayStack<LocationInfo> stack(compiler);
+ LocationInfoListNodePool listNodePool(compiler, 8);
+ SmallHashTable<GenTree*, LocationInfoList, 32> operandToLocationInfoMap(compiler);
BasicBlock* predBlock = nullptr;
BasicBlock* prevBlock = nullptr;
assert (treeNode->gtLsraInfo.loc >= currentLoc);
currentLoc = treeNode->gtLsraInfo.loc;
dstCount = treeNode->gtLsraInfo.dstCount;
- buildRefPositionsForNode(treeNode, block, &stack, currentLoc);
+ buildRefPositionsForNode(treeNode, block, listNodePool, operandToLocationInfoMap, currentLoc);
#ifdef DEBUG
if (currentLoc > maxNodeLocation)
#endif // DEBUG
- // At this point the stack should be empty, unless:
- // 1) we've got a node that produces a result that's ignored, in which
- // case the stack height should match the dstCount.
- // 2) we've got a comma node
- JITDUMP("stack height after tree processed was %d\n", stack.Height());
- assert(stmtExpr->OperGet() == GT_COMMA || stack.Height() == dstCount);
- stack.Reset();
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ // At this point the map should be empty, unless: we have a node that
+ // produces a result that's ignored, in which case the map should contain
+ // one element that maps to dstCount locations.
+ JITDUMP("map size after tree processed was %d\n", operandToLocationInfoMap.Count());
+ int locCount = 0;
+ for (auto kvp : operandToLocationInfoMap)
+ {
+ LocationInfoList defList = kvp.Value();
+ for (LocationInfoListNode* def = defList.Begin(), *end = defList.End(); def != end; def = def->Next())
+ {
+ locCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ assert(locCount == dstCount);
+ operandToLocationInfoMap.Clear();
// Increment the LsraLocation at this point, so that the dummy RefPositions
// will not have the same LsraLocation as any "real" RefPosition.
+void TreeNodeInfo::Initialize(LinearScan* lsra, GenTree* node, LsraLocation location)
+ regMaskTP dstCandidates;
+ // if there is a reg indicated on the tree node, use that for dstCandidates
+ // the exception is the NOP, which sometimes show up around late args.
+ // TODO-Cleanup: get rid of those NOPs.
+ if (node->gtRegNum == REG_NA || node->gtOper == GT_NOP)
+ {
+ dstCandidates = lsra->allRegs(node->TypeGet());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dstCandidates = genRegMask(node->gtRegNum);
+ }
+ internalIntCount = 0;
+ internalFloatCount = 0;
+ isLocalDefUse = false;
+ isHelperCallWithKills = false;
+ isLsraAdded = false;
+ definesAnyRegisters = false;
+ setDstCandidates(lsra, dstCandidates);
+ srcCandsIndex = dstCandsIndex;
+ setInternalCandidates(lsra, lsra->allRegs(TYP_INT));
+ loc = location;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ isInitialized = true;
+ assert(IsValid(lsra));
regMaskTP TreeNodeInfo::getSrcCandidates(LinearScan *lsra)
return lsra->GetRegMaskForIndex(srcCandsIndex);
#define _LSRA_H_
#include "arraylist.h"
+#include "smallhash.h"
#include "nodeinfo.h"
// Minor and forward-reference types
// to the next RefPosition in code order
+class LocationInfoList;
+class LocationInfoListNodePool;
class LinearScan : public LinearScanInterface
friend class RefPosition;
friend class Interval;
friend class Lowering;
+ friend class TreeNodeInfo;
void resolveConflictingDefAndUse(Interval* interval, RefPosition* defRefPosition);
void buildRefPositionsForNode(GenTree *tree, BasicBlock *block,
- ArrayStack<LocationInfo> *stack,
+ LocationInfoListNodePool& listNodePool,
+ HashTableBase<GenTree*, LocationInfoList>& operandToLocationInfoMap,
LsraLocation loc);
dstCandsIndex = 0;
internalCandsIndex = 0;
isLocalDefUse = false;
- isInitialized = false;
isHelperCallWithKills = false;
isLsraAdded = false;
isDelayFree = false;
hasDelayFreeSrc = false;
isTgtPref = false;
regOptional = false;
+ definesAnyRegisters = false;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ isInitialized = false;
// dst
// Examples include stack arguments to a call (they are immediately stored), lhs of comma
// nodes, or top-level nodes that are non-void.
unsigned char isLocalDefUse:1;
- // isInitialized is set when the tree node is handled.
- unsigned char isInitialized:1;
// isHelperCallWithKills is set when this is a helper call that kills more than just its in/out regs.
unsigned char isHelperCallWithKills:1;
// Is this node added by LSRA, e.g. as a resolution or copy/reload move.
unsigned char isTgtPref:1;
// Whether a spilled second src can be treated as a contained operand
unsigned char regOptional:1;
+ // Whether or not a node defines any registers, whether directly (for nodes where dstCout is non-zero)
+ // or indirectly (for contained nodes, which propagate the transitive closure of the registers
+ // defined by their inputs). Used during buildRefPositionsForNode in order to avoid unnecessary work.
+ unsigned char definesAnyRegisters:1;
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ // isInitialized is set when the tree node is handled.
+ unsigned char isInitialized:1;
+ // Initializes the TreeNodeInfo value with the given values.
+ void Initialize(LinearScan* lsra, GenTree* node, LsraLocation location);
#ifdef DEBUG
void dump(LinearScan *lsra);
-#endif // DEBUG
// This method checks to see whether the information has been initialized,
// and is in a consistent state
return (isInitialized &&
((getSrcCandidates(lsra)|getInternalCandidates(lsra)|getDstCandidates(lsra)) & ~(RBM_ALLFLOAT|RBM_ALLINT)) == 0);
+#endif // DEBUG
#endif // _NODEINFO_H_
--- /dev/null
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
+// HashTableInfo: a concept that provides equality and hashing methods for
+// a particular key type. Used by HashTableBase and its
+// subclasses.
+template<typename TKey>
+struct HashTableInfo
+ // static bool Equals(const TKey& x, const TKey& y);
+ // static unsigned GetHashCode(const TKey& key);
+// HashTableInfo<TKey*>: specialized version of HashTableInfo for pointer-
+// typed keys.
+template<typename TKey>
+struct HashTableInfo<TKey*>
+ static bool Equals(const TKey* x, const TKey* y)
+ {
+ return x == y;
+ }
+ static unsigned GetHashCode(const TKey* key)
+ {
+ // Shift off bits that are not likely to be significant
+ size_t keyval = reinterpret_cast<size_t>(key) >> ConstLog2<__alignof(TKey)>::value;
+ // Truncate and return the result
+ return static_cast<unsigned>(keyval);
+ }
+// HashTableBase: base type for HashTable and SmallHashTable. This class
+// provides the vast majority of the implementation. The
+// subclasses differ in the storage they use at the time of
+// construction: HashTable allocates the initial bucket
+// array on the heap; SmallHashTable contains a small inline
+// array.
+// This implementation is based on the ideas presented in Herlihy, Shavit,
+// and Tzafrir '08 (http://mcg.cs.tau.ac.il/papers/disc2008-hopscotch.pdf),
+// though it does not currently implement the hopscotch algorithm.
+// The approach taken is intended to perform well in both space and speed.
+// This approach is a hybrid of separate chaining and open addressing with
+// linear probing: collisions are resolved using a bucket chain, but that
+// chain is stored in the bucket array itself.
+// Resolving collisions using a bucket chain avoids the primary clustering
+// issue common in linearly-probed open addressed hash tables, while using
+// buckets as chain nodes avoids the allocaiton traffic typical of chained
+// tables. Applying the hopscotch algorithm in the aforementioned paper
+// could further improve performance by optimizing access patterns for
+// better cache usage.
+// Template parameters:
+// TKey - The type of the table's keys.
+// TValue - The type of the table's values.
+// TKeyInfo - A type that conforms to the HashTableInfo<TKey> concept.
+template<typename TKey, typename TValue, typename TKeyInfo = HashTableInfo<TKey>>
+class HashTableBase
+ friend class KeyValuePair;
+ friend class Iterator;
+ enum : unsigned
+ {
+ InitialNumBuckets = 8
+ };
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // HashTableBase::Bucket: provides storage for the key-value pairs that
+ // make up the contents of the table.
+ //
+ // The "home" bucket for a particular key is the bucket indexed by the
+ // key's hash code modulo the size of the bucket array (the "home index").
+ //
+ // The home bucket is always considered to be part of the chain that it
+ // roots, even if it is also part of the chain rooted at a different
+ // bucket. `m_firstOffset` indicates the offset of the first non-home
+ // bucket in the home bucket's chain. If the `m_firstOffset` of a bucket
+ // is 0, the chain rooted at that bucket is empty.
+ //
+ // The index of the next bucket in a chain is calculated by adding the
+ // value in `m_nextOffset` to the index of the current bucket. If
+ // `m_nextOffset` is 0, the current bucket is the end of its chain. Each
+ // bucket in a chain must be occupied (i.e. `m_isFull` will be true).
+ struct Bucket
+ {
+ bool m_isFull; // True if the bucket is occupied; false otherwise.
+ unsigned m_firstOffset; // The offset to the first node in the chain for this bucket index.
+ unsigned m_nextOffset; // The offset to the next node in the chain for this bucket index.
+ unsigned m_hash; // The hash code for the element stored in this bucket.
+ TKey m_key; // The key for the element stored in this bucket.
+ TValue m_value; // The value for the element stored in this bucket.
+ };
+ Compiler* m_compiler; // The compiler context to use for allocations.
+ Bucket* m_buckets; // The bucket array.
+ unsigned m_numBuckets; // The number of buckets in the bucket array.
+ unsigned m_numFullBuckets; // The number of occupied buckets.
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // HashTableBase::Insert: inserts a key-value pair into a bucket array.
+ //
+ // Arguments:
+ // buckets - The bucket array in which to insert the key-value pair.
+ // numBuckets - The number of buckets in the bucket array.
+ // hash - The hash code of the key to insert.
+ // key - The key to insert.
+ // value - The value to insert.
+ //
+ // Returns:
+ // True if the key-value pair was successfully inserted; false
+ // otherwise.
+ static bool Insert(Bucket* buckets, unsigned numBuckets, unsigned hash, const TKey& key, const TValue& value)
+ {
+ const unsigned mask = numBuckets - 1;
+ unsigned homeIndex = hash & mask;
+ Bucket* home = &buckets[homeIndex];
+ if (!home->m_isFull)
+ {
+ // The home bucket is empty; use it.
+ //
+ // Note that the next offset does not need to be updated: whether or not it is non-zero,
+ // it is already correct, since we're inserting at the head of the list.
+ home->m_isFull = true;
+ home->m_firstOffset = 0;
+ home->m_hash = hash;
+ home->m_key = key;
+ home->m_value = value;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // If the home bucket is full, probe to find the next empty bucket.
+ unsigned precedingIndexInChain = homeIndex;
+ unsigned nextIndexInChain = (homeIndex + home->m_firstOffset) & mask;
+ for (unsigned j = 1; j < numBuckets; j++)
+ {
+ unsigned bucketIndex = (homeIndex + j) & mask;
+ Bucket* bucket = &buckets[bucketIndex];
+ if (bucketIndex == nextIndexInChain)
+ {
+ assert(bucket->m_isFull);
+ precedingIndexInChain = bucketIndex;
+ nextIndexInChain = (bucketIndex + bucket->m_nextOffset) & mask;
+ }
+ else if (!bucket->m_isFull)
+ {
+ bucket->m_isFull = true;
+ if (precedingIndexInChain == nextIndexInChain)
+ {
+ bucket->m_nextOffset = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(((nextIndexInChain - bucketIndex) & mask) > 0);
+ bucket->m_nextOffset = (nextIndexInChain - bucketIndex) & mask;
+ }
+ unsigned offset = (bucketIndex - precedingIndexInChain) & mask;
+ if (precedingIndexInChain == homeIndex)
+ {
+ buckets[precedingIndexInChain].m_firstOffset = offset;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ buckets[precedingIndexInChain].m_nextOffset = offset;
+ }
+ bucket->m_hash = hash;
+ bucket->m_key = key;
+ bucket->m_value = value;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ // No more free buckets.
+ return false;
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // HashTableBase::TryGetBucket: attempts to get the bucket that holds a
+ // particular key.
+ //
+ // Arguments:
+ // hash - The hash code of the key to find.
+ // key - The key to find.
+ // precedingIndex - An output parameter that will hold the index of the
+ // preceding bucket in the chain for the key. May be
+ // equal to `bucketIndex` if the key is stored in its
+ // home bucket.
+ // bucketIndex - An output parameter that will hold the index of the
+ // bucket that stores the key.
+ //
+ // Returns:
+ // True if the key was successfully found; false otherwise.
+ bool TryGetBucket(unsigned hash, const TKey& key, unsigned* precedingIndex, unsigned* bucketIndex) const
+ {
+ if (m_numBuckets == 0)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const unsigned mask = m_numBuckets - 1;
+ unsigned index = hash & mask;
+ Bucket* bucket = &m_buckets[index];
+ if (bucket->m_isFull && bucket->m_hash == hash && TKeyInfo::Equals(bucket->m_key, key))
+ {
+ *precedingIndex = index;
+ *bucketIndex = index;
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (unsigned offset = bucket->m_firstOffset; offset != 0; offset = bucket->m_nextOffset)
+ {
+ unsigned precedingIndexInChain = index;
+ index = (index + offset) & mask;
+ bucket = &m_buckets[index];
+ assert(bucket->m_isFull);
+ if (bucket->m_hash == hash && TKeyInfo::Equals(bucket->m_key, key))
+ {
+ *precedingIndex = precedingIndexInChain;
+ *bucketIndex = index;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // HashTableBase::Resize: allocates a new bucket array twice the size of
+ // the current array and copies the key-value pairs
+ // from the current bucket array into the new array.
+ void Resize()
+ {
+ Bucket* currentBuckets = m_buckets;
+ unsigned newNumBuckets = m_numBuckets == 0 ? InitialNumBuckets : m_numBuckets * 2;
+ size_t allocSize = sizeof(Bucket) * newNumBuckets;
+ assert((sizeof(Bucket) * m_numBuckets) < allocSize);
+ auto* newBuckets = reinterpret_cast<Bucket*>(m_compiler->compGetMem(allocSize));
+ memset(newBuckets, 0, allocSize);
+ for (unsigned currentIndex = 0; currentIndex < m_numBuckets; currentIndex++)
+ {
+ Bucket* currentBucket = ¤tBuckets[currentIndex];
+ if (!currentBucket->m_isFull)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ bool inserted = Insert(newBuckets, newNumBuckets, currentBucket->m_hash, currentBucket->m_key, currentBucket->m_value);
+ (assert(inserted), (void)inserted);
+ }
+ m_numBuckets = newNumBuckets;
+ m_buckets = newBuckets;
+ }
+ HashTableBase(Compiler* compiler, Bucket* buckets, unsigned numBuckets)
+ : m_compiler(compiler)
+ , m_buckets(buckets)
+ , m_numBuckets(numBuckets)
+ , m_numFullBuckets(0)
+ {
+ assert(compiler != nullptr);
+ if (numBuckets > 0)
+ {
+ assert((numBuckets & (numBuckets - 1)) == 0); // Size must be a power of 2
+ assert(m_buckets != nullptr);
+ memset(m_buckets, 0, sizeof(Bucket) * numBuckets);
+ }
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ class Iterator;
+ class KeyValuePair final
+ {
+ friend class HashTableBase<TKey, TValue, TKeyInfo>::Iterator;
+ Bucket* m_bucket;
+ KeyValuePair(Bucket* bucket)
+ : m_bucket(bucket)
+ {
+ assert(m_bucket != nullptr);
+ }
+ public:
+ KeyValuePair()
+ : m_bucket(nullptr)
+ {
+ }
+ inline TKey& Key()
+ {
+ return m_bucket->m_key;
+ }
+ inline TValue& Value()
+ {
+ return m_bucket->m_value;
+ }
+ };
+ // NOTE: HashTableBase only provides iterators in debug builds because the order in which
+ // the iterator type produces values is undefined (e.g. it is not related to the order in
+ // which key-value pairs were inserted).
+ class Iterator final
+ {
+ friend class HashTableBase<TKey, TValue, TKeyInfo>;
+ Bucket* m_buckets;
+ unsigned m_numBuckets;
+ unsigned m_index;
+ Iterator(Bucket* buckets, unsigned numBuckets, unsigned index)
+ : m_buckets(buckets)
+ , m_numBuckets(numBuckets)
+ , m_index(index)
+ {
+ assert((buckets != nullptr) || (numBuckets == 0));
+ assert(index <= numBuckets);
+ // Advance to the first occupied bucket
+ while (m_index != m_numBuckets && !m_buckets[m_index].m_isFull)
+ {
+ m_index++;
+ }
+ }
+ public:
+ Iterator()
+ : m_buckets(nullptr)
+ , m_numBuckets(0)
+ , m_index(0)
+ {
+ }
+ KeyValuePair operator*() const
+ {
+ if (m_index >= m_numBuckets)
+ {
+ return KeyValuePair();
+ }
+ Bucket* bucket = &m_buckets[m_index];
+ assert(bucket->m_isFull);
+ return KeyValuePair(bucket);
+ }
+ KeyValuePair operator->() const
+ {
+ return this->operator*();
+ }
+ bool operator==(const Iterator& other) const
+ {
+ return (m_buckets == other.m_buckets) && (m_index == other.m_index);
+ }
+ bool operator!=(const Iterator& other) const
+ {
+ return (m_buckets != other.m_buckets) || (m_index != other.m_index);
+ }
+ Iterator& operator++()
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ m_index++;
+ } while (m_index != m_numBuckets && !m_buckets[m_index].m_isFull);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ };
+ Iterator begin() const
+ {
+ return Iterator(m_buckets, m_numBuckets, 0);
+ }
+ Iterator end() const
+ {
+ return Iterator(m_buckets, m_numBuckets, m_numBuckets);
+ }
+#endif // DEBUG
+ unsigned Count() const
+ {
+ return m_numFullBuckets;
+ }
+ void Clear()
+ {
+ if (m_numBuckets > 0)
+ {
+ memset(m_buckets, 0, sizeof(Bucket) * m_numBuckets);
+ m_numFullBuckets = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // HashTableBase::AddOrUpdate: adds a key-value pair to the hash table if
+ // the key does not already exist in the
+ // table, or updates the value if the key
+ // already exists.
+ //
+ // Arguments:
+ // key - The key for which to add or update a value.
+ // value - The value.
+ //
+ // Returns:
+ // True if the value was added; false if it was updated.
+ bool AddOrUpdate(const TKey& key, const TValue& value)
+ {
+ unsigned hash = TKeyInfo::GetHashCode(key);
+ unsigned unused, index;
+ if (TryGetBucket(hash, key, &unused, &index))
+ {
+ m_buckets[index].m_value = value;
+ return false;
+ }
+ // If the load is greater than 0.8, resize the table before inserting.
+ if ((m_numFullBuckets * 5) >= (m_numBuckets * 4))
+ {
+ Resize();
+ }
+ bool inserted = Insert(m_buckets, m_numBuckets, hash, key, value);
+ (assert(inserted), (void)inserted);
+ m_numFullBuckets++;
+ return true;
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // HashTableBase::TryRemove: removes a key from the hash table and returns
+ // its value if the key exists in the table.
+ //
+ // Arguments:
+ // key - The key to remove from the table.
+ // value - An output parameter that will hold the value for the removed
+ // key.
+ //
+ // Returns:
+ // True if the key was removed from the table; false otherwise.
+ bool TryRemove(const TKey& key, TValue* value)
+ {
+ unsigned hash = TKeyInfo::GetHashCode(key);
+ unsigned precedingIndexInChain, bucketIndex;
+ if (!TryGetBucket(hash, key, &precedingIndexInChain, &bucketIndex))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Bucket* bucket = &m_buckets[bucketIndex];
+ bucket->m_isFull = false;
+ if (precedingIndexInChain != bucketIndex)
+ {
+ const unsigned mask = m_numBuckets - 1;
+ unsigned homeIndex = hash & mask;
+ unsigned nextOffset;
+ if (bucket->m_nextOffset == 0)
+ {
+ nextOffset = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ unsigned nextIndexInChain = (bucketIndex + bucket->m_nextOffset) & mask;
+ nextOffset = (nextIndexInChain - precedingIndexInChain) & mask;
+ }
+ if (precedingIndexInChain == homeIndex)
+ {
+ m_buckets[precedingIndexInChain].m_firstOffset = nextOffset;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_buckets[precedingIndexInChain].m_nextOffset = nextOffset;
+ }
+ }
+ m_numFullBuckets--;
+ *value = bucket->m_value;
+ return true;
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // HashTableBase::TryGetValue: retrieves the value for a key if the key
+ // exists in the table.
+ //
+ // Arguments:
+ // key - The key to find from the table.
+ // value - An output parameter that will hold the value for the key.
+ //
+ // Returns:
+ // True if the key was found in the table; false otherwise.
+ bool TryGetValue(const TKey& key, TValue* value) const
+ {
+ unsigned unused, index;
+ if (!TryGetBucket(TKeyInfo::GetHashCode(key), key, &unused, &index))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ *value = m_buckets[index].m_value;
+ return true;
+ }
+// HashTable: a simple subclass of `HashTableBase` that always uses heap
+// storage for its bucket array.
+template<typename TKey, typename TValue, typename TKeyInfo = HashTableInfo<TKey>>
+class HashTable final : public HashTableBase<TKey, TValue, TKeyInfo>
+ typedef HashTableBase<TKey, TValue, TKeyInfo> TBase;
+ static unsigned RoundUp(unsigned initialSize)
+ {
+ return 1 << genLog2(initialSize);
+ }
+ HashTable(Compiler* compiler)
+ : TBase(compiler, nullptr, 0)
+ {
+ }
+ HashTable(Compiler* compiler, unsigned initialSize)
+ : TBase(compiler,
+ reinterpret_cast<typename TBase::Bucket*>(compiler->compGetMem(RoundUp(initialSize) * sizeof(typename TBase::Bucket))),
+ RoundUp(initialSize))
+ {
+ }
+// SmallHashTable: an alternative to `HashTable` that stores the initial
+// bucket array inline. Most useful for situations where
+// the number of key-value pairs that will be stored in
+// the map at any given time falls below a certain
+// threshold. Switches to heap storage once the initial
+// inline storage is exhausted.
+template<typename TKey, typename TValue, unsigned NumInlineBuckets = 8, typename TKeyInfo = HashTableInfo<TKey>>
+class SmallHashTable final : public HashTableBase<TKey, TValue, TKeyInfo>
+ typedef HashTableBase<TKey, TValue, TKeyInfo> TBase;
+ enum : unsigned
+ {
+ RoundedNumInlineBuckets = 1 << ConstLog2<NumInlineBuckets>::value
+ };
+ typename TBase::Bucket m_inlineBuckets[RoundedNumInlineBuckets];
+ SmallHashTable(Compiler* compiler)
+ : TBase(compiler, m_inlineBuckets, RoundedNumInlineBuckets)
+ {
+ }
return (i > 0 && ((i-1)&i) == 0);
+// Adapter for iterators to a type that is compatible with C++11
+// range-based for loops.
+template<typename TIterator>
+class IteratorPair
+ TIterator m_begin;
+ TIterator m_end;
+ IteratorPair(TIterator begin, TIterator end)
+ : m_begin(begin)
+ , m_end(end)
+ {
+ }
+ inline TIterator begin()
+ {
+ return m_begin;
+ }
+ inline TIterator end()
+ {
+ return m_end;
+ }
+template<typename TIterator>
+inline IteratorPair<TIterator> MakeIteratorPair(TIterator begin, TIterator end)
+ return IteratorPair<TIterator>(begin, end);
+// Recursive template definition to calculate the base-2 logarithm
+// of a constant value.
+template <unsigned val, unsigned acc = 0>
+struct ConstLog2 { enum { value = ConstLog2<val / 2, acc + 1>::value }; };
+template <unsigned acc>
+struct ConstLog2<0, acc> { enum { value = acc }; };
+template <unsigned acc>
+struct ConstLog2<1, acc> { enum { value = acc }; };
inline const char* dspBool(bool b)