Sync with 2.4 [Modified the test app to split GStreamer based code into a new file] 93/52293/1
authorsatheesan.en <>
Fri, 20 Nov 2015 12:29:01 +0000 (17:59 +0530)
committersatheesan.en <>
Fri, 20 Nov 2015 12:31:35 +0000 (18:01 +0530)
Change-Id: Id910b33c24d06be785eb127cf94e165d162efd8b
Signed-off-by: satheesan.en <>
test/mediamuxer_test_gst.c [new file with mode: 0644]
test/mediamuxer_test_with_mediacodec.c [new file with mode: 0644]

index f0f24d2..3964fd4 100644 (file)
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 SET(fw_test "${fw_name}-test")
+SET(exe_name "mediamuxer_test")
@@ -16,8 +17,8 @@ aux_source_directory(. sources)
 FOREACH(src ${sources})
     GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(src_name ${src} NAME_WE)
+    LIST(APPEND source_files "${src_name}")
-    ADD_EXECUTABLE(${src_name} ${src})
-    TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${src_name} capi-mediamuxer ${${fw_test}_LDFLAGS})
+ADD_EXECUTABLE(${exe_name} ${source_files})
+TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${exe_name} capi-mediamuxer ${${fw_test}_LDFLAGS})
index 7b2f4d9..77bf053 100644 (file)
@@ -24,7 +24,6 @@
 #include <sys/time.h>
 #include <stdlib.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
-#include <gst/gst.h>
 #include <inttypes.h>
 #include <mm_error.h>
 #include <mm_debug.h>
 #include <media_codec.h>
 #define DUMP_OUTBUF 1
-#define MAX_INPUT_BUF_NUM 20
-#define USE_INPUT_QUEUE 1
 |    GLOBAL VARIABLE DEFINITIONS:                                       |
 #define PACKAGE "mediamuxer_test"
 #define TEST_FILE_SIZE (10 * 1024 * 1024)      /* 10M - test case */
 #define MAX_STRING_LEN 256
-#define MAX_HANDLE 10
 #define DEFAULT_CHANNEL            2
 #define DEFAULT_BIT        16
 #define DEFAULT_BITRATE     128
 #define ADTS_HEADER_SIZE    7
-#define CHECK_BIT(x, y) (((x) >> (y)) & 0x01)
-#define GET_IS_ENCODER(x) CHECK_BIT(x, 0)
+#ifndef GST_SECOND
 mediamuxer_h myMuxer = 0;
 media_format_h media_format = NULL;
 media_format_h media_format_a = NULL;
-int g_handle_num = 1;
-char audio_extra_info[1000];
-char audio_data[1000];
-char video_extra_info[1000];
-char video_data[1000];
-static mediacodec_h g_media_codec[MAX_HANDLE] = {0};
 media_format_h input_fmt = NULL;
-media_packet_h input_buf[MAX_INPUT_BUF_NUM];
-media_packet_h in_buf = NULL;
 int g_OutFileCtr;
@@ -83,31 +69,21 @@ bool validate_dump = false;
 GQueue input_available;
 int use_video = 1;   /* 1 to test video with codec,   0 for audio */
 int use_encoder = 1;
-int enc_vide_pkt_available = 0;
-char g_uri[MAX_STRING_LEN];
-int g_len, bMultipleFiles;
 media_format_mimetype_e mimetype;
-static int width = DEFAULT_OUT_BUF_WIDTH;
-static int height = DEFAULT_OUT_BUF_HEIGHT;
-static float fps = 0;
-static int target_bits = 0;
-static int samplerate = DEFAULT_SAMPPLERATE;
-static int channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL;
-static int bit = DEFAULT_BIT;
+float fps = 0;
+int target_bits = 0;
+int samplerate = DEFAULT_SAMPPLERATE;
+int channel = DEFAULT_CHANNEL;
+int bit = DEFAULT_BIT;
 unsigned char buf_adts[ADTS_HEADER_SIZE];
-int frame_count = 0;
-FILE *fp_src = NULL;
 uint64_t pts = 0;
 static int bitrate = DEFAULT_BITRATE;
-static int samplebyte = DEFAULT_SAMPLEBYTE;
 int iseos_codec = 0;
 bool validate_with_codec = false;
 bool validate_multitrack = false;
-bool aud_eos = 0;
-bool vid_eos = 0;
-char *aud_caps, *vid_caps;
 char file_mp4[2048];
 char data_sink[2048];
 bool have_mp4 = false;
@@ -117,964 +93,16 @@ int track_index_vid;
 int track_index_aud;
 int track_index_aud2;
-/* demuxer sturcture for _demux_mp4() */
-typedef struct _CustomData {
-       GstElement *pipeline;
-       GstElement *source;
-       GstElement *demuxer;
-       GstElement *audioqueue;
-       GstElement *videoqueue;
-       GstElement *audio_appsink;      /* o/p of demuxer */
-       GstElement *video_appsink;
-       GstElement *dummysink;
-       char *saveLocation_audio;       /* aac stream */
-       char *saveLocation_video;       /* h264 stream */
-       GMainLoop *loop;
-       GTimer *timer;
-} CustomData;
-const gchar *new_pad_type_aud = NULL; /* demuxer pad type for audio */
-const gchar *new_pad_type_vid = NULL; /* demuxer pad type for video */
-|    HELPER  FUNCTION                                                                 |
-/* To aid muxer-codec test */
-static void _mediacodec_eos_cb(void *user_data)
-       g_print("\n\n\n\n event : eos_cb \n\n\n");
-       int track_index_vid = 0;
-       int track_index_aud = 1;
-       if (use_video == 1)
-               mediamuxer_close_track(myMuxer, track_index_vid);
-       else if (use_video == 0)
-               mediamuxer_close_track(myMuxer, track_index_aud);
-/* To aid muxer-codec test */
-void _allocate_buf(void)
-       int i = 0;
-       /* !!!! remove dependency on internal headers. */
-       /* input_avaliable = mc_async_queue_new(); */
-       /* input_buf = (media_packet_h *)malloc(sizeof(media_packet_h)*MAX_INPUT_BUF_NUM); */
-       for (i = 0; i < MAX_INPUT_BUF_NUM; i++) {
-               media_packet_create_alloc(input_fmt, NULL, NULL, &input_buf[i]);
-               g_print("if-input queue buf = %p\n", input_buf[i]);
-               g_queue_push_tail(&input_available, input_buf[i]);
-       }
-       media_packet_create_alloc(input_fmt, NULL, NULL, &in_buf);
-       g_print("else-input queue buf = %p\n", in_buf);
-       return;
-/* To aid muxer-codec test */
-static void _input_raw_filepath(char *filename)
-       int len = strlen(filename);
-       int i = 0;
-       if (len < 0 || len > MAX_STRING_LEN)
-               return;
-       for (i = 0; i < g_handle_num; i++) {
-               if (g_media_codec[i] != NULL) {
-                       mediacodec_unprepare(g_media_codec[i]);
-                       mediacodec_destroy(g_media_codec[i]);
-                       g_media_codec[i] = NULL;
-               }
-               if (mediacodec_create(&g_media_codec[i]) != MEDIACODEC_ERROR_NONE)
-                       g_print("mediacodec create is failed\n");
-       }
-       media_format_create(&input_fmt);
-       strncpy(g_uri, filename, len);
-       g_len = len;
-       bMultipleFiles = 0;
-       if (g_uri[g_len-1] == '/')
-               bMultipleFiles = 1;
-       return;
-/* To aid muxer-codec test */
- *  Add ADTS header at the beginning of each and every AAC packet.
- *  This is needed as MediaCodec encoder generates a packet of raw AAC data.
- *  Note the packetLen must count in the ADTS header itself.
- **/
-void _add_adts_header_for_aacenc(unsigned char *buffer, int packetLen)
-       int profile = 2;    /* AAC LC (0x01) */
-       int freqIdx = 3;    /* 48KHz (0x03) */
-       int chanCfg = 2;    /* CPE (0x02) */
-       if (samplerate == 96000)
-               freqIdx = 0;
-       else if (samplerate == 88200)
-               freqIdx = 1;
-       else if (samplerate == 64000)
-               freqIdx = 2;
-       else if (samplerate == 48000)
-               freqIdx = 3;
-       else if (samplerate == 44100)
-               freqIdx = 4;
-       else if (samplerate == 32000)
-               freqIdx = 5;
-       else if (samplerate == 24000)
-               freqIdx = 6;
-       else if (samplerate == 22050)
-               freqIdx = 7;
-       else if (samplerate == 16000)
-               freqIdx = 8;
-       else if (samplerate == 12000)
-               freqIdx = 9;
-       else if (samplerate == 11025)
-               freqIdx = 10;
-       else if (samplerate == 8000)
-               freqIdx = 11;
-       if ((channel == 1) || (channel == 2))
-               chanCfg = channel;
-       /* fill in ADTS data */
-       buffer[0] = (char)0xFF;
-       buffer[1] = (char)0xF1;
-       buffer[2] = (char)(((profile-1)<<6) + (freqIdx<<2) +(chanCfg>>2));
-       buffer[3] = (char)(((chanCfg&3)<<6) + (packetLen>>11));
-       buffer[4] = (char)((packetLen&0x7FF) >> 3);
-       buffer[5] = (char)(((packetLen&7)<<5) + 0x1F);
-       buffer[6] = (char)0xFC;
-/* To aid muxer-codec test */
-static void _mediacodec_fill_buffer_cb(media_packet_h pkt, void *user_data)
-       g_print("**** Entered _mediacodec_fill_buffer_cb *****\n");
-       int track_index_aud = 1;
-       static int count = -1;
-       enc_vide_pkt_available = 1;
-       uint64_t pts, dts, duration, size;
-       media_buffer_flags_e flags;
-       void *codec_data;
-       void *pkt_data;
-       unsigned int codec_data_size;
-       g_print("A%d write sample call. packet add:%p\n", ++count, pkt);
-       if (media_packet_get_buffer_size(pkt, &size)) {
-               g_print("unable to get the buffer size actual =%"PRIu64"\n", size);
-               return;
-       }
-       media_packet_get_pts(pkt, &pts);
-       media_packet_get_dts(pkt, &dts);
-       media_packet_get_duration(pkt, &duration);
-       /* offset */
-       media_packet_get_flags(pkt, &flags);
-       media_packet_get_extra(pkt, (void**)&codec_data);
-       codec_data_size = strlen(codec_data) + 1;
-       g_print("***pkt attributes before writing *** Size=%"PRIu64", pts=%"PRIu64", dts=%"PRIu64", duration=%"PRIu64", flags=%d\n", size, pts, dts, duration, (int)flags);
-       g_print("Codec_data=%s\ncodec_data_size = %d\n", (char*)codec_data, codec_data_size);
-       if (count == 0) {
-               fp_in = fopen("/opt/usr/codec_dump_mxr.aac", "wb");
-               if (fp_in != NULL)
-                       validate_dump = true;
-               else
-                       g_print("Error - Cannot open file for file dump, Please chek root\n");
-       }
-       /* EOS hack for mediacodec */
-       if (count == 1758) {  /* Last buffer for SampleAAC.aac. should be replaced with a valid eos. */
-               g_print("Last Buffer Reached\n");
-               fclose(fp_in);
-               _mediacodec_eos_cb(user_data);
-               goto Finalize;
-       }
-       media_packet_get_buffer_data_ptr(pkt, &pkt_data);
-       if (validate_dump)
-               fwrite(pkt_data, 1, size, fp_in);
-       mediamuxer_write_sample(myMuxer, track_index_aud, pkt);
-       return;
-/* To aid muxer-codec test */
-void _mediacodec_set_aenc_info(int samplerate, int chnnel, int bit, int bitrate)
-       g_print("_mediacodec_set_aenc_info\n");
-       g_print("samplerate = %d, channel = %d, bit = %d, bitrate = %d\n", samplerate, chnnel, bit, bitrate);
-       if (g_media_codec[0] != NULL)
-               mediacodec_set_aenc_info(g_media_codec[0], samplerate, chnnel, bit, bitrate);
-       else
-               g_print("mediacodec handle is not created\n");
-       return;
-/* To aid muxer-codec test */
-void _mediacodec_set_venc_info(int width, int height, float fps, int target_bits)
-       g_print("_mediacodec_set_venc_info\n");
-       if (g_media_codec[0] != NULL)
-               mediacodec_set_venc_info(g_media_codec[0], width, height, fps, target_bits);
-       else
-               g_print("mediacodec handle is not created\n");
-       return;
-/* To aid muxer-codec test */
-static void _mediacodec_empty_buffer_cb(media_packet_h pkt, void *user_data)
-       if (pkt != NULL) {
-       media_packet_unset_flags(pkt, MEDIA_PACKET_CODEC_CONFIG);
-       g_queue_push_tail(&input_available, pkt);
-       g_print("availablebuf = %p\n", pkt);
-       g_print("Used input buffer = %p\n", pkt);
-       media_packet_destroy(pkt);
-       }
-       return;
-/* To aid muxer-codec test */
-static bool _mcdiacodec_supported_cb(mediacodec_codec_type_e type, void *user_data)
-       if (type != -1)
-               g_print("type : %x\n", type);
-       return true;
-/* To aid muxer-codec test */
-void _mediacodec_prepare(void)
-       int i = 0;
-       int err = 0;
-       int ret;
-       if (use_video) {
-               g_print(" [video test] mimetype (0x%x), width(%d), height (%d), target_bits (%d)\n", mimetype, width, height, target_bits);
-               media_format_set_video_mime(input_fmt, mimetype);
-               media_format_set_video_width(input_fmt, width);
-               media_format_set_video_height(input_fmt, height);
-               media_format_set_video_avg_bps(input_fmt, target_bits);
-       } else {
-               g_print(" [audio test] mimetype (0x%x), channel(%d), samplerate (%d), bit (%d)\n", mimetype, channel, samplerate, bit);
-               if (!(mimetype & MEDIA_FORMAT_AUDIO))
-                       g_print("\n*****Not supported******\n");
-               if (input_fmt == NULL)
-                       g_print("\n*****NULL******\n");
-               ret = media_format_set_audio_mime(input_fmt, mimetype);
-               if (ret != MEDIA_FORMAT_ERROR_NONE)
-                       g_print("->media_format_set_audio_mime failed mime: %d\n", ret);
-               media_format_set_audio_channel(input_fmt, channel);
-               media_format_set_audio_samplerate(input_fmt, samplerate);
-               media_format_set_audio_bit(input_fmt, bit);
-       }
-       for (i = 0; i < g_handle_num; i++) {
-               if (g_media_codec[i] != NULL) {
-                       g_print("setting codec callbacks");
-                       mediacodec_set_input_buffer_used_cb(g_media_codec[i], _mediacodec_empty_buffer_cb, g_media_codec[i]);
-                       mediacodec_set_output_buffer_available_cb(g_media_codec[i], _mediacodec_fill_buffer_cb, g_media_codec[i]);
-                       mediacodec_set_eos_cb(g_media_codec[i], _mediacodec_eos_cb, g_media_codec[i]);
-                       mediacodec_foreach_supported_codec(g_media_codec[i], _mcdiacodec_supported_cb, g_media_codec[i]);
-                       err = mediacodec_prepare(g_media_codec[i]);
-                       if (err != MEDIACODEC_ERROR_NONE)
-                               g_print("mediacodec_prepare failed error = %d \n", err);
-                       _allocate_buf();
-               } else {
-                       g_print("mediacodec handle is not created\n");
-               }
-       }
-       frame_count = 0;
-       enc_vide_pkt_available = 1;
-       return;
-/* To aid muxer-codec Test */
-void _mediacodec_set_codec(int codecid, int flag)
-       int encoder = 0;
-       int ret;
-       g_print("_mediacodec_configure\n");
-       g_print("codecid = 0x%x, flag = %d\n", codecid, flag);
-       g_print("MyTag; codecid = %d, flag = %d\n", codecid, flag);
-       if (g_media_codec[0] != NULL) {
-               ret = mediacodec_set_codec(g_media_codec[0], (mediacodec_codec_type_e)codecid, flag);
-               if (ret !=  MEDIACODEC_ERROR_NONE) {
-                       g_print("mediacodec set codec is failed, ret = %d, ret_hex=%x\n", ret, ret);
-                       return;
-               }
-               encoder = GET_IS_ENCODER(flag) ? 1 : 0;
-               if (use_video) {
-                       if (encoder) {
-                               mimetype |= MEDIA_FORMAT_NV12;
-                               mimetype |= MEDIA_FORMAT_RAW;
-                       } else  {
-                               if (codecid == MEDIACODEC_MPEG4)
-                                       mimetype |= MEDIA_FORMAT_MPEG4_SP;
-                               else if (codecid == MEDIACODEC_H263)
-                                       mimetype |= MEDIA_FORMAT_H263;
-                               else
-                                       mimetype |= MEDIA_FORMAT_H264_SP;
-                       }
-                       mimetype |= MEDIA_FORMAT_VIDEO;
-               } else {
-                       if (encoder) {
-                               mimetype |= MEDIA_FORMAT_RAW;
-                               mimetype |= MEDIA_FORMAT_PCM;
-                       }
-               mimetype |= MEDIA_FORMAT_AUDIO;
-               g_print("[audio test] mimetype (0x%x)\n", mimetype);
-               }
-       } else {
-               g_print("mediacodec handle is not created\n");
-       }
-       return;
-|    HELPER  FUNCTION                                                                 |
-/* To aid muxer-codec test */
-int __extract_input_per_frame(FILE *fp, unsigned char *rawdata)
-       int readsize = 0;
-       while (!feof(fp))
-               readsize += fread(rawdata+readsize, 1, 1, fp);
-       return readsize;
-/* To aid muxer-codec test */
-unsigned int __bytestream2yuv420(FILE *fd, unsigned char* yuv)
-       size_t result;
-       int read_size;
-       unsigned char buffer[1500000];
-       if (feof(fd))
-               return 0;
-       read_size = width*height*3/2;
-       result = fread(buffer, 1, read_size, fd);
-       g_print("3\n");
-       if (result != read_size)
-               return -1;
-       memcpy(yuv, buffer, width*height*3/2);
-       return width*height*3/2;
-/* To aid muxer-codec test */
-/** Extract Input data for AAC encoder **/
-unsigned int __extract_input_aacenc(FILE *fd, unsigned char* rawdata)
-       int readsize;
-       size_t result;
-       unsigned char buffer[1000000];
-       if (feof(fd))
-               return 0;
-       readsize =  ((samplebyte*channel)*(bit/8));
-       result = fread(buffer, 1, readsize, fd);
-       if (result != readsize)
-               return -1;
-       memcpy(rawdata, buffer, readsize);
-       return readsize;
-/* To aid muxer-codec test */
-int __mediacodec_process_input(void)
-       int buf_size = 0;
-       media_packet_h in_buf = NULL;
-       void *data = NULL;
-       int ret = 0;
-       /* int err; */
-       if (g_media_codec[0] == NULL) {
-               g_print("mediacodec handle is not created\n");
-       }
-       if (fp_src == NULL) {
-               if (bMultipleFiles) {
-                       if (g_uri[g_len-1] != '/')
-                               g_uri[g_len++] = '/';
-                       sprintf(g_uri+g_len, "%05d", frame_count);
-               }
-               fp_src = fopen(g_uri, "r");
-               if (fp_src == NULL) {
-                       g_print("%s file open failed\n", g_uri);
-                       return MEDIACODEC_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
-               }
-       }
-       in_buf = g_queue_pop_head(&input_available);
-       _allocate_buf();
-       if (in_buf != NULL) {
-               media_packet_get_buffer_data_ptr(in_buf, &data);
-               if (data == NULL)
-                       return MEDIACODEC_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
-               printf("use_encoder=%d\n", use_encoder);
-               if (use_encoder) {
-                       if (use_video) {
-                               /* Video Encoder */
-                               g_print("4 Video Encoder\n");
-                               if (bMultipleFiles) {
-                                       buf_size = __extract_input_per_frame(fp_src, data);
-                                       fclose(fp_src);
-                                       sprintf(g_uri+g_len, "%05d", frame_count+1);
-                                       fp_src = fopen(g_uri, "r");
-                                       if (fp_src == NULL) {
-                                               media_packet_set_flags(in_buf, MEDIA_PACKET_END_OF_STREAM);
-                                               /* err = MEDIACODEC_ERROR_INVALID_INBUFFER; */
-                                       }
-                               } else {
-                                       buf_size = __bytestream2yuv420(fp_src, data);
-                                       if (buf_size == -1)
-                                               g_print("codec EOS reaced\n");
-                               }
-                               g_print("input pts = %"PRIu64"\n", pts);
-                               media_packet_set_pts(in_buf, pts);
-                               if (fps != 0)
-                                   pts += (GST_SECOND / fps);
-                       } else {
-                               /* Audio Encoder - AAC */
-                               buf_size = __extract_input_aacenc(fp_src, data);
-                               printf("audio buf_size=%d\n", buf_size);
-                               /* pts is not needed for muxer, if adts header is present */
-                               /* media_packet_set_pts (in_buf, pts); */
-                               g_print("----pts calculation: input pts = %"PRIu64", buf_size=%d samplerate=%d, samplebyte=%d\n", pts, buf_size, samplerate, samplebyte);
-                               if (samplerate != 0)
-                                       pts += ((GST_SECOND / samplerate) * samplebyte);
-                       }
-               }
-               if (buf_size >= 0) {
-                       if (use_video && buf_size == 4) {
-                               media_packet_set_flags(in_buf, MEDIA_PACKET_END_OF_STREAM);
-                               media_packet_set_buffer_size(in_buf, 4);
-                               mediacodec_process_input(g_media_codec[0], in_buf, 0);
-                               g_print("\n\nEOS packet is sent\n");
-                               return MEDIACODEC_ERROR_INVALID_INBUFFER;
-                       }
-                       media_packet_set_buffer_size(in_buf, buf_size);
-                       g_print("%s - input_buf size = %4d  (0x%x) at %4d frame, %p\n", __func__, buf_size, buf_size, frame_count, in_buf);
-                       ret = mediacodec_process_input(g_media_codec[0], in_buf, 0);
-                       if (use_video && buf_size == -1) {
-                               g_print("%s - END : input_buf size = %d  frame_count : %d\n", __func__, buf_size, frame_count);
-                               return MEDIACODEC_ERROR_INVALID_INBUFFER;
-                       }
-               } else {
-                       g_print("%s - [WARN] Check to input buf_size = %4d  at %4d frame, %p\n", __func__, buf_size, frame_count, in_buf);
-                       return MEDIACODEC_ERROR_INVALID_INBUFFER;
-               }
-               frame_count++;
-               g_print("returning, ret=%d, expected ret=%d\n", ret, MEDIACODEC_ERROR_NONE);
-               return ret;
-       }
-/* To aid muxer-codec test */
-void _mediacodec_process_all(void)
-       int ret = MEDIACODEC_ERROR_NONE;
-       g_print("Start of _mediacodec_process_all()\n");
-       while (1) {
-               ret = __mediacodec_process_input();
-               if (ret != MEDIACODEC_ERROR_NONE) {
-                       g_print ("__mediacodec_process_input ret = %d\n", ret);
-                       break;
-               }
-       }
-       g_print("End of _mediacodec_process_all()\n");
-       return;
-|    HELPER  FUNCTION                                                                 |
-/* Demuxer audio-appsink buffer receive callback */
-static void __audio_app_sink_callback(GstElement *sink, CustomData *data)
-       GstBuffer *buffer;
-       media_format_h audfmt;
-       media_packet_h aud_pkt;
-       guint8 *dptr;
-       static int count = 0;
-       GstSample *sample;
-       uint64_t ns;
-       int key;
-       GstMapInfo map;
-       if (count == 0)
-               g_print("Called __audio_app_sink_callback\n");
-       g_signal_emit_by_name(sink, "pull-sample", &sample);
-       buffer = gst_sample_get_buffer(sample);
-       if (buffer) {
-               if (gst_buffer_map(buffer, &map, GST_MAP_READ)) {
-                       if (!GST_BUFFER_FLAG_IS_SET(buffer, GST_BUFFER_FLAG_DELTA_UNIT)) {
-                               /* g_print( "  Key Frame  \n"); */
-                               key = 1;
-                       } else {
-                               /* g_print( "  NOT a Key Frame  \n"); */
-                               key = 0;
-                       }
-                       if (media_format_create(&audfmt)) {
-                               g_print("media_format_create failed\n");
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       if (g_str_has_prefix(new_pad_type_aud, "audio/mpeg")) {
-                               if (media_format_set_audio_mime(audfmt, MEDIA_FORMAT_AAC_LC)) {
-                                       g_print("media_format_set_audio_mime failed\n");
-                                       return;
-                               }
-                       } else if (g_str_has_prefix(new_pad_type_aud, "audio/AMR")
-                               || g_str_has_prefix(new_pad_type_aud, "audio/x-amr-wb-sh")
-                               || g_str_has_prefix(new_pad_type_aud, "audio/x-amr-nb-sh")) {
-                               if (media_format_set_audio_mime(audfmt, MEDIA_FORMAT_AMR_NB)) {
-                                       g_print("media_format_set_audio_mime failed\n");
-                                       return;
-                               }
-                       }
-                       if (media_packet_create(audfmt, NULL, NULL, &aud_pkt)) {
-                               g_print("create audio media_packet failed\n");
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       if (media_packet_alloc(aud_pkt)) {
-                               g_print("audio media_packet alloc failed\n");
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       media_packet_get_buffer_data_ptr(aud_pkt, (void **)&dptr);
-                       memcpy((char*)dptr,, map.size);
-                       if (media_packet_set_buffer_size(aud_pkt, (uint64_t)(map.size))) {
-                               g_print("audio set_buffer_size failed\n");
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       if (media_packet_get_buffer_size(aud_pkt, &ns)) {
-                               g_print("unable to set the buffer size actual =%d, fixed %"PRIu64"\n",
-                                       (unsigned int)map.size, ns);
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       if (media_packet_set_pts(aud_pkt, buffer->pts)) {
-                               g_print("unable to set the pts\n");
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       if (media_packet_set_dts(aud_pkt, buffer->dts)) {
-                               g_print("unable to set the dts\n");
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       if (media_packet_set_duration(aud_pkt, buffer->duration)) {
-                               g_print("unable to set the duration\n");
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       if (media_packet_set_flags(aud_pkt, key)) {
-                               g_print("unable to set the flag size\n");
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       if (media_packet_set_extra(aud_pkt, aud_caps)) {
-                               g_print("unable to set the audio codec data e\n");
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       /* Print count and size to indicate a received buffer */
-                       g_print("Received audio buffer count : %4d (size : %5"PRIu64", pts : %12"PRIu64")\n",
-                                       ++count, ns, buffer->pts);
-                       mediamuxer_write_sample(myMuxer, track_index_aud, aud_pkt);
-                       if (validate_multitrack)
-                               mediamuxer_write_sample(myMuxer, track_index_aud2, aud_pkt);
-                       media_packet_destroy(aud_pkt);
-               }
-       }
-/* Demuxer video-appsink buffer receive callback */
-static void __video_app_sink_callback(GstElement *sink, CustomData *data)
-       GstBuffer *buffer;
-       media_format_h vidfmt;
-       media_packet_h vid_pkt;
-       uint64_t ns;
-       static int count = 0;
-       unsigned int vsize;
-       int key;
-       guint8 *dptr;
-       GstMapInfo map;
-       GstSample *sample;
-       if (count == 0)
-               g_print("Called __video_app_sink_callback\n");
-       g_signal_emit_by_name(sink, "pull-sample", &sample);
-       buffer = gst_sample_get_buffer(sample);
-       if (buffer) {
-               if (gst_buffer_map(buffer, &map, GST_MAP_READ)) {
-                       if (media_format_create(&vidfmt)) {
-                               g_print("media_format_create failed\n");
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       if (g_str_has_prefix(new_pad_type_vid, "video/x-h264")) {
-                               if (media_format_set_video_mime(vidfmt, MEDIA_FORMAT_H264_SP)) {
-                                       g_print("media_format_set_vidio_mime failed\n");
-                                       return;
-                               }
-                       } else if (g_str_has_prefix(new_pad_type_vid, "video/x-h263")) {
-                               if (media_format_set_video_mime(vidfmt, MEDIA_FORMAT_H263)) {
-                                       g_print("media_format_set_vidio_mime failed\n");
-                                       return;
-                               }
-                       }
-                       if (!GST_BUFFER_FLAG_IS_SET(buffer, GST_BUFFER_FLAG_DELTA_UNIT)) {
-                               /* g_print("Key Frame\n"); */
-                               key = 1;
-                       } else {
-                               /* g_print("NOT a Key Frame\n"); */
-                               key = 0;
-                       }
-                       vsize = map.size;
-                       media_format_set_video_width(vidfmt, vsize/2+1);
-                       media_format_set_video_height(vidfmt, vsize/2+1);
-                       /* frame rate is came from the caps filter of demuxer */
-                       if (media_format_set_video_frame_rate(vidfmt, 30)) {
-                               g_print("media_format_set_video_frame_rate failed\n");
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       if (media_packet_create(vidfmt, NULL, NULL, &vid_pkt)) {
-                               g_print("create video media_packet failed\n");
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       if (media_packet_alloc(vid_pkt)) {
-                               g_print("video media_packet alloc failed\n");
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       media_packet_get_buffer_data_ptr(vid_pkt, (void**)&dptr);
-                       memcpy((char*)dptr,, map.size);
-                       if (media_packet_set_buffer_size(vid_pkt, (uint64_t)(map.size))) {
-                               g_print("video set_buffer_size failed\n");
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       if (media_packet_get_buffer_size(vid_pkt, &ns)) {
-                               g_print("unable to set the buffer size actual =%d, fixed %"PRIu64"\n",
-                                       (unsigned int)map.size, ns);
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       if (media_packet_set_pts(vid_pkt, buffer->pts)) {
-                               g_print("unable to set the pts\n");
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       if (media_packet_set_dts(vid_pkt, buffer->dts)) {
-                               g_print("unable to set the dts\n");
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       if (media_packet_set_duration(vid_pkt, buffer->duration)) {
-                               g_print("unable to set the duration\n");
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       if (media_packet_set_flags(vid_pkt, key)) {
-                               g_print("unable to set the flag size\n");
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       if (media_packet_set_extra(vid_pkt, vid_caps)) {
-                               g_print("unable to set the video codec data e\n");
-                               return;
-                       }
-                       /* Print count and size to indicate a received buffer */
-                       g_print("Received video buffer count : %4d (size : %5"PRIu64", pts : %12"PRIu64")\n",
-                                       ++count, ns, buffer->pts);
-                       mediamuxer_write_sample(myMuxer, track_index_vid, vid_pkt);
-                       media_packet_destroy(vid_pkt);
-               }
-       }
-/* demuxer audio appsink eos callback */
-static void __audio_app_sink_eos_callback(GstElement *sink, CustomData *data)
-       mediamuxer_close_track(myMuxer, track_index_aud);
-       if (validate_multitrack)
-               mediamuxer_close_track(myMuxer, track_index_aud2);
-       g_print("Encoded Audio EOS cb reached \n");
-       aud_eos = 1;
-       if (!have_vid_track || vid_eos == 1)
-               g_main_loop_quit(data->loop);
-/* demuxer video appsink eos callback */
-static void __video_app_sink_eos_callback(GstElement *sink, CustomData *data)
-       mediamuxer_close_track(myMuxer, track_index_vid);
-       g_print("Encoded video EOS cb reached \n");
-       vid_eos = 1;
-       if (!have_aud_track || aud_eos == 1)
-               g_main_loop_quit(data->loop);
-/* demuxer on_pad callback */
-static void __on_pad_added(GstElement *element, GstPad *pad, CustomData *data)
-       GstPadLinkReturn ret;
-       GstPad *sink_pad_audioqueue = gst_element_get_static_pad(data->audioqueue, "sink");
-       GstPad *sink_pad_videoqueue = gst_element_get_static_pad(data->videoqueue, "sink");
-       GstCaps *new_pad_aud_caps = NULL;
-       GstCaps *new_pad_vid_caps = NULL;
-       GstCaps *new_pad_caps = NULL;
-       GstStructure *new_pad_struct = NULL;
-       const gchar *new_pad_type = NULL;
-       char *caps;
-       g_print("Received new pad '%s' from '%s' :\n", GST_PAD_NAME(pad), GST_ELEMENT_NAME(element));
-       new_pad_caps = gst_pad_get_current_caps(pad);
-       new_pad_struct = gst_caps_get_structure(new_pad_caps, 0);
-       new_pad_type = gst_structure_get_name(new_pad_struct);
-       if (have_aud_track && (g_str_has_prefix(new_pad_type, "audio/mpeg")
-               || g_str_has_prefix(new_pad_type, "audio/AMR"))) {
-               new_pad_aud_caps = gst_pad_get_current_caps(pad);
-               caps = gst_caps_to_string(new_pad_aud_caps);
-               g_print("   Audio caps :%s\n", caps);
-               aud_caps = caps;
-               /* Link demuxer to audioqueue */
-               ret = gst_pad_link(pad, sink_pad_audioqueue);
-               if (GST_PAD_LINK_FAILED(ret))
-                       g_print("   Type is but link failed.\n %s", new_pad_type);
-               else
-                       g_print("   Link succeeded (type '%s').\n", new_pad_type);
-               new_pad_type_aud = new_pad_type;
-               gst_element_link(data->audioqueue, data->audio_appsink);
-               g_object_set(data->audio_appsink, "emit-signals", TRUE, NULL);
-               g_signal_connect(data->audio_appsink, "new-sample", G_CALLBACK(__audio_app_sink_callback), data);
-               g_signal_connect(data->audio_appsink, "eos", G_CALLBACK(__audio_app_sink_eos_callback), data);
-               /* Link audioqueue->audio_appsink and save/Give to appsrc of muxer */
-               gst_element_set_state(data->audio_appsink, GST_STATE_PLAYING);
-               /* one has to set the newly added element to the same state as the rest of the elements. */
-       } else if (have_vid_track && (g_str_has_prefix(new_pad_type, "video/x-h264")
-               || g_str_has_prefix(new_pad_type, "video/x-h263"))) {
-               new_pad_vid_caps = gst_pad_get_current_caps(pad);
-               caps = gst_caps_to_string(new_pad_vid_caps);
-               g_print("   Video caps :%s\n", caps);
-               vid_caps = caps;
-               /* Link demuxer with videoqueue */
-               ret = gst_pad_link(pad, sink_pad_videoqueue);
-               if (GST_PAD_LINK_FAILED(ret))
-                       g_print("   Type is '%s' but link failed.\n", new_pad_type);
-               else
-                       g_print("   Link succeeded (type '%s').\n", new_pad_type);
-               new_pad_type_vid = new_pad_type;
-               gst_element_link(data->videoqueue, data->video_appsink);
-               g_object_set(data->video_appsink, "emit-signals", TRUE, NULL);
-               g_signal_connect(data->video_appsink, "new-sample", G_CALLBACK(__video_app_sink_callback), data);
-               g_signal_connect(data->video_appsink, "eos", G_CALLBACK(__video_app_sink_eos_callback), data);
-               /* Link videoqueue->audio_appsink and save/Give to appsrc of muxer */
-               gst_element_set_state(data->video_appsink, GST_STATE_PLAYING);
-               /* one has to set the newly added element to the same state as the rest of the elements. */
-       } else {
-               g_print(" It has type '%s' which is not raw A/V. Ignoring.\n", new_pad_type);
-               goto exit;
-       }
-       if (new_pad_caps != NULL)
-               gst_caps_unref(new_pad_caps);
-       gst_object_unref(sink_pad_audioqueue);
-       gst_object_unref(sink_pad_videoqueue);
-/* Demuxer bus_call */
-static gboolean __bus_call(GstBus *bus, GstMessage *mesg, gpointer data)
-       GMainLoop *dmxr_loop = (GMainLoop*)data;
-       switch (GST_MESSAGE_TYPE(mesg)) {
-       case GST_MESSAGE_EOS:
-               g_print("Demuxer: End of stream\n");
-               g_main_loop_quit(dmxr_loop);
-               break;
-       case GST_MESSAGE_ERROR:
-       {
-               gchar *dbg;
-               GError *err;
-               gst_message_parse_error(mesg, &err, &dbg);
-               g_free(dbg);
-               g_printerr("Demuxer-Error: %s\n", err->message);
-               g_error_free(err);
-               g_main_loop_quit(dmxr_loop);
-               break;
-       }
-       default:
-               break;
-       }
-       return TRUE;
-/* Demux an mp4 file and generate encoded streams and extra data  */
-int _demux_mp4()
-       CustomData data;
-       GMainLoop *loop_dmx;
-       GstBus *bus;
-       guint watch_id_for_bus;
-       g_print("Start of _demux_mp4()\n");
-       if (access(file_mp4, F_OK) == -1) {
-               /* mp4 file doesn't exist */
-               g_print("mp4 Invalid file path.");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       gst_init(NULL, NULL);
-       loop_dmx = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE);
-       data.loop = loop_dmx;
-       /* Create gstreamer elements for demuxer */
-       data.pipeline = gst_pipeline_new("DemuxerPipeline");
-       data.source = gst_element_factory_make("filesrc", "file-source");
-       data.demuxer = gst_element_factory_make("qtdemux", "mp4-demuxer");
-       data.audioqueue = gst_element_factory_make("queue", "audio-queue");
-       data.videoqueue = gst_element_factory_make("queue", "video-queue");
-       data.dummysink = gst_element_factory_make("fakesink", "fakesink");
-       data.video_appsink = gst_element_factory_make("appsink", "encoded_video_appsink");
-       data.audio_appsink = gst_element_factory_make("appsink", "encoded_audio_appsink");
-       if (!data.pipeline || !data.source || !data.demuxer || !data.audioqueue
-               || !data.dummysink || !data.videoqueue || !data.audio_appsink || !data.video_appsink) {
-               g_print("Test-Suite: One gst-element can't be created. Exiting\n");
-               return -1;
-       }
-       /* Add msg-handler */
-       bus = gst_pipeline_get_bus(GST_PIPELINE(data.pipeline));
-       watch_id_for_bus = gst_bus_add_watch(bus, __bus_call, loop_dmx);
-       gst_object_unref(bus);
-       /* Add gstreamer-elements into gst-pipeline */
-       gst_bin_add_many(GST_BIN(data.pipeline), data.source, data.demuxer, data.dummysink, \
-               data.audioqueue, data.videoqueue, data.audio_appsink, data.video_appsink, NULL);
-       /* we set the input filename to the source element */
-       g_object_set(G_OBJECT(data.source), "location", file_mp4, NULL);
-       /* we link the elements together */
-       gst_element_link(data.source, data.demuxer);
-       /* Register demuxer callback */
-       g_signal_connect(data.demuxer, "pad-added", G_CALLBACK(__on_pad_added), &data);
-       /* Play the pipeline */
-       g_print("Now playing : %s\n", file_mp4);
-       gst_element_set_state(data.pipeline, GST_STATE_PLAYING);
-       /* Run the loop till quit */
-       g_print("gst-pipeline -Running...\n");
-       g_main_loop_run(loop_dmx);
-       /* Done with gst-loop. Free resources */
-       gst_element_set_state(data.pipeline, GST_STATE_NULL);
-       g_print("gst-pipeline - Unreferencing...\n");
-       gst_object_unref(GST_OBJECT(data.pipeline));
-       g_source_remove(watch_id_for_bus);
-       g_main_loop_unref(loop_dmx);
-       g_print("End of _demux_mp4()\n");
-       return 0;
+int demux_mp4();
+void mediacodec_process_all(void);
+void input_raw_filepath(char *filename);
+void mediacodec_config_set_codec(int codecid, int flag);
+void mediacodec_config_set_venc_info(int width, int height, float fps, int target_bits);
+void mediacodec_config_prepare(void);
+void mediacodec_config_set_aenc_info(int samplerate, int chnnel, int bit, int bitrate);
-|    LOCAL FUNCTION                                                                 |
+|    LOCAL FUNCTION                                                     |
 int test_mediamuxer_create()
@@ -1098,16 +126,16 @@ int test_mediamuxer_set_data_sink()
                /* Set data source after creating */
-       g_print("\nData_sink choosen is: %s\n",data_sink);
+       g_print("\nData_sink choosen is: %s\n", data_sink);
        /* Set data sink after creating */
-       if (strncmp(data_sink,"1",1) == 0 || strncmp(data_sink,"mp4",3) == 0) {
+       if (strncmp(data_sink, "1", 1) == 0 || strncmp(data_sink, "mp4", 3) == 0) {
                op_uri = "MuxTest.mp4";
                ret = mediamuxer_set_data_sink(myMuxer, op_uri, MEDIAMUXER_CONTAINER_FORMAT_MP4);
-       } else if (strncmp(data_sink,"2",1) == 0 || strncmp(data_sink,"3gp",3) == 0) {
+       } else if (strncmp(data_sink, "2", 1) == 0 || strncmp(data_sink, "3gp", 3) == 0) {
                op_uri = "MuxTest.3gp";
                ret = mediamuxer_set_data_sink(myMuxer, op_uri, MEDIAMUXER_CONTAINER_FORMAT_3GP);
-       } else if (strncmp(data_sink,"3",1) == 0 || strncmp(data_sink,"4",1) == 0) {
+       } else if (strncmp(data_sink, "3", 1) == 0 || strncmp(data_sink, "4", 1) == 0) {
                op_uri = "MuxTest.3gp";
                ret = mediamuxer_set_data_sink(myMuxer, op_uri, MEDIAMUXER_CONTAINER_FORMAT_3GP);
@@ -1130,16 +158,16 @@ int test_mediamuxer_add_track_video()
-       if (strncmp(data_sink,"1",1) == 0 || strncmp(data_sink,"mp4",3) == 0) {
+       if (strncmp(data_sink, "1", 1) == 0 || strncmp(data_sink, "mp4", 3) == 0) {
                if (media_format_set_video_mime(media_format, MEDIA_FORMAT_H264_SP) == MEDIA_FORMAT_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION)
                        g_print("Problem during media_format_set_audio_mime operation\n");
-       } else if (strncmp(data_sink,"2",1) == 0 || strncmp(data_sink,"3gp",3) == 0) {
+       } else if (strncmp(data_sink, "2", 1) == 0 || strncmp(data_sink, "3gp", 3) == 0) {
                if (media_format_set_video_mime(media_format, MEDIA_FORMAT_H264_SP) == MEDIA_FORMAT_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION)
                        g_print("Problem during media_format_set_audio_mime operation\n");
-       } else if (strncmp(data_sink,"3",1) == 0) {
+       } else if (strncmp(data_sink, "3", 1) == 0) {
                if (media_format_set_video_mime(media_format, MEDIA_FORMAT_H263) == MEDIA_FORMAT_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION)
                        g_print("Problem during media_format_set_audio_mime operation\n");
-       } else if (strncmp(data_sink,"4",1) == 0) {
+       } else if (strncmp(data_sink, "4", 1) == 0) {
                if (media_format_set_video_mime(media_format, MEDIA_FORMAT_H263) == MEDIA_FORMAT_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION)
                        g_print("Problem during media_format_set_audio_mime operation\n");
@@ -1177,15 +205,15 @@ int test_mediamuxer_add_track_audio()
-       if (strncmp(data_sink,"1",1) == 0 || strncmp(data_sink,"mp4",3) == 0) {
+       if (strncmp(data_sink, "1", 1) == 0 || strncmp(data_sink, "mp4", 3) == 0) {
                if (media_format_set_audio_mime(media_format_a, MEDIA_FORMAT_AAC_LC) == MEDIA_FORMAT_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION)
                        g_print("Problem during media_format_set_audio_mime operation\n");
-       } else if (strncmp(data_sink,"2",1) == 0 || strncmp(data_sink,"3gp",3) == 0
-                       || strncmp(data_sink,"3",1) == 0) {
+       } else if (strncmp(data_sink, "2", 1) == 0 || strncmp(data_sink, "3gp", 3) == 0
+                       || strncmp(data_sink, "3", 1) == 0) {
                if (media_format_set_audio_mime(media_format_a, MEDIA_FORMAT_AAC_LC) == MEDIA_FORMAT_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION)
                        g_print("Problem during media_format_set_audio_mime operation\n");
-       } else if (strncmp(data_sink,"4",1) == 0) {
+       } else if (strncmp(data_sink, "4", 1) == 0) {
                if (media_format_set_audio_mime(media_format_a, MEDIA_FORMAT_AMR_NB) == MEDIA_FORMAT_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION)
                        g_print("Problem during media_format_set_audio_mime operation\n");
@@ -1242,9 +270,9 @@ int test_mediamuxer_write_sample()
        if (validate_with_codec) {
                /* Test muxer with codec */
-               _mediacodec_process_all();
+               mediacodec_process_all();
        } else {
-               _demux_mp4();
+               demux_mp4();
        return 0;
@@ -1462,10 +490,10 @@ static void interpret(char *cmd)
        case CURRENT_STATUS_RAW_VIDEO_FILENAME: {       /* "cv" */
                        use_video = 1;
                        static int codecid = 0;
-                       _input_raw_filepath(cmd);
+                       input_raw_filepath(cmd);
                        use_encoder = 1;
                        codecid = 0x2030; /* video */
-                       _mediacodec_set_codec(codecid, 5);
+                       mediacodec_config_set_codec(codecid, 5);
                        g_menu_state = CURRENT_STATUS_MAINMENU;
@@ -1489,8 +517,8 @@ static void interpret(char *cmd)
                case 3:
                        target_bits = atoi(cmd);
                        g_print("width = %d, height = %d, fps = %f, target_bits = %d\n", width, height, fps, target_bits);
-                       _mediacodec_set_venc_info(width, height, fps, target_bits);
-                        _mediacodec_prepare();
+                       mediacodec_config_set_venc_info(width, height, fps, target_bits);
+                        mediacodec_config_prepare();
                        cnt = 0;
@@ -1504,10 +532,10 @@ static void interpret(char *cmd)
                {       /* "ca" */
                        use_video = 0;
                        static int codecid = 0;
-                       _input_raw_filepath(cmd);
+                       input_raw_filepath(cmd);
                        use_encoder = 1;
                        codecid = 0x1060; /* audio */
-                       _mediacodec_set_codec(codecid, 9);
+                       mediacodec_config_set_codec(codecid, 9);
                        g_menu_state = CURRENT_STATUS_MAINMENU;
@@ -1531,8 +559,8 @@ static void interpret(char *cmd)
                        case 3:
                                bitrate = atoi(cmd);
-                               _mediacodec_set_aenc_info(samplerate, channel, bit, bitrate);
-                                _mediacodec_prepare();
+                               mediacodec_config_set_aenc_info(samplerate, channel, bit, bitrate);
+                               mediacodec_config_prepare();
                                cnt = 0;
diff --git a/test/mediamuxer_test_gst.c b/test/mediamuxer_test_gst.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..dfe22d5
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/* ============================================================================
+|                                                                              |
+|  INCLUDE FILES                                                               |
+|                                                                              |
+============================================================================= */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <gst/gst.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <mm_error.h>
+#include <mm_debug.h>
+#include "../include/mediamuxer_port.h"
+#include <mediamuxer.h>
+#include <mediamuxer_private.h>
+#include <media_packet_internal.h>
+#include <media_codec.h>
+/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+|    GLOBAL VARIABLE DEFINITIONS:                                       |
+---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+char *aud_caps, *vid_caps;
+bool aud_eos = 0;
+bool vid_eos = 0;
+extern int track_index_vid, track_index_aud, track_index_aud2;
+extern mediamuxer_h myMuxer;
+extern bool validate_multitrack;
+extern char media_file[2048];
+extern char data_sink[2048];
+extern char file_mp4[2048];
+extern bool have_aud_track;
+extern bool have_vid_track;
+const gchar *new_pad_type_aud = NULL; /* demuxer pad type for audio */
+const gchar *new_pad_type_vid = NULL; /* demuxer pad type for video */
+/* demuxer sturcture for demux_mp4() */
+typedef struct _CustomData {
+       GstElement *pipeline;
+       GstElement *source;
+       GstElement *demuxer;
+       GstElement *audioqueue;
+       GstElement *videoqueue;
+       GstElement *audio_appsink;      /* o/p of demuxer */
+       GstElement *video_appsink;
+       GstElement *dummysink;
+       char *saveLocation_audio;       /* aac stream */
+       char *saveLocation_video;       /* h264 stream */
+       GMainLoop *loop;
+       GTimer *timer;
+} CustomData;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+|    HELPER  FUNCTION                                                   |
+---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* Demuxer audio-appsink buffer receive callback */
+static void __audio_app_sink_callback(GstElement *sink, CustomData *data)
+       GstBuffer *buffer;
+       media_format_h audfmt;
+       media_packet_h aud_pkt;
+       guint8 *dptr;
+       static int count = 0;
+       GstSample *sample;
+       uint64_t ns;
+       int key;
+       GstMapInfo map;
+       if (count == 0)
+               g_print("Called __audio_app_sink_callback\n");
+       g_signal_emit_by_name(sink, "pull-sample", &sample);
+       buffer = gst_sample_get_buffer(sample);
+       if (buffer) {
+               if (gst_buffer_map(buffer, &map, GST_MAP_READ)) {
+                       if (!GST_BUFFER_FLAG_IS_SET(buffer, GST_BUFFER_FLAG_DELTA_UNIT)) {
+                               /* g_print( "  Key Frame  \n"); */
+                               key = 1;
+                       } else {
+                               /* g_print( "  NOT a Key Frame  \n"); */
+                               key = 0;
+                       }
+                       if (media_format_create(&audfmt)) {
+                               g_print("media_format_create failed\n");
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       if (g_str_has_prefix(new_pad_type_aud, "audio/mpeg")) {
+                               if (media_format_set_audio_mime(audfmt, MEDIA_FORMAT_AAC_LC)) {
+                                       g_print("media_format_set_audio_mime failed\n");
+                                       return;
+                               }
+                       } else if (g_str_has_prefix(new_pad_type_aud, "audio/AMR")
+                               || g_str_has_prefix(new_pad_type_aud, "audio/x-amr-wb-sh")
+                               || g_str_has_prefix(new_pad_type_aud, "audio/x-amr-nb-sh")) {
+                               if (media_format_set_audio_mime(audfmt, MEDIA_FORMAT_AMR_NB)) {
+                                       g_print("media_format_set_audio_mime failed\n");
+                                       return;
+                               }
+                       }
+                       if (media_packet_create(audfmt, NULL, NULL, &aud_pkt)) {
+                               g_print("create audio media_packet failed\n");
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       if (media_packet_alloc(aud_pkt)) {
+                               g_print("audio media_packet alloc failed\n");
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       media_packet_get_buffer_data_ptr(aud_pkt, (void **)&dptr);
+                       memcpy((char*)dptr,, map.size);
+                       if (media_packet_set_buffer_size(aud_pkt, (uint64_t)(map.size))) {
+                               g_print("audio set_buffer_size failed\n");
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       if (media_packet_get_buffer_size(aud_pkt, &ns)) {
+                               g_print("unable to set the buffer size actual =%d, fixed %"PRIu64"\n",
+                                       (unsigned int)map.size, ns);
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       if (media_packet_set_pts(aud_pkt, buffer->pts)) {
+                               g_print("unable to set the pts\n");
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       if (media_packet_set_dts(aud_pkt, buffer->dts)) {
+                               g_print("unable to set the dts\n");
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       if (media_packet_set_duration(aud_pkt, buffer->duration)) {
+                               g_print("unable to set the duration\n");
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       if (media_packet_set_flags(aud_pkt, key)) {
+                               g_print("unable to set the flag size\n");
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       if (media_packet_set_extra(aud_pkt, aud_caps)) {
+                               g_print("unable to set the audio codec data e\n");
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       /* Print count and size to indicate a received buffer */
+                       g_print("Received audio buffer count : %4d (size : %5"PRIu64", pts : %12"PRIu64")\n",
+                                       ++count, ns, buffer->pts);
+                       mediamuxer_write_sample(myMuxer, track_index_aud, aud_pkt);
+                       if (validate_multitrack)
+                               mediamuxer_write_sample(myMuxer, track_index_aud2, aud_pkt);
+                       media_packet_destroy(aud_pkt);
+               }
+       }
+/* Demuxer video-appsink buffer receive callback */
+static void __video_app_sink_callback(GstElement *sink, CustomData *data)
+       GstBuffer *buffer;
+       media_format_h vidfmt;
+       media_packet_h vid_pkt;
+       uint64_t ns;
+       static int count = 0;
+       unsigned int vsize;
+       int key;
+       guint8 *dptr;
+       GstMapInfo map;
+       GstSample *sample;
+       if (count == 0)
+               g_print("Called __video_app_sink_callback\n");
+       g_signal_emit_by_name(sink, "pull-sample", &sample);
+       buffer = gst_sample_get_buffer(sample);
+       if (buffer) {
+               if (gst_buffer_map(buffer, &map, GST_MAP_READ)) {
+                       if (media_format_create(&vidfmt)) {
+                               g_print("media_format_create failed\n");
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       if (g_str_has_prefix(new_pad_type_vid, "video/x-h264")) {
+                               if (media_format_set_video_mime(vidfmt, MEDIA_FORMAT_H264_SP)) {
+                                       g_print("media_format_set_vidio_mime failed\n");
+                                       return;
+                               }
+                       } else if (g_str_has_prefix(new_pad_type_vid, "video/x-h263")) {
+                               if (media_format_set_video_mime(vidfmt, MEDIA_FORMAT_H263)) {
+                                       g_print("media_format_set_vidio_mime failed\n");
+                                       return;
+                               }
+                       }
+                       if (!GST_BUFFER_FLAG_IS_SET(buffer, GST_BUFFER_FLAG_DELTA_UNIT)) {
+                               /* g_print("Key Frame\n"); */
+                               key = 1;
+                       } else {
+                               /* g_print("NOT a Key Frame\n"); */
+                               key = 0;
+                       }
+                       vsize = map.size;
+                       media_format_set_video_width(vidfmt, vsize/2+1);
+                       media_format_set_video_height(vidfmt, vsize/2+1);
+                       /* frame rate is came from the caps filter of demuxer */
+                       if (media_format_set_video_frame_rate(vidfmt, 30)) {
+                               g_print("media_format_set_video_frame_rate failed\n");
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       if (media_packet_create(vidfmt, NULL, NULL, &vid_pkt)) {
+                               g_print("create video media_packet failed\n");
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       if (media_packet_alloc(vid_pkt)) {
+                               g_print("video media_packet alloc failed\n");
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       media_packet_get_buffer_data_ptr(vid_pkt, (void**)&dptr);
+                       memcpy((char*)dptr,, map.size);
+                       if (media_packet_set_buffer_size(vid_pkt, (uint64_t)(map.size))) {
+                               g_print("video set_buffer_size failed\n");
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       if (media_packet_get_buffer_size(vid_pkt, &ns)) {
+                               g_print("unable to set the buffer size actual =%d, fixed %"PRIu64"\n",
+                                       (unsigned int)map.size, ns);
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       if (media_packet_set_pts(vid_pkt, buffer->pts)) {
+                               g_print("unable to set the pts\n");
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       if (media_packet_set_dts(vid_pkt, buffer->dts)) {
+                               g_print("unable to set the dts\n");
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       if (media_packet_set_duration(vid_pkt, buffer->duration)) {
+                               g_print("unable to set the duration\n");
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       if (media_packet_set_flags(vid_pkt, key)) {
+                               g_print("unable to set the flag size\n");
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       if (media_packet_set_extra(vid_pkt, vid_caps)) {
+                               g_print("unable to set the video codec data e\n");
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       /* Print count and size to indicate a received buffer */
+                       g_print("Received video buffer count : %4d (size : %5"PRIu64", pts : %12"PRIu64")\n",
+                                       ++count, ns, buffer->pts);
+                       mediamuxer_write_sample(myMuxer, track_index_vid, vid_pkt);
+                       media_packet_destroy(vid_pkt);
+               }
+       }
+/* demuxer audio appsink eos callback */
+static void __audio_app_sink_eos_callback(GstElement *sink, CustomData *data)
+       mediamuxer_close_track(myMuxer, track_index_aud);
+       if (validate_multitrack)
+               mediamuxer_close_track(myMuxer, track_index_aud2);
+       g_print("Encoded Audio EOS cb reached \n");
+       aud_eos = 1;
+       if (!have_vid_track || vid_eos == 1)
+               g_main_loop_quit(data->loop);
+/* demuxer video appsink eos callback */
+static void __video_app_sink_eos_callback(GstElement *sink, CustomData *data)
+       mediamuxer_close_track(myMuxer, track_index_vid);
+       g_print("Encoded video EOS cb reached \n");
+       vid_eos = 1;
+       if (!have_aud_track || aud_eos == 1)
+               g_main_loop_quit(data->loop);
+/* demuxer on_pad callback */
+static void __on_pad_added(GstElement *element, GstPad *pad, CustomData *data)
+       GstPadLinkReturn ret;
+       GstPad *sink_pad_audioqueue = gst_element_get_static_pad(data->audioqueue, "sink");
+       GstPad *sink_pad_videoqueue = gst_element_get_static_pad(data->videoqueue, "sink");
+       GstCaps *new_pad_aud_caps = NULL;
+       GstCaps *new_pad_vid_caps = NULL;
+       GstCaps *new_pad_caps = NULL;
+       GstStructure *new_pad_struct = NULL;
+       const gchar *new_pad_type = NULL;
+       char *caps;
+       g_print("Received new pad '%s' from '%s' :\n", GST_PAD_NAME(pad), GST_ELEMENT_NAME(element));
+       new_pad_caps = gst_pad_get_current_caps(pad);
+       new_pad_struct = gst_caps_get_structure(new_pad_caps, 0);
+       new_pad_type = gst_structure_get_name(new_pad_struct);
+       if (have_aud_track && (g_str_has_prefix(new_pad_type, "audio/mpeg")
+               || g_str_has_prefix(new_pad_type, "audio/AMR"))) {
+               new_pad_aud_caps = gst_pad_get_current_caps(pad);
+               caps = gst_caps_to_string(new_pad_aud_caps);
+               g_print("   Audio caps :%s\n", caps);
+               aud_caps = caps;
+               /* Link demuxer to audioqueue */
+               ret = gst_pad_link(pad, sink_pad_audioqueue);
+               if (GST_PAD_LINK_FAILED(ret))
+                       g_print("   Type is but link failed.\n %s", new_pad_type);
+               else
+                       g_print("   Link succeeded (type '%s').\n", new_pad_type);
+               new_pad_type_aud = new_pad_type;
+               gst_element_link(data->audioqueue, data->audio_appsink);
+               g_object_set(data->audio_appsink, "emit-signals", TRUE, NULL);
+               g_signal_connect(data->audio_appsink, "new-sample", G_CALLBACK(__audio_app_sink_callback), data);
+               g_signal_connect(data->audio_appsink, "eos", G_CALLBACK(__audio_app_sink_eos_callback), data);
+               /* Link audioqueue->audio_appsink and save/Give to appsrc of muxer */
+               gst_element_set_state(data->audio_appsink, GST_STATE_PLAYING);
+               /* one has to set the newly added element to the same state as the rest of the elements. */
+       } else if (have_vid_track && (g_str_has_prefix(new_pad_type, "video/x-h264")
+               || g_str_has_prefix(new_pad_type, "video/x-h263"))) {
+               new_pad_vid_caps = gst_pad_get_current_caps(pad);
+               caps = gst_caps_to_string(new_pad_vid_caps);
+               g_print("   Video caps :%s\n", caps);
+               vid_caps = caps;
+               /* Link demuxer with videoqueue */
+               ret = gst_pad_link(pad, sink_pad_videoqueue);
+               if (GST_PAD_LINK_FAILED(ret))
+                       g_print("   Type is '%s' but link failed.\n", new_pad_type);
+               else
+                       g_print("   Link succeeded (type '%s').\n", new_pad_type);
+               new_pad_type_vid = new_pad_type;
+               gst_element_link(data->videoqueue, data->video_appsink);
+               g_object_set(data->video_appsink, "emit-signals", TRUE, NULL);
+               g_signal_connect(data->video_appsink, "new-sample", G_CALLBACK(__video_app_sink_callback), data);
+               g_signal_connect(data->video_appsink, "eos", G_CALLBACK(__video_app_sink_eos_callback), data);
+               /* Link videoqueue->audio_appsink and save/Give to appsrc of muxer */
+               gst_element_set_state(data->video_appsink, GST_STATE_PLAYING);
+               /* one has to set the newly added element to the same state as the rest of the elements. */
+       } else {
+               g_print(" It has type '%s' which is not raw A/V. Ignoring.\n", new_pad_type);
+               goto exit;
+       }
+       if (new_pad_caps != NULL)
+               gst_caps_unref(new_pad_caps);
+       gst_object_unref(sink_pad_audioqueue);
+       gst_object_unref(sink_pad_videoqueue);
+/* Demuxer bus_call */
+static gboolean __bus_call(GstBus *bus, GstMessage *mesg, gpointer data)
+       GMainLoop *dmxr_loop = (GMainLoop*)data;
+       switch (GST_MESSAGE_TYPE(mesg)) {
+       case GST_MESSAGE_EOS:
+               g_print("Demuxer: End of stream\n");
+               g_main_loop_quit(dmxr_loop);
+               break;
+       case GST_MESSAGE_ERROR:
+       {
+               gchar *dbg;
+               GError *err;
+               gst_message_parse_error(mesg, &err, &dbg);
+               g_free(dbg);
+               g_printerr("Demuxer-Error: %s\n", err->message);
+               g_error_free(err);
+               g_main_loop_quit(dmxr_loop);
+               break;
+       }
+       default:
+               break;
+       }
+       return TRUE;
+/* Demux an mp4 file and generate encoded streams and extra data  */
+int demux_mp4()
+       CustomData data;
+       GMainLoop *loop_dmx;
+       GstBus *bus;
+       guint watch_id_for_bus;
+       g_print("Start of _demux_mp4()\n");
+       if (access(file_mp4, F_OK) == -1) {
+               /* mp4 file doesn't exist */
+               g_print("mp4 Invalid file path.");
+               return -1;
+       }
+       gst_init(NULL, NULL);
+       loop_dmx = g_main_loop_new(NULL, FALSE);
+       data.loop = loop_dmx;
+       /* Create gstreamer elements for demuxer */
+       data.pipeline = gst_pipeline_new("DemuxerPipeline");
+       data.source = gst_element_factory_make("filesrc", "file-source");
+       data.demuxer = gst_element_factory_make("qtdemux", "mp4-demuxer");
+       data.audioqueue = gst_element_factory_make("queue", "audio-queue");
+       data.videoqueue = gst_element_factory_make("queue", "video-queue");
+       data.dummysink = gst_element_factory_make("fakesink", "fakesink");
+       data.video_appsink = gst_element_factory_make("appsink", "encoded_video_appsink");
+       data.audio_appsink = gst_element_factory_make("appsink", "encoded_audio_appsink");
+       if (!data.pipeline || !data.source || !data.demuxer || !data.audioqueue
+               || !data.dummysink || !data.videoqueue || !data.audio_appsink || !data.video_appsink) {
+               g_print("Test-Suite: One gst-element can't be created. Exiting\n");
+               return -1;
+       }
+       /* Add msg-handler */
+       bus = gst_pipeline_get_bus(GST_PIPELINE(data.pipeline));
+       watch_id_for_bus = gst_bus_add_watch(bus, __bus_call, loop_dmx);
+       gst_object_unref(bus);
+       /* Add gstreamer-elements into gst-pipeline */
+       gst_bin_add_many(GST_BIN(data.pipeline), data.source, data.demuxer, data.dummysink, \
+               data.audioqueue, data.videoqueue, data.audio_appsink, data.video_appsink, NULL);
+       /* we set the input filename to the source element */
+       g_object_set(G_OBJECT(data.source), "location", file_mp4, NULL);
+       /* we link the elements together */
+       gst_element_link(data.source, data.demuxer);
+       /* Register demuxer callback */
+       g_signal_connect(data.demuxer, "pad-added", G_CALLBACK(__on_pad_added), &data);
+       /* Play the pipeline */
+       g_print("Now playing : %s\n", file_mp4);
+       gst_element_set_state(data.pipeline, GST_STATE_PLAYING);
+       /* Run the loop till quit */
+       g_print("gst-pipeline -Running...\n");
+       g_main_loop_run(loop_dmx);
+       /* Done with gst-loop. Free resources */
+       gst_element_set_state(data.pipeline, GST_STATE_NULL);
+       g_print("gst-pipeline - Unreferencing...\n");
+       gst_object_unref(GST_OBJECT(data.pipeline));
+       g_source_remove(watch_id_for_bus);
+       g_main_loop_unref(loop_dmx);
+       g_print("End of _demux_mp4()\n");
+       return 0;
diff --git a/test/mediamuxer_test_with_mediacodec.c b/test/mediamuxer_test_with_mediacodec.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..aa6ca03
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,593 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2015 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd All Rights Reserved
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+/* ============================================================================
+|                                                                              |
+|  INCLUDE FILES                                                               |
+|                                                                              |
+============================================================================= */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <gst/gst.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <mm_error.h>
+#include <mm_debug.h>
+#include "../include/mediamuxer_port.h"
+#include <mediamuxer.h>
+#include <mediamuxer_private.h>
+#include <media_packet_internal.h>
+#include <media_codec.h>
+#define MAX_STRING_LEN 256
+#define MAX_HANDLE 10
+#ifndef GST_SECOND
+#define USE_INPUT_QUEUE 1
+#define MAX_INPUT_BUF_NUM 20
+#define CHECK_BIT(x, y) (((x) >> (y)) & 0x01)
+#define GET_IS_ENCODER(x) CHECK_BIT(x, 0)
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+|    GLOBAL VARIABLE DEFINITIONS:                                       |
+---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+extern int use_video;   /* 1 to test video with codec,   0 for audio */
+extern mediamuxer_h myMuxer;
+extern media_format_h input_fmt;
+extern int use_encoder;
+extern int bitrate;
+extern int bitrate;
+extern int samplerate;
+extern int channel;
+extern media_format_mimetype_e mimetype;
+extern int bit;
+extern uint64_t pts;
+extern int width;
+extern int height;
+extern float fps;
+extern int target_bits;
+int frame_count = 0;
+int g_handle_num = 1;
+char g_uri[MAX_STRING_LEN];
+int g_len;
+int bMultipleFiles;
+media_packet_h input_buf[MAX_INPUT_BUF_NUM];
+GQueue input_available;
+media_packet_h in_buf;
+static mediacodec_h g_media_codec[MAX_HANDLE] = {0};
+static int samplebyte = DEFAULT_SAMPLEBYTE;
+int enc_vide_pkt_available = 0;
+FILE *fp_src = NULL;
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+|    HELPER  FUNCTION                                                   |
+---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
+/* To aid muxer-codec test */
+static void _mediacodec_eos_cb(void *user_data)
+       g_print("\n\n\n\n event : eos_cb \n\n\n");
+       int track_index_vid = 0;
+       int track_index_aud = 1;
+       if (use_video == 1)
+               mediamuxer_close_track(myMuxer, track_index_vid);
+       else if (use_video == 0)
+               mediamuxer_close_track(myMuxer, track_index_aud);
+/* To aid muxer-codec test */
+void _allocate_buf(void)
+       int i = 0;
+       /* !!!! remove dependency on internal headers. */
+       /* input_avaliable = mc_async_queue_new(); */
+       /* input_buf = (media_packet_h *)malloc(sizeof(media_packet_h)*MAX_INPUT_BUF_NUM); */
+       for (i = 0; i < MAX_INPUT_BUF_NUM; i++) {
+               media_packet_create_alloc(input_fmt, NULL, NULL, &input_buf[i]);
+               g_print("if-input queue buf = %p\n", input_buf[i]);
+               g_queue_push_tail(&input_available, input_buf[i]);
+       }
+       media_packet_create_alloc(input_fmt, NULL, NULL, &in_buf);
+       g_print("else-input queue buf = %p\n", in_buf);
+       return;
+/* To aid muxer-codec test */
+void input_raw_filepath(char *filename)
+       int len = strlen(filename);
+       int i = 0;
+       if (len < 0 || len > MAX_STRING_LEN)
+               return;
+       for (i = 0; i < g_handle_num; i++) {
+               if (g_media_codec[i] != NULL) {
+                       mediacodec_unprepare(g_media_codec[i]);
+                       mediacodec_destroy(g_media_codec[i]);
+                       g_media_codec[i] = NULL;
+               }
+               if (mediacodec_create(&g_media_codec[i]) != MEDIACODEC_ERROR_NONE)
+                       g_print("mediacodec create is failed\n");
+       }
+       media_format_create(&input_fmt);
+       strncpy(g_uri, filename, len);
+       g_len = len;
+       bMultipleFiles = 0;
+       if (g_uri[g_len-1] == '/')
+               bMultipleFiles = 1;
+       return;
+/* To aid muxer-codec test */
+ *  Add ADTS header at the beginning of each and every AAC packet.
+ *  This is needed as MediaCodec encoder generates a packet of raw AAC data.
+ *  Note the packetLen must count in the ADTS header itself.
+ **/
+void _add_adts_header_for_aacenc(unsigned char *buffer, int packetLen)
+       int profile = 2;    /* AAC LC (0x01) */
+       int freqIdx = 3;    /* 48KHz (0x03) */
+       int chanCfg = 2;    /* CPE (0x02) */
+       if (samplerate == 96000)
+               freqIdx = 0;
+       else if (samplerate == 88200)
+               freqIdx = 1;
+       else if (samplerate == 64000)
+               freqIdx = 2;
+       else if (samplerate == 48000)
+               freqIdx = 3;
+       else if (samplerate == 44100)
+               freqIdx = 4;
+       else if (samplerate == 32000)
+               freqIdx = 5;
+       else if (samplerate == 24000)
+               freqIdx = 6;
+       else if (samplerate == 22050)
+               freqIdx = 7;
+       else if (samplerate == 16000)
+               freqIdx = 8;
+       else if (samplerate == 12000)
+               freqIdx = 9;
+       else if (samplerate == 11025)
+               freqIdx = 10;
+       else if (samplerate == 8000)
+               freqIdx = 11;
+       if ((channel == 1) || (channel == 2))
+               chanCfg = channel;
+       /* fill in ADTS data */
+       buffer[0] = (char)0xFF;
+       buffer[1] = (char)0xF1;
+       buffer[2] = (char)(((profile-1)<<6) + (freqIdx<<2) +(chanCfg>>2));
+       buffer[3] = (char)(((chanCfg&3)<<6) + (packetLen>>11));
+       buffer[4] = (char)((packetLen&0x7FF) >> 3);
+       buffer[5] = (char)(((packetLen&7)<<5) + 0x1F);
+       buffer[6] = (char)0xFC;
+/* To aid muxer-codec test */
+static void _mediacodec_fill_buffer_cb(media_packet_h pkt, void *user_data)
+       g_print("**** Entered _mediacodec_fill_buffer_cb *****\n");
+       int track_index_aud = 1;
+       static int count = -1;
+       enc_vide_pkt_available = 1;
+       uint64_t pts, dts, duration, size;
+       media_buffer_flags_e flags;
+       void *codec_data;
+       void *pkt_data;
+       unsigned int codec_data_size;
+       g_print("A%d write sample call. packet add:%p\n", ++count, pkt);
+       if (media_packet_get_buffer_size(pkt, &size)) {
+               g_print("unable to get the buffer size actual =%"PRIu64"\n", size);
+               return;
+       }
+       media_packet_get_pts(pkt, &pts);
+       media_packet_get_dts(pkt, &dts);
+       media_packet_get_duration(pkt, &duration);
+       /* offset */
+       media_packet_get_flags(pkt, &flags);
+       media_packet_get_extra(pkt, (void**)&codec_data);
+       codec_data_size = strlen(codec_data) + 1;
+       g_print("***pkt attributes before writing *** Size=%"PRIu64", pts=%"PRIu64", dts=%"PRIu64", duration=%"PRIu64", flags=%d\n", size, pts, dts, duration, (int)flags);
+       g_print("Codec_data=%s\ncodec_data_size = %d\n", (char*)codec_data, codec_data_size);
+       if (count == 0) {
+               fp_in = fopen("/opt/usr/codec_dump_mxr.aac", "wb");
+               if (fp_in != NULL)
+                       validate_dump = true;
+               else
+                       g_print("Error - Cannot open file for file dump, Please chek root\n");
+       }
+       /* EOS hack for mediacodec */
+       if (count == 1758) {  /* Last buffer for SampleAAC.aac. should be replaced with a valid eos. */
+               g_print("Last Buffer Reached\n");
+               fclose(fp_in);
+               _mediacodec_eos_cb(user_data);
+               goto Finalize;
+       }
+       media_packet_get_buffer_data_ptr(pkt, &pkt_data);
+       if (validate_dump)
+               fwrite(pkt_data, 1, size, fp_in);
+       mediamuxer_write_sample(myMuxer, track_index_aud, pkt);
+       return;
+/* To aid muxer-codec test */
+void mediacodec_config_set_aenc_info(int samplerate, int chnnel, int bit, int bitrate)
+       g_print("_mediacodec_set_aenc_info\n");
+       g_print("samplerate = %d, channel = %d, bit = %d, bitrate = %d\n", samplerate, chnnel, bit, bitrate);
+       if (g_media_codec[0] != NULL)
+               mediacodec_set_aenc_info(g_media_codec[0], samplerate, chnnel, bit, bitrate);
+       else
+               g_print("mediacodec handle is not created\n");
+       return;
+/* To aid muxer-codec test */
+void mediacodec_config_set_venc_info(int width, int height, float fps, int target_bits)
+       g_print("_mediacodec_set_venc_info\n");
+       if (g_media_codec[0] != NULL)
+               mediacodec_set_venc_info(g_media_codec[0], width, height, fps, target_bits);
+       else
+               g_print("mediacodec handle is not created\n");
+       return;
+/* To aid muxer-codec test */
+static void _mediacodec_empty_buffer_cb(media_packet_h pkt, void *user_data)
+       if (pkt != NULL) {
+       media_packet_unset_flags(pkt, MEDIA_PACKET_CODEC_CONFIG);
+       g_queue_push_tail(&input_available, pkt);
+       g_print("availablebuf = %p\n", pkt);
+       g_print("Used input buffer = %p\n", pkt);
+       media_packet_destroy(pkt);
+       }
+       return;
+/* To aid muxer-codec test */
+static bool _mcdiacodec_supported_cb(mediacodec_codec_type_e type, void *user_data)
+       if (type != -1)
+               g_print("type : %x\n", type);
+       return true;
+/* To aid muxer-codec test */
+void mediacodec_config_prepare(void)
+       int i = 0;
+       int err = 0;
+       int ret;
+       if (use_video) {
+               g_print(" [video test] mimetype (0x%x), width(%d), height (%d), target_bits (%d)\n", mimetype, width, height, target_bits);
+               media_format_set_video_mime(input_fmt, mimetype);
+               media_format_set_video_width(input_fmt, width);
+               media_format_set_video_height(input_fmt, height);
+               media_format_set_video_avg_bps(input_fmt, target_bits);
+       } else {
+               g_print(" [audio test] mimetype (0x%x), channel(%d), samplerate (%d), bit (%d)\n", mimetype, channel, samplerate, bit);
+               if (!(mimetype & MEDIA_FORMAT_AUDIO))
+                       g_print("\n*****Not supported******\n");
+               if (input_fmt == NULL)
+                       g_print("\n*****NULL******\n");
+               ret = media_format_set_audio_mime(input_fmt, mimetype);
+               if (ret != MEDIA_FORMAT_ERROR_NONE)
+                       g_print("->media_format_set_audio_mime failed mime: %d\n", ret);
+               media_format_set_audio_channel(input_fmt, channel);
+               media_format_set_audio_samplerate(input_fmt, samplerate);
+               media_format_set_audio_bit(input_fmt, bit);
+       }
+       for (i = 0; i < g_handle_num; i++) {
+               if (g_media_codec[i] != NULL) {
+                       g_print("setting codec callbacks");
+                       mediacodec_set_input_buffer_used_cb(g_media_codec[i], _mediacodec_empty_buffer_cb, g_media_codec[i]);
+                       mediacodec_set_output_buffer_available_cb(g_media_codec[i], _mediacodec_fill_buffer_cb, g_media_codec[i]);
+                       mediacodec_set_eos_cb(g_media_codec[i], _mediacodec_eos_cb, g_media_codec[i]);
+                       mediacodec_foreach_supported_codec(g_media_codec[i], _mcdiacodec_supported_cb, g_media_codec[i]);
+                       err = mediacodec_prepare(g_media_codec[i]);
+                       if (err != MEDIACODEC_ERROR_NONE)
+                               g_print("mediacodec_prepare failed error = %d \n", err);
+                       _allocate_buf();
+               } else {
+                       g_print("mediacodec handle is not created\n");
+               }
+       }
+       frame_count = 0;
+       enc_vide_pkt_available = 1;
+       return;
+/* To aid muxer-codec Test */
+void mediacodec_config_set_codec(int codecid, int flag)
+       int encoder = 0;
+       int ret;
+       g_print("_mediacodec_configure\n");
+       g_print("codecid = 0x%x, flag = %d\n", codecid, flag);
+       g_print("MyTag; codecid = %d, flag = %d\n", codecid, flag);
+       if (g_media_codec[0] != NULL) {
+               ret = mediacodec_set_codec(g_media_codec[0], (mediacodec_codec_type_e)codecid, flag);
+               if (ret !=  MEDIACODEC_ERROR_NONE) {
+                       g_print("mediacodec set codec is failed, ret = %d, ret_hex=%x\n", ret, ret);
+                       return;
+               }
+               encoder = GET_IS_ENCODER(flag) ? 1 : 0;
+               if (use_video) {
+                       if (encoder) {
+                               mimetype |= MEDIA_FORMAT_NV12;
+                               mimetype |= MEDIA_FORMAT_RAW;
+                       } else  {
+                               if (codecid == MEDIACODEC_MPEG4)
+                                       mimetype |= MEDIA_FORMAT_MPEG4_SP;
+                               else if (codecid == MEDIACODEC_H263)
+                                       mimetype |= MEDIA_FORMAT_H263;
+                               else
+                                       mimetype |= MEDIA_FORMAT_H264_SP;
+                       }
+                       mimetype |= MEDIA_FORMAT_VIDEO;
+               } else {
+                       if (encoder) {
+                               mimetype |= MEDIA_FORMAT_RAW;
+                               mimetype |= MEDIA_FORMAT_PCM;
+                       }
+               mimetype |= MEDIA_FORMAT_AUDIO;
+               g_print("[audio test] mimetype (0x%x)\n", mimetype);
+               }
+       } else {
+               g_print("mediacodec handle is not created\n");
+       }
+       return;
+|    HELPER  FUNCTION                                                                 |
+/* To aid muxer-codec test */
+int __extract_input_per_frame(FILE *fp, unsigned char *rawdata)
+       int readsize = 0;
+       while (!feof(fp))
+               readsize += fread(rawdata+readsize, 1, 1, fp);
+       return readsize;
+/* To aid muxer-codec test */
+unsigned int __bytestream2yuv420(FILE *fd, unsigned char* yuv)
+       size_t result;
+       int read_size;
+       unsigned char buffer[1500000];
+       if (feof(fd))
+               return 0;
+       read_size = width*height*3/2;
+       result = fread(buffer, 1, read_size, fd);
+       g_print("3\n");
+       if (result != read_size)
+               return -1;
+       memcpy(yuv, buffer, width*height*3/2);
+       return width*height*3/2;
+/* To aid muxer-codec test */
+/** Extract Input data for AAC encoder **/
+unsigned int __extract_input_aacenc(FILE *fd, unsigned char* rawdata)
+       int readsize;
+       size_t result;
+       unsigned char buffer[1000000];
+       if (feof(fd))
+               return 0;
+       readsize =  ((samplebyte*channel)*(bit/8));
+       result = fread(buffer, 1, readsize, fd);
+       if (result != readsize)
+               return -1;
+       memcpy(rawdata, buffer, readsize);
+       return readsize;
+/* To aid muxer-codec test */
+int __mediacodec_process_input(void)
+       int buf_size = 0;
+       media_packet_h in_buf = NULL;
+       void *data = NULL;
+       int ret = 0;
+       /* int err; */
+       if (g_media_codec[0] == NULL) {
+               g_print("mediacodec handle is not created\n");
+       }
+       if (fp_src == NULL) {
+               if (bMultipleFiles) {
+                       if (g_uri[g_len-1] != '/')
+                               g_uri[g_len++] = '/';
+                       sprintf(g_uri+g_len, "%05d", frame_count);
+               }
+               fp_src = fopen(g_uri, "r");
+               if (fp_src == NULL) {
+                       g_print("%s file open failed\n", g_uri);
+                       return MEDIACODEC_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
+               }
+       }
+       in_buf = g_queue_pop_head(&input_available);
+       _allocate_buf();
+       if (in_buf != NULL) {
+               media_packet_get_buffer_data_ptr(in_buf, &data);
+               if (data == NULL)
+                       return MEDIACODEC_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
+               printf("use_encoder=%d\n", use_encoder);
+               if (use_encoder) {
+                       if (use_video) {
+                               /* Video Encoder */
+                               g_print("4 Video Encoder\n");
+                               if (bMultipleFiles) {
+                                       buf_size = __extract_input_per_frame(fp_src, data);
+                                       fclose(fp_src);
+                                       sprintf(g_uri+g_len, "%05d", frame_count+1);
+                                       fp_src = fopen(g_uri, "r");
+                                       if (fp_src == NULL) {
+                                               media_packet_set_flags(in_buf, MEDIA_PACKET_END_OF_STREAM);
+                                               /* err = MEDIACODEC_ERROR_INVALID_INBUFFER; */
+                                       }
+                               } else {
+                                       buf_size = __bytestream2yuv420(fp_src, data);
+                                       if (buf_size == -1)
+                                               g_print("codec EOS reaced\n");
+                               }
+                               g_print("input pts = %"PRIu64"\n", pts);
+                               media_packet_set_pts(in_buf, pts);
+                               if (fps != 0)
+                                   pts += (GST_SECOND / fps);
+                       } else {
+                               /* Audio Encoder - AAC */
+                               buf_size = __extract_input_aacenc(fp_src, data);
+                               printf("audio buf_size=%d\n", buf_size);
+                               /* pts is not needed for muxer, if adts header is present */
+                               /* media_packet_set_pts (in_buf, pts); */
+                               g_print("----pts calculation: input pts = %"PRIu64", buf_size=%d samplerate=%d, samplebyte=%d\n", pts, buf_size, samplerate, samplebyte);
+                               if (samplerate != 0)
+                                       pts += ((GST_SECOND / samplerate) * samplebyte);
+                       }
+               }
+               if (buf_size >= 0) {
+                       if (use_video && buf_size == 4) {
+                               media_packet_set_flags(in_buf, MEDIA_PACKET_END_OF_STREAM);
+                               media_packet_set_buffer_size(in_buf, 4);
+                               mediacodec_process_input(g_media_codec[0], in_buf, 0);
+                               g_print("\n\nEOS packet is sent\n");
+                               return MEDIACODEC_ERROR_INVALID_INBUFFER;
+                       }
+                       media_packet_set_buffer_size(in_buf, buf_size);
+                       g_print("%s - input_buf size = %4d  (0x%x) at %4d frame, %p\n", __func__, buf_size, buf_size, frame_count, in_buf);
+                       ret = mediacodec_process_input(g_media_codec[0], in_buf, 0);
+                       if (use_video && buf_size == -1) {
+                               g_print("%s - END : input_buf size = %d  frame_count : %d\n", __func__, buf_size, frame_count);
+                               return MEDIACODEC_ERROR_INVALID_INBUFFER;
+                       }
+               } else {
+                       g_print("%s - [WARN] Check to input buf_size = %4d  at %4d frame, %p\n", __func__, buf_size, frame_count, in_buf);
+                       return MEDIACODEC_ERROR_INVALID_INBUFFER;
+               }
+               frame_count++;
+               g_print("returning, ret=%d, expected ret=%d\n", ret, MEDIACODEC_ERROR_NONE);
+               return ret;
+       }
+/* To aid muxer-codec test */
+void mediacodec_process_all(void)
+       int ret = MEDIACODEC_ERROR_NONE;
+       g_print("Start of _mediacodec_process_all()\n");
+       while (1) {
+               ret = __mediacodec_process_input();
+               if (ret != MEDIACODEC_ERROR_NONE) {
+                       g_print ("__mediacodec_process_input ret = %d\n", ret);
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+       g_print("End of _mediacodec_process_all()\n");
+       return;