--- /dev/null
+llvm-remark-size-diff - diff size remarks
+.. program:: llvm-remark-size-diff
+:program:`llvm-remark-size-diff` [*options*] *file_a* *file_b* **--parser** *parser*
+:program:`llvm-remark-size-diff` diffs size
+`remarks <https://llvm.org/docs/Remarks.html>`_ in two remark files: ``file_a``
+and ``file_b``.
+:program:`llvm-remark-size-diff` can be used to gain insight into which
+functions were impacted the most by code generation changes.
+In most common use-cases ``file_a`` and ``file_b`` will be remarks output by
+compiling a **fixed source** with **differing compilers** or
+**differing optimization settings**.
+:program:`llvm-remark-size-diff` handles both
+`YAML <https://llvm.org/docs/Remarks.html#yaml-remarks>`_ and
+`bitstream <https://llvm.org/docs/Remarks.html#llvm-bitstream-remarks>`_
+.. option:: --parser=<yaml|bitstream>
+ Select the type of input remark parser. Required.
+ * ``yaml``: The tool will parse YAML remarks.
+ * ``bitstream``: The tool will parse bitstream remarks.
+.. option:: --report-style=<human|json>
+ Output style.
+ * ``human``: Human-readable textual report. Default option.
+ * ``json``: JSON report.
+.. option:: --pretty
+ Pretty-print JSON output. Optional.
+ If output is not set to JSON, this does nothing.
+.. option:: -o=<file>
+ Output file for the report. Outputs to stdout by default.
+The human-readable format for :program:`llvm-remark-size-diff` is composed of
+two sections:
+* Per-function changes.
+* A high-level summary of all changes.
+Changed Function Section
+Suppose you are comparing two remark files OLD and NEW.
+For each function with a **changed instruction count** in OLD and NEW,
+:program:`llvm-remark-size-diff` will emit a line like below:
+ (++|--|==) (>|<) function_name, N instrs, M stack B
+A breakdown of the format is below:
+ Which of OLD and NEW the ``function_name`` is present in.
+ * ``++``: Only in NEW. ("Added")
+ * ``--``: Only in OLD. ("Removed")
+ * ``==``: In both.
+ Denotes if ``function_name`` has more instructions or fewer instructions in
+ the second file.
+ * ``>``: More instructions in second file than first file.
+ * ``<``: Fewer instructions in second file than in first file.
+ The name of the changed function.
+``N instrs``
+ Second file instruction count - first file instruction count.
+``M stack B``
+ Second file stack byte count - first file stack byte count.
+Summary Section
+:program:`llvm-remark-size-diff` will output a high-level summary after
+printing all changed functions.
+ instruction count: N (inst_pct_change%)
+ stack byte usage: M (sb_pct_change%)
+ Sum of all instruction count changes between the second and first file.
+ Percent increase or decrease in instruction count between the second and first
+ file.
+ Sum of all stack byte count changes between the second and first file.
+ Percent increase or decrease in stack byte usage between the second and first
+ file.
+High-Level view
+Suppose we are comparing two files, OLD and NEW.
+:program:`llvm-remark-size-diff` will output JSON as follows.
+ "Files": [
+ "A": "path/to/OLD",
+ "B": "path/to/NEW"
+ ]
+ "InBoth": [
+ ...
+ ],
+ "OnlyInA": [
+ ...
+ ],
+ "OnlyInB": [
+ ...
+ ]
+ Original paths to remark files.
+ * ``A``: Path to the first file.
+ * ``B``: Path to the second file.
+ Functions present in both files.
+ Functions only present in the first file.
+ Functions only present in the second file.
+Function JSON
+The ``InBoth``, ``OnlyInA``, and ``OnlyInB`` sections contain size information
+for each function in the input remark files.
+ {
+ "FunctionName" : "function_name"
+ "InstCount": [
+ ],
+ "StackSize": [
+ ],
+ }
+ Name of the function.
+ Instruction counts for the function.
+ * ``INST_COUNT_A``: Instruction count in OLD.
+ * ``INST_COUNT_B``: Instruction count in NEW.
+ Stack byte counts for the function.
+ * ``STACK_BYTES_A``: Stack bytes in OLD.
+ * ``STACK_BYTES_B``: Stack bytes in NEW.
+Computing Diffs From Function JSON
+Function JSON does not contain the diffs. Tools consuming JSON output from
+:program:`llvm-remark-size-diff` are responsible for computing the diffs
+**To compute the diffs:**
+* Instruction count diff: ``INST_COUNT_B - INST_COUNT_A``
+* Stack byte count diff: ``STACK_BYTES_B - STACK_BYTES_A``
+:program:`llvm-remark-size-diff` returns 0 on success, and a non-zero value