"Advance to resume simulation." }
State { name: "resumed"; when: statenum == 3
- PropertyChanges { target: bugpanel; bugnumber: "21539" }
+ // PropertyChanges { target: bugpanel; bugnumber: "21539" } FIXED
PropertyChanges { target: particlesystemelement; paused: false }
PropertyChanges { target: particlesystemelementtest
testtext: "The simulation should now be active.\n"+
sprites: [Sprite {
name: "happy"
source: "pics/squarefacesprite2.png"
- frames: 6
+ frameCount: 6
frameDuration: 120
to: {"silly": 1, "sad":0}
}, Sprite {
name: "silly"
source: "pics/squarefacesprite.png"
- frames: 6
+ frameCount: 6
frameDuration: 120
to: {"happy": 1, "sad": 0}
}, Sprite {
name: "sad"
source: "pics/squarefacesprite3.png"
- frames: 6
+ frameCount: 6
frameDuration: 120
to: {"evil": 0.5, "sad": 1, "cyclops" : 0}
}, Sprite {
name: "cyclops"
source: "pics/squarefacesprite4.png"
- frames: 6
+ frameCount: 6
frameDuration: 120
to: {"love": 0.1, "boggled": 0.1, "cyclops" : 0.1}
}, Sprite {
name: "evil"
source: "pics/squarefacesprite5.png"
- frames: 6
+ frameCount: 6
frameDuration: 120
to: {"sad": 1.0, "cyclops" : 0}
}, Sprite {
name: "love"
source: "pics/squarefacesprite6.png"
- frames: 6
+ frameCount: 6
frameDuration: 120
to: {"love": 0.1, "boggled": 0.1, "cyclops" : 0.1}
}, Sprite {
name: "boggled"
source: "pics/squarefacesprite7.png"
- frames: 6
+ frameCount: 6
frameDuration: 120
to: {"love": 0.1, "boggled": 0.1, "cyclops" : 0.1, "dying":0}
}, Sprite {
name: "dying"
source: "pics/squarefacespriteX.png"
- frames: 4
+ frameCount: 4
frameDuration: 120
to: {"dead":1.0}
}, Sprite {
name: "dead"
source: "pics/squarefacespriteXX.png"
- frames: 1
+ frameCount: 1
frameDuration: 10000
import QtQuick 2.0
+import QtQuick.XmlListModel 2.0
Item {
id: xmllistmodelelementtest
width: parent.width; wrapMode: Text.WordWrap; visible: opacity != 0; text: methodtext
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter; anchors.top: ingredientlist.bottom
Behavior on opacity { NumberAnimation { duration: 250 } }
- Component.onCompleted: { console.log(model.method); methodtext = model.method; console.log(recipemethod.textFormat); }
+ Component.onCompleted: { methodtext = model.method; }
MouseArea { anchors.fill: parent; onClicked: delbox.state = delbox.state == "open" ? "closed" : "open" }
Behavior on height { NumberAnimation { duration: 250 } }