assert (configuration == 'Release' || configuration == 'Checked')
// TODO: Add once external email sending is available again
// addEmailPublisher(job, '')
- Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, '@weekly')
+ Utilities.addPeriodicTrigger(job, '@daily')
case 'gc_reliability_framework':
assert (os == 'Ubuntu' || os == 'Windows_NT' || os == 'OSX10.12')
Constants.r2rJitStressScenarios.containsKey(scenario)) {
buildCommands += "set __TestIntermediateDir=int&&build.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${arch} ${buildOpts}"
- else if (isLongGc(scenario)) {
+ else if (isLongGc(scenario) || scenario == 'standalone_gc') {
buildCommands += "set __TestIntermediateDir=int&&build.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${arch} ${buildOpts}"
- else if (scenario == 'standalone_gc') {
- buildCommands += "set __TestIntermediateDir=int&&build.cmd ${lowerConfiguration} ${arch} ${buildOpts} buildstandalonegc"
- }
else if (scenario == 'formatting') {
buildCommands += "python -u tests\\scripts\\ -c %WORKSPACE% -o Windows_NT -a ${arch}"
Utilities.addArchival(newJob, "format.patch", "", true, false)
def illinkArguments = ''
def testEnvStr = ''
def runtestArguments = ''
+ def standaloneGcStr = ''
if (scenario == 'r2r' ||
scenario == 'r2r_gcstress15' ||
else if (isLongGc(scenario)) {
gcTestArguments = "${scenario} sequential"
+ else if (scenario == 'standalone_gc') {
+ standaloneGcStr = "gcname clrgc.dll"
+ }
else if (scenario == 'illink')
illinkArguments = "link %WORKSPACE%\\linker\\linker\\bin\\netcore_Release\\netcoreapp2.0\\win10-${arch}\\publish\\illink.exe"
testEnvStr = "TestEnv ${envScriptPath}"
- runtestArguments = "${lowerConfiguration} ${arch} ${gcstressStr} ${crossgenStr} ${runcrossgentestsStr} ${runjitstressStr} ${runjitstressregsStr} ${runjitmioptsStr} ${runjitforcerelocsStr} ${runjitdisasmStr} ${runilasmroundtripStr} ${gcTestArguments} ${illinkArguments} collectdumps ${testEnvStr}"
+ runtestArguments = "${lowerConfiguration} ${arch} ${gcstressStr} ${crossgenStr} ${runcrossgentestsStr} ${runjitstressStr} ${runjitstressregsStr} ${runjitmioptsStr} ${runjitforcerelocsStr} ${runjitdisasmStr} ${runilasmroundtripStr} ${gcTestArguments} ${illinkArguments} collectdumps ${testEnvStr} ${standaloneGcStr}"
// If we are running a stress mode, we should write out the set of key
// value env pairs to a file at this point and then we'll pass that to runtest.cmd
buildCommands += "./tests/scripts/ --clone --arch=${architecture}"
- def standaloneGc = ''
- if (scenario == 'standalone_gc') {
- standaloneGc = 'buildstandalonegc'
- }
if (!enableCorefxTesting) {
// We run pal tests on all OS but generate mscorlib (and thus, nuget packages)
// only on supported OS platforms.
def bootstrapRid = Utilities.getBoostrapPublishRid(os)
def bootstrapRidEnv = bootstrapRid != null ? "__PUBLISH_RID=${bootstrapRid} " : ''
- buildCommands += "${bootstrapRidEnv}./ verbose ${lowerConfiguration} ${architecture} ${standaloneGc}"
+ buildCommands += "${bootstrapRidEnv}./ verbose ${lowerConfiguration} ${architecture}"
buildCommands += "src/pal/tests/palsuite/ \${WORKSPACE}/bin/obj/${osGroup}.${architecture}.${configuration} \${WORKSPACE}/bin/paltestout"
// Set time out
case 'arm64':
- def standaloneGc = ''
- if (scenario == 'standalone_gc') {
- standaloneGc = 'buildstandalonegc'
- }
if (!enableCorefxTesting) {
- buildCommands += "ROOTFS_DIR=/opt/arm64-xenial-rootfs ./ verbose ${lowerConfiguration} ${architecture} cross clang3.8 ${standaloneGc}"
+ buildCommands += "ROOTFS_DIR=/opt/arm64-xenial-rootfs ./ verbose ${lowerConfiguration} ${architecture} cross clang3.8"
// HACK -- Arm64 does not have corefx jobs yet.
buildCommands += "git clone fx"
def gcstressStr = ''
def illinkStr = ''
def layoutOnlyStr =''
+ def standaloneGcStr = ''
if (scenario == 'r2r' || Constants.r2rJitStressScenarios.containsKey(scenario) ) {
crossgenStr = '--crossgen'
layoutOnlyStr = '--build-overlay-only'
+ if (scenario == 'standalone_gc') {
+ if (osGroup == 'OSX') {
+ standaloneGcStr = '--gcname=libclrgc.dylib'
+ }
+ else if (osGroup == 'Linux') {
+ standaloneGcStr = ''
+ }
+ else {
+ println("Unexpected OS group: ${osGroup} for os ${os}")
+ assert false
+ }
+ }
def windowsArmJob = (os == "Windows_NT" && architecture in validWindowsNTCrossArches)
def folder = getJobFolder(scenario)
--limitedDumpGeneration \\
${testEnvOpt} ${serverGCString} ${gcstressStr} ${crossgenStr} ${runcrossgentestsStr} ${runjitstressStr} \\
${runjitstressregsStr} ${runjitmioptsStr} ${runjitforcerelocsStr} ${runjitdisasmStr} ${runilasmroundtripStr} \\
- ${illinkStr} ${sequentialString} ${playlistString} ${layoutOnlyStr}""")
+ ${illinkStr} ${sequentialString} ${playlistString} ${layoutOnlyStr} ${standaloneGcStr}""")
if (isGcReliabilityFramework(scenario)) {
// doesn't actually execute the reliability framework - do it here.