Different sources exist for this counter:
- the system time (with g_get_current_time() and with microsecond accuracy)
+ - monotonic time (with g_get_monotonic_time () with microsecond accuracy)
- an audio device (based on number of samples played)
- a network source based on packets received + timestamps in those packets (a
typical example is an RTP source)
A GstClock always counts time upwards and does not necessarily start at 0.
+While it is possible, it is not recommended to create a clock derived from the
+contents of a stream (for example, create a clock from the PCR in an mpeg-ts
Running time
The following notation is used:
B: GstBuffer
- - B.timestamp = buffer timestamp (GST_BUFFER_TIMESTAMP)
+ - B.timestamp = buffer timestamp (GST_BUFFER_PTS or GST_BUFFER_DTS)
S: SEGMENT event preceeding the buffers.
- - S.start: start field in the SEGMENT event
- - S.stop: stop field in the SEGMENT event
- - S.rate: rate field of SEGMENT event
- - S.abs_rate: absolute value of rate field of SEGMENT event
- - S.time: time field in the SEGMENT event
- - S.base: a base time for the time.
- - S.offset: an offset to apply to S.start or S.stop
+ - S.start: start field in the SEGMENT event. This is the lowest allowed
+ timestamp.
+ - S.stop: stop field in the SEGMENT event. This is the highers allowed
+ timestamp.
+ - S.rate: rate field of SEGMENT event. This is the desired playback rate.
+ - S.base: a base time for the time. This is the total elapsed running_time of any
+ previous segments.
+ - S.offset: an offset to apply to S.start or S.stop. This is the amount that
+ has already been elapsed in the segment.
Valid buffers for synchronisation are those with B.timestamp between S.start
and S.stop (after applying the S.offset). All other buffers outside this range
The following transformation to running_time exist:
if (S.rate > 0.0)
- B.running_time = (B.timestamp - (S.start + S.offset)) / S.abs_rate + S.base
+ B.running_time = (B.timestamp - (S.start + S.offset)) / ABS (S.rate) + S.base
- B.running_time = ((S.stop - S.offset) - B.timestamp) / S.abs_rate + S.base
+ B.running_time = ((S.stop - S.offset) - B.timestamp) / ABS (S.rate) + S.base
We write B.running_time as the running_time obtained from the SEGMENT event
and the buffers of that segment.
first buffer received will be transformed into B.running_time of 0 (B.timestamp ==
S.stop and S.accum == 0).
+This makes it so that B.running_time is always monotonically increasing
+starting from 0 with both positive and negative rates.
- using the buffer timestamp and the preceeding SEGMENT event as (assuming
positive playback rate):
- B.running_time = (B.timestamp - (S.start + S.offset)) / S.abs_rate + S.base
+ B.running_time = (B.timestamp - (S.start + S.offset)) / ABS (S.rate) + S.base
We prefix C. and B. before the two running times to note how they were
- the position used in seek events/queries
- the position used to synchronize controller values
+Additional fields in the SEGMENT are used:
+ - S.time: time field in the SEGMENT event. This the stream-time of S.start
+ - S.applied_rate: The rate already applied to the stream.
Stream time is calculated using the buffer times and the preceeding SEGMENT
event as follows:
- stream_time = (B.timestamp - S.start) * S.abs_applied_rate + S.time
+ stream_time = (B.timestamp - S.start) * ABS (S.applied_rate) + S.time
For negative rates, B.timestamp will go backwards from S.stop to S.start,
making the stream time go backwards.
allows us to rewrite the above formula for stream_time (and for positive rates).
C.running_time = absolute_time - base_time
- B.running_time = (B.timestamp - (S.start + S.offset)) / S.abs_rate + S.base
+ B.running_time = (B.timestamp - (S.start + S.offset)) / ABS (S.rate) + S.base
- (B.timestamp - (S.start + S.offset)) / S.abs_rate + S.base = absolute_time - base_time;
+ (B.timestamp - (S.start + S.offset)) / ABS (S.rate) + S.base = absolute_time - base_time;
- (B.timestamp - (S.start + S.offset)) / S.abs_rate = absolute_time - base_time - S.base;
+ (B.timestamp - (S.start + S.offset)) / ABS (S.rate) = absolute_time - base_time - S.base;
- (B.timestamp - (S.start + S.offset)) = (absolute_time - base_time - S.base) * S.abs_rate
+ (B.timestamp - (S.start + S.offset)) = (absolute_time - base_time - S.base) * ABS (S.rate)
- (B.timestamp - S.start) = S.offset + (absolute_time - base_time - S.base) * S.abs_rate
+ (B.timestamp - S.start) = S.offset + (absolute_time - base_time - S.base) * ABS (S.rate)
filling (B.timestamp - S.start) in the above formule for stream time
- stream_time = (S.offset + (absolute_time - base_time - S.base) * S.abs_rate) * S.abs_applied_rate + S.time
+ stream_time = (S.offset + (absolute_time - base_time - S.base) * ABS (S.rate)) * S.abs_applied_rate + S.time
This last formula is typically used in sinks to report the current position in
an accurate and efficient way.