9.Known Issues
* The number of CPUs/Cores should less than or equal to 8*sizeof(unsigned long). On 64 bits, the limit
is 64. On 32 bits, it is 32.
+10. Specification of Git Branches
+We used the git branching model in this article (http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/).
+Now, there are 4 branches in github.com.
+ * The master branch. This a main branch to reflect a production-ready state.
+ * The develop branch. This a main branch to reflect a state with the latest delivered development changes for the next release.
+ * The loongson3a branch. This is a feature branch. We develop Loongson3A codes on this branch. We will merge this feature to develop branch in future.
+ * The gh-pages branch. This is for web pages
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