--- /dev/null
+package org.tizen.emulator.skin;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.logging.Logger;
+import org.eclipse.swt.events.PaintEvent;
+import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Color;
+import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.GC;
+import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.Image;
+import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.ImageData;
+import org.eclipse.swt.graphics.PaletteData;
+import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
+import org.tizen.emulator.skin.comm.ICommunicator.MouseButtonType;
+import org.tizen.emulator.skin.comm.ICommunicator.MouseEventType;
+import org.tizen.emulator.skin.comm.ICommunicator.RotationInfo;
+import org.tizen.emulator.skin.comm.ICommunicator.SendCommand;
+import org.tizen.emulator.skin.comm.sock.SocketCommunicator;
+import org.tizen.emulator.skin.comm.sock.data.MouseEventData;
+import org.tizen.emulator.skin.log.SkinLogger;
+public class EmulatorFingers {
+ private static final int MAX_FINGER_CNT = 10;
+ private static final int RED_MASK = 0x0000FF00;
+ private static final int GREEN_MASK = 0x00FF0000;
+ private static final int BLUE_MASK = 0xFF000000;
+ private static final int COLOR_DEPTH = 32;
+ private Logger logger = SkinLogger.getSkinLogger( EmulatorFingers.class ).getLogger();
+ private int multiTouchEnable;
+ private int maxTouchPoint;
+ protected int fingerCnt;
+ private int fingerCntMax;
+ protected int fingerPointSize;
+ protected int fingerPointSizeHalf;
+ private Color fingerPointColor;
+ private Color fingerPointOutlineColor;
+ private int grabFingerID = 0;
+ protected Image fingerSlotimage;
+ protected ImageData imageData;
+ protected FingerPoint fingerSlot;
+ protected SocketCommunicator communicator;
+ protected EmulatorSkin emulatorSkin;
+ ArrayList<FingerPoint> FingerPointList;
+ EmulatorSkinState currentState;
+ EmulatorFingers(EmulatorSkinState currentState) {
+ this.currentState = currentState;
+ initMultiTouchState();
+ }
+ protected void setCommunicator(SocketCommunicator communicator) {
+ this.communicator = communicator;
+ }
+ //private fingerPointSurface;
+ protected class FingerPoint {
+ int id;
+ int originX;
+ int originY;
+ int x;
+ int y;
+ FingerPoint(int originX, int originY, int x, int y) {
+ this.originX = originX;
+ this.originY = -originY;
+ this.x = x;
+ this.y = y;
+ }
+ FingerPoint(int id, int originX, int originY, int x, int y) {
+ this.id = id;
+ this.originX = originX;
+ this.originY = -originY;
+ this.x = x;
+ this.y = y;
+ }
+ }
+ public FingerPoint getFingerPointFromSlot(int index) {
+ if(index < 0 || index > this.fingerCntMax) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ return FingerPointList.get(index);
+ }
+ public FingerPoint getFingerPointSearch(int x, int y) {
+ int i;
+ FingerPoint fingerPoint = null;
+ int fingerRegion = (this.fingerPointSize ) + 2;
+ //logger.info("x: "+x+ "y: "+ y + " fingerRegion: " + fingerRegion);
+ for(i = this.fingerCnt -1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ fingerPoint = getFingerPointFromSlot(i);
+ if(fingerPoint != null) {
+ if(x >= (fingerPoint.x - fingerRegion) &&
+ x < (fingerPoint.x + fingerRegion) &&
+ y >= (fingerPoint.y - fingerRegion) &&
+ y < (fingerPoint.y + fingerRegion)) {
+ //logger.info("return finger point:" + fingerPoint);
+ return fingerPoint;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ protected void setEmulatorSkin(EmulatorSkin emulatorSkin) {
+ this.emulatorSkin = emulatorSkin;
+ }
+ public void initMultiTouchState() {
+ this.multiTouchEnable = 0;
+ this.fingerCntMax = this.currentState.getMaxTouchPoint();
+ if(this.fingerCntMax > MAX_FINGER_CNT) {
+ this.fingerCntMax = MAX_FINGER_CNT;
+ setMaxTouchPoint(this.fingerCntMax);
+ }
+ logger.info("maxTouchPoint="+ this.fingerCntMax);
+ this.fingerCnt = 0;
+ if (this.fingerSlot != null) {
+ this.fingerSlot = null;
+ }
+ FingerPointList = new ArrayList<FingerPoint>();
+ int i;
+ for(i = 0; i <= fingerCntMax; i++) {
+ FingerPointList.add(new FingerPoint(-1, -1, -1, -1));
+ }
+ this.fingerPointSize = 32;
+ this.fingerPointSizeHalf = this.fingerPointSize / 2 ;
+ this.fingerPointOutlineColor = new Color(Display.getCurrent(), 0xDD, 0xDD, 0xDD);
+ this.fingerPointColor = new Color(Display.getCurrent(), 0x0F, 0x0F, 0x0F);
+ PaletteData palette = new PaletteData(RED_MASK, GREEN_MASK, BLUE_MASK);
+ this.imageData = new ImageData(fingerPointSize + 4, fingerPointSize + 4, COLOR_DEPTH, palette);
+ this.imageData.transparentPixel = 0;
+ this.fingerSlotimage = new Image(Display.getCurrent(), imageData);
+ GC gc = new GC(this.fingerSlotimage);
+ gc.setForeground(this.fingerPointOutlineColor);
+ gc.drawOval(0, 0, this.fingerPointSize+2 , this.fingerPointSize+2);
+ gc.setBackground(this.fingerPointColor);
+ gc.fillOval(2, 2 , this.fingerPointSize, this.fingerPointSize);
+ gc.dispose();
+ }
+ public void setMultiTouchEnable(int multiTouchEnable) {
+ this.multiTouchEnable = multiTouchEnable;
+ }
+ public int getMultiTouchEnable() {
+ return this.multiTouchEnable;
+ }
+ private int addFingerPoint(int originX, int originY, int x, int y) {
+ if (this.fingerCnt == this.fingerCntMax) {
+ logger.info("support multi-touch up to " + this.fingerCntMax +" fingers");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ this.fingerCnt += 1;
+ FingerPointList.get(fingerCnt -1).id = this.fingerCnt;
+ FingerPointList.get(fingerCnt -1).originX = originX;
+ FingerPointList.get(fingerCnt -1).originY = originY;
+ FingerPointList.get(fingerCnt -1).x = x;
+ FingerPointList.get(fingerCnt -1).y = y;
+ logger.info(this.fingerCnt + " finger touching");
+ return this.fingerCnt;
+ }
+ protected void drawImage(PaintEvent e, int currentAngle) {
+ //by mq
+ for(int i=0; i < this.fingerCnt; i++) {
+ this.fingerSlot = this.getFingerPointFromSlot(i);
+ e.gc.setAlpha(0x7E);
+ e.gc.drawImage(this.fingerSlotimage,
+ this.fingerSlot.originX - fingerPointSizeHalf - 2,
+ this.fingerSlot.originY - fingerPointSizeHalf - 2);
+ e.gc.setAlpha(0xFF);
+ }
+ }
+ public void maruFingerProcessing1(int touchType, int originX, int originY, int x, int y) {
+ FingerPoint finger = null;
+ MouseEventData mouseEventData;
+ if (touchType == MouseEventType.PRESS.value() || touchType == MouseEventType.DRAG.value()) { /* pressed */
+ if (grabFingerID > 0) {
+ finger = getFingerPointFromSlot(grabFingerID - 1);
+ if (finger != null) {
+ finger.originX = originX;
+ finger.originY = originY;
+ finger.x = x;
+ finger.y = y;
+ if (finger.id != 0) {
+ logger.info(String.format("id %d finger multi-touch dragging = (%d, %d)", this.grabFingerID, x, y));
+ mouseEventData = new MouseEventData(
+ MouseButtonType.LEFT.value(), MouseEventType.PRESS.value(),
+ originX, originY, x, y, grabFingerID -1);
+ communicator.sendToQEMU( SendCommand.SEND_MOUSE_EVENT, mouseEventData );
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if(this.fingerCnt == 0) {
+ //first finger touch input
+ if(addFingerPoint(originX, originY, x, y) == -1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ mouseEventData = new MouseEventData(
+ MouseButtonType.LEFT.value(), MouseEventType.PRESS.value(),
+ originX, originY, x, y, 0);
+ communicator.sendToQEMU( SendCommand.SEND_MOUSE_EVENT, mouseEventData );
+ }
+ //check the position of previous touch event
+ else if ((finger = getFingerPointSearch(x, y)) != null) {
+ //finger point is selected
+ this.grabFingerID = finger.id;
+ logger.info(String.format("id %d finger is grabbed\n", this.grabFingerID));
+ }
+ //Let's assume that this event is last finger touch input
+ else if (this.fingerCnt == this.fingerCntMax) {
+ finger = getFingerPointFromSlot(this.fingerCntMax -1);
+ if(finger != null) {
+ mouseEventData = new MouseEventData(
+ MouseButtonType.LEFT.value(), MouseEventType.RELEASE.value(),
+ originX, originY, finger.x, finger.y, this.fingerCntMax -1);
+ communicator.sendToQEMU( SendCommand.SEND_MOUSE_EVENT, mouseEventData );
+ finger.originX = originX;
+ finger.originY = originY;
+ finger.x = x;
+ finger.y = y;
+ if(finger.id != 0) {
+ mouseEventData = new MouseEventData(
+ MouseButtonType.LEFT.value(), MouseEventType.PRESS.value(),
+ originX, originY, x, y, this.fingerCntMax -1);
+ communicator.sendToQEMU( SendCommand.SEND_MOUSE_EVENT, mouseEventData );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else { //one more finger
+ addFingerPoint(originX, originY, x, y);
+ mouseEventData = new MouseEventData(
+ MouseButtonType.LEFT.value(), MouseEventType.PRESS.value(),
+ originX, originY, x, y, this.fingerCnt -1);
+ communicator.sendToQEMU( SendCommand.SEND_MOUSE_EVENT, mouseEventData );
+ }
+ }
+ else if (touchType == MouseEventType.RELEASE.value()) { /* released */
+ logger.info("mouse up for multi touch");
+ this.grabFingerID = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ public void maruFingerProcessing2(int touchType, int originX, int originY, int x, int y) {
+ FingerPoint finger = null;
+ MouseEventData mouseEventData;
+ if (touchType == MouseEventType.PRESS.value() || touchType == MouseEventType.DRAG.value()) { /* pressed */
+ if(this.grabFingerID > 0) {
+ finger = getFingerPointFromSlot(grabFingerID - 1);
+ if(finger != null) {
+ int originDistanceX = originX - finger.originX;
+ int originDistanceY = originY - finger.originY;
+ int distanceX = x - finger.x;
+ int distanceY = y - finger.y;
+ int currrntScreenW = currentState.getCurrentResolutionWidth();
+ int currrntScreenH = currentState.getCurrentResolutionHeight();
+ int tempFingerX, tempFingerY;
+ int i;
+ /* bounds checking */
+ for(i = 0; i < this.fingerCnt; i++) {
+ finger = getFingerPointFromSlot(i);
+ if (finger != null) {
+ tempFingerX = finger.x + distanceX;
+ tempFingerY = finger.y + distanceY;
+ if (tempFingerX > currrntScreenW || tempFingerX < 0
+ || tempFingerY > currrntScreenH || tempFingerY < 0) {
+ logger.info(String.format("id %d finger is out of bounds (%d, %d)\n", i + 1, tempFingerX, tempFingerY));
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(i = 0; i < this.fingerCnt; i++) {
+ finger = getFingerPointFromSlot(i);
+ if (finger != null) {
+ finger.originX += originDistanceX;
+ finger.originY += originDistanceY;
+ finger.x += distanceX;
+ finger.y += distanceY;
+ if (finger.id != 0) {
+ mouseEventData = new MouseEventData(
+ MouseButtonType.LEFT.value(), MouseEventType.PRESS.value(),
+ originX, originY, finger.x, finger.y, i);
+ communicator.sendToQEMU( SendCommand.SEND_MOUSE_EVENT, mouseEventData );
+ logger.info(String.format("id %d finger multi-touch dragging = (%d, %d)", i + 1, finger.x, finger.y));
+ }
+ try {
+ Thread.sleep(2);
+ } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.fingerCnt == 0)
+ { //first finger touch input
+ if (this.addFingerPoint(originX, originY, x, y) == -1) {
+ return;
+ }
+ mouseEventData = new MouseEventData(
+ MouseButtonType.LEFT.value(), MouseEventType.PRESS.value(),
+ originX, originY, x, y, 0);
+ communicator.sendToQEMU( SendCommand.SEND_MOUSE_EVENT, mouseEventData );
+ }
+ else if((finger = this.getFingerPointSearch(x, y)) != null) //check the position of previous touch event
+ {
+ //finger point is selected
+ this.grabFingerID = finger.id;
+ logger.info(String.format("id %d finger is grabbed\n", this.grabFingerID));
+ }
+ else if(this.fingerCnt == this.fingerCntMax) //Let's assume that this event is last finger touch input
+ {
+ //do nothing
+ }
+ else //one more finger
+ {
+ addFingerPoint(originX, originY, x, y);
+ mouseEventData = new MouseEventData(
+ MouseButtonType.LEFT.value(), MouseEventType.PRESS.value(),
+ originX, originY, x, y, this.fingerCnt -1);
+ communicator.sendToQEMU( SendCommand.SEND_MOUSE_EVENT, mouseEventData );
+ }
+ }else if (touchType == MouseEventType.RELEASE.value()) { /* released */
+ logger.info("mouse up for multi touch");
+ this.grabFingerID = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ private Boolean CalculateOriginCoordinates(int ScaledLcdWitdh, int ScaledLcdHeight, double scaleFactor, int rotationType, FingerPoint finger) {
+ int pointX, pointY, rotatedPointX, rotatedPointY, flag;
+ flag = 0;
+ rotatedPointX = pointX = (int)(finger.x * scaleFactor);
+ rotatedPointY = pointY = (int)(finger.y * scaleFactor);
+ if (rotationType == RotationInfo.LANDSCAPE.id()) {
+ rotatedPointX = pointY;
+ rotatedPointY = ScaledLcdWitdh - pointX;
+ } else if (rotationType == RotationInfo.REVERSE_PORTRAIT.id()) {
+ rotatedPointX = ScaledLcdWitdh - pointX;
+ rotatedPointY = ScaledLcdHeight - pointY;
+ } else if (rotationType == RotationInfo.REVERSE_LANDSCAPE.id()) {
+ rotatedPointX = ScaledLcdHeight - pointY;
+ rotatedPointY = pointX;
+ }
+ if (finger.originX != rotatedPointX) {
+ finger.originX = rotatedPointX;
+ flag = 1;
+ }
+ if (finger.originY != rotatedPointY) {
+ finger.originY = rotatedPointY;
+ flag = 1;
+ }
+ if (flag != 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public int rearrangeFingerPoints(int lcdWidth, int lcdHeight, double scaleFactor, int rotationType) {
+ int i = 0;
+ int count = 0;
+ FingerPoint finger = null;
+ if (this.multiTouchEnable == 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ lcdWidth *= scaleFactor;
+ lcdHeight *= scaleFactor;
+ for (i = 0; i < this.fingerCnt; i++) {
+ finger = getFingerPointFromSlot(i);
+ if (finger != null && finger.id != 0) {
+ if (CalculateOriginCoordinates(lcdWidth, lcdHeight,
+ scaleFactor, rotationType, finger) == true) {
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (count != 0) {
+ this.grabFingerID = 0;
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ public void clearFingerSlot() {
+ int i = 0;
+ FingerPoint finger = null;
+ for(i = 0; i < this.fingerCnt; i++) {
+ finger = getFingerPointFromSlot(i);
+ if(finger != null && finger.id != 0) {
+ logger.info(String.format("clear %d, %d, %d", finger.x, finger.y, finger.id -1));
+ MouseEventData mouseEventData = new MouseEventData(
+ MouseButtonType.LEFT.value(), MouseEventType.RELEASE.value(),
+ 0, 0, finger.x, finger.y, finger.id -1);
+ communicator.sendToQEMU( SendCommand.SEND_MOUSE_EVENT, mouseEventData );
+ }
+ finger.id = 0;
+ finger.originX = finger.originY = finger.x = finger.y = -1;
+ }
+ this.grabFingerID = 0;
+ this.fingerCnt = 0;
+ logger.info("clear multi touch");
+ }
+ public void cleanup_multiTouchState() {
+ this.multiTouchEnable = 0;
+ clearFingerSlot();
+ fingerSlotimage.dispose();
+ }
+ public int getMaxTouchPoint() {
+ if(this.maxTouchPoint <= 0 ) {
+ setMaxTouchPoint(1);
+ }
+ return this.maxTouchPoint;
+ }
+ public void setMaxTouchPoint(int cnt) {
+ if(cnt <=0) {
+ cnt =1;
+ }
+ this.maxTouchPoint = cnt;
+ }
private Logger logger = SkinLogger.getSkinLogger( EmulatorSkin.class ).getLogger();
protected EmulatorConfig config;
+ protected EmulatorFingers finger;
protected Shell shell;
protected ImageRegistry imageRegistry;
protected Canvas lcdCanvas;
* @param config : configuration of emulator skin
* @param isOnTop : always on top flag
- protected EmulatorSkin(EmulatorConfig config, SkinInformation skinInfo, boolean isOnTop) {
+ protected EmulatorSkin(EmulatorSkinState state, EmulatorFingers finger, EmulatorConfig config, SkinInformation skinInfo, boolean isOnTop) {
+ this.finger = finger;
this.config = config;
this.skinInfo = skinInfo;
this.isOnTop = isOnTop;
this.shell = new Shell(Display.getDefault(), style);
- this.currentState = new EmulatorSkinState();
+ this.currentState = state;
public void setCommunicator(SocketCommunicator communicator) {
this.communicator = communicator;
+ this.finger.setCommunicator(this.communicator);
public long initLayout() {
public void mouseMove( MouseEvent e ) {
- if ( true == EmulatorSkin.this.isDragStartedInLCD ) {
+ if ( true == EmulatorSkin.this.isDragStartedInLCD ) { //true = mouse down
int eventType = MouseEventType.DRAG.value();
Point canvasSize = canvas.getSize();
currentState.getCurrentScale(), currentState.getCurrentAngle());
+ if(SwtUtil.isMacPlatform()) {
+ //eventType = MouseEventType.DRAG.value();
+ if(finger.getMultiTouchEnable() == 1) {
+ logger.info("maruFingerProcessing1");
+ finger.maruFingerProcessing1(eventType,
+ e.x, e.y, geometry[0], geometry[1]);
+ return;
+ }
+ else if(finger.getMultiTouchEnable() == 2) {
+ logger.info("maruFingerProcessing2");
+ finger.maruFingerProcessing2(eventType,
+ e.x, e.y, geometry[0], geometry[1]);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
MouseEventData mouseEventData = new MouseEventData(
MouseButtonType.LEFT.value(), eventType,
e.x, e.y, geometry[0], geometry[1], 0);
currentState.getCurrentScale(), currentState.getCurrentAngle());
logger.info( "mouseUp in LCD" + " x:" + geometry[0] + " y:" + geometry[1] );
+ if ( true == EmulatorSkin.this.isDragStartedInLCD ) {
+ EmulatorSkin.this.isDragStartedInLCD = false;
+ }
+ if(SwtUtil.isMacPlatform()) {
+ if(finger.getMultiTouchEnable() == 1) {
+ logger.info("maruFingerProcessing1");
+ finger.maruFingerProcessing1(MouseEventType.RELEASE.value(),
+ e.x, e.y, geometry[0], geometry[1]);
+ return;
+ }
+ else if(finger.getMultiTouchEnable() == 2) {
+ logger.info("maruFingerProcessing2");
+ finger.maruFingerProcessing2(MouseEventType.RELEASE.value(),
+ e.x, e.y, geometry[0], geometry[1]);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
MouseEventData mouseEventData = new MouseEventData(
MouseButtonType.LEFT.value(), MouseEventType.RELEASE.value(),
e.x, e.y, geometry[0], geometry[1], 0);
communicator.sendToQEMU( SendCommand.SEND_MOUSE_EVENT, mouseEventData );
- if ( true == EmulatorSkin.this.isDragStartedInLCD ) {
- EmulatorSkin.this.isDragStartedInLCD = false;
- }
} else if (2 == e.button) { // wheel button
logger.info("wheelUp in LCD");
currentState.getCurrentScale(), currentState.getCurrentAngle());
logger.info( "mouseDown in LCD" + " x:" + geometry[0] + " y:" + geometry[1] );
+ if ( false == EmulatorSkin.this.isDragStartedInLCD ) {
+ EmulatorSkin.this.isDragStartedInLCD = true;
+ }
+ if(SwtUtil.isMacPlatform()) {
+ if(finger.getMultiTouchEnable() == 1) {
+ logger.info("maruFingerProcessing1");
+ finger.maruFingerProcessing1(MouseEventType.PRESS.value(),
+ e.x, e.y, geometry[0], geometry[1]);
+ return;
+ }
+ else if(finger.getMultiTouchEnable() == 2) {
+ logger.info("maruFingerProcessing2");
+ finger.maruFingerProcessing2(MouseEventType.PRESS.value(),
+ e.x, e.y, geometry[0], geometry[1]);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
MouseEventData mouseEventData = new MouseEventData(
MouseButtonType.LEFT.value(), MouseEventType.PRESS.value(),
e.x, e.y, geometry[0], geometry[1], 0);
communicator.sendToQEMU( SendCommand.SEND_MOUSE_EVENT, mouseEventData );
- if ( false == EmulatorSkin.this.isDragStartedInLCD ) {
- EmulatorSkin.this.isDragStartedInLCD = true;
- }
disappearKeyLocation = 0;
+ else if(SwtUtil.isMacPlatform()) {
+ //if(finger.getMaxTouchPoint() > 1) {
+ int tempStateMask = stateMask & ~SWT.BUTTON1;
+ if(tempStateMask == (SWT.SHIFT | SWT.ALT)) {
+ finger.setMultiTouchEnable(1);
+ logger.info("enable multi-touch = mode1");
+ }
+ else {
+ finger.setMultiTouchEnable(0);
+ finger.clearFingerSlot();
+ logger.info("disable multi-touch");
+ }
+ // }
+ }
KeyEventData keyEventData = new KeyEventData(
KeyEventType.RELEASED.value(), keyCode, stateMask, e.keyLocation);
} //end isWindowsPlatform
+ else if(SwtUtil.isMacPlatform()) {
+ // if(finger.getMaxTouchPoint() > 1) {
+ int tempStateMask = stateMask & ~SWT.BUTTON1;
+ if((keyCode == SWT.SHIFT && (tempStateMask & SWT.ALT) != 0) ||
+ (keyCode == SWT.ALT && (tempStateMask & SWT.SHIFT) != 0))
+ {
+ finger.setMultiTouchEnable(2);
+ logger.info("enable multi-touch = mode2");
+ }
+ else if(keyCode == SWT.SHIFT || keyCode == SWT.ALT) {
+ finger.setMultiTouchEnable(1);
+ logger.info("enable multi-touch = mode1");
+ }
+ // }
+ }
previous = e;