uptr old_env_len = dyld_insert_libraries ?
internal_strlen(dyld_insert_libraries) : 0;
uptr fname_len = internal_strlen(info.dli_fname);
+ const char *dylib_name = StripModuleName(info.dli_fname);
+ uptr dylib_name_len = internal_strlen(dylib_name);
if (!dyld_insert_libraries ||
- !REAL(strstr)(dyld_insert_libraries, StripModuleName(info.dli_fname))) {
+ !REAL(strstr)(dyld_insert_libraries, dylib_name)) {
// DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES is not set or does not contain the runtime
// library.
char program_name[1024];
"possibly because of sandbox restrictions. Make sure to launch the "
"executable with:\n%s=%s\n", kDyldInsertLibraries, new_env);
CHECK("execv failed" && 0);
- } else {
- // DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES is set and contains the runtime library.
- if (old_env_len == fname_len) {
- // It's just the runtime library name - fine to unset the variable.
- LeakyResetEnv(kDyldInsertLibraries, NULL);
+ }
+ // DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES is set and contains the runtime library. Let's remove
+ // the dylib from the environment variable, because interceptors are installed
+ // and we don't want our children to inherit the variable.
+ uptr env_name_len = internal_strlen(kDyldInsertLibraries);
+ // Allocate memory to hold the previous env var name, its value, the '='
+ // sign and the '\0' char.
+ char *new_env = (char*)allocator_for_env.Allocate(
+ old_env_len + 2 + env_name_len);
+ CHECK(new_env);
+ internal_memset(new_env, '\0', old_env_len + 2 + env_name_len);
+ internal_strncpy(new_env, kDyldInsertLibraries, env_name_len);
+ new_env[env_name_len] = '=';
+ char *new_env_pos = new_env + env_name_len + 1;
+ // Iterate over colon-separated pieces of |dyld_insert_libraries|.
+ char *piece_start = dyld_insert_libraries;
+ char *piece_end = NULL;
+ char *old_env_end = dyld_insert_libraries + old_env_len;
+ do {
+ if (piece_start[0] == ':') piece_start++;
+ piece_end = REAL(strchr)(piece_start, ':');
+ if (!piece_end) piece_end = dyld_insert_libraries + old_env_len;
+ if ((uptr)(piece_start - dyld_insert_libraries) > old_env_len) break;
+ uptr piece_len = piece_end - piece_start;
+ char *filename_start =
+ (char *)internal_memrchr(piece_start, '/', piece_len);
+ uptr filename_len = piece_len;
+ if (filename_start) {
+ filename_start += 1;
+ filename_len = piece_len - (filename_start - piece_start);
} else {
- uptr env_name_len = internal_strlen(kDyldInsertLibraries);
- // Allocate memory to hold the previous env var name, its value, the '='
- // sign and the '\0' char.
- char *new_env = (char*)allocator_for_env.Allocate(
- old_env_len + 2 + env_name_len);
- CHECK(new_env);
- internal_memset(new_env, '\0', old_env_len + 2 + env_name_len);
- internal_strncpy(new_env, kDyldInsertLibraries, env_name_len);
- new_env[env_name_len] = '=';
- char *new_env_pos = new_env + env_name_len + 1;
- // Iterate over colon-separated pieces of |dyld_insert_libraries|.
- char *piece_start = dyld_insert_libraries;
- char *piece_end = NULL;
- char *old_env_end = dyld_insert_libraries + old_env_len;
- do {
- if (piece_start[0] == ':') piece_start++;
- piece_end = REAL(strchr)(piece_start, ':');
- if (!piece_end) piece_end = dyld_insert_libraries + old_env_len;
- if ((uptr)(piece_start - dyld_insert_libraries) > old_env_len) break;
- uptr piece_len = piece_end - piece_start;
- // If the current piece isn't the runtime library name,
- // append it to new_env.
- if ((piece_len != fname_len) ||
- (internal_strncmp(piece_start, info.dli_fname, fname_len) != 0)) {
- if (new_env_pos != new_env + env_name_len + 1) {
- new_env_pos[0] = ':';
- new_env_pos++;
- }
- internal_strncpy(new_env_pos, piece_start, piece_len);
- }
- // Move on to the next piece.
- new_env_pos += piece_len;
- piece_start = piece_end;
- } while (piece_start < old_env_end);
- // Can't use setenv() here, because it requires the allocator to be
- // initialized.
- // FIXME: instead of filtering DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES here, do it in
- // a separate function called after InitializeAllocator().
- LeakyResetEnv(kDyldInsertLibraries, new_env);
+ filename_start = piece_start;
- }
+ // If the current piece isn't the runtime library name,
+ // append it to new_env.
+ if ((dylib_name_len != filename_len) ||
+ (internal_memcmp(filename_start, dylib_name, dylib_name_len) != 0)) {
+ if (new_env_pos != new_env + env_name_len + 1) {
+ new_env_pos[0] = ':';
+ new_env_pos++;
+ }
+ internal_strncpy(new_env_pos, piece_start, piece_len);
+ new_env_pos += piece_len;
+ }
+ // Move on to the next piece.
+ piece_start = piece_end;
+ } while (piece_start < old_env_end);
+ // Can't use setenv() here, because it requires the allocator to be
+ // initialized.
+ // FIXME: instead of filtering DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES here, do it in
+ // a separate function called after InitializeAllocator().
+ if (new_env_pos == new_env + env_name_len + 1) new_env = NULL;
+ LeakyResetEnv(kDyldInsertLibraries, new_env);
// No-op. Mac does not support static linkage anyway.
--- /dev/null
+// Check that when launching with DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES, we properly remove
+// the ASan dylib from the environment variable (both when using an absolute
+// or relative path) and also that the other dylibs are left untouched.
+// RUN: mkdir -p %T/dyld_insert_libraries_remove
+// RUN: cp `%clang_asan %s -fsanitize=address -### 2>&1 \
+// RUN: | grep "libclang_rt.asan_osx_dynamic.dylib" \
+// RUN: | sed -e 's/.*"\(.*libclang_rt.asan_osx_dynamic.dylib\)".*/\1/'` \
+// RUN: %T/dyld_insert_libraries_remove/libclang_rt.asan_osx_dynamic.dylib
+// RUN: %clangxx_asan %s -o %T/dyld_insert_libraries_remove/a.out
+// RUN: %clangxx -DSHARED_LIB %s \
+// RUN: -dynamiclib -o %T/dyld_insert_libraries_remove/dummy-so.dylib
+// RUN: ( cd %T/dyld_insert_libraries_remove && \
+// RUN: DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=@executable_path/libclang_rt.asan_osx_dynamic.dylib:dummy-so.dylib \
+// RUN: %run ./a.out 2>&1 ) | FileCheck %s || exit 1
+// RUN: ( cd %T/dyld_insert_libraries_remove && \
+// RUN: DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=libclang_rt.asan_osx_dynamic.dylib:dummy-so.dylib \
+// RUN: %run ./a.out 2>&1 ) | FileCheck %s || exit 1
+// RUN: ( cd %T/dyld_insert_libraries_remove && \
+// RUN: DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=%T/dyld_insert_libraries_remove/libclang_rt.asan_osx_dynamic.dylib:dummy-so.dylib \
+// RUN: %run ./a.out 2>&1 ) | FileCheck %s || exit 1
+#if !defined(SHARED_LIB)
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+int main() {
+ const char kEnvName[] = "DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES";
+ printf("%s=%s\n", kEnvName, getenv(kEnvName));
+ // CHECK: {{DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=dummy-so.dylib}}
+ return 0;
+#else // SHARED_LIB
+void foo() {}
+#endif // SHARED_LIB