This information is only needed by build.proj. Do not compute it in dir.props,
which is included by every test project.
Commit migrated from
<!-- Tasks from buildtools for easy project.json dependency updates -->
<UsingTask TaskName="UpdatePackageDependencyVersion" AssemblyFile="$(BuildToolsTaskDir)Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.dll" />
+ <!-- Create a collection of all project.json files for dependency updates. -->
+ <ItemGroup>
+ <ProjectJsonFiles Include="$(SourceDir)**\project.json" />
+ </ItemGroup>
<Target Name="UpdatePackageDependencyVersion">
<UpdatePackageDependencyVersion ProjectJsons="@(ProjectJsonFiles)"
<DnuRestoreCommand>$(DnuRestoreCommand) --packages "$(PackagesDir.TrimEnd('/\'.ToCharArray()))" $(DnuRestoreSource)</DnuRestoreCommand>
- <!-- Create a collection of all project.json files for dependency updates. -->
- <ItemGroup>
- <ProjectJsonFiles Include="$(SourceDir)**\project.json" />
- </ItemGroup>
<!-- Which tests shall we build? Default: Priority 0 tests.
At the command-line, the user can specify /p:CLRTestPriorityToBuild=666 (for example), and
all tests with CLRTestPriority 666,..., 1 AND 0 will build.