(ep->typedata.swallow)) &&
- //// the below really is wrong - swallow color shouldn't affect swallowed object
- //// color - the edje color as a WHOLE should though - and that should be
- //// done via the clipper anyway. this created bugs when objects had their
- //// colro set and were swallowed - then had their color changed.
- // evas_object_color_set(ep->typedata.swallow->swallowed_object,
- // (pf->color.r * pf->color.a) / 255,
- // (pf->color.g * pf->color.a) / 255,
- // (pf->color.b * pf->color.a) / 255,
- // pf->color.a);
if (pf->visible)
- eo_do(ep->typedata.swallow->swallowed_object,
- evas_obj_position_set(ed->x + pf->x, ed->y + pf->y),
- evas_obj_size_set(pf->w, pf->h),
- evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_TRUE));
+ eo_do(ep->typedata.swallow->swallowed_object,
+ evas_obj_position_set(ed->x + pf->x, ed->y + pf->y),
+ evas_obj_size_set(pf->w, pf->h),
+ evas_obj_visibility_set(EINA_TRUE));
else evas_object_hide(ep->typedata.swallow->swallowed_object);
mo = ep->typedata.swallow->swallowed_object;