--- /dev/null
+#define MAX 1024\r
+#include <windows.h>\r
+#include <stdlib.h>\r
+#include <stdio.h>\r
+int main() {\r
+ FILE *propertyFile;\r
+ HKEY hKey;\r
+ char strPropertyFilePath[MAX];\r
+ char strLine[MAX];\r
+ char strCommand[MAX];\r
+ char* strInstalledPath;\r
+ char strLocalAppDataPath[MAX] = {0};\r
+ DWORD dwBufLen = MAX;\r
+ "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Explorer\\Shell Folders",\r
+ 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hKey);\r
+ RegQueryValueEx(hKey, "Local AppData", NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)strLocalAppDataPath, &dwBufLen);\r
+ RegCloseKey(hKey);\r
+ printf("%s\n", strLocalAppDataPath);\r
+ // Get a "tizensdkpath" file path\r
+ //strLocalAppDataPath = getenv("LOCALAPPDATA");\r
+ strcpy(strPropertyFilePath, strLocalAppDataPath);\r
+ strcat(strPropertyFilePath, "\\.TizenSDK\\tizensdkpath");\r
+ printf("%s\n", strPropertyFilePath);\r
+ // get a line of installed path\r
+ if ((propertyFile = fopen(strPropertyFilePath, "rt")) == NULL) {\r
+ fputs("Cannot open input file...\n", stderr);\r
+ exit(1);\r
+ }\r
+ if (fgets(strLine, MAX, propertyFile) == NULL) {\r
+ fputs("Cannot read input file...\n", stderr);\r
+ exit(1);\r
+ }\r
+ fclose(propertyFile);\r
+ // tokenize property and get a SDK installed path\r
+ strtok(strLine, "=");\r
+ strInstalledPath = strtok(NULL, "=");\r
+ // make a command that start emulator-manager\r
+ strcpy(strCommand, "javaw -jar ");\r
+ strcat(strCommand, strInstalledPath);\r
+ strcat(strCommand, "\\Emulator\\bin\\emulator-manager.jar");\r
+ // execute emulator-manager\r
+ WinExec(strCommand, SW_SHOWNORMAL);\r
+ return 0;\r
ant -buildfile build.xml windows-jar
+ gcc emulator-manager.c -o emulator-manager.exe
# install
+ VTM_DIR=$BIN_DIR/Emulator/bin/emulator-manager.exe
mkdir -p $BIN_DIR/bin
cp emulator-manager.jar $BIN_DIR/bin
- cp emulator-manager.bat $BIN_DIR/bin
+# cp emulator-manager.bat $BIN_DIR/bin
# cp -r lib $BIN_DIR/bin/