// [1] https://github.com/cassioneri/calendar
// [2] https://accu.org/journals/overload/28/155/overload155.pdf#page=16
+ // Furthermore, if y%100 != 0, then y%400==0 is equivalent to y%16==0,
+ // so we can rearrange the expression to (mult_100 ? y % 4 : y % 16)==0
+ // which is equivalent to (y & (mult_100 ? 15 : 3)) == 0.
+ // See https://gcc.gnu.org/pipermail/libstdc++/2021-June/052815.html
constexpr uint32_t __multiplier = 42949673;
constexpr uint32_t __bound = 42949669;
constexpr uint32_t __max_dividend = 1073741799;
constexpr uint32_t __offset = __max_dividend / 2 / 100 * 100;
const bool __is_multiple_of_100
= __multiplier * (_M_y + __offset) < __bound;
- return (!__is_multiple_of_100 || _M_y % 400 == 0) && _M_y % 4 == 0;
+ return (_M_y & (__is_multiple_of_100 ? 15 : 3)) == 0;
explicit constexpr