--- /dev/null
+# src/gallium/targets/egl-static/Makefile
+# This is Makefile for egl_gallium.so. It is static in that all state trackers
+# and pipe drivers are linked statically when possible.
+# The following variables are examined
+# EGL_PLATFORMS - platforms to support
+# EGL_CLIENT_APIS - state trackers to support
+# GALLIUM_WINSYS_DIRS - pipe drivers to support
+# SHARED_GLAPI - st/mesa can be statically linked or not
+TOP = ../../../..
+include $(TOP)/configs/current
+OUTPUTS := egl_gallium
+egl_CPPFLAGS := \
+ -I$(TOP)/include \
+ -I$(TOP)/src/gallium/auxiliary \
+ -I$(TOP)/src/gallium/drivers \
+ -I$(TOP)/src/gallium/include \
+ -I$(TOP)/src/gallium/winsys
+egl_LIBS := \
+ $(TOP)/src/gallium/drivers/identity/libidentity.a \
+ $(TOP)/src/gallium/drivers/trace/libtrace.a \
+ $(TOP)/src/gallium/drivers/rbug/librbug.a \
+egl_SYS :=
+egl_SOURCES := \
+ egl.c \
+ egl_pipe.c \
+ egl_st.c
+egl_OBJECTS := $(egl_SOURCES:%.c=%.o)
+# st/egl
+egl_CPPFLAGS += \
+ -I$(TOP)/src/gallium/state_trackers/egl \
+ -I$(TOP)/src/egl/main \
+ -D_EGL_MAIN=_eglMain
+egl_LIBS += $(TOP)/src/gallium/state_trackers/egl/libegl.a
+egl_SYS += $(LIBUDEV_LIBS) -lEGL -lm
+# EGL platforms
+ifneq ($(findstring x11, $(EGL_PLATFORMS)),)
+egl_LIBS += $(TOP)/src/gallium/winsys/sw/xlib/libws_xlib.a
+egl_SYS += -lX11 -lXext -lXfixes $(LIBDRM_LIB)
+ifneq ($(findstring wayland, $(EGL_PLATFORMS)),)
+egl_LIBS += $(TOP)/src/gallium/winsys/sw/wayland/libws_wayland.a
+egl_LIBS += $(TOP)/src/egl/wayland/wayland-drm/libwayland-drm.a
+ifneq ($(findstring drm, $(EGL_PLATFORMS)),)
+egl_SYS += $(LIBDRM_LIB) -lgbm
+ifneq ($(findstring fbdev, $(EGL_PLATFORMS)),)
+egl_LIBS += $(TOP)/src/gallium/winsys/sw/fbdev/libfbdev.a
+# st/mesa
+ifneq ($(filter $(GL_LIB), $(EGL_CLIENT_APIS)),)
+egl_CPPFLAGS += -I$(TOP)/src/mesa $(API_DEFINES)
+# make st/mesa built-in when there is a single glapi provider
+ifeq ($(SHARED_GLAPI),1)
+egl_LIBS += $(TOP)/src/mesa/libmesagallium.a
+egl_SYS += $(DRI_LIB_DEPS) -l$(GLAPI_LIB)
+# st/vega
+ifneq ($(filter $(VG_LIB), $(EGL_CLIENT_APIS)),)
+egl_CPPFLAGS += -I$(TOP)/src/gallium/state_trackers/vega -DFEATURE_VG=1
+egl_LIBS += $(TOP)/src/gallium/state_trackers/vega/libvega.a
+egl_SYS += -lm -l$(VG_LIB)
+# i915
+ifneq ($(findstring i915/drm,$(GALLIUM_WINSYS_DIRS)),)
+egl_CPPFLAGS += -D_EGL_PIPE_I915=1
+egl_LIBS += \
+ $(TOP)/src/gallium/winsys/i915/drm/libi915drm.a \
+ $(TOP)/src/gallium/drivers/i915/libi915.a
+egl_SYS += -ldrm_intel
+# i965
+ifneq ($(findstring i965/drm,$(GALLIUM_WINSYS_DIRS)),)
+egl_CPPFLAGS += -D_EGL_PIPE_I995=1
+egl_LIBS += \
+ $(TOP)/src/gallium/winsys/i965/drm/libi965drm.a \
+ $(TOP)/src/gallium/drivers/i965/libi965.a \
+ $(TOP)/src/gallium/winsys/sw/wrapper/libwsw.a
+egl_SYS += -ldrm_intel
+# nouveau
+ifneq ($(findstring nouveau/drm,$(GALLIUM_WINSYS_DIRS)),)
+egl_LIBS += \
+ $(TOP)/src/gallium/winsys/nouveau/drm/libnouveaudrm.a \
+ $(TOP)/src/gallium/drivers/nvfx/libnvfx.a \
+ $(TOP)/src/gallium/drivers/nv50/libnv50.a \
+ $(TOP)/src/gallium/drivers/nvc0/libnvc0.a \
+ $(TOP)/src/gallium/drivers/nouveau/libnouveau.a
+egl_SYS += -ldrm_nouveau
+# r300
+ifneq ($(findstring radeon/drm,$(GALLIUM_WINSYS_DIRS)),)
+egl_CPPFLAGS += -D_EGL_PIPE_R300=1
+egl_LIBS += \
+ $(TOP)/src/gallium/winsys/radeon/drm/libradeonwinsys.a \
+ $(TOP)/src/gallium/drivers/r300/libr300.a
+egl_SYS += -ldrm_radeon
+# r600
+ifneq ($(findstring r600/drm,$(GALLIUM_WINSYS_DIRS)),)
+egl_CPPFLAGS += -D_EGL_PIPE_R600=1
+egl_LIBS += \
+ $(TOP)/src/gallium/winsys/r600/drm/libr600winsys.a \
+ $(TOP)/src/gallium/drivers/r600/libr600.a
+egl_SYS += -ldrm_radeon
+# vmwgfx
+ifneq ($(findstring svga/drm,$(GALLIUM_WINSYS_DIRS)),)
+egl_LIBS += \
+ $(TOP)/src/gallium/winsys/svga/drm/libsvgadrm.a \
+ $(TOP)/src/gallium/drivers/svga/libsvga.a
+# swrast
+egl_LIBS += $(TOP)/src/gallium/drivers/softpipe/libsoftpipe.a
+egl_SYS += -lm
+# sort to remove duplicates
+egl_CPPFLAGS := $(sort $(egl_CPPFLAGS))
+egl_LIBS := $(sort $(egl_LIBS))
+egl_SYS := $(sort $(egl_SYS))
+# st_GL, built only when shared glapi is not enabled
+st_GL_CPPFLAGS := -I $(TOP)/src/mesa -I$(TOP)/src/gallium/include
+st_GL_LIBS := $(TOP)/src/mesa/libmesagallium.a $(GALLIUM_AUXILIARIES)
+ifeq ($(MESA_LLVM),1)
+egl_LIBS += $(TOP)/src/gallium/drivers/llvmpipe/libllvmpipe.a
+egl_SYS += $(LLVM_LIBS)
+st_GL_SYS += $(LLVM_LIBS)
+OUTPUTS := $(addprefix $(OUTPUT_PATH)/, $(addsuffix .so, $(OUTPUTS)))
+default: $(OUTPUTS)
+$(OUTPUT_PATH)/egl_gallium.so: $(egl_OBJECTS) $(egl_LIBS)
+ $(MKLIB) -o $(notdir $@) -noprefix -linker '$(CXX)' \
+ -L$(TOP)/$(LIB_DIR) -ldflags '-Wl,--no-undefined $(LDFLAGS)' \
+ -cplusplus -install $(OUTPUT_PATH) $(MKLIB_OPTIONS) \
+ $(egl_OBJECTS) -Wl,--start-group $(egl_LIBS) -Wl,--end-group \
+ $(egl_SYS)
+$(OUTPUT_PATH)/st_GL.so: st_GL.o $(st_GL_LIBS)
+ $(MKLIB) -o $(notdir $@) -noprefix -linker '$(CXX)' \
+ -L$(TOP)/$(LIB_DIR) -ldflags '$(LDFLAGS)' \
+ -cplusplus -install $(OUTPUT_PATH) $(MKLIB_OPTIONS) \
+ $< -Wl,--start-group $(st_GL_LIBS) -Wl,--end-group \
+ $(st_GL_SYS)
+$(egl_OBJECTS): %.o: %.c
+ $(CC) -c -o $@ $< $(egl_CPPFLAGS) $(DEFINES) $(CFLAGS)
+st_GL.o: st_GL.c
+ $(CC) -c -o $@ $< $(st_GL_CPPFLAGS) $(DEFINES) $(CFLAGS)
+install: $(OUTPUTS)
+ for out in $(OUTPUTS); do \
+ done
+ rm -f *.o