"You must call vkBeginCommandBuffer() before this call to %s", caller_name);
-VkBool32 validateCmdsInCmdBuffer(const layer_data* dev_data, const GLOBAL_CB_NODE* pCB, const CMD_TYPE cmd_type) {
- // TODO : I think this is trying to validate this part of the spec:
- // If contents is VK_SUBPASS_CONTENTS_SECONDARY_COMMAND_BUFFERS, the contents are recorded in secondary command
- // buffers that will be called from the primary command buffer, and vkCmdExecuteCommands is the only valid command
- // on the command buffer until vkCmdNextSubpass or vkCmdEndRenderPass.
- //
- // But the code below is forceing vkCmdExecuteCommands to be the only thing in the command buffer which is not necessary
- // it just needs to be the only thing in the renderpass
- //
- VkBool32 skip_call = false;
- //for (auto cmd : pCB->pCmds) {
- // if (cmd_type == CMD_EXECUTECOMMANDS && cmd->type != CMD_EXECUTECOMMANDS) {
- // skip_call |= log_msg(dev_data->report_data, VK_DEBUG_REPORT_ERROR_BIT_EXT, (VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT)0, 0, __LINE__, DRAWSTATE_INVALID_COMMAND_BUFFER, "DS",
- // "vkCmdExecuteCommands() cannot be called on a cmd buffer with exsiting commands.");
- // }
- // if (cmd_type != CMD_EXECUTECOMMANDS && cmd->type == CMD_EXECUTECOMMANDS) {
- // skip_call |= log_msg(dev_data->report_data, VK_DEBUG_REPORT_ERROR_BIT_EXT, (VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT)0, 0, __LINE__, DRAWSTATE_INVALID_COMMAND_BUFFER, "DS",
- // "Commands cannot be added to a cmd buffer with exsiting secondary commands.");
- // }
- //}
+bool validateCmdsInCmdBuffer(const layer_data* dev_data, const GLOBAL_CB_NODE* pCB, const CMD_TYPE cmd_type) {
+ if (!pCB->activeRenderPass) return false;
+ bool skip_call = false;
+ skip_call |= log_msg(dev_data->report_data, VK_DEBUG_REPORT_ERROR_BIT_EXT, (VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT)0, 0, __LINE__,
+ DRAWSTATE_INVALID_COMMAND_BUFFER, "DS", "Commands cannot be called in a subpass using secondary command buffers.");
+ } else if (pCB->activeSubpassContents == VK_SUBPASS_CONTENTS_INLINE && cmd_type == CMD_EXECUTECOMMANDS) {
+ skip_call |= log_msg(dev_data->report_data, VK_DEBUG_REPORT_ERROR_BIT_EXT, (VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT)0, 0, __LINE__,
+ DRAWSTATE_INVALID_COMMAND_BUFFER, "DS", "vkCmdExecuteCommands() cannot be called in a subpass using inline commands.");
+ }
return skip_call;
- return skip_call;
+ return skip_call;
void decrementResources(layer_data* my_data, VkCommandBuffer cmdBuffer) {
// This is a shallow copy as that is all that is needed for now
pCB->activeRenderPassBeginInfo = *pRenderPassBegin;
pCB->activeSubpass = 0;
+ pCB->activeSubpassContents = contents;
pCB->framebuffer = pRenderPassBegin->framebuffer;
} else {
skipCall |= log_msg(dev_data->report_data, VK_DEBUG_REPORT_ERROR_BIT_EXT, (VkDebugReportObjectTypeEXT) 0, 0, __LINE__, DRAWSTATE_INVALID_RENDERPASS, "DS",
skipCall |= validatePrimaryCommandBuffer(dev_data, pCB, "vkCmdNextSubpass");
skipCall |= addCmd(dev_data, pCB, CMD_NEXTSUBPASS, "vkCmdNextSubpass()");
- TransitionSubpassLayouts(commandBuffer, &pCB->activeRenderPassBeginInfo, pCB->activeSubpass);
+ pCB->activeSubpassContents = contents;
+ TransitionSubpassLayouts(commandBuffer, &pCB->activeRenderPassBeginInfo, ++pCB->activeSubpass);
if (pCB->lastBoundPipeline) {
skipCall |= validatePipelineState(dev_data, pCB, VK_PIPELINE_BIND_POINT_GRAPHICS, pCB->lastBoundPipeline);