SourceLocation Loc,
const LangOptions &LangOpts) {
std::string Result;
- SourceLocation NextLoc = Loc;
+ // Accept qualifier written within macro arguments, but not macro bodies.
+ SourceLocation NextLoc = SM.getTopMacroCallerLoc(Loc);
while (auto CCTok = Lexer::findNextToken(NextLoc, SM, LangOpts)) {
if (!CCTok->is(tok::coloncolon))
llvm::Optional<std::string> UnresolvedScope;
+llvm::Optional<std::string> getSpelledSpecifier(const CXXScopeSpec &SS,
+ const SourceManager &SM) {
+ // Support specifiers written within a single macro argument.
+ if (!SM.isWrittenInSameFile(SS.getBeginLoc(), SS.getEndLoc()))
+ return llvm::None;
+ SourceRange Range(SM.getTopMacroCallerLoc(SS.getBeginLoc()), SM.getTopMacroCallerLoc(SS.getEndLoc()));
+ if (Range.getBegin().isMacroID() || Range.getEnd().isMacroID())
+ return llvm::None;
+ return (toSourceCode(SM, Range) + "::").str();
// Extracts unresolved name and scope information around \p Unresolved.
// FIXME: try to merge this with the scope-wrangling code in CodeComplete.
llvm::Optional<CheapUnresolvedName> extractUnresolvedNameCheaply(
const SourceManager &SM, const DeclarationNameInfo &Unresolved,
CXXScopeSpec *SS, const LangOptions &LangOpts, bool UnresolvedIsSpecifier) {
- bool Invalid = false;
- llvm::StringRef Code = SM.getBufferData(
- SM.getDecomposedLoc(Unresolved.getBeginLoc()).first, &Invalid);
- if (Invalid)
- return llvm::None;
CheapUnresolvedName Result;
Result.Name = Unresolved.getAsString();
if (SS && SS->isNotEmpty()) { // "::" or "ns::"
if (auto *Nested = SS->getScopeRep()) {
- if (Nested->getKind() == NestedNameSpecifier::Global)
+ if (Nested->getKind() == NestedNameSpecifier::Global) {
Result.ResolvedScope = "";
- else if (const auto *NS = Nested->getAsNamespace()) {
- auto SpecifiedNS = printNamespaceScope(*NS);
+ } else if (const auto *NS = Nested->getAsNamespace()) {
+ std::string SpecifiedNS = printNamespaceScope(*NS);
+ llvm::Optional<std::string> Spelling = getSpelledSpecifier(*SS, SM);
// Check the specifier spelled in the source.
- // If the resolved scope doesn't end with the spelled scope. The
- // resolved scope can come from a sema typo correction. For example,
+ // If the resolved scope doesn't end with the spelled scope, the
+ // resolved scope may come from a sema typo correction. For example,
// sema assumes that "clangd::" is a typo of "clang::" and uses
// "clang::" as the specified scope in:
// namespace clang { clangd::X; }
// In this case, we use the "typo" specifier as extra scope instead
// of using the scope assumed by sema.
- auto B = SM.getFileOffset(SS->getBeginLoc());
- auto E = SM.getFileOffset(SS->getEndLoc());
- std::string Spelling = (Code.substr(B, E - B) + "::").str();
- if (llvm::StringRef(SpecifiedNS).endswith(Spelling))
- Result.ResolvedScope = SpecifiedNS;
- else
- Result.UnresolvedScope = Spelling;
+ if (!Spelling || llvm::StringRef(SpecifiedNS).endswith(*Spelling)) {
+ Result.ResolvedScope = std::move(SpecifiedNS);
+ } else {
+ Result.UnresolvedScope = std::move(*Spelling);
+ }
} else if (const auto *ANS = Nested->getAsNamespaceAlias()) {
Result.ResolvedScope = printNamespaceScope(*ANS->getNamespace());
} else {
using ::testing::_;
using ::testing::AllOf;
using ::testing::Contains;
+using ::testing::Each;
using ::testing::ElementsAre;
using ::testing::Field;
using ::testing::IsEmpty;
"Include \"x.h\" for symbol ns::X")))));
+TEST(IncludeFixerTest, TypoInMacro) {
+ auto TU = TestTU::withCode(R"cpp(// error-ok
+#define ID(T) T
+X a1;
+ID(X a2);
+ns::X a3;
+ID(ns::X a4);
+namespace ns{};
+ns::X a5;
+ID(ns::X a6);
+ auto Index = buildIndexWithSymbol(
+ {SymbolWithHeader{"X", "unittest:///x.h", "\"x.h\""},
+ SymbolWithHeader{"ns::X", "unittest:///ns.h", "\"x.h\""}});
+ TU.ExternalIndex = Index.get();
+ EXPECT_THAT(*, Each(withFix(_)));
TEST(IncludeFixerTest, MultipleMatchedSymbols) {
Annotations Test(R"cpp(// error-ok
$insert[[]]namespace na {