+bool WriteInt32ToHeapNumberStub::CompilingCallsToThisStubIsGCSafe() {
+ // These variants are compiled ahead of time. See next method.
+ if (the_int_.is(r1) && the_heap_number_.is(r0) && scratch_.is(r2)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (the_int_.is(r2) && the_heap_number_.is(r0) && scratch_.is(r3)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Other register combinations are generated as and when they are needed,
+ // so it is unsafe to call them from stubs (we can't generate a stub while
+ // we are generating a stub).
+ return false;
+void WriteInt32ToHeapNumberStub::GenerateStubsAheadOfTime() {
+ WriteInt32ToHeapNumberStub stub1(r1, r0, r2);
+ WriteInt32ToHeapNumberStub stub2(r2, r0, r3);
+ Handle<Code> code1 = stub1.GetCode();
+ Handle<Code> code2 = stub2.GetCode();
// See comment for class.
void WriteInt32ToHeapNumberStub::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm) {
Label max_negative_int;
__ vmov(d0, r0, r1);
__ vmov(d1, r2, r3);
+ AllowExternalCallThatCantCauseGC scope(masm);
__ CallCFunction(ExternalReference::compare_doubles(masm->isolate()),
0, 2);
__ pop(pc); // Return.
void CodeStub::GenerateStubsAheadOfTime() {
+ WriteInt32ToHeapNumberStub::GenerateStubsAheadOfTime();
scratch_(scratch) { }
+ bool CompilingCallsToThisStubIsGCSafe();
+ static void GenerateStubsAheadOfTime();
Register the_int_;
Register the_heap_number_;