using testing::ValuesIn;
using ValidateCapability =
- spvtest::ValidateBase<tuple<string, pair<string, vector<string>>>,
+ spvtest::ValidateBase<tuple<string, pair<string, vector<string>>>>;
TEST_F(ValidateCapability, Default) {
const char str[] = R"(
return *r;
+const char kOpenCLMemoryModel[] = \
+ " OpCapability Kernel"
+ " OpMemoryModel Logical OpenCL ";
+const char kGLSL450MemoryModel[] = \
+ " OpCapability Shader"
+ " OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450 ";
+const char kVoidFVoid[] = \
+ " %void = OpTypeVoid"
+ " %void_f = OpTypeFunction %void"
+ " %func = OpFunction %void None %void_f"
+ " %label = OpLabel"
+ " OpReturn"
+ " OpFunctionEnd ";
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(ExecutionModel, ValidateCapability,
-make_pair("OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" %var1 %var2\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpEntryPoint TessellationControl %func \"shader\" %var1 %var2\n", TessellationDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpEntryPoint TessellationEvaluation %func \"shader\" %var1 %var2\n", TessellationDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpEntryPoint Geometry %func \"shader\" %var1 %var2\n", GeometryDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpEntryPoint Fragment %func \"shader\" %var1 %var2\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpEntryPoint GLCompute %func \"shader\" %var1 %var2\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"shader\" %var1 %var2\n", KernelDependencies())
- )));
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ " OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\"" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ " OpEntryPoint TessellationControl %func \"shader\"" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), TessellationDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ " OpEntryPoint TessellationEvaluation %func \"shader\"" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), TessellationDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ " OpEntryPoint Geometry %func \"shader\"" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), GeometryDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ " OpEntryPoint Fragment %func \"shader\"" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ " OpEntryPoint GLCompute %func \"shader\"" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ " OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"shader\"" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), KernelDependencies())
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(AddressingAndMemoryModel, ValidateCapability,
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func Invocations 42", GeometryDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func SpacingEqual", TessellationDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func SpacingFractionalEven", TessellationDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func SpacingFractionalOdd", TessellationDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func VertexOrderCw", TessellationDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func VertexOrderCcw", TessellationDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func PixelCenterInteger", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func OriginUpperLeft", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func OriginLowerLeft", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func EarlyFragmentTests", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func PointMode", TessellationDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func Xfb", vector<string>{"TransformFeedback"}),
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func DepthReplacing", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func DepthGreater", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func DepthLess", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func DepthUnchanged", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func LocalSize 42 42 42", AllCapabilities()),
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func LocalSizeHint 42 42 42", KernelDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func InputPoints", GeometryDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func InputLines", GeometryDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func InputLinesAdjacency", GeometryDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func Triangles", GeometryTessellationDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func InputTrianglesAdjacency", GeometryDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func Quads", TessellationDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func Isolines", TessellationDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func OutputVertices 42", GeometryTessellationDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func OutputPoints", GeometryDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func OutputLineStrip", GeometryDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func OutputTriangleStrip", GeometryDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func VecTypeHint 2", KernelDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpExecutionMode %func ContractionOff", KernelDependencies())
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint Geometry %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func Invocations 42" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), GeometryDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint TessellationControl %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func SpacingEqual" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), TessellationDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint TessellationControl %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func SpacingFractionalEven" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), TessellationDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint TessellationControl %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func SpacingFractionalOdd" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), TessellationDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint TessellationControl %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func VertexOrderCw" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), TessellationDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint TessellationControl %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func VertexOrderCcw" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), TessellationDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func PixelCenterInteger" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func OriginUpperLeft" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func OriginLowerLeft" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func EarlyFragmentTests" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint TessellationControl %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func PointMode" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), TessellationDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func Xfb" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), vector<string>{"TransformFeedback"}),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func DepthReplacing" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func DepthGreater" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func DepthLess" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint Vertex %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func DepthUnchanged" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func LocalSize 42 42 42" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), AllCapabilities()),
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func LocalSizeHint 42 42 42" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), KernelDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint Geometry %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func InputPoints" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), GeometryDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint Geometry %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func InputLines" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), GeometryDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint Geometry %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func InputLinesAdjacency" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), GeometryDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint Geometry %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func Triangles" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), GeometryDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint TessellationControl %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func Triangles" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), TessellationDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint Geometry %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func InputTrianglesAdjacency" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), GeometryDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint TessellationControl %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func Quads" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), TessellationDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint TessellationControl %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func Isolines" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), TessellationDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint Geometry %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func OutputVertices 42" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), GeometryDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint TessellationControl %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func OutputVertices 42" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), TessellationDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint Geometry %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func OutputPoints" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), GeometryDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint Geometry %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func OutputLineStrip" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), GeometryDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint Geometry %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func OutputTriangleStrip" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), GeometryDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func VecTypeHint 2" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), KernelDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ "OpEntryPoint Kernel %func \"shader\" "
+ "OpExecutionMode %func ContractionOff" +
+ string(kVoidFVoid), KernelDependencies())
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(StorageClass, ValidateCapability,
-make_pair(" %intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ " %intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
" %ptrt = OpTypePointer UniformConstant %intt\n"
- " %var = OpVariable %ptrt UniformConstant\n", AllCapabilities()),
-make_pair(" %intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+ " %var = OpVariable %ptrt UniformConstant\n", AllCapabilities()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ " %intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
" %ptrt = OpTypePointer Input %intt"
- " %var = OpVariable %ptrt Input\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair(" %intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+ " %var = OpVariable %ptrt Input\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ " %intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
" %ptrt = OpTypePointer Uniform %intt\n"
- " %var = OpVariable %ptrt Uniform\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair(" %intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+ " %var = OpVariable %ptrt Uniform\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ " %intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
" %ptrt = OpTypePointer Output %intt\n"
- " %var = OpVariable %ptrt Output\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair(" %intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+ " %var = OpVariable %ptrt Output\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ " %intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
" %ptrt = OpTypePointer Workgroup %intt\n"
- " %var = OpVariable %ptrt Workgroup\n", AllCapabilities()),
-make_pair(" %intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+ " %var = OpVariable %ptrt Workgroup\n", AllCapabilities()),
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ " %intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
" %ptrt = OpTypePointer CrossWorkgroup %intt\n"
- " %var = OpVariable %ptrt CrossWorkgroup\n", AllCapabilities()),
-make_pair(" %intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+ " %var = OpVariable %ptrt CrossWorkgroup\n", AllCapabilities()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ " %intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
" %ptrt = OpTypePointer Private %intt\n"
- " %var = OpVariable %ptrt Private\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair(" %intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+ " %var = OpVariable %ptrt Private\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ " %intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
" %ptrt = OpTypePointer PushConstant %intt\n"
- " %var = OpVariable %ptrt PushConstant\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair(" %intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+ " %var = OpVariable %ptrt PushConstant\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ " %intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
" %ptrt = OpTypePointer AtomicCounter %intt\n"
- " %var = OpVariable %ptrt AtomicCounter\n", vector<string>{"AtomicStorage"}),
-make_pair(" %intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
+ " %var = OpVariable %ptrt AtomicCounter\n", vector<string>{"AtomicStorage"}),
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ " %intt = OpTypeInt 32 0\n"
" %ptrt = OpTypePointer Image %intt\n"
- " %var = OpVariable %ptrt Image\n", AllCapabilities())
- )));
+ " %var = OpVariable %ptrt Image\n", AllCapabilities())
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(Dim, ValidateCapability,
-make_pair(" OpCapability ImageBasic"
+make_pair(" OpCapability ImageBasic" +
+ string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
" %voidt = OpTypeVoid"
- " %imgt = OpTypeImage %voidt 1D 0 0 0 0 Unknown", Sampled1DDependencies()),
-make_pair(" OpCapability ImageBasic"
+ " %imgt = OpTypeImage %voidt 1D 0 0 0 0 Unknown",
+ Sampled1DDependencies()),
+make_pair(" OpCapability ImageBasic" +
+ string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
" %voidt = OpTypeVoid"
- " %imgt = OpTypeImage %voidt 2D 0 0 0 0 Unknown", AllCapabilities()),
-make_pair(" OpCapability ImageBasic"
+ " %imgt = OpTypeImage %voidt 2D 0 0 0 0 Unknown",
+ AllCapabilities()),
+make_pair(" OpCapability ImageBasic" +
+ string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
" %voidt = OpTypeVoid"
- " %imgt = OpTypeImage %voidt 3D 0 0 0 0 Unknown", AllCapabilities()),
-make_pair(" OpCapability ImageBasic"
+ " %imgt = OpTypeImage %voidt 3D 0 0 0 0 Unknown",
+ AllCapabilities()),
+make_pair(" OpCapability ImageBasic" +
+ string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
" %voidt = OpTypeVoid"
- " %imgt = OpTypeImage %voidt Cube 0 0 0 0 Unknown", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair(" OpCapability ImageBasic"
+ " %imgt = OpTypeImage %voidt Cube 0 0 0 0 Unknown",
+ ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(" OpCapability ImageBasic" +
+ string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
" %voidt = OpTypeVoid"
- " %imgt = OpTypeImage %voidt Rect 0 0 0 0 Unknown", SampledRectDependencies()),
-make_pair(" OpCapability ImageBasic"
+ " %imgt = OpTypeImage %voidt Rect 0 0 0 0 Unknown",
+ SampledRectDependencies()),
+make_pair(" OpCapability ImageBasic" +
+ string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
" %voidt = OpTypeVoid"
- " %imgt = OpTypeImage %voidt Buffer 0 0 0 0 Unknown", SampledBufferDependencies()),
-make_pair(" OpCapability ImageBasic"
+ " %imgt = OpTypeImage %voidt Buffer 0 0 0 0 Unknown",
+ SampledBufferDependencies()),
+make_pair(" OpCapability ImageBasic" +
+ string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
" %voidt = OpTypeVoid"
- " %imgt = OpTypeImage %voidt SubpassData 0 0 0 2 Unknown", vector<string>{"InputAttachment"})
- )));
+ " %imgt = OpTypeImage %voidt SubpassData 0 0 0 2 Unknown",
+ vector<string>{"InputAttachment"})
// NOTE: All Sampler Address Modes require kernel capabilities but the
// OpConstantSampler requires LiteralSampler which depends on Kernel
-make_pair(" %samplert = OpTypeSampler"
- " %sampler = OpConstantSampler %samplert None 1 Nearest", vector<string>{"LiteralSampler"}),
-make_pair(" %samplert = OpTypeSampler"
- " %sampler = OpConstantSampler %samplert ClampToEdge 1 Nearest", vector<string>{"LiteralSampler"}),
-make_pair(" %samplert = OpTypeSampler"
- " %sampler = OpConstantSampler %samplert Clamp 1 Nearest", vector<string>{"LiteralSampler"}),
-make_pair(" %samplert = OpTypeSampler"
- " %sampler = OpConstantSampler %samplert Repeat 1 Nearest", vector<string>{"LiteralSampler"}),
-make_pair(" %samplert = OpTypeSampler"
- " %sampler = OpConstantSampler %samplert RepeatMirrored 1 Nearest", vector<string>{"LiteralSampler"})
- )));
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ " %samplert = OpTypeSampler"
+ " %sampler = OpConstantSampler %samplert None 1 Nearest",
+ vector<string>{"LiteralSampler"}),
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ " %samplert = OpTypeSampler"
+ " %sampler = OpConstantSampler %samplert ClampToEdge 1 Nearest",
+ vector<string>{"LiteralSampler"}),
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ " %samplert = OpTypeSampler"
+ " %sampler = OpConstantSampler %samplert Clamp 1 Nearest",
+ vector<string>{"LiteralSampler"}),
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ " %samplert = OpTypeSampler"
+ " %sampler = OpConstantSampler %samplert Repeat 1 Nearest",
+ vector<string>{"LiteralSampler"}),
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ " %samplert = OpTypeSampler"
+ " %sampler = OpConstantSampler %samplert RepeatMirrored 1 Nearest",
+ vector<string>{"LiteralSampler"})
//TODO(umar): Sampler Filter Mode
//TODO(umar): Image Format
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt RelaxedPrecision\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt SpecId 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt Block\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BufferBlock\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt RowMajor\n", MatrixDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt ColMajor\n", MatrixDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt ArrayStride 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt MatrixStride 1\n", MatrixDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt GLSLShared\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt GLSLPacked\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt CPacked\n", KernelDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt NoPerspective\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt Flat\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt Patch\n", TessellationDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt Centroid\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt Sample\n", vector<string>{"SampleRateShading"}),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt Invariant\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt Restrict\n", AllCapabilities()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt Aliased\n", AllCapabilities()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt Volatile\n", AllCapabilities()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt Constant\n", KernelDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt Coherent\n", AllCapabilities()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt NonWritable\n", AllCapabilities()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt NonReadable\n", AllCapabilities()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt Uniform\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt SaturatedConversion\n", KernelDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt Stream 0\n", vector<string>{"GeometryStreams"}),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt Location 0\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt Component 0\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt Index 0\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt Binding 0\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt DescriptorSet 0\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt Offset 0\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt XfbBuffer 0\n", vector<string>{"TransformFeedback"}),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt XfbStride 0\n", vector<string>{"TransformFeedback"}),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt FuncParamAttr Zext\n", KernelDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt FPRoundingMode RTE\n", KernelDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt FPFastMathMode Fast\n", KernelDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt LinkageAttributes \"other\" Import\n", vector<string>{"Linkage"}),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt NoContraction\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt InputAttachmentIndex 0\n", vector<string>{"InputAttachment"}),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt Alignment 4\n", KernelDependencies())
- )));
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt RelaxedPrecision\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt SpecId 1\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt Block\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BufferBlock\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt RowMajor\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", MatrixDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt ColMajor\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", MatrixDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt ArrayStride 1\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt MatrixStride 1\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", MatrixDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt GLSLShared\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt GLSLPacked\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt CPacked\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt NoPerspective\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt Flat\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt Patch\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", TessellationDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt Centroid\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt Sample\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", vector<string>{"SampleRateShading"}),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt Invariant\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt Restrict\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllCapabilities()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt Aliased\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllCapabilities()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt Volatile\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllCapabilities()),
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt Constant\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt Coherent\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllCapabilities()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt NonWritable\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllCapabilities()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt NonReadable\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllCapabilities()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt Uniform\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt SaturatedConversion\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt Stream 0\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", vector<string>{"GeometryStreams"}),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt Location 0\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt Component 0\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt Index 0\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt Binding 0\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt DescriptorSet 0\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt Offset 0\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt XfbBuffer 0\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", vector<string>{"TransformFeedback"}),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt XfbStride 0\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", vector<string>{"TransformFeedback"}),
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt FuncParamAttr Zext\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt FPRoundingMode RTE\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt FPFastMathMode Fast\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt LinkageAttributes \"other\" Import\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", vector<string>{"Linkage"}),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt NoContraction\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt InputAttachmentIndex 0\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", vector<string>{"InputAttachment"}),
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt Alignment 4\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies())
INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P(BuiltIn, ValidateCapability,
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn Position\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn PointSize\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn ClipDistance\n", vector<string>{"ClipDistance"}),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn CullDistance\n", vector<string>{"CullDistance"}),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn VertexId\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn InstanceId\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn PrimitiveId\n", GeometryTessellationDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn InvocationId\n", GeometryTessellationDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn Layer\n", GeometryDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn ViewportIndex\n", vector<string>{"MultiViewport"}),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn TessLevelOuter\n", TessellationDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn TessLevelInner\n", TessellationDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn TessCoord\n", TessellationDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn PatchVertices\n", TessellationDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn FragCoord\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn PointCoord\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn FrontFacing\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn SampleId\n", vector<string>{"SampleRateShading"}),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn SamplePosition\n", vector<string>{"SampleRateShading"}),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn SampleMask\n", vector<string>{"SampleRateShading"}),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn FragDepth\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn HelperInvocation\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn VertexIndex\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn InstanceIndex\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn NumWorkgroups\n", AllCapabilities()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn WorkgroupSize\n", AllCapabilities()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn WorkgroupId\n", AllCapabilities()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn LocalInvocationId\n", AllCapabilities()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n", AllCapabilities()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn LocalInvocationIndex\n", AllCapabilities()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn WorkDim\n", KernelDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn GlobalSize\n", KernelDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn EnqueuedWorkgroupSize\n", KernelDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn GlobalOffset\n", KernelDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn GlobalLinearId\n", KernelDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn SubgroupSize\n", KernelDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn SubgroupMaxSize\n", KernelDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn NumSubgroups\n", KernelDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn NumEnqueuedSubgroups\n", KernelDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn SubgroupId\n", KernelDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn SubgroupLocalInvocationId\n", KernelDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn VertexIndex\n", ShaderDependencies()),
-make_pair("OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn InstanceIndex\n", ShaderDependencies())
- )));
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn Position\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn PointSize\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn ClipDistance\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", vector<string>{"ClipDistance"}),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn CullDistance\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", vector<string>{"CullDistance"}),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn VertexId\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn InstanceId\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn PrimitiveId\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", GeometryTessellationDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn InvocationId\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", GeometryTessellationDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn Layer\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", GeometryDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn ViewportIndex\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", vector<string>{"MultiViewport"}),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn TessLevelOuter\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", TessellationDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn TessLevelInner\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", TessellationDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn TessCoord\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", TessellationDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn PatchVertices\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", TessellationDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn FragCoord\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn PointCoord\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn FrontFacing\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn SampleId\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", vector<string>{"SampleRateShading"}),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn SamplePosition\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", vector<string>{"SampleRateShading"}),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn SampleMask\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", vector<string>{"SampleRateShading"}),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn FragDepth\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn HelperInvocation\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn VertexIndex\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn InstanceIndex\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn NumWorkgroups\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllCapabilities()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn WorkgroupSize\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllCapabilities()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn WorkgroupId\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllCapabilities()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn LocalInvocationId\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllCapabilities()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn GlobalInvocationId\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllCapabilities()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn LocalInvocationIndex\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", AllCapabilities()),
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn WorkDim\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn GlobalSize\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn EnqueuedWorkgroupSize\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn GlobalOffset\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn GlobalLinearId\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn SubgroupSize\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn SubgroupMaxSize\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn NumSubgroups\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn NumEnqueuedSubgroups\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn SubgroupId\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kGLSL450MemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn SubgroupLocalInvocationId\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", KernelDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn VertexIndex\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies()),
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
+ "OpDecorate %intt BuiltIn InstanceIndex\n"
+ "%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n", ShaderDependencies())
// TODO(umar): Selection Control
// TODO(umar): Loop Control
+make_pair(string(kOpenCLMemoryModel) +
"%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1\n"
"%vec3 = OpTypeVector %intt 3\n"
"%mat33 = OpTypeMatrix %vec3 3\n", MatrixDependencies()))));
pair<string, vector<string>> operation;
std::tie(capability, operation) = GetParam();
stringstream ss;
- if (capability.empty() == false) {
+ if (!capability.empty()) {
ss << "OpCapability " + capability + " ";
using pred_type = function<spv_result_t(int)>;
using ValidateLayout =
- spvtest::ValidateBase<tuple<int, tuple<string, pred_type, pred_type>>,
+ spvtest::ValidateBase<tuple<int, tuple<string, pred_type, pred_type>>>;
namespace {
// returns true if order is equal to VAL
const vector<string>& getInstructions() {
// clang-format off
static const vector<string> instructions = {
- "OpCapability Matrix",
+ "OpCapability Shader",
"OpExtension \"TestExtension\"",
"%inst = OpExtInstImport \"GLSL.std.450\"",
"OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450",
"OpEntryPoint GLCompute %func \"\"",
"OpExecutionMode %func LocalSize 1 1 1",
"%str = OpString \"Test String\"",
+ "%str2 = OpString \"blabla\"",
"OpSource GLSL 450 %str \"uniform vec3 var = vec3(4.0);\"",
"OpSourceContinued \"void main(){return;}\"",
"OpSourceExtension \"Test extension\"",
- "OpName %id \"MyID\"",
+ "OpName %func \"MyFunction\"",
"OpMemberName %struct 1 \"my_member\"",
"OpDecorate %dgrp RowMajor",
"OpMemberDecorate %struct 1 RowMajor",
::testing::Combine(::testing::Range((int)0, (int)getInstructions().size()),
- // | Instruction | Line(s) valid | Lines to compile
- ::testing::Values( make_tuple(string("OpCapability") , Equals<0> , All)
- , make_tuple(string("OpExtension") , Equals<1> , All)
- , make_tuple(string("OpExtInstImport") , Equals<2> , All)
- , make_tuple(string("OpMemoryModel") , Equals<3> , All)
- , make_tuple(string("OpEntryPoint") , Equals<4> , All)
- , make_tuple(string("OpExecutionMode") , Equals<5> , All)
- , make_tuple(string("OpSource ") , Range<6, 9>() , All)
- , make_tuple(string("OpSourceContinued ") , Range<6, 9>() , All)
- , make_tuple(string("OpSourceExtension ") , Range<6, 9>() , All)
- , make_tuple(string("OpString ") , Range<6, 9>() , All)
- , make_tuple(string("OpName ") , Range<10, 11>() , All)
- , make_tuple(string("OpMemberName ") , Range<10, 11>() , All)
- , make_tuple(string("OpDecorate ") , Range<12, 15>() , All)
- , make_tuple(string("OpMemberDecorate ") , Range<12, 15>() , All)
- , make_tuple(string("OpGroupDecorate ") , Range<12, 15>() , All)
- , make_tuple(string("OpDecorationGroup") , Range<12, 15>() , All)
- , make_tuple(string("OpTypeBool") , Range<16, 29>() , All)
- , make_tuple(string("OpTypeVoid") , Range<16, 29>() , All)
- , make_tuple(string("OpTypeFloat") , Range<16, 29>() , All)
- , make_tuple(string("OpTypeInt") , Range<16, 29>() , static_cast<pred_type>(Range<0, 25>()))
- , make_tuple(string("OpTypeVector %intt 4") , Range<16, 29>() , All)
- , make_tuple(string("OpTypeMatrix %vec4 4") , Range<16, 29>() , All)
- , make_tuple(string("OpTypeStruct") , Range<16, 29>() , All)
- , make_tuple(string("%vfunct = OpTypeFunction"), Range<16,29>() , All)
- , make_tuple(string("OpConstant") , Range<19, 29>() , static_cast<pred_type>(Range<19, kRangeEnd>()))
- , make_tuple(string("OpLine ") , Range<16, kRangeEnd>() , All)
- , make_tuple(string("OpNoLine") , Range<16, kRangeEnd>() , All)
- , make_tuple(string("OpLabel") , Equals<35> , All)
- , make_tuple(string("OpNop") , Equals<36> , All)
- , make_tuple(string("OpReturn") , Equals<37> , All)
+ // Note: Because of ID dependencies between instructions, some instructions
+ // are not free to be placed anywhere without triggering an non-layout
+ // validation error. Therefore, "Lines to compile" for some instructions
+ // are not "All" in the below.
+ //
+ // | Instruction | Line(s) valid | Lines to compile
+ ::testing::Values( make_tuple(string("OpCapability") , Equals<0> , Range<0, 2>())
+ , make_tuple(string("OpExtension") , Equals<1> , All)
+ , make_tuple(string("OpExtInstImport") , Equals<2> , All)
+ , make_tuple(string("OpMemoryModel") , Equals<3> , Range<1, kRangeEnd>())
+ , make_tuple(string("OpEntryPoint") , Equals<4> , All)
+ , make_tuple(string("OpExecutionMode") , Equals<5> , All)
+ , make_tuple(string("OpSource ") , Range<6, 10>() , Range<7, kRangeEnd>())
+ , make_tuple(string("OpSourceContinued ") , Range<6, 10>() , All)
+ , make_tuple(string("OpSourceExtension ") , Range<6, 10>() , All)
+ , make_tuple(string("%str2 = OpString ") , Range<6, 10>() , All)
+ , make_tuple(string("OpName ") , Range<11, 12>() , All)
+ , make_tuple(string("OpMemberName ") , Range<11, 12>() , All)
+ , make_tuple(string("OpDecorate ") , Range<13, 16>() , All)
+ , make_tuple(string("OpMemberDecorate ") , Range<13, 16>() , All)
+ , make_tuple(string("OpGroupDecorate ") , Range<13, 16>() , Range<16, kRangeEnd>())
+ , make_tuple(string("OpDecorationGroup") , Range<13, 16>() , Range<0, 15>())
+ , make_tuple(string("OpTypeBool") , Range<17, 30>() , All)
+ , make_tuple(string("OpTypeVoid") , Range<17, 30>() , Range<0, 25>())
+ , make_tuple(string("OpTypeFloat") , Range<17, 30>() , All)
+ , make_tuple(string("OpTypeInt") , Range<17, 30>() , Range<0, 20>())
+ , make_tuple(string("OpTypeVector %intt 4") , Range<17, 30>() , Range<18, 23>())
+ , make_tuple(string("OpTypeMatrix %vec4 4") , Range<17, 30>() , Range<22, kRangeEnd>())
+ , make_tuple(string("OpTypeStruct") , Range<17, 30>() , Range<24, kRangeEnd>())
+ , make_tuple(string("%vfunct = OpTypeFunction"), Range<17, 30>() , Range<20, 30>())
+ , make_tuple(string("OpConstant") , Range<17, 30>() , Range<20, kRangeEnd>())
+ , make_tuple(string("OpLine ") , Range<17, kRangeEnd>() , Range<7, kRangeEnd>())
+ , make_tuple(string("OpNoLine") , Range<17, kRangeEnd>() , All)
+ , make_tuple(string("OpLabel") , Equals<36> , All)
+ , make_tuple(string("OpNop") , Equals<37> , All)
+ , make_tuple(string("OpReturn") , Equals<38> , All)
// clang-format on
// This test will check the logical layout of a binary by removing each
// instruction in the pair of the INSTANTIATE_TEST_CASE_P call and moving it in
-// the SPIRV source formed by combining the vector "instructions"
-// NOTE: The test will only execute with the SPV_VALIDATE_LAYOUT_BIT flag so SSA
-// and other tests are not performed
+// the SPIRV source formed by combining the vector "instructions".
TEST_P(ValidateLayout, Layout) {
int order;
string instruction;
TEST_F(ValidateLayout, FunctionDefinitionBeforeDeclarationBad) {
char str[] = R"(
+ OpCapability Shader
OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
OpDecorate %var Restrict
%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1
// type checking
TEST_F(ValidateLayout, LabelBeforeFunctionParameterBad) {
char str[] = R"(
+ OpCapability Shader
OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
OpDecorate %var Restrict
%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1
TEST_F(ValidateLayout, FuncParameterNotImmediatlyAfterFuncBad) {
char str[] = R"(
+ OpCapability Shader
OpMemoryModel Logical GLSL450
OpDecorate %var Restrict
%intt = OpTypeInt 32 1
-using ValidateOpFunctionParameter =
- spvtest::ValidateBase<int, SPV_VALIDATE_LAYOUT_BIT | SPV_VALIDATE_ID_BIT>;
+using ValidateOpFunctionParameter = spvtest::ValidateBase<int>;
TEST_F(ValidateOpFunctionParameter, OpLineBetweenParameters) {
const auto s = R"(