--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (c) 2020 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ *
+ */
+#include "dali/dali.h"
+#include "dali/public-api/actors/actor.h"
+#include "dali/public-api/rendering/renderer.h"
+#include <random>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <cstring>
+using namespace Dali;
+// Demonstrates deferred shading with multiple render targets (for color,
+// position, and normal), a Phong lighting model and 32 point lights.
+// Invoked with the --show-lights it will render a mesh at each light position.
+#define MAX_LIGHTS 32
+#define DEFINE_MAX_LIGHTS "const int kMaxLights = " QUOTE(MAX_LIGHTS) ";"
+const char* const PREPASS_VSH = DALI_COMPOSE_SHADER(#version 300 es\n
+precision mediump float;)
+// DALI uniforms
+uniform mat4 uMvpMatrix;
+uniform mat3 uNormalMatrix;
+uniform vec3 uSize;
+uniform vec3 uDepth_InvDepth_Near;\n)
+ DEFINE(DEPTH uDepth_InvDepth_Near.x)
+ DEFINE(INV_DEPTH uDepth_InvDepth_Near.y)
+ DEFINE(NEAR uDepth_InvDepth_Near.z)
+in vec3 aPosition;
+in vec3 aNormal;
+out vec4 vPosition;
+out vec3 vNormal;
+vec4 Map(vec4 v) // projection space -> texture
+ return vec4(v.xyz / (2.f * v.w) + vec3(.5f), (v.w - NEAR) * INV_DEPTH);
+void main()
+ vec4 position = uMvpMatrix * vec4(aPosition * uSize, 1.f);
+ vPosition = Map(position);
+ gl_Position = position;
+ vNormal = normalize(uNormalMatrix * aNormal);
+const char* const PREPASS_FSH = DALI_COMPOSE_SHADER(#version 300 es\n
+precision mediump float;
+// DALI uniform
+uniform vec4 uColor;
+in vec4 vPosition;
+in vec3 vNormal;
+// These are our outputs.
+layout(location = 0) out vec3 oNormal;
+layout(location = 1) out vec4 oPosition;
+layout(location = 2) out vec3 oColor;
+void main()
+ oColor = uColor.rgb;
+ oPosition = vPosition;
+ oNormal = normalize(vNormal) * .5f + .5f;
+const char* const MAINPASS_VSH = DALI_COMPOSE_SHADER(#version 300 es\n
+precision mediump float;
+// DALI uniforms
+uniform mat4 uMvpMatrix;
+uniform vec3 uSize;
+in vec3 aPosition;
+in vec2 aTexCoord;
+out vec2 vUv;
+void main()
+ vec4 position = uMvpMatrix * vec4(aPosition * uSize, 1.f);
+ vUv = aTexCoord;
+ gl_Position = position;
+const char* const MAINPASS_FSH = DALI_COMPOSE_SHADER(#version 300 es\n
+precision mediump float;\n)
+const float kAttenuationConst = .05f;
+const float kAttenuationLinear = .1f;
+const float kAttenuationQuadratic = .15f;
+// G-buffer
+uniform sampler2D uTextureNormal;
+uniform sampler2D uTexturePosition;
+uniform sampler2D uTextureColor;
+uniform mat4 uInvProjection;
+uniform vec3 uDepth_InvDepth_Near;\n)
+ DEFINE(DEPTH uDepth_InvDepth_Near.x)
+ DEFINE(INV_DEPTH uDepth_InvDepth_Near.y)
+ DEFINE(NEAR uDepth_InvDepth_Near.z)
+// Light source uniforms
+struct Light
+ vec3 position; // view space
+ float radius;
+ vec3 color;
+uniform Light uLights[kMaxLights];
+in vec2 vUv;
+out vec4 oColor;
+vec4 Unmap(vec4 m) // texture -> projection
+ m.w = m.w * DEPTH + NEAR;
+ m.xyz = (m.xyz - vec3(.5)) * (2.f * m.w);
+ return m;
+vec3 CalculateLighting(vec3 pos, vec3 normal)
+ vec3 viewDir = normalize(pos);
+ vec3 viewDirRefl = -reflect(viewDir, normal);
+ vec3 light = vec3(0.04f); // fake ambient term
+ for (int i = 0; i < kMaxLights; ++i)
+ {
+ vec3 rel = pos - uLights[i].position;
+ float distance = length(rel);
+ rel /= distance;
+ float a = uLights[i].radius / (kAttenuationConst + kAttenuationLinear * distance +
+ kAttenuationQuadratic * distance * distance); // attenuation
+ float l = max(0.f, dot(normal, rel)); // lambertian
+ float s = pow(max(0.f, dot(viewDirRefl, rel)), 256.f); // specular
+ light += (uLights[i].color * (l + s)) * a;
+ }
+ return light;
+void main()
+ vec3 normSample = texture(uTextureNormal, vUv).xyz;
+ if (dot(normSample, normSample) == 0.f)
+ {
+ discard; // if we didn't write this texel, don't bother lighting it.
+ }
+ vec3 normal = normalize(normSample - .5f);
+ vec4 posSample = texture(uTexturePosition, vUv);
+ vec3 pos = (uInvProjection * Unmap(posSample)).xyz;
+ vec3 color = texture(uTextureColor, vUv).rgb;
+ vec3 finalColor = color * CalculateLighting(pos, normal);
+ oColor = vec4(finalColor, 1.f);
+// PRNG for floats.
+struct FloatRand
+ std::random_device mDevice;
+ std::mt19937 mMersenneTwister;
+ std::uniform_real_distribution<float> mDistribution;
+ FloatRand()
+ : mMersenneTwister(mDevice()),
+ mDistribution(0., 1.)
+ {}
+ float operator()()
+ {
+ return mDistribution(mMersenneTwister);
+ }
+float FastFloor(float x)
+ return static_cast<int>(x) - static_cast<int>(x < 0);
+Vector3 FromHueSaturationLightness(Vector3 hsl)
+ Vector3 rgb;
+ if (hsl.y * hsl.y > 0.f)
+ {
+ if(hsl.x >= 360.f)
+ {
+ hsl.x -= 360.f;
+ }
+ hsl.x /= 60.f;
+ int i = FastFloor(hsl.x);
+ float ff = hsl.x - i;
+ float p = hsl.z * (1.0 - hsl.y);
+ float q = hsl.z * (1.0 - (hsl.y * ff));
+ float t = hsl.z * (1.0 - (hsl.y * (1.f - ff)));
+ switch (i)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ rgb.r = hsl.z;
+ rgb.g = t;
+ rgb.b = p;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ rgb.r = q;
+ rgb.g = hsl.z;
+ rgb.b = p;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ rgb.r = p;
+ rgb.g = hsl.z;
+ rgb.b = t;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ rgb.r = p;
+ rgb.g = q;
+ rgb.b = hsl.z;
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ rgb.r = t;
+ rgb.g = p;
+ rgb.b = hsl.z;
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ default:
+ rgb.r = hsl.z;
+ rgb.g = p;
+ rgb.b = q;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rgb = Vector3::ONE * hsl.z;
+ }
+ return rgb;
+Geometry CreateTexturedQuadGeometry(bool flipV)
+ // Create geometry -- unit square with whole of the texture mapped to it.
+ struct Vertex
+ {
+ Vector3 aPosition;
+ Vector2 aTexCoord;
+ };
+ Vertex vertexData[] = {
+ { Vector3(-.5f, .5f, .0f), Vector2(.0f, 1.0f) },
+ { Vector3(.5f, .5f, .0f), Vector2(1.0f, 1.0f) },
+ { Vector3(-.5f, -.5f, .0f), Vector2(.0f, .0f) },
+ { Vector3(.5f, -.5f, .0f), Vector2(1.0f, .0f) },
+ };
+ if (flipV)
+ {
+ std::swap(vertexData[0].aTexCoord, vertexData[2].aTexCoord);
+ std::swap(vertexData[1].aTexCoord, vertexData[3].aTexCoord);
+ }
+ PropertyBuffer vertexBuffer = PropertyBuffer::New( Property::Map()
+ .Add( "aPosition", Property::VECTOR3 )
+ .Add( "aTexCoord", Property::VECTOR2 ) );
+ vertexBuffer.SetData( vertexData, std::extent<decltype(vertexData)>::value );
+ Geometry geometry = Geometry::New();
+ geometry.AddVertexBuffer( vertexBuffer );
+ geometry.SetType( Geometry::TRIANGLE_STRIP );
+ return geometry;
+Geometry CreateOctahedron(bool invertNormals)
+ Vector3 positions[] = {
+ Vector3{ -1.f, 0.f, 0.f },
+ Vector3{ 1.f, 0.f, 0.f },
+ Vector3{ 0.f, -1.f, 0.f },
+ Vector3{ 0.f, 1.f, 0.f },
+ Vector3{ 0.f, 0.f, -1.f },
+ Vector3{ 0.f, 0.f, 1.f },
+ };
+ struct Vertex
+ {
+ Vector3 position;
+ Vector3 normal;
+ };
+ Vertex vertexData[] = {
+ { positions[0] },
+ { positions[3] },
+ { positions[5] },
+ { positions[5] },
+ { positions[3] },
+ { positions[1] },
+ { positions[1] },
+ { positions[3] },
+ { positions[4] },
+ { positions[4] },
+ { positions[3] },
+ { positions[0] },
+ { positions[0] },
+ { positions[5] },
+ { positions[2] },
+ { positions[5] },
+ { positions[1] },
+ { positions[2] },
+ { positions[1] },
+ { positions[4] },
+ { positions[2] },
+ { positions[4] },
+ { positions[0] },
+ { positions[2] },
+ };
+ // Calculate normals
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < std::extent<decltype(vertexData)>::value / 3; ++i)
+ {
+ uint32_t idx = i * 3;
+ Vector3 normal = (vertexData[idx + 2].position - vertexData[idx].position).
+ Cross(vertexData[idx + 1].position - vertexData[idx].position);
+ normal.Normalize();
+ normal *= invertNormals * 2.f - 1.f;
+ vertexData[idx++].normal = normal;
+ vertexData[idx++].normal = normal;
+ vertexData[idx].normal = normal;
+ }
+ // Configure property buffers and create geometry.
+ PropertyBuffer vertexBuffer = PropertyBuffer::New(Property::Map()
+ .Add("aPosition", Property::VECTOR3)
+ .Add("aNormal", Property::VECTOR3));
+ vertexBuffer.SetData(vertexData, std::extent<decltype(vertexData)>::value);
+ Geometry geometry = Geometry::New();
+ geometry.AddVertexBuffer( vertexBuffer );
+ geometry.SetType( Geometry::TRIANGLES );
+ return geometry;
+enum RendererOptions
+ OPTION_NONE = 0x0,
+ OPTION_BLEND = 0x01,
+Renderer CreateRenderer(TextureSet textures, Geometry geometry, Shader shader, uint32_t options = OPTION_NONE)
+ Renderer renderer = Renderer::New(geometry, shader);
+ renderer.SetProperty(Renderer::Property::BLEND_MODE,
+ (options & OPTION_BLEND) ? BlendMode::ON : BlendMode::OFF);
+ renderer.SetProperty(Renderer::Property::DEPTH_TEST_MODE,
+ (options & OPTION_DEPTH_TEST) ? DepthTestMode::ON : DepthTestMode::OFF);
+ renderer.SetProperty(Renderer::Property::DEPTH_WRITE_MODE,
+ (options & OPTION_DEPTH_WRITE) ? DepthWriteMode::ON : DepthWriteMode::OFF);
+ renderer.SetProperty(Renderer::Property::FACE_CULLING_MODE, FaceCullingMode::BACK);
+ if (!textures)
+ {
+ textures = TextureSet::New();
+ }
+ renderer.SetTextures(textures);
+ return renderer;
+void CenterActor(Actor actor)
+ actor.SetAnchorPoint( AnchorPoint::CENTER );
+ actor.SetParentOrigin( ParentOrigin::CENTER );
+void RegisterDepthProperties(float depth, float near, Handle& h)
+ h.RegisterProperty("uDepth_InvDepth_Near", Vector3(depth, 1.f / depth, near));
+class DeferredShadingExample : public ConnectionTracker
+ struct Options
+ {
+ enum
+ {
+ NONE = 0x0,
+ SHOW_LIGHTS = 0x1,
+ };
+ };
+ DeferredShadingExample(Application& app, uint32_t options = Options::NONE)
+ : mApp(app),
+ mOptions(options)
+ {
+ app.InitSignal().Connect( this, &DeferredShadingExample::Create );
+ app.TerminateSignal().Connect( this, &DeferredShadingExample::Destroy );
+ }
+ void Create(Application& app)
+ {
+ // Grab stage, configure layer
+ Stage stage = Stage::GetCurrent();
+ auto rootLayer = stage.GetRootLayer();
+ rootLayer.SetBehavior(Layer::LAYER_3D);
+ auto stageSize = stage.GetSize();
+ auto stageHalfSize = stageSize * .5f;
+ auto invStageHalfSize = Vector2::ONE / stageHalfSize;
+ float unit = stageSize.y / 24.f;
+ // Get camera - we'll be re-using the same old camera in the two passes.
+ RenderTaskList tasks = stage.GetRenderTaskList();
+ CameraActor camera = tasks.GetTask(0).GetCameraActor();
+ auto zCameraPos = camera.GetProperty(Actor::Property::POSITION_Z).Get<float>();
+ camera.SetFarClippingPlane(zCameraPos + stageSize.y * .5f);
+ camera.SetNearClippingPlane(zCameraPos - stageSize.y * .5f);
+ const float zNear = camera.GetNearClippingPlane();
+ const float zFar = camera.GetFarClippingPlane();
+ const float depth = zFar - zNear;
+ // Create root of scene that shall be rendered off-screen.
+ auto sceneRoot = Actor::New();
+ CenterActor(sceneRoot);
+ mSceneRoot = sceneRoot;
+ stage.Add(sceneRoot);
+ // Create an axis to spin our actors around.
+ auto axis = Actor::New();
+ CenterActor(axis);
+ sceneRoot.Add(axis);
+ mAxis = axis;
+ // Create an octahedral mesh for our main actors and to visualise the light sources.
+ Geometry mesh = CreateOctahedron(false);
+ // Create main actors
+ Shader preShader = Shader::New(PREPASS_VSH, PREPASS_FSH);
+ TextureSet noTexturesThanks = TextureSet::New();
+ Renderer meshRenderer = CreateRenderer(noTexturesThanks, mesh, preShader,
+ meshRenderer.SetProperty(Renderer::Property::FACE_CULLING_MODE, FaceCullingMode::BACK);
+ meshRenderer.RegisterProperty("uInvStageHalfSize", invStageHalfSize);
+ RegisterDepthProperties(depth, zNear, meshRenderer);
+ float c = 1.f;
+ for (auto v: {
+ Vector3{ -c, -c, -c },
+ Vector3{ c, -c, -c },
+ Vector3{ -c, c, -c },
+ Vector3{ c, c, -c },
+ Vector3{ -c, -c, c },
+ Vector3{ c, -c, c },
+ Vector3{ -c, c, c },
+ Vector3{ c, c, c },
+ Vector3{ 0.f, -c, -c },
+ Vector3{ 0.f, c, -c },
+ Vector3{ 0.f, -c, c },
+ Vector3{ 0.f, c, c },
+ Vector3{ -c, 0.f, -c },
+ Vector3{ c, 0.f, -c },
+ Vector3{ -c, 0.f, c },
+ Vector3{ c, 0.f, c },
+ Vector3{ -c, -c, 0.f },
+ Vector3{ c, -c, 0.f },
+ Vector3{ -c, c, 0.f },
+ Vector3{ c, c, 0.f },
+ })
+ {
+ Actor a = Actor::New();
+ CenterActor(a);
+ Vector3 position{ v * unit * 5.f };
+ a.SetPosition(position);
+ float scale = (c + ((v.x + v.y + v.z) + c * 3.f) * .5f) / (c * 4.f);
+ Vector3 size{ Vector3::ONE * scale * unit * 2.f };
+ a.SetSize(size);
+ a.SetColor(Color::WHITE * .25f +
+ (Color::RED * (v.x + c) / (c * 2.f) +
+ Color::GREEN * (v.y + c) / (c * 2.f) +
+ Color::BLUE * (v.z + c) / (c * 2.f)) * .015625f);
+ a.AddRenderer(meshRenderer);
+ axis.Add(a);
+ }
+ // Create off-screen textures, fbo and render task.
+ uint32_t width = static_cast<uint32_t>(stageSize.x);
+ uint32_t height = static_cast<uint32_t>(stageSize.y);
+ Texture rttNormal = Texture::New(TextureType::TEXTURE_2D, Pixel::Format::RGB888,
+ width, height);
+ Texture rttPosition = Texture::New(TextureType::TEXTURE_2D, Pixel::Format::RGBA8888,
+ width, height);
+ Texture rttColor = Texture::New(TextureType::TEXTURE_2D, Pixel::Format::RGB888,
+ width, height);
+ FrameBuffer fbo = FrameBuffer::New(width, height, FrameBuffer::Attachment::DEPTH);
+ fbo.AttachColorTexture(rttNormal);
+ fbo.AttachColorTexture(rttPosition);
+ fbo.AttachColorTexture(rttColor);
+ RenderTask sceneRender = tasks.CreateTask();
+ sceneRender.SetViewportSize(stageSize);
+ sceneRender.SetFrameBuffer(fbo);
+ sceneRender.SetCameraActor(camera);
+ sceneRender.SetSourceActor(sceneRoot);
+ sceneRender.SetInputEnabled(false);
+ sceneRender.SetCullMode(false);
+ sceneRender.SetClearEnabled(true);
+ sceneRender.SetClearColor(Color::BLACK);
+ sceneRender.SetExclusive(true);
+ mSceneRender = sceneRender;
+ // Create final image for deferred shading
+ auto finalImage = Actor::New();
+ CenterActor(finalImage);
+ finalImage.SetSize(stageSize);
+ TextureSet finalImageTextures = TextureSet::New();
+ finalImageTextures.SetTexture(0, rttNormal);
+ finalImageTextures.SetTexture(1, rttPosition);
+ finalImageTextures.SetTexture(2, rttColor);
+ Sampler sampler = Sampler::New();
+ sampler.SetFilterMode(FilterMode::NEAREST, FilterMode::NEAREST);
+ finalImageTextures.SetSampler(0, sampler);
+ finalImageTextures.SetSampler(1, sampler);
+ finalImageTextures.SetSampler(2, sampler);
+ Shader shdMain = Shader::New(MAINPASS_VSH, MAINPASS_FSH);
+ Geometry finalImageGeom = CreateTexturedQuadGeometry(true);
+ Renderer finalImageRenderer = CreateRenderer(finalImageTextures, finalImageGeom, shdMain);
+ finalImageRenderer.RegisterProperty("uStageHalfSize", stageHalfSize);
+ RegisterDepthProperties(depth, zNear, finalImageRenderer);
+ auto propInvProjection = finalImageRenderer.RegisterProperty("uInvProjection", Matrix::IDENTITY);
+ Constraint cnstrInvProjection = Constraint::New<Matrix>(finalImageRenderer, propInvProjection,
+ [zCameraPos, zNear, depth](Matrix& output, const PropertyInputContainer& input) {
+ output = input[0]->GetMatrix();
+ DALI_ASSERT_ALWAYS(output.Invert() && "Failed to invert projection matrix.");
+ });
+ cnstrInvProjection.AddSource(Source(camera, CameraActor::Property::PROJECTION_MATRIX));
+ cnstrInvProjection.AddSource(Source(camera, CameraActor::Property::VIEW_MATRIX));
+ cnstrInvProjection.Apply();
+ finalImage.AddRenderer(finalImageRenderer);
+ mFinalImage = finalImage;
+ stage.Add(finalImage);
+ // Create a node for our lights
+ auto lights = Actor::New();
+ CenterActor(lights);
+ sceneRoot.Add(lights);
+ // Create Lights
+ const bool showLights = mOptions & Options::SHOW_LIGHTS;
+ Renderer lightRenderer;
+ if (showLights)
+ {
+ Geometry lightMesh = CreateOctahedron(true);
+ lightRenderer = CreateRenderer(noTexturesThanks, lightMesh, preShader,
+ lightRenderer.SetProperty(Renderer::Property::FACE_CULLING_MODE, FaceCullingMode::FRONT);
+ }
+ Vector3 lightPos{ unit * 12.f, 0.f, 0.f };
+ float theta = M_PI * 2.f / MAX_LIGHTS;
+ float cosTheta = std::cos(theta);
+ float sinTheta = std::sin(theta);
+ for (int i = 0; i < MAX_LIGHTS; ++i)
+ {
+ Vector3 color = FromHueSaturationLightness(Vector3((360.f * i) / MAX_LIGHTS, .5f, 1.f));
+ Actor light = CreateLight(lightPos * (1 + (i % 8)) / 8.f, unit * 16.f, color, camera, finalImageRenderer);
+ float z = (((i & 1) << 1) - 1) * unit * 8.f;
+ lightPos = Vector3(cosTheta * lightPos.x - sinTheta * lightPos.y, sinTheta * lightPos.x + cosTheta * lightPos.y, z);
+ if (showLights)
+ {
+ light.SetProperty(Actor::Property::SIZE, Vector3::ONE * unit / 8.f);
+ light.AddRenderer(lightRenderer);
+ }
+ lights.Add(light);
+ }
+ // Take them for a spin.
+ Animation animLights = Animation::New(40.f);
+ animLights.SetLooping(true);
+ animLights.AnimateBy(Property(lights, Actor::Property::ORIENTATION), Quaternion(Radian(M_PI * 2.f), Vector3::YAXIS));
+ animLights.Play();
+ // Event handling
+ stage.KeyEventSignal().Connect(this, &DeferredShadingExample::OnKeyEvent);
+ mPanDetector = PanGestureDetector::New();
+ mPanDetector.DetectedSignal().Connect(this, &DeferredShadingExample::OnPan);
+ mPanDetector.Attach(stage.GetRootLayer());
+ }
+ void Destroy(Application& app)
+ {
+ Stage::GetCurrent().GetRenderTaskList().RemoveTask(mSceneRender);
+ mSceneRender.Reset();
+ UnparentAndReset(mSceneRoot);
+ UnparentAndReset(mFinalImage);
+ }
+ Actor CreateLight(Vector3 position, float radius, Vector3 color, CameraActor camera, Renderer renderer)
+ {
+ Actor light = Actor::New();
+ CenterActor(light);
+ light.SetProperty(Actor::Property::COLOR, Color::WHITE);
+ light.SetProperty(Actor::Property::POSITION, position);
+ auto iPropRadius = light.RegisterProperty("radius", radius);
+ auto iPropLightColor = light.RegisterProperty("lightcolor", color);
+ // Create light source uniforms on lighting shader.
+ char buffer[128];
+ char* writep = buffer + sprintf(buffer, "uLights[%d].", mNumLights);
+ ++mNumLights;
+ strcpy(writep, "position");
+ auto oPropLightPos = renderer.RegisterProperty(buffer, position);
+ strcpy(writep, "radius");
+ auto oPropLightRadius = renderer.RegisterProperty(buffer, radius);
+ strcpy(writep, "color");
+ auto oPropLightColor = renderer.RegisterProperty(buffer, color);
+ // Constrain the light position, radius and color to lighting shader uniforms.
+ // Convert light position to view space;
+ Constraint cLightPos = Constraint::New<Vector3>(renderer, oPropLightPos, [](Vector3& output, const PropertyInputContainer& input)
+ {
+ Vector4 worldPos(input[0]->GetVector3());
+ worldPos.w = 1.f;
+ worldPos = input[1]->GetMatrix() * worldPos;
+ output = Vector3(worldPos);
+ });
+ cLightPos.AddSource(Source(light, Actor::Property::WORLD_POSITION));
+ cLightPos.AddSource(Source(camera, CameraActor::Property::VIEW_MATRIX));
+ cLightPos.Apply();
+ Constraint cLightRadius = Constraint::New<float>(renderer, oPropLightRadius,
+ EqualToConstraint());
+ cLightRadius.AddSource(Source(light, iPropRadius));
+ cLightRadius.Apply();
+ Constraint cLightColor = Constraint::New<Vector3>(renderer, oPropLightColor,
+ EqualToConstraint());
+ cLightColor.AddSource(Source(light, iPropLightColor));
+ cLightColor.Apply();
+ return light;
+ }
+ void OnPan(Actor, PanGesture const& gesture)
+ {
+ Quaternion q = mAxis.GetProperty(Actor::Property::ORIENTATION).Get<Quaternion>();
+ Quaternion qx(Radian(Degree(gesture.screenDisplacement.y) * -.5f), Vector3::XAXIS);
+ Quaternion qy(Radian(Degree(gesture.screenDisplacement.x) * .5f), Vector3::YAXIS);
+ mAxis.SetProperty(Actor::Property::ORIENTATION, qy * qx * q);
+ }
+ void OnKeyEvent(const KeyEvent& event)
+ {
+ if(event.state == KeyEvent::Down)
+ {
+ if( IsKey( event, Dali::DALI_KEY_ESCAPE) || IsKey( event, Dali::DALI_KEY_BACK) )
+ {
+ mApp.Quit();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Application& mApp;
+ uint32_t mOptions;
+ Actor mSceneRoot;
+ Actor mAxis;
+ RenderTask mSceneRender;
+ Actor mFinalImage;
+ int mNumLights = 0;
+ PanGestureDetector mPanDetector;
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+ const bool showLights = [](int argc, char** argv)
+ {
+ auto endArgs = argv + argc;
+ return std::find_if(argv, endArgs, [](const char* arg)
+ {
+ return strcmp(arg, "--show-lights") == 0;
+ }) != endArgs;
+ }(argc, argv);
+ Application app = Application::New(&argc, &argv);
+ DeferredShadingExample example(app, (showLights ? DeferredShadingExample::Options::SHOW_LIGHTS : 0));
+ app.MainLoop();
+ return 0;