namespace zypp
{ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // CLASS NAME : PoolQuery
+ //
* Meta-data query API. Returns solvables of specified kinds from specified
* repositories with attributes matching the specified search strings.
typedef std::map<sat::SolvAttr, std::string> CompiledAttrMap;
typedef unsigned int size_type;
- class Impl;
- class ResultIterator : public boost::iterator_adaptor<
- ResultIterator // Derived
- , ::_Dataiterator * // Base
- , sat::Solvable // Value
- , boost::forward_traversal_tag // CategoryOrTraversal
- , sat::Solvable // Reference
- >
- {
- public:
- ResultIterator()
- : ResultIterator::iterator_adaptor_(0), _has_next(true),
- _attrs(CompiledAttrMap()), _do_matching(false), _pool((sat::Pool::instance()))
- { _rdit = 0; _sid = 0; }
- private:
- friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
- friend class PoolQuery;
- ResultIterator(Impl * pqimpl);
- sat::Solvable dereference() const
- {
- return _sid ? sat::Solvable(_sid) : sat::Solvable::noSolvable;
- }
- void increment();
- bool matchSolvable();
- template <class OtherDerived, class OtherIterator, class V, class C, class R, class D>
- bool equal( const boost::iterator_adaptor<OtherDerived, OtherIterator, V, C, R, D> & rhs ) const
- {
- if (!rhs.base() && !base())
- return true;
- if (!rhs.base() || !base())
- return false;
- /*if (rhs.base()->solvid == base()->solvid)
- return true;*/
- return true;
- }
- private:
- ::_Dataiterator * _rdit;
- Impl * _pqimpl;
- /*SolvableId*/ int _sid;
- bool _has_next;
- const CompiledAttrMap & _attrs;
- bool _do_matching;
- sat::Pool _pool;
- };
typedef function<bool( const sat::Solvable & )> ProcessResolvable;
/** Query result accessers. */
+ class ResultIterator;
/** */
ResultIterator begin();
/** */
void setFlags(int flags);
+ class Impl;
/** Pointer to implementation */
RW_pointer<Impl> _pimpl;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
/** \relates PoolQuery Stream output. */
std::ostream & operator<<( std::ostream & str, const PoolQuery & obj );
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // CLASS NAME : PoolQuery::ResultIterator
+ //
+ /**
+ *
+ */
+ class PoolQuery::ResultIterator : public boost::iterator_adaptor<
+ ResultIterator // Derived
+ , ::_Dataiterator * // Base
+ , sat::Solvable // Value
+ , boost::forward_traversal_tag // CategoryOrTraversal
+ , sat::Solvable // Reference
+ >
+ {
+ public:
+ ResultIterator()
+ : ResultIterator::iterator_adaptor_(0), _has_next(true),
+ _attrs(CompiledAttrMap()), _do_matching(false), _pool((sat::Pool::instance()))
+ { _rdit = 0; _sid = 0; }
+ private:
+ friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
+ friend class PoolQuery;
+ ResultIterator(Impl * pqimpl);
+ sat::Solvable dereference() const
+ {
+ return _sid ? sat::Solvable(_sid) : sat::Solvable::noSolvable;
+ }
+ void increment();
+ bool matchSolvable();
+ template <class OtherDerived, class OtherIterator, class V, class C, class R, class D>
+ bool equal( const boost::iterator_adaptor<OtherDerived, OtherIterator, V, C, R, D> & rhs ) const
+ {
+ if (!rhs.base() && !base())
+ return true;
+ if (!rhs.base() || !base())
+ return false;
+ /*if (rhs.base()->solvid == base()->solvid)
+ return true;*/
+ return true;
+ }
+ private:
+ //! \todo clean up this mess
+ ::_Dataiterator * _rdit;
+ PoolQuery::Impl * _pqimpl;
+ /*SolvableId*/ int _sid;
+ bool _has_next;
+ const CompiledAttrMap & _attrs;
+ bool _do_matching;
+ sat::Pool _pool;
+ };
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
} // namespace zypp