from .ie_api import *
-__all__ = ['IENetwork', "TensorDesc", "IECore", "Blob", "get_version"]
+__all__ = ['IENetwork', "TensorDesc", "IECore", "Blob", "PreProcessInfo", "get_version"]
__version__ = get_version()
cdef class PreProcessInfo:
cdef CPreProcessInfo* _ptr
+ cpdef object _user_data
cdef class PreProcessChannel:
cdef CPreProcessChannel.Ptr _ptr
## This class stores pre-process information for the input
cdef class PreProcessInfo:
+ def __cinit__(self):
+ self._ptr = new CPreProcessInfo()
+ self._user_data = True
+ def __dealloc__(self):
+ if self._user_data:
+ del self._ptr
def __getitem__(self, size_t index):
cdef CPreProcessChannel.Ptr c_channel = deref(self._ptr)[index]
channel = PreProcessChannel()
## Resize Algorithm to be applied for input before inference if needed.
+ # \note It's need to set your input via the set_blob method.
+ #
# Usage example:\n
# ```python
# net = ie_core.read_network(model=path_to_xml_file, weights=path_to_bin_file)
# net.input_info['data'].preprocess_info.resize_algorithm = ResizeAlgorithm.RESIZE_BILINEAR
+ # exec_net = ie_core.load_network(net, 'CPU')
+ # tensor_desc = ie.TensorDesc("FP32", [1, 3, image.shape[2], image.shape[3]], "NCHW")
+ # img_blob = ie.Blob(tensor_desc, image)
+ # request = exec_net.requests[0]
+ # request.set_blob('data', img_blob)
+ # request.infer()
# ```
def resize_algorithm(self):
def preprocess_info(self):
cdef CPreProcessInfo* c_preprocess_info = &deref(self._ptr).getPreProcess()
preprocess_info = PreProcessInfo()
+ del preprocess_info._ptr
+ preprocess_info._user_data = False
preprocess_info._ptr = c_preprocess_info
return preprocess_info
output_blobs[output] = deepcopy(blob)
return output_blobs
+ ## Dictionary that maps input layer names to corresponding preprocessing information
+ @property
+ def preprocess_info(self):
+ preprocess_info = {}
+ cdef const CPreProcessInfo** c_preprocess_info
+ for input_blob in self.input_blobs.keys():
+ preprocess = PreProcessInfo()
+ del preprocess._ptr
+ preprocess._user_data = False
+ c_preprocess_info = <const CPreProcessInfo**>(&preprocess._ptr)
+ deref(self.impl).getPreProcess(input_blob.encode(), c_preprocess_info)
+ preprocess_info[input_blob] = preprocess
+ return preprocess_info
## Sets user defined Blob for the infer request
# @param blob_name: A name of input blob
# @param blob: Blob object to set for the infer request
+ # @param preprocess_info: PreProcessInfo object to set for the infer request.
# @return None
# Usage example:\n
# blob = Blob(td, blob_data)
# exec_net.requests[0].set_blob(blob_name="input_blob_name", blob=blob),
# ```
- def set_blob(self, blob_name : str, blob : Blob):
- deref(self.impl).setBlob(blob_name.encode(), blob._ptr)
+ def set_blob(self, blob_name : str, blob : Blob, preprocess_info: PreProcessInfo = None):
+ if preprocess_info:
+ deref(self.impl).setBlob(blob_name.encode(), blob._ptr, deref(preprocess_info._ptr))
+ else:
+ deref(self.impl).setBlob(blob_name.encode(), blob._ptr)
self._user_blobs[blob_name] = blob
## Starts synchronous inference of the infer request and fill outputs array
IE_CHECK_CALL(request_ptr->SetBlob(blob_name.c_str(), blob_ptr, &response));
+void InferenceEnginePython::InferRequestWrap::setBlob(const std::string &blob_name,
+ const InferenceEngine::Blob::Ptr &blob_ptr,
+ const InferenceEngine::PreProcessInfo& info) {
+ InferenceEngine::ResponseDesc response;
+ IE_CHECK_CALL(request_ptr->SetBlob(blob_name.c_str(), blob_ptr, info, &response));
+void InferenceEnginePython::InferRequestWrap::getPreProcess(const std::string& blob_name,
+ const InferenceEngine::PreProcessInfo** info) {
+ InferenceEngine::ResponseDesc response;
+ IE_CHECK_CALL(request_ptr->GetPreProcess(blob_name.c_str(), info, &response));
void InferenceEnginePython::InferRequestWrap::getBlobPtr(const std::string &blob_name,
InferenceEngine::Blob::Ptr &blob_ptr) {
InferenceEngine::ResponseDesc response;
void setBlob(const std::string &blob_name, const InferenceEngine::Blob::Ptr &blob_ptr);
+ void setBlob(const std::string &name, const InferenceEngine::Blob::Ptr &data,
+ const InferenceEngine::PreProcessInfo& info);
void setBatch(int size);
+ void getPreProcess(const std::string& blob_name, const InferenceEngine::PreProcessInfo** info);
std::map<std::string, InferenceEnginePython::ProfileInfo> getPerformanceCounts();
int index;
void getBlobPtr(const string & blob_name, CBlob.Ptr & blob_ptr) except +
void setBlob(const string & blob_name, const CBlob.Ptr & blob_ptr) except +
+ void setBlob(const string &blob_name, const CBlob.Ptr &blob_ptr, CPreProcessInfo& info) except +
+ void getPreProcess(const string& blob_name, const CPreProcessInfo** info) except +
map[string, ProfileInfo] getPerformanceCounts() except +
void infer() except +
void infer_async() except +
def test_incompatible_input_precision():
import cv2
n, c, h, w = (1, 3, 32, 32)
- image = cv2.imread(path_to_image) / 255
+ image = cv2.imread(path_to_image)
if image is None:
raise FileNotFoundError("Input image not found")
- image = cv2.resize(image, (h, w))
+ image = cv2.resize(image, (h, w)) / 255
image = image.transpose((2, 0, 1))
image = image.reshape((n, c, h, w))
tensor_desc = TensorDesc("FP32", [1, 3, 32, 32], "NCHW")
def read_image():
import cv2
n, c, h, w = (1, 3, 32, 32)
- image = cv2.imread(path_to_img) / 255
+ image = cv2.imread(path_to_img)
if image is None:
raise FileNotFoundError("Input image not found")
- image = cv2.resize(image, (h, w))
+ image = cv2.resize(image, (h, w)) / 255
image = image.transpose((2, 0, 1)).astype(np.float32)
image = image.reshape((n, c, h, w))
return image
res_2 = np.sort(request.output_blobs['fc_out'].buffer)
assert np.allclose(res_1, res_2, atol=1e-2, rtol=1e-2)
+def test_blob_setter_with_preprocess(device):
+ ie_core = ie.IECore()
+ net = ie_core.read_network(test_net_xml, test_net_bin)
+ exec_net = ie_core.load_network(network=net, device_name=device, num_requests=1)
+ img = read_image()
+ tensor_desc = ie.TensorDesc("FP32", [1, 3, 32, 32], "NCHW")
+ img_blob = ie.Blob(tensor_desc, img)
+ preprocess_info = ie.PreProcessInfo()
+ preprocess_info.mean_variant = ie.MeanVariant.MEAN_IMAGE
+ request = exec_net.requests[0]
+ request.set_blob('data', img_blob, preprocess_info)
+ pp = request.preprocess_info["data"]
+ assert pp.mean_variant == ie.MeanVariant.MEAN_IMAGE
+def test_getting_preprocess(device):
+ ie_core = ie.IECore()
+ net = ie_core.read_network(test_net_xml, test_net_bin)
+ exec_net = ie_core.load_network(network=net, device_name=device, num_requests=1)
+ request = exec_net.requests[0]
+ preprocess_info = request.preprocess_info["data"]
+ assert isinstance(preprocess_info, ie.PreProcessInfo)
+ assert preprocess_info.mean_variant == ie.MeanVariant.NONE
+def test_resize_algorithm_work(device):
+ ie_core = ie.IECore()
+ net = ie_core.read_network(test_net_xml, test_net_bin)
+ exec_net_1 = ie_core.load_network(network=net, device_name=device, num_requests=1)
+ img = read_image()
+ res_1 = np.sort(exec_net_1.infer({"data": img})['fc_out'])
+ net.input_info['data'].preprocess_info.resize_algorithm = ie.ResizeAlgorithm.RESIZE_BILINEAR
+ exec_net_2 = ie_core.load_network(net, 'CPU')
+ import cv2
+ image = cv2.imread(path_to_img)
+ if image is None:
+ raise FileNotFoundError("Input image not found")
+ image = image / 255
+ image = image.transpose((2, 0, 1)).astype(np.float32)
+ image = np.expand_dims(image, 0)
+ tensor_desc = ie.TensorDesc("FP32", [1, 3, image.shape[2], image.shape[3]], "NCHW")
+ img_blob = ie.Blob(tensor_desc, image)
+ request = exec_net_2.requests[0]
+ assert request.preprocess_info["data"].resize_algorithm == ie.ResizeAlgorithm.RESIZE_BILINEAR
+ request.set_blob('data', img_blob)
+ request.infer()
+ res_2 = np.sort(request.output_blobs['fc_out'].buffer)
+ assert np.allclose(res_1, res_2, atol=1e-2, rtol=1e-2)
assert isinstance(pre_process_channel.mean_data, Blob)
assert pre_process_channel.mean_data.tensor_desc.dims == [127, 127]
assert preprocess_info.mean_variant == MeanVariant.MEAN_IMAGE
+def test_resize_algorithm_set(device):
+ ie_core = IECore()
+ net = ie_core.read_network(model=test_net_xml, weights=test_net_bin)
+ preprocess_info = net.input_info["data"].preprocess_info
+ preprocess_info.resize_algorithm = ResizeAlgorithm.RESIZE_BILINEAR
+ exec_net = ie_core.load_network(network=net, device_name=device, num_requests=1)
+ request = exec_net.requests[0]
+ pp = request.preprocess_info["data"]
+ assert pp.resize_algorithm == ResizeAlgorithm.RESIZE_BILINEAR