- "src/compiler/js-inlining.cc",
- "src/compiler/js-inlining.h",
NodeId NextNodeID() { return next_node_id_++; }
NodeId NodeCount() const { return next_node_id_; }
- void SetNextNodeId(NodeId next) { next_node_id_ = next; }
Zone* zone_;
return *this;
- iterator& UpdateToAndIncrement(GenericNode<B, S>* new_to) {
- typename GenericNode<B, S>::Input* input = GetInput();
- input->Update(new_to);
- index_++;
- return *this;
- }
int index() { return index_; }
namespace internal {
namespace compiler {
+// TODO(titzer): factor this out to a common routine with js-typed-lowering.
+static void ReplaceEffectfulWithValue(Node* node, Node* value) {
+ Node* effect = NULL;
+ if (OperatorProperties::HasEffectInput(node->op())) {
+ effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
+ }
+ // Requires distinguishing between value and effect edges.
+ UseIter iter = node->uses().begin();
+ while (iter != node->uses().end()) {
+ if (NodeProperties::IsEffectEdge(iter.edge())) {
+ DCHECK_NE(NULL, effect);
+ iter = iter.UpdateToAndIncrement(effect);
+ } else {
+ iter = iter.UpdateToAndIncrement(value);
+ }
+ }
class ContextSpecializationVisitor : public NullNodeVisitor {
explicit ContextSpecializationVisitor(JSContextSpecializer* spec)
case IrOpcode::kJSLoadContext: {
Reduction r = spec_->ReduceJSLoadContext(node);
if (r.Changed() && r.replacement() != node) {
- NodeProperties::ReplaceWithValue(node, r.replacement());
- node->RemoveAllInputs();
+ ReplaceEffectfulWithValue(node, r.replacement());
case IrOpcode::kJSStoreContext: {
Reduction r = spec_->ReduceJSStoreContext(node);
if (r.Changed() && r.replacement() != node) {
- NodeProperties::ReplaceWithValue(node, r.replacement());
- node->RemoveAllInputs();
+ ReplaceEffectfulWithValue(node, r.replacement());
void JSContextSpecializer::SpecializeToContext() {
- NodeProperties::ReplaceWithValue(context_,
- jsgraph_->Constant(info_->context()));
+ ReplaceEffectfulWithValue(context_, jsgraph_->Constant(info_->context()));
ContextSpecializationVisitor visitor(this);
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "src/compiler/ast-graph-builder.h"
-#include "src/compiler/common-operator.h"
-#include "src/compiler/generic-node-inl.h"
-#include "src/compiler/graph-inl.h"
-#include "src/compiler/graph-visualizer.h"
-#include "src/compiler/js-inlining.h"
-#include "src/compiler/js-operator.h"
-#include "src/compiler/node-aux-data-inl.h"
-#include "src/compiler/node-matchers.h"
-#include "src/compiler/node-properties-inl.h"
-#include "src/compiler/simplified-operator.h"
-#include "src/compiler/typer.h"
-#include "src/parser.h"
-#include "src/rewriter.h"
-#include "src/scopes.h"
-namespace v8 {
-namespace internal {
-namespace compiler {
-class InlinerVisitor : public NullNodeVisitor {
- public:
- explicit InlinerVisitor(JSInliner* inliner) : inliner_(inliner) {}
- GenericGraphVisit::Control Post(Node* node) {
- switch (node->opcode()) {
- case IrOpcode::kJSCallFunction:
- inliner_->TryInlineCall(node);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return GenericGraphVisit::CONTINUE;
- }
- private:
- JSInliner* inliner_;
-void JSInliner::Inline() {
- InlinerVisitor visitor(this);
- jsgraph_->graph()->VisitNodeInputsFromEnd(&visitor);
-static void MoveWithDependencies(Graph* graph, Node* node, Node* old_block,
- Node* new_block) {
- if (OperatorProperties::HasControlInput(node->op())) {
- // Check if we have left the old_block.
- if (NodeProperties::GetControlInput(node) != old_block) return;
- // If not, move this node to the new_block.
- NodeProperties::ReplaceControlInput(node, new_block);
- }
- // Independent of whether a node has a control input or not,
- // it might have a dependency that is pinned to old_block.
- for (InputIter iter = node->inputs().begin(); iter != node->inputs().end();
- ++iter) {
- if (NodeProperties::IsControlEdge(iter.edge())) continue;
- MoveWithDependencies(graph, *iter, old_block, new_block);
- }
-static void MoveAllControlNodes(Node* from, Node* to) {
- for (UseIter iter = from->uses().begin(); iter != from->uses().end();) {
- if (NodeProperties::IsControlEdge(iter.edge())) {
- iter.UpdateToAndIncrement(to);
- } else {
- ++iter;
- }
- }
-// TODO(sigurds) Find a home for this function and reuse it everywhere (esp. in
-// test cases, where similar code is currently duplicated).
-static void Parse(Handle<JSFunction> function, CompilationInfoWithZone* info) {
- CHECK(Parser::Parse(info));
- StrictMode strict_mode = info->function()->strict_mode();
- info->SetStrictMode(strict_mode);
- info->SetOptimizing(BailoutId::None(), Handle<Code>(function->code()));
- CHECK(Rewriter::Rewrite(info));
- CHECK(Scope::Analyze(info));
- CHECK_NE(NULL, info->scope());
- Handle<ScopeInfo> scope_info = ScopeInfo::Create(info->scope(), info->zone());
- info->shared_info()->set_scope_info(*scope_info);
-// A facade on a JSFunction's graph to facilitate inlining. It assumes the
-// that the function graph has only one return statement, and provides
-// {UnifyReturn} to convert a function graph to that end.
-// InlineAtCall will create some new nodes using {graph}'s builders (and hence
-// those nodes will live in {graph}'s zone.
-class Inlinee {
- public:
- explicit Inlinee(JSGraph* graph) : jsgraph_(graph) {}
- Graph* graph() { return jsgraph_->graph(); }
- JSGraph* jsgraph() { return jsgraph_; }
- // Returns the last regular control node, that is
- // the last control node before the end node.
- Node* end_block() { return NodeProperties::GetControlInput(unique_return()); }
- // Return the effect output of the graph,
- // that is the effect input of the return statement of the inlinee.
- Node* effect_output() {
- return NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(unique_return());
- }
- // Return the value output of the graph,
- // that is the value input of the return statement of the inlinee.
- Node* value_output() {
- return NodeProperties::GetValueInput(unique_return(), 0);
- }
- // Return the unique return statement of the graph.
- Node* unique_return() {
- Node* unique_return =
- NodeProperties::GetControlInput(jsgraph_->graph()->end());
- DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kReturn, unique_return->opcode());
- return unique_return;
- }
- // Inline this graph at {call}, use {jsgraph} and its zone to create
- // any new nodes.
- void InlineAtCall(JSGraph* jsgraph, Node* call);
- // Ensure that only a single return reaches the end node.
- void UnifyReturn();
- private:
- JSGraph* jsgraph_;
-void Inlinee::UnifyReturn() {
- Graph* graph = jsgraph_->graph();
- Node* final_merge = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(graph->end(), 0);
- if (final_merge->opcode() == IrOpcode::kReturn) {
- // nothing to do
- return;
- }
- DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kMerge, final_merge->opcode());
- int predecessors =
- OperatorProperties::GetControlInputCount(final_merge->op());
- Operator* op_phi = jsgraph_->common()->Phi(predecessors);
- Operator* op_ephi = jsgraph_->common()->EffectPhi(predecessors);
- std::vector<Node*> values;
- std::vector<Node*> effects;
- // Iterate over all control flow predecessors,
- // which must be return statements.
- InputIter iter = final_merge->inputs().begin();
- while (iter != final_merge->inputs().end()) {
- Node* input = *iter;
- switch (input->opcode()) {
- case IrOpcode::kReturn:
- values.push_back(NodeProperties::GetValueInput(input, 0));
- effects.push_back(NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(input));
- iter.UpdateToAndIncrement(NodeProperties::GetControlInput(input));
- input->RemoveAllInputs();
- break;
- default:
- ++iter;
- break;
- }
- }
- values.push_back(final_merge);
- effects.push_back(final_merge);
- Node* phi = graph->NewNode(op_phi, values.size(), values.data());
- Node* ephi = graph->NewNode(op_ephi, effects.size(), effects.data());
- Node* new_return =
- graph->NewNode(jsgraph_->common()->Return(), phi, ephi, final_merge);
- graph->end()->ReplaceInput(0, new_return);
-void Inlinee::InlineAtCall(JSGraph* jsgraph, Node* call) {
- MachineOperatorBuilder machine(jsgraph->zone());
- Node* control = NodeProperties::GetControlInput(call);
- // Move all the nodes to the end block.
- MoveAllControlNodes(control, end_block());
- // Now move the ones the call depends on back up.
- // We have to do this back-and-forth to treat the case where the call is
- // pinned to the start block.
- MoveWithDependencies(graph(), call, end_block(), control);
- // The inlinee uses the context from the JSFunction object. This will
- // also be the effect dependency for the inlinee as it produces an effect.
- // TODO(sigurds) Use simplified load once it is ready.
- Node* context = jsgraph->graph()->NewNode(
- machine.Load(kMachAnyTagged), NodeProperties::GetValueInput(call, 0),
- jsgraph->Int32Constant(JSFunction::kContextOffset - kHeapObjectTag),
- NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(call));
- // {inlinee_inputs} counts JSFunction, Receiver, arguments, context,
- // but not effect, control.
- int inlinee_inputs = graph()->start()->op()->OutputCount();
- // Context is last argument.
- int inlinee_context_index = inlinee_inputs - 1;
- // {inliner_inputs} counts JSFunction, Receiver, arguments, but not
- // context, effect, control.
- int inliner_inputs = OperatorProperties::GetValueInputCount(call->op());
- // Iterate over all uses of the start node.
- UseIter iter = graph()->start()->uses().begin();
- while (iter != graph()->start()->uses().end()) {
- Node* use = *iter;
- switch (use->opcode()) {
- case IrOpcode::kParameter: {
- int index = 1 + static_cast<Operator1<int>*>(use->op())->parameter();
- if (index < inliner_inputs && index < inlinee_context_index) {
- // There is an input from the call, and the index is a value
- // projection but not the context, so rewire the input.
- NodeProperties::ReplaceWithValue(*iter, call->InputAt(index));
- } else if (index == inlinee_context_index) {
- // This is the context projection, rewire it to the context from the
- // JSFunction object.
- NodeProperties::ReplaceWithValue(*iter, context);
- } else if (index < inlinee_context_index) {
- // Call has fewer arguments than required, fill with undefined.
- NodeProperties::ReplaceWithValue(*iter, jsgraph->UndefinedConstant());
- } else {
- // We got too many arguments, discard for now.
- // TODO(sigurds): Fix to treat arguments array correctly.
- }
- ++iter;
- break;
- }
- default:
- if (NodeProperties::IsEffectEdge(iter.edge())) {
- iter.UpdateToAndIncrement(context);
- } else if (NodeProperties::IsControlEdge(iter.edge())) {
- iter.UpdateToAndIncrement(control);
- } else {
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- // Iterate over all uses of the call node.
- iter = call->uses().begin();
- while (iter != call->uses().end()) {
- if (NodeProperties::IsEffectEdge(iter.edge())) {
- iter.UpdateToAndIncrement(effect_output());
- } else if (NodeProperties::IsControlEdge(iter.edge())) {
- } else {
- DCHECK(NodeProperties::IsValueEdge(iter.edge()));
- iter.UpdateToAndIncrement(value_output());
- }
- }
- call->RemoveAllInputs();
- DCHECK_EQ(0, call->UseCount());
- // TODO(sigurds) Remove this once we copy.
- unique_return()->RemoveAllInputs();
-void JSInliner::TryInlineCall(Node* node) {
- DCHECK_EQ(IrOpcode::kJSCallFunction, node->opcode());
- ValueMatcher<Handle<JSFunction> > match(node->InputAt(0));
- if (!match.HasValue()) {
- return;
- }
- Handle<JSFunction> function = match.Value();
- if (function->shared()->native()) {
- if (FLAG_trace_turbo_inlining) {
- SmartArrayPointer<char> name =
- function->shared()->DebugName()->ToCString();
- PrintF("Not Inlining %s into %s because inlinee is native\n", name.get(),
- info_->shared_info()->DebugName()->ToCString().get());
- }
- return;
- }
- CompilationInfoWithZone info(function);
- Parse(function, &info);
- if (info.scope()->arguments() != NULL) {
- // For now do not inline functions that use their arguments array.
- SmartArrayPointer<char> name = function->shared()->DebugName()->ToCString();
- if (FLAG_trace_turbo_inlining) {
- PrintF(
- "Not Inlining %s into %s because inlinee uses arguments "
- "array\n",
- name.get(), info_->shared_info()->DebugName()->ToCString().get());
- }
- return;
- }
- if (FLAG_trace_turbo_inlining) {
- SmartArrayPointer<char> name = function->shared()->DebugName()->ToCString();
- PrintF("Inlining %s into %s\n", name.get(),
- info_->shared_info()->DebugName()->ToCString().get());
- }
- Graph graph(info_->zone());
- graph.SetNextNodeId(jsgraph_->graph()->NextNodeID());
- Typer typer(info_->zone());
- CommonOperatorBuilder common(info_->zone());
- JSGraph jsgraph(&graph, &common, &typer);
- AstGraphBuilder graph_builder(&info, &jsgraph);
- graph_builder.CreateGraph();
- Inlinee inlinee(&jsgraph);
- inlinee.UnifyReturn();
- inlinee.InlineAtCall(jsgraph_, node);
- jsgraph_->graph()->SetNextNodeId(inlinee.graph()->NextNodeID());
-} // namespace v8::internal::compiler
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "src/compiler/js-graph.h"
-#include "src/v8.h"
-namespace v8 {
-namespace internal {
-namespace compiler {
-class JSInliner {
- public:
- JSInliner(CompilationInfo* info, JSGraph* jsgraph)
- : info_(info), jsgraph_(jsgraph) {}
- void Inline();
- void TryInlineCall(Node* node);
- private:
- friend class InlinerVisitor;
- CompilationInfo* info_;
- JSGraph* jsgraph_;
- static void UnifyReturn(Graph* graph);
-} // namespace v8::internal::compiler
// - relax effects from generic but not-side-effecting operations
// - relax effects for ToNumber(mixed)
+// Replace value uses of {node} with {value} and effect uses of {node} with
+// {effect}. If {effect == NULL}, then use the effect input to {node}.
+// TODO(titzer): move into a GraphEditor?
+static void ReplaceUses(Node* node, Node* value, Node* effect) {
+ if (value == effect) {
+ // Effect and value updates are the same; no special iteration needed.
+ if (value != node) node->ReplaceUses(value);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (effect == NULL) effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
+ // The iteration requires distinguishing between value and effect edges.
+ UseIter iter = node->uses().begin();
+ while (iter != node->uses().end()) {
+ if (NodeProperties::IsEffectEdge(iter.edge())) {
+ iter = iter.UpdateToAndIncrement(effect);
+ } else {
+ iter = iter.UpdateToAndIncrement(value);
+ }
+ }
// Relax the effects of {node} by immediately replacing effect uses of {node}
// with the effect input to {node}.
// TODO(turbofan): replace the effect input to {node} with {graph->start()}.
// TODO(titzer): move into a GraphEditor?
-static void RelaxEffects(Node* node) {
- NodeProperties::ReplaceWithValue(node, node, NULL);
+static void RelaxEffects(Node* node) { ReplaceUses(node, node, NULL); }
Reduction JSTypedLowering::ReplaceEagerly(Node* old, Node* node) {
- NodeProperties::ReplaceWithValue(old, node, node);
+ ReplaceUses(old, node, node);
return Reducer::Changed(node);
static Reduction ReplaceWithReduction(Node* node, Reduction reduction) {
if (reduction.Changed()) {
- NodeProperties::ReplaceWithValue(node, reduction.replacement());
+ ReplaceUses(node, reduction.replacement(), NULL);
return reduction;
return Reducer::NoChange();
// !x => BooleanNot(x)
value =
graph()->NewNode(simplified()->BooleanNot(), result.replacement());
- NodeProperties::ReplaceWithValue(node, value);
+ ReplaceUses(node, value, NULL);
return Changed(value);
} else {
// !x => BooleanNot(JSToBoolean(x))
value = graph()->NewNode(simplified()->BooleanNot(), node);
- NodeProperties::ReplaceWithValue(node, value, node);
+ ReplaceUses(node, value, node);
// Note: ReplaceUses() smashes all uses, so smash it back here.
value->ReplaceInput(0, node);
return ReplaceWith(value);
-// Replace value uses of {node} with {value} and effect uses of {node} with
-// {effect}. If {effect == NULL}, then use the effect input to {node}.
-inline void NodeProperties::ReplaceWithValue(Node* node, Node* value,
- Node* effect) {
- DCHECK(!OperatorProperties::HasControlOutput(node->op()));
- if (effect == NULL && OperatorProperties::HasEffectInput(node->op())) {
- effect = NodeProperties::GetEffectInput(node);
- }
- // Requires distinguishing between value and effect edges.
- UseIter iter = node->uses().begin();
- while (iter != node->uses().end()) {
- if (NodeProperties::IsEffectEdge(iter.edge())) {
- DCHECK_NE(NULL, effect);
- iter = iter.UpdateToAndIncrement(effect);
- } else {
- iter = iter.UpdateToAndIncrement(value);
- }
- }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Type Bounds.
static inline void ReplaceEffectInput(Node* node, Node* effect,
int index = 0);
static inline void RemoveNonValueInputs(Node* node);
- static inline void ReplaceWithValue(Node* node, Node* value,
- Node* effect = NULL);
static inline Bounds GetBounds(Node* node);
static inline void SetBounds(Node* node, Bounds bounds);
#include "src/compiler/instruction-selector.h"
#include "src/compiler/js-context-specialization.h"
#include "src/compiler/js-generic-lowering.h"
-#include "src/compiler/js-inlining.h"
#include "src/compiler/js-typed-lowering.h"
#include "src/compiler/phi-reducer.h"
#include "src/compiler/register-allocator.h"
VerifyAndPrintGraph(&graph, "Initial untyped");
if (FLAG_context_specialization) {
- SourcePositionTable::Scope pos(&source_positions,
- SourcePosition::Unknown());
+ SourcePositionTable::Scope pos_(&source_positions,
+ SourcePosition::Unknown());
// Specialize the code to the context as aggressively as possible.
JSContextSpecializer spec(info(), &jsgraph, context_node);
VerifyAndPrintGraph(&graph, "Context specialized");
- if (FLAG_turbo_inlining) {
- SourcePositionTable::Scope pos(&source_positions,
- SourcePosition::Unknown());
- JSInliner inliner(info(), &jsgraph);
- inliner.Inline();
- VerifyAndPrintGraph(&graph, "Inlined");
- }
// Print a replay of the initial graph.
if (FLAG_print_turbo_replay) {
DEFINE_BOOL(context_specialization, true,
"enable context specialization in TurboFan")
DEFINE_BOOL(turbo_deoptimization, false, "enable deoptimization in TurboFan")
-DEFINE_BOOL(turbo_inlining, false, "enable inlining in TurboFan")
-DEFINE_BOOL(trace_turbo_inlining, false, "trace TurboFan inlining")
DEFINE_INT(typed_array_max_size_in_heap, 64,
"threshold for in-heap typed array")
- 'compiler/test-run-inlining.cc',
+++ /dev/null
-// Copyright 2014 the V8 project authors. All rights reserved.
-// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
-// found in the LICENSE file.
-#include "src/v8.h"
-#include "test/cctest/compiler/function-tester.h"
-using namespace v8::internal;
-using namespace v8::internal::compiler;
-// TODO(sigurds) At the moment we do not write optimization frames when
-// inlining, thus the reported stack depth changes depending on inlining.
-// AssertStackDepth checks the stack depth at a simple way to ensure that
-// inlining actually occurs.
-// Once inlining creates optimization frames, all these unit tests need to
-// check that the optimization frame is there.
-static void AssertStackDepth(const v8::FunctionCallbackInfo<v8::Value>& args) {
- v8::HandleScope scope(args.GetIsolate());
- v8::Handle<v8::StackTrace> stackTrace = v8::StackTrace::CurrentStackTrace(
- args.GetIsolate(), 10, v8::StackTrace::kDetailed);
- CHECK_EQ(args[0]->ToInt32()->Value(), stackTrace->GetFrameCount());
-static void InstallAssertStackDepthHelper(v8::Isolate* isolate) {
- v8::Local<v8::Context> context = isolate->GetCurrentContext();
- v8::Local<v8::FunctionTemplate> t =
- v8::FunctionTemplate::New(isolate, AssertStackDepth);
- context->Global()->Set(v8_str("AssertStackDepth"), t->GetFunction());
-TEST(SimpleInlining) {
- i::FLAG_turbo_inlining = true;
- FunctionTester T(
- "(function(){"
- "function foo(s) { AssertStackDepth(1); return s; };"
- "function bar(s, t) { return foo(s); };"
- "return bar;})();");
- InstallAssertStackDepthHelper(CcTest::isolate());
- T.CheckCall(T.Val(1), T.Val(1), T.Val(2));
-TEST(SimpleInliningContext) {
- i::FLAG_turbo_inlining = true;
- FunctionTester T(
- "(function () {"
- "function foo(s) { AssertStackDepth(1); var x = 12; return s + x; };"
- "function bar(s, t) { return foo(s); };"
- "return bar;"
- "})();");
- InstallAssertStackDepthHelper(CcTest::isolate());
- T.CheckCall(T.Val(13), T.Val(1), T.Val(2));
-TEST(CaptureContext) {
- i::FLAG_turbo_inlining = true;
- FunctionTester T(
- "var f = (function () {"
- "var x = 42;"
- "function bar(s) { return x + s; };"
- "return (function (s) { return bar(s); });"
- "})();"
- "(function (s) { return f(s)})");
- InstallAssertStackDepthHelper(CcTest::isolate());
- T.CheckCall(T.Val(42 + 12), T.Val(12), T.undefined());
-// TODO(sigurds) For now we do not inline any native functions. If we do at
-// some point, change this test.
-TEST(DontInlineEval) {
- i::FLAG_turbo_inlining = true;
- FunctionTester T(
- "var x = 42;"
- "(function () {"
- "function bar(s, t) { return eval(\"AssertStackDepth(2); x\") };"
- "return bar;"
- "})();");
- InstallAssertStackDepthHelper(CcTest::isolate());
- T.CheckCall(T.Val(42), T.Val("x"), T.undefined());
-TEST(InlineOmitArguments) {
- i::FLAG_turbo_inlining = true;
- FunctionTester T(
- "(function () {"
- "var x = 42;"
- "function bar(s, t, u, v) { AssertStackDepth(1); return x + s; };"
- "return (function (s,t) { return bar(s); });"
- "})();");
- InstallAssertStackDepthHelper(CcTest::isolate());
- T.CheckCall(T.Val(42 + 12), T.Val(12), T.undefined());
-TEST(InlineSurplusArguments) {
- i::FLAG_turbo_inlining = true;
- FunctionTester T(
- "(function () {"
- "var x = 42;"
- "function foo(s) { AssertStackDepth(1); return x + s; };"
- "function bar(s,t) { return foo(s,t,13); };"
- "return bar;"
- "})();");
- InstallAssertStackDepthHelper(CcTest::isolate());
- T.CheckCall(T.Val(42 + 12), T.Val(12), T.undefined());
-TEST(InlineTwice) {
- i::FLAG_turbo_inlining = true;
- FunctionTester T(
- "(function () {"
- "var x = 42;"
- "function bar(s) { AssertStackDepth(1); return x + s; };"
- "return (function (s,t) { return bar(s) + bar(t); });"
- "})();");
- InstallAssertStackDepthHelper(CcTest::isolate());
- T.CheckCall(T.Val(2 * 42 + 12 + 4), T.Val(12), T.Val(4));
-TEST(InlineTwiceDependent) {
- i::FLAG_turbo_inlining = true;
- FunctionTester T(
- "(function () {"
- "var x = 42;"
- "function foo(s) { AssertStackDepth(1); return x + s; };"
- "function bar(s,t) { return foo(foo(s)); };"
- "return bar;"
- "})();");
- InstallAssertStackDepthHelper(CcTest::isolate());
- T.CheckCall(T.Val(42 + 42 + 12), T.Val(12), T.Val(4));
-TEST(InlineTwiceDependentDiamond) {
- i::FLAG_turbo_inlining = true;
- FunctionTester T(
- "(function () {"
- "function foo(s) { if (true) {"
- " return 12 } else { return 13; } };"
- "function bar(s,t) { return foo(foo(1)); };"
- "return bar;"
- "})();");
- InstallAssertStackDepthHelper(CcTest::isolate());
- T.CheckCall(T.Val(12), T.undefined(), T.undefined());
-TEST(InlineTwiceDependentDiamondReal) {
- i::FLAG_turbo_inlining = true;
- FunctionTester T(
- "(function () {"
- "var x = 41;"
- "function foo(s) { AssertStackDepth(1); if (s % 2 == 0) {"
- " return x - s } else { return x + s; } };"
- "function bar(s,t) { return foo(foo(s)); };"
- "return bar;"
- "})();");
- InstallAssertStackDepthHelper(CcTest::isolate());
- T.CheckCall(T.Val(-11), T.Val(11), T.Val(4));
- '../../src/compiler/js-inlining.cc',
- '../../src/compiler/js-inlining.h',