return false;
- // We may need to know original operand layout to emit input fusion, and so
- // far, we merely use the layout of an operand of the fusion node, which means
- // we must fuse only elementwise operations. This restriction should be lifted
- // later if we need to fuse other operations, e.g. transpose, for performance.
- if ((IsReductionToVector(*consumer) ||
- (HloOpcode::kFusion == consumer->opcode() &&
- HloInstruction::FusionKind::kInput == consumer->fusion_kind())) &&
- !producer->IsElementwise()) {
- return false;
- }
// Cost condition: not fuse (simple, expensive producers) and (consumers who
// reuse operand elements).
if (producer->opcode() != HloOpcode::kFusion &&
EXPECT_EQ(HloOpcode::kGetTupleElement, fused_root->operand(1)->opcode());
+// Tests that broadcasts fused into a fusion with a reduce root.
+TEST_F(InstructionFusionTest, BroadcastIntoReduce) {
+ auto module = tools::Parse(R"(
+ HloModule test_module
+ add {
+ lhs = f32[] parameter(0)
+ rhs = f32[] parameter(1)
+ ROOT add = f32[] add(lhs, rhs)
+ }
+ ENTRY BroadcastIntoReduce {
+ constant = f32[] constant(1)
+ broadcast = f32[16,16,16,16]{3,2,1,0} broadcast(constant), dimensions={}
+ constant.1 = f32[] constant(0)
+ ROOT reduce = f32[] reduce(broadcast, constant.1), dimensions={0,1,2,3},
+ to_apply=add
+ })")
+ .ValueOrDie();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(GpuInstructionFusion(/*may_duplicate=*/true)
+ .Run(module.get())
+ .ValueOrDie());
+ HloInstruction* root = module->entry_computation()->root_instruction();
+ EXPECT_THAT(root, op::Fusion());
+ EXPECT_THAT(root->fused_expression_root(),
+ op::Reduce(op::Broadcast(op::Parameter()), op::Parameter()));
TEST_F(InstructionFusionTest, BitcastIntoAdd) {
auto module = tools::Parse(R"(
HloModule test_module
Shape input_shape = root->operand(0)->shape();
- // EmitReductionToVector requires the input shape to have a layout, but
- // fused instructions don't have one. So we determine its layout from
- // the fusion's operands. The choice of the layout only affects
- // performance but not correctness.
- auto choose_input_layout = [](
- tensorflow::gtl::ArraySlice<const HloInstruction*> operands,
- Shape* input_shape) -> Status {
- // Prefer the layout of an operand whose shape is compatible with
- // input_shape.
- for (const HloInstruction* operand : operands) {
- if (ShapeUtil::Compatible(*input_shape, operand->shape())) {
- return LayoutUtil::CopyLayoutBetweenShapes(operand->shape(),
- input_shape);
- }
- }
- // If no operand has a compatible shape, prefer an operand that has
- // the same rank at least.
- for (const HloInstruction* operand : operands) {
- // Skip tuple-shaped operands; calling ShapeUtil::Rank on a
- // tuple-shaped Shape is illegal. Perhaps more correct would be to
- // recurse into them, but TODO(kramerb): Remove this code after
- // assigning layouts to fusion nodes.
- if (ShapeUtil::IsTuple(operand->shape())) {
- continue;
- }
- if (ShapeUtil::Rank(*input_shape) ==
- ShapeUtil::Rank(operand->shape())) {
- // Do not use CopyLayoutBetweenShapes because input_shape and
- // operand->shape() may be incompatible.
- *input_shape->mutable_layout() = operand->shape().layout();
- return Status::OK();
- }
- }
- // When all the above fails, which is rare, set the default layout.
- LayoutUtil::SetToDefaultLayout(input_shape);
- return Status::OK();
- };
- choose_input_layout(fusion->operands(), &input_shape));
return EmitReductionToVector(
root, input_shape, fused_emitter.GetGenerator(root->operand(0)),
fused_emitter.GetGenerator(root->operand(1)), root->dimensions(),