%XsubAliases, %XsubAliasValues, %Interfaces, @Attributes, %outargs,
$condnum, $cond,
- $RETVAL_code, $func_args, @XSStack, $ALIAS,
+ $func_args, @XSStack, $ALIAS,
our ($DoSetMagic, $newXS, $proto, $Module_cname, $XsubAliases, $Interfaces, $var_num, );
# do output variables
$self->{gotRETVAL} = 0; # 1 if RETVAL seen in OUTPUT section;
- undef $RETVAL_code ; # code to set RETVAL (from OUTPUT section);
+ undef $self->{RETVAL_code} ; # code to set RETVAL (from OUTPUT section);
# $wantRETVAL set if 'RETVAL =' autogenerated
($wantRETVAL, $self->{ret_type}) = (0, 'void') if $RETVAL_no_return;
undef %outargs;
} ) for grep $in_out{$_} =~ /OUT$/, keys %in_out;
# all OUTPUT done, so now push the return value on the stack
- if ($self->{gotRETVAL} && $RETVAL_code) {
- print "\t$RETVAL_code\n";
+ if ($self->{gotRETVAL} && $self->{RETVAL_code}) {
+ print "\t$self->{RETVAL_code}\n";
elsif ($self->{gotRETVAL} || $wantRETVAL) {
my $t = $args{optimize} && $targetable{$type_kind{$self->{ret_type}}};
if $outargs{$outarg}++;
if (!$self->{gotRETVAL} and $outarg eq 'RETVAL') {
# deal with RETVAL last
- $RETVAL_code = $outcode;
+ $self->{RETVAL_code} = $outcode;
$self->{gotRETVAL} = 1;