+++ /dev/null
-#This script is for applying IBC data to Linux binaries on Windows. This is because currently IBCMerge does not run on Linux.
-#It assumes that the binary output of a Linux build will live in a directory called Linux in the root of the repo, and it leaves
-#the optimized binaries in a directory called Optimized.
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$ToolSource,
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$ToolUser,
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$ToolPAT,
- [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)][string]$RepoRoot,
- [bool]$UsePartialNgen
-#There seems to be a bug in the optional tool restore step that causes those packages to be downloaded to the root of the drive.
-#That is why we have to look in both the root and the packages directory for IBCMerge.
-function Find-IBCMerge {
- $IBCMergePath = gci -recurse .\.packages | where {$_.Name.Contains("ibcmerge.exe")}
- if(!$IBCMergePath)
- {
- Write-Error -Category ResourceUnavailable "Could not find IBCMerge.exe"
- exit
- }
- $IBCMergePath.FullName
-#Both the Preprocess-IBCMerge and Apply-IBCData are taken directly from the steps done in codeOptimization.targets
-function Preprocess-IBCMerge
- foreach($file in gci -recurse .packages\optimization.linux-x64.ibc.corefx\*.dll)
- {
- & $IBCMerge -q -f -delete -mo $file.FullName $file.FullName.Replace(".dll", ".ibc")
- & $IBCMerge -mi $file.FullName
- }
-function Apply-IBCData
- $pwd = (Get-Item -Path ".\").FullName
- foreach($file in gci -recurse .packages\optimization.linux-x64.ibc.corefx\*.dll)
- {
- #Here we look through all of the Linux binaries for the implementation dll that matches in name to the IBC data
- $fileToOptimize = gci -recurse Linux\*Linux*\*.dll | where {$_.Name.Contains($file.Name)} | where {$_.FullName.Contains("netcoreapp")}
- if(!$fileToOptimize)
- {
- $fileToOptimize = gci -recurse Linux\*Unix*\*.dll | where {$_.Name.Contains($file.Name)} | where {$_.FullName.Contains("netcoreapp")}
- }
- if(!$fileToOptimize)
- {
- $fileToOptimize = gci -recurse Linux\*AnyOS*\*.dll | where {$_.Name.Contains($file.Name)} | where {$_.FullName.Contains("netcoreapp")} | where {!$_.FullName.Contains("netfx")}
- }
- if($fileToOptimize)
- {
- if(!$UsePartialNgen)
- {
- Write-Host "$IBCMerge -q -f -mo $fileToOptimize -incremental $file"
- & $IBCMerge -q -f -mo $fileToOptimize -incremental $file
- }
- else
- {
- & $IBCMerge -q -f -mo $fileToOptimize -incremental $file -partialNGEN -minify
- }
- $copyLocation = Join-Path -Path $pwd -ChildPath "Optimized"
- Write-Host "Copy-Item $fileToOptimize -Destination $copyLocation"
- Copy-Item $fileToOptimize -Destination $copyLocation
- }
- }
-pushd $RepoRoot
-.\build.cmd -restore /p:OptionalToolSource=$ToolSource /p:OptionalToolSourceUser=$ToolUser /p:OptionalToolSourcePassword=$ToolPAT /p:EnableProfileGuidedOptimization=true /p:IBCTarget=Linux -release -ci
-mkdir Optimized
-$IBCMerge = Find-IBCMerge
\ No newline at end of file