+++ /dev/null
-** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
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-** This file is part of the test suite of the Qt Toolkit.
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-#include <qtest.h>
-#include <QLibraryInfo>
-#include "debugutil_p.h"
-#include "qqmldebugclient.h"
-#include "../../../shared/util.h"
-#define STR_PORT_FROM "13774"
-#define STR_PORT_TO "13790"
-struct QV4ProfilerData
- int messageType;
- QString filename;
- QString functionname;
- int lineNumber;
- double totalTime;
- double selfTime;
- int treeLevel;
- QByteArray toByteArray() const;
-class QV4ProfilerClient : public QQmlDebugClient
- enum MessageType {
- V4Entry,
- V4Complete,
- V4SnapshotChunk,
- V4SnapshotComplete,
- V4Started,
- V4MaximumMessage
- };
- enum ServiceState { NotRunning, Running } serviceState;
- QV4ProfilerClient(QQmlDebugConnection *connection)
- : QQmlDebugClient(QLatin1String("V8Profiler"), connection)
- , serviceState(NotRunning)
- {
- }
- void startProfiling(const QString &name) {
- QByteArray message;
- QDataStream stream(&message, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
- stream << QByteArray("V8PROFILER") << QByteArray("start") << name;
- sendMessage(message);
- }
- void stopProfiling(const QString &name) {
- QByteArray message;
- QDataStream stream(&message, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
- stream << QByteArray("V8PROFILER") << QByteArray("stop") << name;
- sendMessage(message);
- }
- void takeSnapshot() {
- QByteArray message;
- QDataStream stream(&message, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
- stream << QByteArray("V8SNAPSHOT") << QByteArray("full");
- sendMessage(message);
- }
- void deleteSnapshots() {
- QByteArray message;
- QDataStream stream(&message, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
- stream << QByteArray("V8SNAPSHOT") << QByteArray("delete");
- sendMessage(message);
- }
- QList<QV4ProfilerData> traceMessages;
- QList<QByteArray> snapshotMessages;
- void started();
- void complete();
- void snapshot();
- void messageReceived(const QByteArray &message);
-class tst_QV4ProfilerService : public QQmlDataTest
- tst_QV4ProfilerService()
- : m_process(0)
- , m_connection(0)
- , m_client(0)
- {
- }
- QQmlDebugProcess *m_process;
- QQmlDebugConnection *m_connection;
- QV4ProfilerClient *m_client;
- bool connect(bool block, const QString &testFile, QString *error);
-private slots:
- void cleanup();
- void blockingConnectWithTraceEnabled();
- void blockingConnectWithTraceDisabled();
- void nonBlockingConnect();
- void snapshot();
- void profileOnExit();
- void console();
-void QV4ProfilerClient::messageReceived(const QByteArray &message)
- QByteArray msg = message;
- QDataStream stream(&msg, QIODevice::ReadOnly);
- int messageType;
- stream >> messageType;
- QVERIFY(messageType >= 0);
- QVERIFY(messageType < QV4ProfilerClient::V4MaximumMessage);
- switch (messageType) {
- case QV4ProfilerClient::V4Entry: {
- QCOMPARE(serviceState, Running);
- QV4ProfilerData entry;
- stream >> entry.filename >> entry.functionname >> entry.lineNumber >> entry.totalTime >> entry.selfTime >> entry.treeLevel;
- traceMessages.append(entry);
- break;
- }
- case QV4ProfilerClient::V4Complete:
- QCOMPARE(serviceState, Running);
- serviceState = NotRunning;
- emit complete();
- break;
- case QV4ProfilerClient::V4SnapshotChunk: {
- QByteArray json;
- stream >> json;
- snapshotMessages.append(json);
- break;
- }
- case QV4ProfilerClient::V4SnapshotComplete:
- emit snapshot();
- break;
- case QV4ProfilerClient::V4Started:
- QCOMPARE(serviceState, NotRunning);
- serviceState = Running;
- emit started();
- break;
- default:
- QString failMessage = QString("Unknown message type: %1").arg(messageType);
- QFAIL(qPrintable(failMessage));
- }
- QVERIFY(stream.atEnd());
-bool tst_QV4ProfilerService::connect(bool block, const QString &testFile,
- QString *error)
- const QString executable = QLibraryInfo::location(QLibraryInfo::BinariesPath) + "/qml";
- QStringList arguments;
- if (block)
- arguments << QString("-qmljsdebugger=port:" STR_PORT_FROM "," STR_PORT_TO ",block");
- else
- arguments << QString("-qmljsdebugger=port:" STR_PORT_FROM "," STR_PORT_TO);
- arguments << QQmlDataTest::instance()->testFile(testFile);
- m_connection = new QQmlDebugConnection();
- m_client = new QV4ProfilerClient(m_connection);
- m_process = new QQmlDebugProcess(executable);
- m_process->start(QStringList() << arguments);
- if (!m_process->waitForSessionStart()) {
- *error = QLatin1String("Could not launch application, or did not get 'Waiting for connection'.");
- return false;
- }
- m_connection->connectToHost(QLatin1String(""), m_process->debugPort());
- if (!m_connection->waitForConnected()) {
- *error = QLatin1String("Could not connect to debugger port.");
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-void tst_QV4ProfilerService::cleanup()
- if (QTest::currentTestFailed()) {
- qDebug() << "Process State:" << m_process->state();
- qDebug() << "Application Output:" << m_process->output();
- }
- delete m_client;
- delete m_process;
- delete m_connection;
-void tst_QV4ProfilerService::blockingConnectWithTraceEnabled()
- QString error;
- if (!connect(true, "test.qml", &error))
- QFAIL(qPrintable(error));
- QTRY_COMPARE(m_client->state(), QQmlDebugClient::Enabled);
- m_client->startProfiling("");
- m_client->stopProfiling("");
- QVERIFY2(QQmlDebugTest::waitForSignal(m_client, SIGNAL(complete())),
- "No trace received in time.");
-void tst_QV4ProfilerService::blockingConnectWithTraceDisabled()
- QString error;
- if (!connect(true, "test.qml", &error))
- QFAIL(qPrintable(error));
- QTRY_COMPARE(m_client->state(), QQmlDebugClient::Enabled);
- m_client->stopProfiling("");
- QVERIFY2(!QQmlDebugTest::waitForSignal(m_client, SIGNAL(complete()), 1000),
- "Unexpected trace received.");
- m_client->startProfiling("");
- m_client->stopProfiling("");
- QVERIFY2(QQmlDebugTest::waitForSignal(m_client, SIGNAL(complete())),
- "No trace received in time.");
-void tst_QV4ProfilerService::nonBlockingConnect()
- QString error;
- if (!connect(false, "test.qml", &error))
- QFAIL(qPrintable(error));
- QTRY_COMPARE(m_client->state(), QQmlDebugClient::Enabled);
- m_client->startProfiling("");
- m_client->stopProfiling("");
- QVERIFY2(QQmlDebugTest::waitForSignal(m_client, SIGNAL(complete())),
- "No trace received in time.");
-void tst_QV4ProfilerService::snapshot()
- QString error;
- if (!connect(false, "test.qml", &error))
- QFAIL(qPrintable(error));
- QTRY_COMPARE(m_client->state(), QQmlDebugClient::Enabled);
- m_client->takeSnapshot();
- QVERIFY2(QQmlDebugTest::waitForSignal(m_client, SIGNAL(snapshot())),
- "No trace received in time.");
-void tst_QV4ProfilerService::profileOnExit()
- QString error;
- if (!connect(true, "exit.qml", &error))
- QFAIL(qPrintable(error));
- QTRY_COMPARE(m_client->state(), QQmlDebugClient::Enabled);
- m_client->startProfiling("");
- QVERIFY2(QQmlDebugTest::waitForSignal(m_client, SIGNAL(complete())),
- "No trace received in time.");
-void tst_QV4ProfilerService::console()
- QString error;
- if (!connect(true, "console.qml", &error))
- QFAIL(qPrintable(error));
- QTRY_COMPARE(m_client->state(), QQmlDebugClient::Enabled);
- m_client->stopProfiling("");
- QVERIFY2(QQmlDebugTest::waitForSignal(m_client, SIGNAL(complete())),
- "No trace received in time.");
- QVERIFY(!m_client->traceMessages.isEmpty());
-#include "tst_qv4profilerservice.moc"