<xi:include href="xml/ges-timeline-layer.xml"/>
<xi:include href="xml/ges-timeline-object.xml"/>
<xi:include href="xml/ges-timeline-source.xml"/>
- <xi:include href="xml/ges-timeline-transition.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/ges-timeline-overlay.xml"/>
<xi:include href="xml/ges-track.xml"/>
<xi:include href="xml/ges-track-object.xml"/>
<xi:include href="xml/ges-track-source.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/ges-track-operation.xml"/>
<title>Timeline objects</title>
<xi:include href="xml/ges-timeline-filesource.xml"/>
<xi:include href="xml/ges-timeline-title-source.xml"/>
- <xi:include href="xml/ges-timeline-background-source.xml"/>
- <xi:include href="xml/ges-timeline-overlay.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/ges-timeline-test-source.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/ges-timeline-text-overlay.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/ges-timeline-transition.xml"/>
<title>Track objects</title>
<xi:include href="xml/ges-track-filesource.xml"/>
- <xi:include href="xml/ges-track-overlay.xml"/>
<xi:include href="xml/ges-track-title-source.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/ges-track-audio-test-source.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/ges-track-video-test-source.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/ges-track-text-overlay.xml"/>
<xi:include href="xml/ges-track-transition.xml"/>
- <xi:include href="xml/ges-track-audio-background-source.xml"/>
- <xi:include href="xml/ges-track-audio-transition.xml"/>
- <xi:include href="xml/ges-track-video-background-source.xml"/>
- <xi:include href="xml/ges-track-video-overlay.xml"/>
<xi:include href="xml/ges-track-video-transition.xml"/>
+ <xi:include href="xml/ges-track-audio-transition.xml"/>
+<SUBSECTION Standard>
* SECTION:ges-timeline-overlay
- * @short_description: Base Class for overlays of a #GESTimelineLayer
+ * @short_description: Base Class for overlays in a #GESTimelineLayer
* Overlays are objects which modify the underlying layer(s). Examples of
* overlays include text, image watermarks, or audio dubbing. Transitions,
* GESTimelineOverlay:
- *
+ * @parent: parent object
struct _GESTimelineOverlay {
* SECTION:ges-timeline-test-source
- * @short_description: An object for manipulating media files in a GESTimeline
+ * @short_description: Render video and audio test patterns in a
+ * #GESTimelineLayer
- * Represents all the output treams from a particular uri. It is assumed that
- * the URI points to a file of some type.
+ * Useful for testing purposes or for filling gaps between media in
+ * a #GESTimelineLayer.
#include "ges-internal.h"
* SECTION:ges-timeline-text-overlay
- * @short_description: An object for manipulating media files in a GESTimeline
+ * @short_description: Render text onto another stream in a #GESTimelineLayer
- * Represents all the output treams from a particular uri. It is assumed that
- * the URI points to a file of some type.
+ * Renders text onto the next lower priority stream using textrender.
#include "ges-internal.h"
* SECTION:ges-timeline-title-source
- * @short_description: An object for manipulating media files in a GESTimeline
+ * @short_description: Render stand-alone titles in GESTimelineLayer.
- * Represents all the output treams from a particular uri. It is assumed that
- * the URI points to a file of some type.
+ * Renders the given text in the specified font, at specified position, and
+ * with the specified background pattern.
+ *
+ * Note: creates a silent #GESTrackAudioTestSource to fill audio tracks
#include "ges-internal.h"
* SECTION: ges-timeline-transition
- * @short_description: Base Class for transitions in a #GESTimelineLayer
+ * @short_description: Transition from one clip to another in a
+ * #GESTimelineLayer
+ *
+ * Creates an object that mixes together the two underlying objects, A and B.
+ * The A object is assumed to have a higher prioirity (lower number) than the
+ * B object. At the transition in point, only A will be visible, and by the
+ * end only B will be visible.
+ *
+ * The shape of the video transition depends on the value of the "vtype"
+ * property. The default value is "crossfade". For audio, only "crossfade" is
+ * supported.
+ *
+ * #GESSimpleTimelineLayer will automatically manage the priorities of sources
+ * and transitions. If you use #GESTimelineTransitions in another type of
+ * #GESTimelineLayer, you will need to manage priorities yourself.
#include "ges-internal.h"
* SECTION:ges-track-audio-test-source
- * @short_description: Base Class for single-media sources
+ * @short_description: produce a simple test waveform or silence
+ *
+ * Outputs a test audio stream using audiotestsrc. The default property values
+ * output silence. Useful for testing pipelines, or to fill gaps in an audio
+ * track.
#include "ges-internal.h"
* SECTION:ges-track-audio-transition
- * @short_description: implements audio crossfade transitino
+ * @short_description: implements audio crossfade transition
#include "ges-internal.h"
- * SECTION:ges-track-source
- * @short_description: Base Class for single-media sources
+ * SECTION:ges-track-filesource
+ * @short_description: outputs a single media stream from a given file
+ *
+ * Outputs a single media stream from a given file. The stream chosen depends on
+ * the type of the track which contains the object.
#include "ges-internal.h"
* GESTrackObject:active
- * Whether the object should be taken into account in the #GEStrack output.
+ * Whether the object should be taken into account in the #GESTrack output.
* If #FALSE, then its contents will not be used in the resulting track.
g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_ACTIVE,
* SECTION:ges-track-operation
- * @short_description: Base Class for single-media operations
+ * @short_description: Base Class for effects and overlays
#include "ges-internal.h"
* GESTrackOperationClass:
* @parent_class: the parent class
- * @create_element: method to create the gstreamer element which fills the
- * gnlobject
- *
- * Base class for track objects which produce data but do not consuem it.
- *
+ * @create_element: virtual method which creates the GStreamer element for
+ * this object
struct _GESTrackOperationClass {
* GESTrackSourceClass:
* @parent_class: the parent class
- * @create_element: method to create the gstreamer element which fills the
- * gnlobject
- *
- * Base class for track objects which produce data but do not consuem it.
+ * @create_element: virtual method which creates the GStreamer element for
+ * this object
- * SECTION:ges-track-source
- * @short_description: Base Class for single-media sources
+ * SECTION:ges-track-text-overlay
+ * @short_description: render text onto another video stream in a
+ * #GESTimelineLayer
+ *
#include "ges-internal.h"
- * SECTION:ges-track-source
- * @short_description: Base Class for single-media sources
+ * SECTION:ges-track-title-source
+ * @short_description: render stand-alone text titles
+ *
#include "ges-internal.h"
* SECTION:ges-track-transition
- * @short_description: Concrete, track-level implemenation of audio and video
- * transitinos.
+ * @short_description: base class for audio and video transitions
+ *
#include "ges-internal.h"
* SECTION:ges-track-video-test-source
- * @short_description: implements solid colors and patterns with videotestsrc
+ * @short_description: produce solid colors and patterns
#include "ges-internal.h"
* SECTION:ges-track-video-transition
- * @short_description: implements video crossfade transitino
+ * @short_description: implements video crossfade transition
#include "ges-internal.h"