+++ /dev/null
-meson// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
- * Copyright (C) 2020 Jijoong Moon <jijoong.moon@samsung.com>
- *
- * @file concat_layer.cpp
- * @date 27 Oct 2020
- * @see https://github.com/nnstreamer/nntrainer
- * @author Jijoong Moon <jijoong.moon@samsung.com>
- * @bug No known bugs except for NYI items
- * @brief This is Concat Layer Class for Neural Network
- *
- * @todo merge concat and split layer to a common implementation
- */
-#include <concat_layer.h>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <layer_context.h>
-#include <nntrainer_error.h>
-#include <nntrainer_log.h>
-#include <node_exporter.h>
-#include <tensor_dim.h>
-#include <util_func.h>
-#include <iostream>
-namespace nntrainer {
-ConcatLayer::ConcatLayer() : Layer(), leading_helper_dim(1) {}
-static constexpr size_t SINGLE_INOUT_IDX = 0;
-void ConcatLayer::finalize(InitLayerContext &context) {
- auto &concat_dimension_prop = std::get<props::ConcatDimension>(concat_props);
- /** for backward compatibility, default concat dimension will be channel */
- /// @todo this is hacky way to force concat dimension to width if channel
- /// dimension is taken, this is because recurrent realizer, return sequence
- /// exploits concat layer but have no control over where to stack/axis
- unsigned int concat_dimension =
- context.getInputDimensions().front().channel() > 1 ? 3 : 1;
- if (!concat_dimension_prop.empty())
- concat_dimension = concat_dimension_prop.get();
- /**
- * The concat is only done along the axis dimension.
- * For example, consider 2 inputs a, b with dimensions [b,c,h,w] each
- * 1. concat_dimension = 1, output_dim = [b,c_a+c_b,h,w]
- * 2. concat_dimension = 2, output_dim = [b,c,h_a+h_b,w]
- * 3. concat_dimension = 3, output_dim = [b,c,h,w_a+w_b]
- */
- auto const &input_dims = context.getInputDimensions();
- const TensorDim &input_dim_0 = input_dims[SINGLE_INOUT_IDX];
- unsigned int concat_dim_val = input_dim_0.getTensorDim(concat_dimension);
- for (unsigned int idx = 1; idx < input_dims.size(); ++idx) {
- const TensorDim &dim = input_dims[idx];
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ml::train::TensorDim::getNumDim(); ++i) {
- if (i == concat_dimension)
- continue;
- NNTR_THROW_IF(input_dim_0[i] != dim[i], std::runtime_error)
- << "Error: concat layer requires same shape from all input layers "
- "along non-concat dimension";
- }
- concat_dim_val += dim[concat_dimension];
- }
- TensorDim output_dim = input_dim_0;
- output_dim.setTensorDim(concat_dimension, concat_dim_val);
- context.setOutputDimensions({output_dim});
- /**
- * Setup output_reshape_helper to which output will be reshaped in forwarding
- * to facilitate easier processing.
- *
- * The helper shape consolidates all the dimensions before the axis
- * together and all the dimensions after the axis to faciliate
- * easier splitting of the data.
- */
- leading_helper_dim = 1;
- output_reshape_helper.channel(1);
- output_reshape_helper.height(1);
- output_reshape_helper.width(1);
- for (unsigned int idx = 1; idx < concat_dimension; ++idx) {
- leading_helper_dim *= output_dim.getTensorDim(idx);
- }
- output_reshape_helper.height(output_dim.getTensorDim(concat_dimension));
- for (unsigned int idx = concat_dimension + 1;
- idx < ml::train::TensorDim::getNumDim(); ++idx) {
- output_reshape_helper.width(output_reshape_helper.width() *
- output_dim.getTensorDim(idx));
- }
- /**
- * Setup input_reshape_helper to which inputs will be reshaped in forwarding
- * to facilitate easier processing.
- */
- input_reshape_helper.resize(input_dims.size());
- for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < input_reshape_helper.size(); idx++) {
- input_reshape_helper[idx] = output_reshape_helper;
- input_reshape_helper[idx].height(
- input_dims[idx].getTensorDim(concat_dimension));
- }
- setBatch(input_dims[SINGLE_INOUT_IDX].batch());
-void ConcatLayer::forwarding(RunLayerContext &context, bool training) {
- /**
- * @todo avoid copy by creating input here as a shared_tensor of the output
- * here and then this layer can be in_place as well
- */
- Tensor &output = context.getOutput(SINGLE_INOUT_IDX);
- const TensorDim out_dim = output.getDim();
- output.reshape(output_reshape_helper);
- unsigned int output_height_offset = 0;
- unsigned int data_copy_size = output_reshape_helper.width();
- for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < context.getNumInputs(); idx++) {
- Tensor &input = context.getInput(idx);
- const TensorDim in_dim = input.getDim();
- auto const &irh = input_reshape_helper[idx];
- input.reshape(irh);
- /** loop over the dimensions before the concat dimension */
- for (unsigned int batch = 0; batch < output.batch(); batch++) {
- /** loop over the concat dimension itself */
- for (unsigned int count = 0; count < irh.height(); count++) {
- Tensor dest_tensor = Tensor::Map(
- output.getAddress(batch, 0, output_height_offset + count, 0),
- data_copy_size * sizeof(float), {1, 1, 1, data_copy_size});
- const Tensor source_tensor = Tensor::Map(
- input.getAddress(batch, 0, count, 0), data_copy_size * sizeof(float),
- {1, 1, 1, data_copy_size});
- dest_tensor.copy(source_tensor);
- }
- }
- input.reshape(in_dim);
- output_height_offset += irh.height();
- }
- output.reshape(out_dim);
-void ConcatLayer::calcDerivative(RunLayerContext &context) {
- /**
- * @todo avoid copy by creating input here as a shared_tensor of the output
- * here and then this layer can be in_place as well
- */
- Tensor output = context.getIncomingDerivative(SINGLE_INOUT_IDX);
- output.reshape(output_reshape_helper);
- unsigned int output_height_offset = 0;
- unsigned int data_copy_size = output_reshape_helper.width();
- for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < context.getNumInputs(); idx++) {
- Tensor &input = context.getOutgoingDerivative(idx);
- const TensorDim in_dim = input.getDim();
- auto const &irh = input_reshape_helper[idx];
- input.reshape(irh);
- /** loop over the dimensions before the concat dimension */
- for (unsigned int batch = 0; batch < output.batch(); batch++) {
- /** loop over the concat dimension itself */
- for (unsigned int count = 0; count < irh.height(); count++) {
- const Tensor source_tensor = Tensor::Map(
- output.getAddress(batch, 0, output_height_offset + count, 0),
- data_copy_size * sizeof(float), {1, 1, 1, data_copy_size});
- Tensor dest_tensor = Tensor::Map(input.getAddress(batch, 0, count, 0),
- data_copy_size * sizeof(float),
- {1, 1, 1, data_copy_size});
- dest_tensor.copy(source_tensor);
- }
- }
- input.reshape(in_dim);
- output_height_offset += irh.height();
- }
-void ConcatLayer::setProperty(const std::vector<std::string> &values) {
- for(auto s: values)
- std::cout << s<< std::endl;
- auto remain_props = loadProperties(values, concat_props);
- NNTR_THROW_IF(!remain_props.empty(), std::invalid_argument)
- << "[ConcatLayer] Unknown Layer Properties count " +
- std::to_string(values.size());
-void ConcatLayer::exportTo(Exporter &exporter,
- const ml::train::ExportMethods &method) const {
- Layer::exportTo(exporter, method);
- exporter.saveResult(concat_props, method, this);
-} /* namespace nntrainer */