if (!ela->obj.ed) return 0;
L = ela->obj.ed->L;
if (!L) return 0;
- // FIXME: Perhaps move this to after the setjump, to be neater.
- lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ela->fn_ref); // Stack usage [-0, +1, -]
if (setjmp(panic_jmp) == 1)
LE("Animator callback panic");
_elua_gc(L); // Stack usage [-0, +0, e]
return 0;
+ lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, ela->fn_ref); // Stack usage [-0, +1, -]
if ((err = lua_pcall(L, 0, 1, 0))) // Stack usage [-1, +1, -]
_edje_lua2_error(L, err);
static const char *_elua_evas_api = "evas";
static const struct luaL_reg _elua_evas_funcs [] =
- // generic object methods
{"del", _elua_obj_del}, // generic del any object created for edje (evas objects, timers, animators, transitions... everything)
- // now evas stuff (manipulate, delete etc.)
{"hide", _elua_hide}, // hide, return current visibility
{"show", _elua_show}, // show, return current visibility
{"visible", _elua_visible}, // get object visibility
// FIXME: need to set auto-scale (same as scale: 1)
// FIXME: later - set render op, anti-alias, pointer mode (autograb, nograb)
- // FIXME: later -
// map api here
{"map", _elua_obj_map},
_elua_bottom(lua_State *L) // Stack usage [-(0|3), +(0|4), -]
Edje_Lua_Obj *obj = (Edje_Lua_Obj *)lua_touserdata(L, 1); // Stack usage [-0, +0, -]
-// Edje_Lua_Evas_Object *elo = (Edje_Lua_Evas_Object *)obj;
Edje_Lua_Evas_Object *elo2;
Evas_Object *o;
Eina_List *list, *l;
_elua_top(lua_State *L) // Stack usage [-(0|3), +(0|4), -]
Edje_Lua_Obj *obj = (Edje_Lua_Obj *)lua_touserdata(L, 1); // Stack usage [-(0, +0, -]
- // Edje_Lua_Evas_Object *elo = (Edje_Lua_Evas_Object *)obj;
Edje_Lua_Evas_Object *elo2;
Evas_Object *o;
Eina_List *list, *l;
n = lua_gettop(L); // Stack usage [-0, +0, -]
if (n == 2)
- evas_object_precise_is_inside_set(elo->evas_obj, lua_toboolean(L, 2));
+ if (lua_isboolean(L, 2)) // Stack usage [-0, +0, -]
+ {
+ evas_object_precise_is_inside_set(elo->evas_obj, lua_toboolean(L, 2));
// Stack usage [-0, +0, -]
+ }
lua_pushboolean(L, evas_object_precise_is_inside_get(elo->evas_obj));
// Stack usage [-0, +1, -]
static const char *_elua_evas_edje_parent = "evas_edje_parent";
static const struct luaL_reg _elua_evas_edje_funcs [] =
- // edje object specific
{"file", _elua_edje_file}, // get or set edje file and group
{NULL, NULL} // end
static const char *_elua_evas_image_parent = "evas_image_parent";
static const struct luaL_reg _elua_evas_image_funcs [] =
- // image object specific
{"fill", _elua_image_fill}, // get or set the fill parameters
{"filled", _elua_image_filled}, // get or set the filled state (overrides fill())
{"image", _elua_image_image}, // get or set image
static const char *_elua_evas_line_parent = "evas_line_parent";
static const struct luaL_reg _elua_evas_line_funcs [] =
- // line object specific
{"xy", _elua_line_xy}, // get or set line coords
{NULL, NULL} // end
static const char *_elua_evas_polygon_parent = "evas_polygon_parent";
static const struct luaL_reg _elua_evas_polygon_funcs [] =
- // polygon object specific
{"clear", _elua_polygon_clear}, // clear all polygon points
{"point", _elua_polygon_point}, // add a polygon point
static const char *_elua_evas_text_parent = "evas_text_parent";
static const struct luaL_reg _elua_evas_text_funcs [] =
- // text object specific
{"font", _elua_text_font}, // get or set text font
{"text", _elua_text_text}, // get or set text
// {"text_class", _elua_object_text_class}, // get or set object text class
if (0 <= _log_domain)
- // FIXME: Change this to WARN before release.
- eina_log_domain_level_set("lua", EINA_LOG_LEVEL_INFO);
+ eina_log_domain_level_set("lua", EINA_LOG_LEVEL_WARN);