- Person* pPerson = __pAddressbookMgr->GetPersonN(__pPerson->GetId());
- if (pPerson == null)
+ if (!IsPersonExistProcess())
- MessageBox messageBox;
- messageBox.Construct(L"Error", "The person doesn't exist.", MSGBOX_STYLE_OK, 0);
- int doModal;
- messageBox.ShowAndWait(doModal);
- pSceneManager->GoBackward(BackwardSceneTransition(__previousSceneId, SCENE_TRANSITION_ANIMATION_TYPE_RIGHT));
- delete pPerson;
ArrayList* pPersonIdList = new (std::nothrow) ArrayList();
+ if (!IsPersonExistProcess())
+ {
+ break;
+ }
MessageBox messageBox;
int doModal;
messageBox.Construct(L"Warning", "Do you really want to delete?", MSGBOX_STYLE_OKCANCEL, 0);
r = RemovePerson();
TryReturnVoid(!IsFailed(r), "Failed to remove the person (%s).", GetErrorMessage(r));
if (__previousSceneId == SCENE_EDIT_CONTACT_FORM)
pSceneManager->GoBackward(BackwardSceneTransition(SCENE_MAIN_FORM, SCENE_TRANSITION_ANIMATION_TYPE_RIGHT));
__previousSceneId = previousSceneId;
- result r = E_SUCCESS;
Integer* pRecordId = static_cast <Integer*> (pArgs->GetAt(0));
PersonId personId = pRecordId->ToInt();
delete pArgs;
__pPerson = __pAddressbookMgr->GetPersonN(personId);
- r = GetLastResult();
- TryReturnVoid(!IsFailed(r), "Failed to get the Person (%s).", GetErrorMessage(r));
- GetContactsDetail();
+ if (__pPerson != null)
+ {
+ GetContactsDetail();
+ }
result r = E_SUCCESS;
Header* pHeader = GetHeader();
- Person* pPerson = __pAddressbookMgr->GetPersonN(__pPerson->GetId());
- if (pPerson == null)
+ if (!IsPersonExistProcess())
- SceneManager* pSceneManager = SceneManager::GetInstance();
- AppAssert(pSceneManager);
- MessageBox messageBox;
- messageBox.Construct(L"Error", "The person doesn't exist.", MSGBOX_STYLE_OK, 0);
- int doModal;
- messageBox.ShowAndWait(doModal);
- pSceneManager->GoBackward(BackwardSceneTransition(__previousSceneId, SCENE_TRANSITION_ANIMATION_TYPE_RIGHT));
- return r;
+ return E_FAILURE;
- if (pPerson->IsFavorite() == true)
+ if (__pPerson->IsFavorite() == true)
- r = pPerson->SetAsFavorite(false);
- delete pPerson;
+ r = __pPerson->SetAsFavorite(false);
TryReturn(!IsFailed(r), r, "Failed to set person as favorite. (%s)", GetErrorMessage(r));
pHeader->SetButtonTextColor(BUTTON_ITEM_STATUS_NORMAL, __normalTextColor);
- r = pPerson->SetAsFavorite(true);
- delete pPerson;
+ r = __pPerson->SetAsFavorite(true);
TryReturn(!IsFailed(r), r, "Failed to set person as favorite. (%s)", GetErrorMessage(r));
pHeader->SetButtonTextColor(BUTTON_ITEM_STATUS_NORMAL, __favoriteTextColor);
return r;
+ Person* pPerson = null;
+ if (__pPerson != null)
+ {
+ pPerson = __pAddressbookMgr->GetPersonN(__pPerson->GetId());
+ __pPerson = pPerson;
+ }
+ if (pPerson == null)
+ {
+ SceneManager* pSceneManager = SceneManager::GetInstance();
+ AppAssert(pSceneManager);
+ MessageBox messageBox;
+ messageBox.Construct(L"Error", "The person doesn't exist.", MSGBOX_STYLE_OK, 0);
+ int doModal;
+ messageBox.ShowAndWait(doModal);
+ if (__previousSceneId == SCENE_EDIT_CONTACT_FORM)
+ {
+ pSceneManager->GoBackward(BackwardSceneTransition(SCENE_MAIN_FORM, SCENE_TRANSITION_ANIMATION_TYPE_RIGHT));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pSceneManager->GoBackward(BackwardSceneTransition(__previousSceneId, SCENE_TRANSITION_ANIMATION_TYPE_RIGHT));
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;