char stackbuf[4000];
char *buf = stackbuf;
size_t bufsize = sizeof stackbuf;
+ void *allocated = NULL;
uint32_t dig[2][MD5_DIGEST_SIZE / sizeof (uint32_t)];
struct md5_ctx s[2];
s[0] = s[1] = random_md5_state;
/* Store the transformed data into a big-enough buffer. */
+ /* A 3X size guess avoids the overhead of calling strxfrm
+ twice on typical implementations. Don't worry about
+ size_t overflow, as the guess need not be correct. */
+ size_t guess_bufsize = 3 * (lena + lenb) + 2;
+ if (bufsize < guess_bufsize)
+ {
+ bufsize = MAX (guess_bufsize, bufsize * 3 / 2);
+ buf = allocated = xrealloc (allocated, bufsize);
+ }
size_t sizea =
(texta < lima ? xstrxfrm (buf, texta, bufsize) + 1 : 0);
bool a_fits = sizea <= bufsize;
bufsize = sizea + sizeb;
if (bufsize < SIZE_MAX / 3)
bufsize = bufsize * 3 / 2;
- buf = (buf == stackbuf
- ? xmalloc (bufsize)
- : xrealloc (buf, bufsize));
+ buf = allocated = xrealloc (allocated, bufsize);
if (texta < lima)
strxfrm (buf, texta, sizea);
if (textb < limb)
diff = xfrm_diff;
- if (buf != stackbuf)
- free (buf);
+ free (allocated);
return diff;