-libcxx_needs_site_config =
- libcxx_abi_version != 1 || libcxx_abi_namespace != "" || libcxx_abi_unstable
+write_cmake_config("write_config") {
+ input = "__config_site.in"
+ output = "$target_gen_dir/__config_site"
-if (libcxx_needs_site_config) {
- write_cmake_config("write_config") {
- input = "__config_site.in"
- output = "$target_gen_dir/__config_site"
- values = []
- if (libcxx_abi_version != 1) {
- values += [ "_LIBCPP_ABI_VERSION=$libcxx_abi_version" ]
- }
- if (libcxx_abi_namespace != "") {
- values += [ "_LIBCPP_ABI_NAMESPACE=$libcxx_abi_namespace" ]
- }
- if (libcxx_abi_unstable) {
- values += [ "_LIBCPP_ABI_UNSTABLE=1" ]
- }
+ values = [
+ ]
+ if (libcxx_abi_version != 1) {
+ values += [ "_LIBCPP_ABI_VERSION=$libcxx_abi_version" ]
+ } else {
+ values += [ "_LIBCPP_ABI_VERSION=" ]
- # Generate a custom __config header. The new header is created
- # by prepending __config_site to the current __config header.
- action("concat_config") {
- script = "//libcxx/utils/cat_files.py"
- inputs = [
- "$target_gen_dir/__config_site",
- "__config",
- ]
- outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/__config" ]
- args = [
- "$target_gen_dir/__config_site",
- "__config",
- "-o",
- "$target_gen_dir/__config",
- ]
- deps = [ ":write_config" ]
+ if (libcxx_abi_namespace != "") {
+ values += [ "_LIBCPP_ABI_NAMESPACE=$libcxx_abi_namespace" ]
- copy("copy_config") {
- sources = [ "$target_gen_dir/__config" ]
- outputs = [ "$clang_resource_dir/include/c++/v1/{{source_file_part}}" ]
- deps = [ ":concat_config" ]
+ if (libcxx_abi_unstable) {
+ values += [ "_LIBCPP_ABI_UNSTABLE=1" ]
+ } else {
+ values += [ "_LIBCPP_ABI_UNSTABLE=" ]
+# Generate a custom __config header. The new header is created
+# by prepending __config_site to the current __config header.
+action("concat_config") {
+ script = "//libcxx/utils/cat_files.py"
+ inputs = [
+ "$target_gen_dir/__config_site",
+ "__config",
+ ]
+ outputs = [ "$root_build_dir/include/c++/v1/__config" ]
+ args = [
+ rebase_path("$target_gen_dir/__config_site", root_build_dir),
+ rebase_path("__config", root_build_dir),
+ "-o",
+ rebase_path(outputs[0], root_build_dir)
+ ]
+ deps = [ ":write_config" ]
copy("include") {
sources = [
- deps = []
+ deps = [ ":concat_config" ]
if (target_os != "mac" && target_os != "win") {
# libcxx/cmake/Modules/HandleLibCXXABI.cmake sets
# LIBCXX_CXX_ABI_HEADER_TARGET if the libcxx abi library either of
# don't get copied on macOS due to that.
deps += [ "//libcxxabi/include" ]
- if (!libcxx_needs_site_config) {
- sources += [ "__config" ]
- } else {
- deps += [ ":copy_config" ]
- }
outputs = [ "$root_build_dir/include/c++/v1/{{source_target_relative}}" ]