__ lw(t0, FieldMemOperand(object_, String::kLengthOffset));
__ Branch(index_out_of_range_, ls, t0, Operand(index_));
- // We need special handling for non-flat strings.
- STATIC_ASSERT(kSeqStringTag == 0);
- __ And(t0, result_, Operand(kStringRepresentationMask));
- __ Branch(&flat_string, eq, t0, Operand(zero_reg));
- // Handle non-flat strings.
- __ And(result_, result_, Operand(kStringRepresentationMask));
- STATIC_ASSERT(kConsStringTag < kExternalStringTag);
- STATIC_ASSERT(kSlicedStringTag > kExternalStringTag);
- __ Branch(&sliced_string, gt, result_, Operand(kExternalStringTag));
- __ Branch(&call_runtime_, eq, result_, Operand(kExternalStringTag));
- // ConsString.
- // Check whether the right hand side is the empty string (i.e. if
- // this is really a flat string in a cons string). If that is not
- // the case we would rather go to the runtime system now to flatten
- // the string.
- Label assure_seq_string;
- __ lw(result_, FieldMemOperand(object_, ConsString::kSecondOffset));
- __ LoadRoot(t0, Heap::kEmptyStringRootIndex);
- __ Branch(&call_runtime_, ne, result_, Operand(t0));
- // Get the first of the two parts.
- __ lw(object_, FieldMemOperand(object_, ConsString::kFirstOffset));
- __ jmp(&assure_seq_string);
- // SlicedString, unpack and add offset.
- __ bind(&sliced_string);
- __ lw(result_, FieldMemOperand(object_, SlicedString::kOffsetOffset));
- __ Addu(index_, index_, result_);
- __ lw(object_, FieldMemOperand(object_, SlicedString::kParentOffset));
- // Assure that we are dealing with a sequential string. Go to runtime if not.
- __ bind(&assure_seq_string);
- __ lw(result_, FieldMemOperand(object_, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
- __ lbu(result_, FieldMemOperand(result_, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
- // Check that parent is not an external string. Go to runtime otherwise.
- // Note that if the original string is a cons or slice with an external
- // string as underlying string, we pass that unpacked underlying string with
- // the adjusted index to the runtime function.
- STATIC_ASSERT(kSeqStringTag == 0);
- __ And(t0, result_, Operand(kStringRepresentationMask));
- __ Branch(&call_runtime_, ne, t0, Operand(zero_reg));
- // Check for 1-byte or 2-byte string.
- __ bind(&flat_string);
- STATIC_ASSERT((kStringEncodingMask & kAsciiStringTag) != 0);
- STATIC_ASSERT((kStringEncodingMask & kTwoByteStringTag) == 0);
- __ And(t0, result_, Operand(kStringEncodingMask));
- __ Branch(&ascii_string, ne, t0, Operand(zero_reg));
- // 2-byte string.
- // Load the 2-byte character code into the result register. We can
- // add without shifting since the smi tag size is the log2 of the
- // number of bytes in a two-byte character.
- STATIC_ASSERT(kSmiTag == 0 && kSmiTagSize == 1 && kSmiShiftSize == 0);
- __ Addu(index_, object_, Operand(index_));
- __ lhu(result_, FieldMemOperand(index_, SeqTwoByteString::kHeaderSize));
- __ Branch(&got_char_code);
- // ASCII string.
- // Load the byte into the result register.
- __ bind(&ascii_string);
- __ srl(t0, index_, kSmiTagSize);
- __ Addu(index_, object_, t0);
+ __ sra(index_, index_, kSmiTagSize);
- __ lbu(result_, FieldMemOperand(index_, SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize));
+ StringCharLoadGenerator::Generate(masm,
+ object_,
+ index_,
+ result_,
+ &call_runtime_);
- __ bind(&got_char_code);
__ sll(result_, result_, kSmiTagSize);
__ bind(&exit_);
// is too complex (e.g., when the string needs to be flattened).
__ bind(&call_runtime_);
+ __ sll(index_, index_, kSmiTagSize);
__ Push(object_, index_);
__ CallRuntime(Runtime::kStringCharCodeAt, 2);
__ pop(ra);
+void StringCharLoadGenerator::Generate(MacroAssembler* masm,
+ Register string,
+ Register index,
+ Register result,
+ Label* call_runtime) {
+ // Fetch the instance type of the receiver into result register.
+ __ lw(result, FieldMemOperand(string, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
+ __ lbu(result, FieldMemOperand(result, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
+ // We need special handling for indirect strings.
+ Label check_sequential;
+ __ And(at, result, Operand(kIsIndirectStringMask));
+ __ Branch(&check_sequential, eq, at, Operand(zero_reg));
+ // Dispatch on the indirect string shape: slice or cons.
+ Label cons_string;
+ __ And(at, result, Operand(kSlicedNotConsMask));
+ __ Branch(&cons_string, eq, at, Operand(zero_reg));
+ // Handle slices.
+ Label indirect_string_loaded;
+ __ lw(result, FieldMemOperand(string, SlicedString::kOffsetOffset));
+ __ sra(at, result, kSmiTagSize);
+ __ Addu(index, index, at);
+ __ lw(string, FieldMemOperand(string, SlicedString::kParentOffset));
+ __ jmp(&indirect_string_loaded);
+ // Handle cons strings.
+ // Check whether the right hand side is the empty string (i.e. if
+ // this is really a flat string in a cons string). If that is not
+ // the case we would rather go to the runtime system now to flatten
+ // the string.
+ __ bind(&cons_string);
+ __ lw(result, FieldMemOperand(string, ConsString::kSecondOffset));
+ __ LoadRoot(at, Heap::kEmptyStringRootIndex);
+ __ Branch(call_runtime, ne, result, Operand(at));
+ // Get the first of the two strings and load its instance type.
+ __ lw(string, FieldMemOperand(string, ConsString::kFirstOffset));
+ __ bind(&indirect_string_loaded);
+ __ lw(result, FieldMemOperand(string, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
+ __ lbu(result, FieldMemOperand(result, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
+ // Distinguish sequential and external strings. Only these two string
+ // representations can reach here (slices and flat cons strings have been
+ // reduced to the underlying sequential or external string).
+ Label external_string, check_encoding;
+ __ bind(&check_sequential);
+ STATIC_ASSERT(kSeqStringTag == 0);
+ __ And(at, result, Operand(kStringRepresentationMask));
+ __ Branch(&external_string, ne, at, Operand(zero_reg));
+ // Prepare sequential strings
+ STATIC_ASSERT(SeqTwoByteString::kHeaderSize == SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize);
+ __ Addu(string,
+ string,
+ SeqTwoByteString::kHeaderSize - kHeapObjectTag);
+ __ jmp(&check_encoding);
+ // Handle external strings.
+ __ bind(&external_string);
+ if (FLAG_debug_code) {
+ // Assert that we do not have a cons or slice (indirect strings) here.
+ // Sequential strings have already been ruled out.
+ __ And(at, result, Operand(kIsIndirectStringMask));
+ __ Assert(eq, "external string expected, but not found",
+ at, Operand(zero_reg));
+ }
+ // Rule out short external strings.
+ STATIC_CHECK(kShortExternalStringTag != 0);
+ __ And(at, result, Operand(kShortExternalStringMask));
+ __ Branch(call_runtime, ne, at, Operand(zero_reg));
+ __ lw(string, FieldMemOperand(string, ExternalString::kResourceDataOffset));
+ Label ascii, done;
+ __ bind(&check_encoding);
+ STATIC_ASSERT(kTwoByteStringTag == 0);
+ __ And(at, result, Operand(kStringEncodingMask));
+ __ Branch(&ascii, ne, at, Operand(zero_reg));
+ // Two-byte string.
+ __ sll(at, index, 1);
+ __ Addu(at, string, at);
+ __ lhu(result, MemOperand(at));
+ __ jmp(&done);
+ __ bind(&ascii);
+ // Ascii string.
+ __ Addu(at, string, index);
+ __ lbu(result, MemOperand(at));
+ __ bind(&done);
#undef __
} } // namespace v8::internal
+class StringCharLoadGenerator : public AllStatic {
+ public:
+ // Generates the code for handling different string types and loading the
+ // indexed character into |result|. We expect |index| as untagged input and
+ // |result| as untagged output.
+ static void Generate(MacroAssembler* masm,
+ Register string,
+ Register index,
+ Register result,
+ Label* call_runtime);
+ private:
+ DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(StringCharLoadGenerator);
} } // namespace v8::internal
LStringCharCodeAt* instr_;
- Register temp = scratch1();
- Register string = ToRegister(instr->string());
- Register index = ToRegister(instr->index());
- Register result = ToRegister(instr->result());
DeferredStringCharCodeAt* deferred =
new DeferredStringCharCodeAt(this, instr);
- // Fetch the instance type of the receiver into result register.
- __ lw(result, FieldMemOperand(string, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
- __ lbu(result, FieldMemOperand(result, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
- // We need special handling for indirect strings.
- Label check_sequential;
- __ And(temp, result, kIsIndirectStringMask);
- __ Branch(&check_sequential, eq, temp, Operand(zero_reg));
- // Dispatch on the indirect string shape: slice or cons.
- Label cons_string;
- __ And(temp, result, kSlicedNotConsMask);
- __ Branch(&cons_string, eq, temp, Operand(zero_reg));
- // Handle slices.
- Label indirect_string_loaded;
- __ lw(result, FieldMemOperand(string, SlicedString::kOffsetOffset));
- __ sra(temp, result, kSmiTagSize);
- __ addu(index, index, temp);
- __ lw(string, FieldMemOperand(string, SlicedString::kParentOffset));
- __ jmp(&indirect_string_loaded);
- // Handle conses.
- // Check whether the right hand side is the empty string (i.e. if
- // this is really a flat string in a cons string). If that is not
- // the case we would rather go to the runtime system now to flatten
- // the string.
- __ bind(&cons_string);
- __ lw(result, FieldMemOperand(string, ConsString::kSecondOffset));
- __ LoadRoot(temp, Heap::kEmptyStringRootIndex);
- __ Branch(deferred->entry(), ne, result, Operand(temp));
- // Get the first of the two strings and load its instance type.
- __ lw(string, FieldMemOperand(string, ConsString::kFirstOffset));
- __ bind(&indirect_string_loaded);
- __ lw(result, FieldMemOperand(string, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
- __ lbu(result, FieldMemOperand(result, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
- // Check whether the string is sequential. The only non-sequential
- // shapes we support have just been unwrapped above.
- // Note that if the original string is a cons or slice with an external
- // string as underlying string, we pass that unpacked underlying string with
- // the adjusted index to the runtime function.
- __ bind(&check_sequential);
- STATIC_ASSERT(kSeqStringTag == 0);
- __ And(temp, result, Operand(kStringRepresentationMask));
- __ Branch(deferred->entry(), ne, temp, Operand(zero_reg));
- // Dispatch on the encoding: ASCII or two-byte.
- Label ascii_string;
- STATIC_ASSERT((kStringEncodingMask & kAsciiStringTag) != 0);
- STATIC_ASSERT((kStringEncodingMask & kTwoByteStringTag) == 0);
- __ And(temp, result, Operand(kStringEncodingMask));
- __ Branch(&ascii_string, ne, temp, Operand(zero_reg));
- // Two-byte string.
- // Load the two-byte character code into the result register.
- Label done;
- __ Addu(result,
- string,
- Operand(SeqTwoByteString::kHeaderSize - kHeapObjectTag));
- __ sll(temp, index, 1);
- __ Addu(result, result, temp);
- __ lhu(result, MemOperand(result, 0));
- __ Branch(&done);
- // ASCII string.
- // Load the byte into the result register.
- __ bind(&ascii_string);
- __ Addu(result,
- string,
- Operand(SeqAsciiString::kHeaderSize - kHeapObjectTag));
- __ Addu(result, result, index);
- __ lbu(result, MemOperand(result, 0));
- __ bind(&done);
+ StringCharLoadGenerator::Generate(masm(),
+ ToRegister(instr->string()),
+ ToRegister(instr->index()),
+ ToRegister(instr->result()),
+ deferred->entry());
__ bind(deferred->exit());