Source License
-The .NET Core project uses multiple licenses for the various project repositories. Most projects use the [MIT License]( for code and the [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC-BY)]( license for documentation. The [Apache 2 License]( is also used. See the license file at the root of project repos for the specific license.
+The .NET Core project uses multiple licenses for the various project repositories. Most projects use the [MIT License]( for code and the [Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License (CC-BY)]( license for documentation. The [Apache 2 License]( is also used.
-- Example [MIT]( use: [CoreCLR](
-- Example [Apache 2]( use: [Roslyn](
-- Example [CC-BY]( use: [core-docs](
+See the license file at the root of project repositories for the specific license, such as with the following examples:
+- [CoreCLR]( [(MIT)](
+- [Roslyn]( [(Apache 2)](
+- [core-docs]( [(CC-BY)](
Binary License