+Project ViST is inspired by [osquery](https://osquery.io/).
+osquery views operating system as table
+from the perspective of the system administrator.
+We view operating system as table
+from the perspective of the system programmar.
+We want to provide them more compact and
+more efficient library from this different perspective.
# ViST, Virtual Security Table
ViST(Virtual Security Table) is a security monitoring framework using SQL query.
- Provides APIs for monitoring and controlling security resources.
/// policy schema API
template <typename T>
struct Policy {
- std::string name;
- T value;
+ std::string name;
+ T value;
/// process schema API
struct Processes {
- long long int pid;
- std::string name;
- std::string path;
- std::string cmdline;
- long long int uid;
- long long int gid;
- long long int euid;
- long long int egid;
- int on_disk;
- long long int resident_size;
- long long int parent;
+ long long int pid;
+ std::string name;
+ std::string path;
+ std::string cmdline;
+ long long int uid;
+ long long int gid;
+ long long int euid;
+ long long int egid;
+ int on_disk;
+ long long int resident_size;
+ long long int parent;