__ and_(dividend, mask);
__ neg(dividend);
if (hmod->CheckFlag(HValue::kBailoutOnMinusZero)) {
- DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr, "minus zero");
__ jmp(&done, Label::kNear);
if (divisor == 0) {
- DeoptimizeIf(no_condition, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(no_condition, instr, "division by zero");
Label remainder_not_zero;
__ j(not_zero, &remainder_not_zero, Label::kNear);
__ cmp(dividend, Immediate(0));
- DeoptimizeIf(less, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(less, instr, "minus zero");
__ bind(&remainder_not_zero);
// deopt in this case because we can't return a NaN.
if (hmod->CheckFlag(HValue::kCanBeDivByZero)) {
__ test(right_reg, Operand(right_reg));
- DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr, "division by zero");
// Check for kMinInt % -1, idiv would signal a divide error. We
__ j(not_equal, &no_overflow_possible, Label::kNear);
__ cmp(right_reg, -1);
if (hmod->CheckFlag(HValue::kBailoutOnMinusZero)) {
- DeoptimizeIf(equal, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(equal, instr, "minus zero");
} else {
__ j(not_equal, &no_overflow_possible, Label::kNear);
__ Move(result_reg, Immediate(0));
__ j(not_sign, &positive_left, Label::kNear);
__ idiv(right_reg);
__ test(result_reg, Operand(result_reg));
- DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr, "minus zero");
__ jmp(&done, Label::kNear);
__ bind(&positive_left);
HDiv* hdiv = instr->hydrogen();
if (hdiv->CheckFlag(HValue::kBailoutOnMinusZero) && divisor < 0) {
__ test(dividend, dividend);
- DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr, "minus zero");
// Check for (kMinInt / -1).
if (hdiv->CheckFlag(HValue::kCanOverflow) && divisor == -1) {
__ cmp(dividend, kMinInt);
- DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr, "overflow");
// Deoptimize if remainder will not be 0.
if (!hdiv->CheckFlag(HInstruction::kAllUsesTruncatingToInt32) &&
divisor != 1 && divisor != -1) {
int32_t mask = divisor < 0 ? -(divisor + 1) : (divisor - 1);
__ test(dividend, Immediate(mask));
- DeoptimizeIf(not_zero, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(not_zero, instr, "lost precision");
__ Move(result, dividend);
int32_t shift = WhichPowerOf2Abs(divisor);
if (divisor == 0) {
- DeoptimizeIf(no_condition, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(no_condition, instr, "division by zero");
HDiv* hdiv = instr->hydrogen();
if (hdiv->CheckFlag(HValue::kBailoutOnMinusZero) && divisor < 0) {
__ test(dividend, dividend);
- DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr, "minus zero");
__ TruncatingDiv(dividend, Abs(divisor));
__ mov(eax, edx);
__ imul(eax, eax, divisor);
__ sub(eax, dividend);
- DeoptimizeIf(not_equal, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(not_equal, instr, "lost precision");
// Check for x / 0.
if (hdiv->CheckFlag(HValue::kCanBeDivByZero)) {
__ test(divisor, divisor);
- DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr, "division by zero");
// Check for (0 / -x) that will produce negative zero.
__ test(dividend, dividend);
__ j(not_zero, ÷nd_not_zero, Label::kNear);
__ test(divisor, divisor);
- DeoptimizeIf(sign, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(sign, instr, "minus zero");
__ bind(÷nd_not_zero);
__ cmp(dividend, kMinInt);
__ j(not_zero, ÷nd_not_min_int, Label::kNear);
__ cmp(divisor, -1);
- DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr, "overflow");
__ bind(÷nd_not_min_int);
if (!hdiv->CheckFlag(HValue::kAllUsesTruncatingToInt32)) {
// Deoptimize if remainder is not 0.
__ test(remainder, remainder);
- DeoptimizeIf(not_zero, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(not_zero, instr, "lost precision");
// If the divisor is negative, we have to negate and handle edge cases.
__ neg(dividend);
if (instr->hydrogen()->CheckFlag(HValue::kBailoutOnMinusZero)) {
- DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr, "minus zero");
// Dividing by -1 is basically negation, unless we overflow.
if (divisor == -1) {
if (instr->hydrogen()->CheckFlag(HValue::kLeftCanBeMinInt)) {
- DeoptimizeIf(overflow, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(overflow, instr, "overflow");
if (divisor == 0) {
- DeoptimizeIf(no_condition, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(no_condition, instr, "division by zero");
HMathFloorOfDiv* hdiv = instr->hydrogen();
if (hdiv->CheckFlag(HValue::kBailoutOnMinusZero) && divisor < 0) {
__ test(dividend, dividend);
- DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr, "minus zero");
// Easy case: We need no dynamic check for the dividend and the flooring
// Check for x / 0.
if (hdiv->CheckFlag(HValue::kCanBeDivByZero)) {
__ test(divisor, divisor);
- DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr, "division by zero");
// Check for (0 / -x) that will produce negative zero.
__ test(dividend, dividend);
__ j(not_zero, ÷nd_not_zero, Label::kNear);
__ test(divisor, divisor);
- DeoptimizeIf(sign, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(sign, instr, "minus zero");
__ bind(÷nd_not_zero);
__ cmp(dividend, kMinInt);
__ j(not_zero, ÷nd_not_min_int, Label::kNear);
__ cmp(divisor, -1);
- DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr, "overflow");
__ bind(÷nd_not_min_int);
if (instr->hydrogen()->CheckFlag(HValue::kCanOverflow)) {
- DeoptimizeIf(overflow, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(overflow, instr, "overflow");
if (instr->hydrogen()->CheckFlag(HValue::kBailoutOnMinusZero)) {
__ j(not_zero, &done);
if (right->IsConstantOperand()) {
if (ToInteger32(LConstantOperand::cast(right)) < 0) {
- DeoptimizeIf(no_condition, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(no_condition, instr, "minus zero");
} else if (ToInteger32(LConstantOperand::cast(right)) == 0) {
__ cmp(ToRegister(instr->temp()), Immediate(0));
- DeoptimizeIf(less, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(less, instr, "minus zero");
} else {
// Test the non-zero operand for negative sign.
__ or_(ToRegister(instr->temp()), ToOperand(right));
- DeoptimizeIf(sign, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(sign, instr, "minus zero");
__ bind(&done);
__ shr_cl(ToRegister(left));
if (instr->can_deopt()) {
__ test(ToRegister(left), ToRegister(left));
- DeoptimizeIf(sign, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(sign, instr, "negative value");
case Token::SHL:
case Token::ROR:
if (shift_count == 0 && instr->can_deopt()) {
__ test(ToRegister(left), ToRegister(left));
- DeoptimizeIf(sign, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(sign, instr, "negative value");
} else {
__ ror(ToRegister(left), shift_count);
__ shr(ToRegister(left), shift_count);
} else if (instr->can_deopt()) {
__ test(ToRegister(left), ToRegister(left));
- DeoptimizeIf(sign, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(sign, instr, "negative value");
case Token::SHL:
__ shl(ToRegister(left), shift_count - 1);
__ SmiTag(ToRegister(left));
- DeoptimizeIf(overflow, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(overflow, instr, "overflow");
} else {
__ shl(ToRegister(left), shift_count);
__ sub(ToRegister(left), ToOperand(right));
if (instr->hydrogen()->CheckFlag(HValue::kCanOverflow)) {
- DeoptimizeIf(overflow, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(overflow, instr, "overflow");
__ test(object, Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
- DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr, "Smi");
__ CmpObjectType(object, JS_DATE_TYPE, scratch);
- DeoptimizeIf(not_equal, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(not_equal, instr, "not a date object");
if (index->value() == 0) {
__ mov(result, FieldOperand(object, JSDate::kValueOffset));
__ add(ToRegister(left), ToOperand(right));
if (instr->hydrogen()->CheckFlag(HValue::kCanOverflow)) {
- DeoptimizeIf(overflow, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(overflow, instr, "overflow");
} else if (expected.NeedsMap()) {
// If we need a map later and have a Smi -> deopt.
__ test(reg, Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
- DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr, "Smi");
Register map = no_reg; // Keep the compiler happy.
if (!expected.IsGeneric()) {
// We've seen something for the first time -> deopt.
// This can only happen if we are not generic already.
- DeoptimizeIf(no_condition, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(no_condition, instr, "unexpected object");
__ mov(result, Operand::ForCell(instr->hydrogen()->cell().handle()));
if (instr->hydrogen()->RequiresHoleCheck()) {
__ cmp(result, factory()->the_hole_value());
- DeoptimizeIf(equal, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(equal, instr, "hole");
// it as no longer deleted. We deoptimize in that case.
if (instr->hydrogen()->RequiresHoleCheck()) {
__ cmp(Operand::ForCell(cell_handle), factory()->the_hole_value());
- DeoptimizeIf(equal, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(equal, instr, "hole");
// Store the value.
if (instr->hydrogen()->RequiresHoleCheck()) {
__ cmp(result, factory()->the_hole_value());
if (instr->hydrogen()->DeoptimizesOnHole()) {
- DeoptimizeIf(equal, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(equal, instr, "hole");
} else {
Label is_not_hole;
__ j(not_equal, &is_not_hole, Label::kNear);
if (instr->hydrogen()->RequiresHoleCheck()) {
__ cmp(target, factory()->the_hole_value());
if (instr->hydrogen()->DeoptimizesOnHole()) {
- DeoptimizeIf(equal, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(equal, instr, "hole");
} else {
__ j(not_equal, &skip_assignment, Label::kNear);
// Check that the function has a prototype or an initial map.
__ cmp(Operand(result), Immediate(factory()->the_hole_value()));
- DeoptimizeIf(equal, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(equal, instr, "hole");
// If the function does not have an initial map, we're done.
Label done;
__ mov(result, operand);
if (!instr->hydrogen()->CheckFlag(HInstruction::kUint32)) {
__ test(result, Operand(result));
- DeoptimizeIf(negative, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(negative, instr, "negative value");
instr->base_offset() + sizeof(kHoleNanLower32));
__ cmp(hole_check_operand, Immediate(kHoleNanUpper32));
- DeoptimizeIf(equal, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(equal, instr, "hole");
Operand double_load_operand = BuildFastArrayOperand(
if (instr->hydrogen()->RequiresHoleCheck()) {
if (IsFastSmiElementsKind(instr->hydrogen()->elements_kind())) {
__ test(result, Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
- DeoptimizeIf(not_equal, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(not_equal, instr, "not a Smi");
} else {
__ cmp(result, factory()->the_hole_value());
- DeoptimizeIf(equal, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(equal, instr, "hole");
// The receiver should be a JS object.
__ test(receiver, Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
- DeoptimizeIf(equal, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(equal, instr, "Smi");
__ CmpObjectType(receiver, FIRST_SPEC_OBJECT_TYPE, scratch);
- DeoptimizeIf(below, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(below, instr, "not a JavaScript object");
__ jmp(&receiver_ok, Label::kNear);
__ bind(&global_object);
// adaptor frame below it.
const uint32_t kArgumentsLimit = 1 * KB;
__ cmp(length, kArgumentsLimit);
- DeoptimizeIf(above, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(above, instr, "too many arguments");
__ push(receiver);
__ mov(receiver, length);
Register input_reg = ToRegister(instr->value());
__ cmp(FieldOperand(input_reg, HeapObject::kMapOffset),
- DeoptimizeIf(not_equal, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(not_equal, instr, "not a heap number");
Label slow, allocated, done;
Register tmp = input_reg.is(eax) ? ecx : eax;
Label is_positive;
__ j(not_sign, &is_positive, Label::kNear);
__ neg(input_reg); // Sets flags.
- DeoptimizeIf(negative, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(negative, instr, "overflow");
__ bind(&is_positive);
__ fldz();
__ fld(1);
__ FCmp();
- DeoptimizeIf(parity_even, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(parity_even, instr, "NaN");
__ j(below, ¬_minus_zero, Label::kNear);
if (instr->hydrogen()->CheckFlag(HValue::kBailoutOnMinusZero)) {
// +- 0.0.
__ fld(0);
__ FXamSign();
- DeoptimizeIf(not_zero, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(not_zero, instr, "minus zero");
__ Move(output_reg, Immediate(0));
__ jmp(&done, Label::kFar);
__ fist_s(Operand(esp, 0));
__ pop(output_reg);
__ X87CheckIA();
- DeoptimizeIf(equal, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(equal, instr, "overflow");
__ fnclex();
__ X87SetRC(0x0000);
__ bind(&done);
__ JumpIfSmi(exponent, &no_deopt);
__ CmpObjectType(exponent, HEAP_NUMBER_TYPE, temp);
- DeoptimizeIf(not_equal, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(not_equal, instr, "not a heap number");
// Heap number(double)
__ fld_d(FieldOperand(exponent, HeapNumber::kValueOffset));
__ jmp(&done);
__ int3();
__ bind(&done);
} else {
- DeoptimizeIf(cc, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(cc, instr, "out of bounds");
Register temp = ToRegister(instr->temp());
Label no_memento_found;
__ TestJSArrayForAllocationMemento(object, temp, &no_memento_found);
- DeoptimizeIf(equal, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(equal, instr, "memento found");
__ bind(&no_memento_found);
if (hchange->CheckFlag(HValue::kCanOverflow) &&
hchange->value()->CheckFlag(HValue::kUint32)) {
__ test(input, Immediate(0xc0000000));
- DeoptimizeIf(not_zero, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(not_zero, instr, "overflow");
__ SmiTag(input);
if (hchange->CheckFlag(HValue::kCanOverflow) &&
!hchange->value()->CheckFlag(HValue::kUint32)) {
- DeoptimizeIf(overflow, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(overflow, instr, "overflow");
DCHECK(input->IsRegister() && input->Equals(instr->result()));
if (instr->needs_check()) {
__ test(result, Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
- DeoptimizeIf(not_zero, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(not_zero, instr, "not a Smi");
} else {
__ AssertSmi(result);
__ cmp(FieldOperand(input_reg, HeapObject::kMapOffset),
if (!can_convert_undefined_to_nan) {
- DeoptimizeIf(not_equal, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(not_equal, instr, "not a heap number");
} else {
Label heap_number, convert;
__ j(equal, &heap_number);
// Convert undefined (or hole) to NaN.
__ cmp(input_reg, factory()->undefined_value());
- DeoptimizeIf(not_equal, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(not_equal, instr, "not a heap number/undefined");
__ bind(&convert);
ExternalReference nan =
// Pop FPU stack before deoptimizing.
__ fstp(0);
- DeoptimizeIf(not_zero, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(not_zero, instr, "minus zero");
__ jmp(&done, Label::kNear);
} else {
__ bind(&check_false);
__ cmp(input_reg, factory()->false_value());
- DeoptimizeIf(not_equal, instr, "cannot truncate");
+ DeoptimizeIf(not_equal, instr, "not a heap number/undefined/true/false");
__ Move(input_reg, Immediate(0));
} else {
// TODO(olivf) Converting a number on the fpu is actually quite slow. We
__ TruncateX87TOSToI(result_reg);
} else {
- Label bailout, done;
+ Label lost_precision, is_nan, minus_zero, done;
X87Register input_reg = ToX87Register(input);
__ X87TOSToI(result_reg, instr->hydrogen()->GetMinusZeroMode(),
- &bailout, Label::kNear);
+ &lost_precision, &is_nan, &minus_zero, Label::kNear);
__ jmp(&done, Label::kNear);
- __ bind(&bailout);
- DeoptimizeIf(no_condition, instr);
+ __ bind(&lost_precision);
+ DeoptimizeIf(no_condition, instr, "lost precision");
+ __ bind(&is_nan);
+ DeoptimizeIf(no_condition, instr, "NaN");
+ __ bind(&minus_zero);
+ DeoptimizeIf(no_condition, instr, "minus zero");
__ bind(&done);
Register result_reg = ToRegister(result);
- Label bailout, done;
+ Label lost_precision, is_nan, minus_zero, done;
X87Register input_reg = ToX87Register(input);
__ X87TOSToI(result_reg, instr->hydrogen()->GetMinusZeroMode(),
- &bailout, Label::kNear);
+ &lost_precision, &is_nan, &minus_zero,
+ DeoptEveryNTimes() ? Label::kFar : Label::kNear);
__ jmp(&done, Label::kNear);
- __ bind(&bailout);
- DeoptimizeIf(no_condition, instr);
+ __ bind(&lost_precision);
+ DeoptimizeIf(no_condition, instr, "lost precision");
+ __ bind(&is_nan);
+ DeoptimizeIf(no_condition, instr, "NaN");
+ __ bind(&minus_zero);
+ DeoptimizeIf(no_condition, instr, "minus zero");
__ bind(&done);
__ SmiTag(result_reg);
- DeoptimizeIf(overflow, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(overflow, instr, "overflow");
void LCodeGen::DoCheckSmi(LCheckSmi* instr) {
LOperand* input = instr->value();
__ test(ToOperand(input), Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
- DeoptimizeIf(not_zero, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(not_zero, instr, "not a Smi");
if (!instr->hydrogen()->value()->type().IsHeapObject()) {
LOperand* input = instr->value();
__ test(ToOperand(input), Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
- DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr, "Smi");
// If there is only one type in the interval check for equality.
if (first == last) {
- DeoptimizeIf(not_equal, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(not_equal, instr, "wrong instance type");
} else {
- DeoptimizeIf(below, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(below, instr, "wrong instance type");
// Omit check for the last type.
if (last != LAST_TYPE) {
__ cmpb(FieldOperand(temp, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset),
- DeoptimizeIf(above, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(above, instr, "wrong instance type");
} else {
if (base::bits::IsPowerOfTwo32(mask)) {
DCHECK(tag == 0 || base::bits::IsPowerOfTwo32(tag));
__ test_b(FieldOperand(temp, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset), mask);
- DeoptimizeIf(tag == 0 ? not_zero : zero, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(tag == 0 ? not_zero : zero, instr, "wrong instance type");
} else {
__ movzx_b(temp, FieldOperand(temp, Map::kInstanceTypeOffset));
__ and_(temp, mask);
__ cmp(temp, tag);
- DeoptimizeIf(not_equal, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(not_equal, instr, "wrong instance type");
Operand operand = ToOperand(instr->value());
__ cmp(operand, object);
- DeoptimizeIf(not_equal, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(not_equal, instr, "value mismatch");
__ test(eax, Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
- DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr, "instance migration failed");
if (instr->hydrogen()->HasMigrationTarget()) {
__ j(not_equal, deferred->entry());
} else {
- DeoptimizeIf(not_equal, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(not_equal, instr, "wrong map");
__ bind(&success);
// Check for undefined. Undefined is converted to zero for clamping
// conversions.
__ cmp(input_reg, factory()->undefined_value());
- DeoptimizeIf(not_equal, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(not_equal, instr, "not a heap number/undefined");
__ jmp(&zero_result, Label::kNear);
// Heap number
void LCodeGen::DoForInPrepareMap(LForInPrepareMap* instr) {
__ cmp(eax, isolate()->factory()->undefined_value());
- DeoptimizeIf(equal, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(equal, instr, "undefined");
__ cmp(eax, isolate()->factory()->null_value());
- DeoptimizeIf(equal, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(equal, instr, "null");
__ test(eax, Immediate(kSmiTagMask));
- DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(zero, instr, "Smi");
__ CmpObjectType(eax, LAST_JS_PROXY_TYPE, ecx);
- DeoptimizeIf(below_equal, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(below_equal, instr, "wrong instance type");
Label use_cache, call_runtime;
__ CheckEnumCache(&call_runtime);
__ cmp(FieldOperand(eax, HeapObject::kMapOffset),
- DeoptimizeIf(not_equal, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(not_equal, instr, "wrong map");
__ bind(&use_cache);
FieldOperand(result, FixedArray::SizeFor(instr->idx())));
__ bind(&done);
__ test(result, result);
- DeoptimizeIf(equal, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(equal, instr, "no cache");
Register object = ToRegister(instr->value());
__ cmp(ToRegister(instr->map()),
FieldOperand(object, HeapObject::kMapOffset));
- DeoptimizeIf(not_equal, instr);
+ DeoptimizeIf(not_equal, instr, "wrong map");