// Module Version 10000
// Generated by (magic number): 80007
-// Id's are bound by 146
+// Id's are bound by 148
Capability ClipDistance
Capability CullDistance
Extension "SPV_NV_viewport_array2"
1: ExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
MemoryModel Logical GLSL450
- EntryPoint MeshNV 4 "main" 11 17 34 88 128 139 143
+ EntryPoint MeshNV 4 "main" 11 17 34 88 129 142 146
ExecutionMode 4 LocalSize 32 1 1
ExecutionMode 4 OutputVertices 81
ExecutionMode 4 OutputPrimitivesNV 32
MemberName 84(gl_MeshPerPrimitiveNV) 4 "gl_LayerPerViewNV"
MemberName 84(gl_MeshPerPrimitiveNV) 5 "gl_ViewportMaskPerViewNV"
Name 88 "gl_MeshPrimitivesNV"
- Name 128 "gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV"
- Name 139 "gl_DrawID"
- Name 143 "gl_PrimitiveCountNV"
+ Name 129 "gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV"
+ Name 142 "gl_DrawID"
+ Name 146 "gl_PrimitiveCountNV"
Decorate 11(gl_LocalInvocationID) BuiltIn LocalInvocationId
Decorate 17(gl_WorkGroupID) BuiltIn WorkgroupId
MemberDecorate 30(gl_MeshPerVertexNV) 0 BuiltIn Position
MemberDecorate 84(gl_MeshPerPrimitiveNV) 5 PerViewNV
MemberDecorate 84(gl_MeshPerPrimitiveNV) 5 BuiltIn ViewportMaskPerViewNV
Decorate 84(gl_MeshPerPrimitiveNV) Block
- Decorate 128(gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV) BuiltIn PrimitiveIndicesNV
- Decorate 139(gl_DrawID) BuiltIn DrawIndex
- Decorate 143(gl_PrimitiveCountNV) BuiltIn PrimitiveCountNV
- Decorate 145 BuiltIn WorkgroupSize
+ Decorate 129(gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV) BuiltIn PrimitiveIndicesNV
+ Decorate 142(gl_DrawID) BuiltIn DrawIndex
+ Decorate 146(gl_PrimitiveCountNV) BuiltIn PrimitiveCountNV
+ Decorate 147 BuiltIn WorkgroupSize
2: TypeVoid
3: TypeFunction 2
6: TypeInt 32 0
94: 36(int) Constant 7
97: 36(int) Constant 8
100: 36(int) Constant 9
- 126: TypeArray 6(int) 31
- 127: TypePointer Output 126
-128(gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV): 127(ptr) Variable Output
- 129: 6(int) Constant 257
- 130: TypePointer Output 6(int)
- 138: TypePointer Input 36(int)
- 139(gl_DrawID): 138(ptr) Variable Input
- 142: 6(int) Constant 16909060
-143(gl_PrimitiveCountNV): 130(ptr) Variable Output
- 144: 6(int) Constant 96
- 145: 9(ivec3) ConstantComposite 85 27 27
+ 126: 6(int) Constant 96
+ 127: TypeArray 6(int) 126
+ 128: TypePointer Output 127
+129(gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV): 128(ptr) Variable Output
+ 130: 6(int) Constant 257
+ 131: TypePointer Output 6(int)
+ 133: 36(int) Constant 95
+ 141: TypePointer Input 36(int)
+ 142(gl_DrawID): 141(ptr) Variable Input
+ 145: 6(int) Constant 16909060
+146(gl_PrimitiveCountNV): 131(ptr) Variable Output
+ 147: 9(ivec3) ConstantComposite 85 27 27
4(main): 2 Function None 3
5: Label
8(iid): 7(ptr) Variable Function
Store 125 124
MemoryBarrier 27 55
ControlBarrier 56 56 55
- 131: 130(ptr) AccessChain 128(gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV) 37
- Store 131 129
- 132: 6(int) Load 16(gid)
- 133: 6(int) Load 16(gid)
- 134: 6(int) ISub 133 27
- 135: 130(ptr) AccessChain 128(gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV) 134
- 136: 6(int) Load 135
- 137: 130(ptr) AccessChain 128(gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV) 132
- Store 137 136
- 140: 36(int) Load 139(gl_DrawID)
- 141: 6(int) Bitcast 140
- 142: 141 WritePackedPrimitiveIndices4x8NV
- Store 143(gl_PrimitiveCountNV) 144
+ 132: 131(ptr) AccessChain 129(gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV) 37
+ Store 132 130
+ 134: 131(ptr) AccessChain 129(gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV) 133
+ Store 134 56
+ 135: 6(int) Load 16(gid)
+ 136: 6(int) Load 16(gid)
+ 137: 6(int) ISub 136 27
+ 138: 131(ptr) AccessChain 129(gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV) 137
+ 139: 6(int) Load 138
+ 140: 131(ptr) AccessChain 129(gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV) 135
+ Store 140 139
+ 143: 36(int) Load 142(gl_DrawID)
+ 144: 6(int) Bitcast 143
+ 145: 144 WritePackedPrimitiveIndices4x8NV
+ Store 146(gl_PrimitiveCountNV) 126
MemoryBarrier 27 55
ControlBarrier 56 56 55
// Module Version 10000
// Generated by (magic number): 80007
-// Id's are bound by 120
+// Id's are bound by 129
Capability ClipDistance
Capability CullDistance
Extension "SPV_NV_viewport_array2"
1: ExtInstImport "GLSL.std.450"
MemoryModel Logical GLSL450
- EntryPoint MeshNV 4 "main" 11 17 28 81
+ EntryPoint MeshNV 4 "main" 11 17 28 81 122 127
ExecutionMode 4 LocalSize 32 1 1
ExecutionMode 4 OutputVertices 81
ExecutionMode 4 OutputPrimitivesNV 32
MemberName 77(gl_MeshPerPrimitiveNV) 2 "gl_ViewportIndex"
MemberName 77(gl_MeshPerPrimitiveNV) 3 "gl_ViewportMask"
Name 81 "gl_MeshPrimitivesNV"
+ Name 122 "gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV"
+ Name 127 "gl_PrimitiveCountNV"
Decorate 11(gl_LocalInvocationID) BuiltIn LocalInvocationId
Decorate 17(gl_WorkGroupID) BuiltIn WorkgroupId
MemberDecorate 24(gl_MeshPerVertexNV) 0 BuiltIn Position
MemberDecorate 77(gl_MeshPerPrimitiveNV) 3 PerPrimitiveNV
MemberDecorate 77(gl_MeshPerPrimitiveNV) 3 BuiltIn ViewportMaskNV
Decorate 77(gl_MeshPerPrimitiveNV) Block
- Decorate 119 BuiltIn WorkgroupSize
+ Decorate 122(gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV) BuiltIn PrimitiveIndicesNV
+ Decorate 127(gl_PrimitiveCountNV) BuiltIn PrimitiveCountNV
+ Decorate 128 BuiltIn WorkgroupSize
2: TypeVoid
3: TypeFunction 2
6: TypeInt 32 0
87: 30(int) Constant 7
90: 30(int) Constant 8
93: 30(int) Constant 9
- 119: 9(ivec3) ConstantComposite 78 49 49
+ 119: 6(int) Constant 96
+ 120: TypeArray 6(int) 119
+ 121: TypePointer Output 120
+122(gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV): 121(ptr) Variable Output
+ 123: TypePointer Output 6(int)
+ 125: 30(int) Constant 95
+127(gl_PrimitiveCountNV): 123(ptr) Variable Output
+ 128: 9(ivec3) ConstantComposite 78 49 49
4(main): 2 Function None 3
5: Label
8(iid): 7(ptr) Variable Function
Store 118 117
MemoryBarrier 49 50
ControlBarrier 51 51 50
+ 124: 123(ptr) AccessChain 122(gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV) 31
+ Store 124 49
+ 126: 123(ptr) AccessChain 122(gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV) 125
+ Store 126 51
+ Store 127(gl_PrimitiveCountNV) 119
- // should truncate 257 -> 1
- gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV[0] = 257;
+ // check bound limits
+ gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV[0] = 257; // should truncate 257 -> 1
+ gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV[(MAX_PRIM * 3) - 1] = 2;
gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV[gid] = gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV[gid-1];
// writes 4 indices at offset gl_DrawID
float gl_PointSize;
float gl_ClipDistance[4];
float gl_CullDistance[4];
-} gl_MeshVerticesNV[];
+} gl_MeshVerticesNV[MAX_VER]; // explicitly sized to MAX_VER
perprimitiveNV out gl_MeshPerPrimitiveNV {
int gl_PrimitiveID;
int gl_Layer;
int gl_ViewportIndex;
int gl_ViewportMask[];
-} gl_MeshPrimitivesNV[];
+} gl_MeshPrimitivesNV[]; // implicitly sized to MAX_PRIM
+out uint gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV[]; // explicitly sized to MAX_PRIM * 3
void main()
gl_MeshPrimitivesNV[iid+1].gl_ViewportMask[0] = gl_MeshPrimitivesNV[iid].gl_ViewportMask[0];
+ // check bound limits
+ gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV[0] = 1;
+ gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV[(MAX_PRIM * 3) - 1] = 2;
+ gl_PrimitiveCountNV = MAX_PRIM * 3;
// fix array size, if it can be fixed and needs to be fixed (will allow variable indexing)
if (symbolNode->getType().isUnsizedArray()) {
- int newSize = getIoArrayImplicitSize(symbolNode->getType().getQualifier().isPerPrimitive());
+ int newSize = getIoArrayImplicitSize(symbolNode->getType().getQualifier());
if (newSize > 0)
// Types without an array size will be given one.
// Types already having a size that is wrong will get an error.
-void TParseContext::checkIoArraysConsistency(const TSourceLoc& loc, bool tailOnly, bool isPerPrimitive)
+void TParseContext::checkIoArraysConsistency(const TSourceLoc &loc, const TQualifier &qualifier, bool tailOnly)
- int requiredSize = getIoArrayImplicitSize(isPerPrimitive);
+ int requiredSize = getIoArrayImplicitSize(qualifier);
if (requiredSize == 0)
feature = "vertices";
- else if (language == EShLangMeshNV) {
- feature = isPerPrimitive ? "max_primitives" : "max_vertices";
- }
+ else if (language == EShLangMeshNV) {
+ if (qualifier.builtIn == EbvPrimitiveIndicesNV) {
+ TLayoutGeometry outPrimitive = intermediate.getOutputPrimitive();
+ TString featureString = "max_primitives*";
+ featureString += TQualifier::getGeometryString(outPrimitive);
+ feature = featureString.c_str();
+ } else
+ feature = qualifier.isPerPrimitive() ? "max_primitives" : "max_vertices";
+ }
feature = "unknown";
checkIoArrayConsistency(loc, requiredSize, feature, ioArraySymbolResizeList[i]->getWritableType(), ioArraySymbolResizeList[i]->getName());
-int TParseContext::getIoArrayImplicitSize(bool isPerPrimitive) const
+int TParseContext::getIoArrayImplicitSize(const TQualifier& qualifier) const
+ unsigned int maxVertices = intermediate.getVertices() != TQualifier::layoutNotSet ? intermediate.getVertices() : 0;
if (language == EShLangGeometry)
return TQualifier::mapGeometryToSize(intermediate.getInputPrimitive());
else if (language == EShLangTessControl)
- return intermediate.getVertices() != TQualifier::layoutNotSet ? intermediate.getVertices() : 0;
+ return maxVertices;
else if (language == EShLangFragment)
return 3; //Number of vertices for Fragment shader is always three.
else if (language == EShLangMeshNV) {
- if (isPerPrimitive) {
- return intermediate.getPrimitives() != TQualifier::layoutNotSet ? intermediate.getPrimitives() : 0;
- } else {
- return intermediate.getVertices() != TQualifier::layoutNotSet ? intermediate.getVertices() : 0;
- }
+ unsigned int maxPrimitives = intermediate.getPrimitives() != TQualifier::layoutNotSet ? intermediate.getPrimitives() : 0;
+ if (qualifier.builtIn == EbvPrimitiveIndicesNV)
+ return maxPrimitives * TQualifier::mapGeometryToSize(intermediate.getOutputPrimitive());
+ else if (qualifier.isPerPrimitive())
+ return maxPrimitives;
+ else
+ return maxVertices;
- length = getIoArrayImplicitSize(type.getQualifier().isPerPrimitive());
+ length = getIoArrayImplicitSize(type.getQualifier());
if (length == 0) {
if (! symbolTable.atBuiltInLevel()) {
if (isIoResizeArray(type)) {
- checkIoArraysConsistency(loc, true, type.getQualifier().isPerPrimitive());
+ checkIoArraysConsistency(loc, symbol->getType().getQualifier(), true);
} else
fixIoArraySize(loc, symbol->getWritableType());
if (isIoResizeArray(type))
- checkIoArraysConsistency(loc, false, type.getQualifier().isPerPrimitive());
+ checkIoArraysConsistency(loc, symbol->getType().getQualifier(), true);
// Policy and error check for needing a runtime sized array.
identifier == "gl_SampleMask" ||
identifier == "gl_Layer" ||
+ identifier == "gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV" ||
identifier == "gl_TexCoord") {
error(loc, "all redeclarations must use the same depth layout on", "redeclaration", symbol->getName().c_str());
- else if (identifier == "gl_FragStencilRefARB") {
+ else if (
+ identifier == "gl_PrimitiveIndicesNV" ||
+ identifier == "gl_FragStencilRefARB") {
if (qualifier.hasLayout())
error(loc, "cannot apply layout qualifier to", "redeclaration", symbol->getName().c_str());
if (qualifier.storage != EvqVaryingOut)
// Tracking for implicit sizing of array
if (isIoResizeArray(block->getType())) {
- checkIoArraysConsistency(loc, true, block->getType().getQualifier().isPerPrimitive());
+ checkIoArraysConsistency(loc, block->getType().getQualifier(), true);
} else if (block->getType().isArray())
fixIoArraySize(loc, block->getWritableType());
// fix up
if (isIoResizeArray(blockType)) {
- checkIoArraysConsistency(loc, true, blockType.getQualifier().isPerPrimitive());
+ checkIoArraysConsistency(loc, blockType.getQualifier(), true);
} else
fixIoArraySize(loc, variable.getWritableType());
error(loc, "cannot change previously set layout value", id, "");
if (language == EShLangTessControl)
- checkIoArraysConsistency(loc);
+ checkIoArraysConsistency(loc, publicType.qualifier);
if (publicType.shaderQualifiers.primitives != TQualifier::layoutNotSet) {
if (intermediate.setInputPrimitive(publicType.shaderQualifiers.geometry)) {
if (language == EShLangGeometry)
- checkIoArraysConsistency(loc);
+ checkIoArraysConsistency(loc, publicType.qualifier);
} else
error(loc, "cannot change previously set input primitive", TQualifier::getGeometryString(publicType.shaderQualifiers.geometry), "");
} // end namespace glslang
void fixIoArraySize(const TSourceLoc&, TType&);
void ioArrayCheck(const TSourceLoc&, const TType&, const TString& identifier);
void handleIoResizeArrayAccess(const TSourceLoc&, TIntermTyped* base);
- void checkIoArraysConsistency(const TSourceLoc&, bool tailOnly = false, bool isPerPrimitive = false);
- int getIoArrayImplicitSize(bool isPerPrimitive = false) const;
+ void checkIoArraysConsistency(const TSourceLoc&, const TQualifier&, bool tailOnly = false);
+ int getIoArrayImplicitSize(const TQualifier&) const;
void checkIoArrayConsistency(const TSourceLoc&, int requiredSize, const char* feature, TType&, const TString&);
TIntermTyped* handleBinaryMath(const TSourceLoc&, const char* str, TOperator op, TIntermTyped* left, TIntermTyped* right);