Results<(outs AnyVector)> {
let summary = "strided_slice operation";
let description = [{
- Takes a k-D source vector, an n-D destination vector (n >= k), n-D `offsets`
- integer array attribute, a k-D `strides` integer array attribute and inserts
- the k-D source vector as a strided subvector at the proper offset into the
- n-D destination vector.
+ Takes a k-D source vector, an n-D destination vector (n >= k), n-sized
+ `offsets` integer array attribute, a k-sized `strides` integer array attribute
+ and inserts the k-D source vector as a strided subvector at the proper offset
+ into the n-D destination vector.
At the moment strides must contain only 1s.
%2 = vector.insert_strided_slice %0, %1
- {offsets : [0, 0, 2], strides : [1, 1]}:
+ {offsets = [0, 0, 2], strides = [1, 1]}:
vector<2x4xf32> into vector<16x4x8xf32>
Results<(outs AnyVector)> {
let summary = "strided_slice operation";
let description = [{
- Takes an n-D vector, k-D `offsets` integer array attribute, a k-D `sizes`
- integer array attribute, a k-D `strides` integer array attribute and
- extracts the n-D subvector at the proper offset.
+ Takes an n-D vector, k-D `offsets` integer array attribute, a k-sized
+ `sizes` integer array attribute, a k-sized `strides` integer array
+ attribute and extracts the n-D subvector at the proper offset.
At the moment strides must contain only 1s.
// TODO(ntv) support non-1 strides.
%1 = vector.strided_slice %0
- {offsets : [0, 2], sizes : [2, 4], strides : [1, 1]}:
+ {offsets = [0, 2], sizes = [2, 4], strides = [1, 1]}:
vector<4x8x16xf32> to vector<2x4x16xf32>