X86 /proc/cpuinfo flag bits:
RDT (Resource Director Technology) Allocation - "rdt_a"
CAT (Cache Allocation Technology) - "cat_l3", "cat_l2"
-CDP (Code and Data Prioritization ) - "cdp_l3"
+CDP (Code and Data Prioritization ) - "cdp_l3", "cdp_l2"
CQM (Cache QoS Monitoring) - "cqm_llc", "cqm_occup_llc"
MBM (Memory Bandwidth Monitoring) - "cqm_mbm_total", "cqm_mbm_local"
MBA (Memory Bandwidth Allocation) - "mba"
To use the feature mount the file system:
- # mount -t resctrl resctrl [-o cdp] /sys/fs/resctrl
+ # mount -t resctrl resctrl [-o cdp[,cdpl2]] /sys/fs/resctrl
mount options are:
"cdp": Enable code/data prioritization in L3 cache allocations.
+"cdpl2": Enable code/data prioritization in L2 cache allocations.
+L2 and L3 CDP are controlled seperately.
RDT features are orthogonal. A particular system may support only
monitoring, only control, or both monitoring and control.