@rem Skip signing if the `nosign` option was specified.
if defined nosign goto licensertf
-signtool sign /a Release\node.exe
+signtool sign /a /d "Node.js" /t http://timestamp.globalsign.com/scripts/timestamp.dll Release\node.exe
+if errorlevel 1 echo Failed to sign exe&goto exit
@rem Skip license.rtf generation if not requested.
if errorlevel 1 goto exit
if defined nosign goto run
-signtool sign /a Release\node-v%NODE_VERSION%-%msiplatform%.msi
+signtool sign /a /d "Node.js" /t http://timestamp.globalsign.com/scripts/timestamp.dll Release\node-v%NODE_VERSION%-%msiplatform%.msi
+if errorlevel 1 echo Failed to sign msi&goto exit
@rem Run tests if requested.